

在 中華zinger二手產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅法鬥一家LOVE。阿諾x幾摳x樂樂,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 身為台灣犬卻不得台灣人喜愛😢 Mary’s doggies 幫助了這些台灣毛孩到國外享福❤️ 現在需要您的小額愛心,讓他們能完成更大的使命! 緊急募款! 募款最新情況:10月15號 Update: Oct 15th 2018 車子募款最新消息: 我們想要大聲感謝所有捐錢協助我們買...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅頂尖事務所,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#Zinger #皮卡 #黃金試車組 高、大、壯的休閒皮卡動輒百萬起跳 百萬元內又只有貨床式貨車可以選擇 想要享受皮卡人生又怕被當作貨車司機該怎麼辦? 現在不用70萬元就能享受鈑金一體式貨斗 又有休閒個性、又有載運機能 還有親民價格的國民皮卡! 【地球黃金線官網】快來逛逛→ https://new...

  • 中華zinger二手 在 法鬥一家LOVE。阿諾x幾摳x樂樂 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-10-08 14:36:53
    有 50 人按讚

    Mary’s doggies 幫助了這些台灣毛孩到國外享福❤️


    Update: Oct 15th 2018





    Update on the car:
    We want to say a huge thank you to all our supporters who have donated money to help us buy a car. We have been recommended a good condition second-hand car and we are now in the process of buying that car.
    The price of that car is NT$480,000
    We have currently raised NT$265,000
    so we just need to raise NT$215,000

    This means we only need 215 people to donate NT$1000 to meet our target.

    We really do appreciate everything everyone has done for us. We are so relieved that we are able to buy a good car for the safety of our animals, staff and volunteers. Thank you so much to our supporter who helped us find this car

    Update: Oct 9th 2018




    Thank you so much to all our supporters for your overwhelming support - we have so far raised just over NT$150,000 - We now also have someone looking into helping us get a good condition second-hand car, which will be much cheaper but we still need to reach at least NT$450,000

    We are not against getting a second hand car at all - we just don't know enough people to help us look for a good condition car that will not cause us problems down the line. We always have to think of the safety of our animals, staff and volunteers as we live very far up the mountain on very steep mountain roads. If we breakdown on these roads it will be nearly impossible for us to get towed to a garage.

    Thank you again for all your support and please keep supporting us and we'll keep helping those who don't have a voice of their own.


    我們決定買中華汽車的Zinger。這個型號夠大,可以一次載很多狗,卻不會大到無法開蚪曲狹窄的山路。負責行駛的是我們的工作人員,Zinger 恰當的大小可以保障他們的安全。我們目前每個星期都和一個義工借車。我們很感謝她的慷慨,卻也造成她的負擔:她不僅需要打理自己,家裏也有超過15隻狗需要照顧,卻常常一個個星期有好幾天沒有車開。



    如果您願意捐款給我們,請參考以下捐款方式。捐款完成後,請貼以下私訊給我們:我想要捐台幣____元,幫Mary’s Doggies 買車。


    ▪️捐款連結:Donate: https://goo.gl/T4LB7W
    ▪️戶名: 社團法人台灣瑪莉愛狗協會
    永豐銀行 (807)
    忠孝東路分行 101-018-0003313-8
    ▪️Paypal: donations@marysdoggies.org


    We have been looking for a long time for a suitable car for us. We have contacted every car company we can in Taiwan but unfortunately there has been no company which can sponsor us or help us with a discount. However, the situation is now more urgent and we have to raise the money to buy a car.��We have decided to buy a Zinger as this car is big enough to take our dogs, but not too big for our mountain road. As our staff will be driving it, it is very important for their safety. We have been borrowing our volunteer’s car each week and while we very much appreciate her generosity, it is a burden to her as it means there are several days a week she has no car and she also has over 15 dogs to care for herself.
    �Now we need your help. Due to our constant high vet bills and daily expenses for over 100 dogs, we don’t have the savings to just buy the car and as such we have to do a specific fundraising for it.

    We need to raise NT$650,000.
    We know this is a lot of money and we know each and every person has their own responsibilities, but as we have over 50,000 supporters on our FB page all we need is for just 800 people to donate NT$1000.

    If you would like to donate to us, please see the following ways to donate.�When you make the donation please write to us to say �I am donating NT$_________ to help buy the Mary’s Doggies car.

    We hope to reach our goal within a month. Please donate. Please share. Every thing we do is for our dogs.

    ▪️Donate: https://goo.gl/T4LB7W
    ▪️Account name: Mary’s Doggies Association
    Account number 101-018-0003313-8 (code 807 )
    Bank name: Bank SinoPac
    ▪️Overseas Donations – Bank Information:
    Account name: Mary’s Doggies Association
    Account number : 101-008-0027027-8
    Bank name: Bank SinoPac
    Swift code : SINOTWTP (for overseas transfers)
    ▪️Paypal: donations@marysdoggies.org
    👉If you need a receipt, please go to our website www.marysdoggies.org and go to the upper right corner button 匯款通知 and send us your mailing details.

  • 中華zinger二手 在 頂尖事務所 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-09-18 11:00:09

    #Zinger #皮卡 #黃金試車組

    【地球黃金線官網】快來逛逛→ https://news.tvbs.com.tw/cars
    【地球黃金線】官方Youtube頻道馬上訂閱✔✔ https://bit.ly/35i8auy


    想與【RYAN老師】合作→ 電話:027736-8168轉分機81075,Email: zoepan@tvbs.com.tw/

    想與【江坤俊】合作→ Email: hermanti0930@gmail.com

    想與【蘇宗怡】、【鄭凱云】、【雷議宗】合作→ Email: [email protected]

    想與【許藍方】或【侯鐘堡】或【麥克斯】合作→ Email: lighter0511@gmail.com


    探索官網→ https://family.tvbs.com.tw/