

在 世界上最大的船產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過26萬的網紅巴哈姆特電玩資訊站,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 這款新作將讓玩家在遊戲中體驗到拆船工人所面對的環境..... https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/detail.php?sn=195354...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過52萬的網紅巴哈姆特電玩瘋,也在其Youtube影片中提到,由《時尚設計師》遊戲研發團隊 Games Incubator 的模擬遊戲新作《模擬船墓 Ship Graveyard Simulator》首度曝光,玩家將來到世界上最大的船舶墓地,體驗世界上最危險工作之一、拆船工人的生活。...

世界上最大的船 在 好日曆 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 18:16:49

控制自己能改變的,接受自己不能改變的。世界不會因此就變得面目和善,但至少你會能夠慢慢找到內心平靜。 - 昨天和一位久未碰面的朋友聊天 他和我說起了最近工作上的煩惱 他說,因為公司未來方向的調整 他手上的工作項目必須要有個 180 度的大轉彎 不但和他當初面試時的職缺不太一樣 連已經熟悉有合作默契的...

世界上最大的船 在 ⋈馬克太太住英國亂亂說? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 13:38:52

#迪士尼遊輪初體驗 ⁡ 迪士尼遊輪一直都是我人生的夢想之一,但我想要的是遊歐洲,可以停靠上岸的,在我有經濟能力後,每年生日我都會買個禮物給自己,今年生日前,我摸到胸部有硬塊,想到家族每個離開世界的長輩都是癌症,第一個念頭也是我可能得癌症了,也許我要去化療了,想到這個就難過,因此買禮物心情沒了,最後想...

世界上最大的船 在 Tsumire®︎ Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 08:42:07

今回の宮古!やっと最終編!多分!、15個宮古投稿も足りないくらいwwとにかくとりあえず!!!宮古は台湾と440キロしか離れてないので、気持ちも特に興奮する!この海の空の下で本当に幸せ、もう昔のような...😅ご覧頂きありがとーございました!では!(ホテル編的な) 跟女兒的沖繩真心很瘋狂ㄟ!我們真的海島...

  • 世界上最大的船 在 巴哈姆特電玩資訊站 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-13 19:24:42
    有 474 人按讚



  • 世界上最大的船 在 Bee Adventures 大冒險 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-07-06 15:42:23
    有 29 人按讚

    Second stop on my Pacific island hopping: Chuuk in Micronesia

    事隔多年後的七零年代,一名當年目睹空襲事件的楚克有錢人,Aisek,提出了將楚克沈船遺跡列為保護紀念區,並設立了一家叫做藍瀉湖觀光旅社(Blue Lagoon Resort)的潛水飯店,讓世界各地潛水人士來此沈船潛水,一睹當年日軍的記憶。他也被列為國際水肺潛水名人堂的一員。
    我這次就是來住這裡,來沈船潛水呦!這島上完全沒有其他事情可做,沒有其他觀光價值與資源,當地治安又非常差,出了潛水飯店都有可能會被當地人殺害。我晚上睡覺還看到鬼!😰😰😰😰 所以不是進階潛水員不要來啊!

    #楚克群島 #密克羅尼西亞聯邦 #太平洋跳島 #潛水

    Chuuk Island (or Truk) is in Federated States of Micronesia. It is only less than two hours of flight away from Guam. This tiny island is less than 100 square km, and is a world famous wreck diving spot. There are more than 60 ships and countless planes and submarine wreckage here as shown in the photo. Why is there so many of wreckage?
    After WWI, Micronesia was handed over to Japan by the International Federation, sobit became the naval base of Japanese military. There were more than 50,000 military personnels, and countless battle ships. Hence, Chuuk was also called "the Pacific Gibraltar" or "the Japanese Pearl Habour".
    February 17, 1944, American air force executed the three day long of "Operation Hailstone." Many planes came to bomb the Chuuk Habour, and many ships and hundreds of planes were bomber down. The damage was so devastating that Chuuk island is the called "the world's biggest ship graveyard."
    Many years afterwards, in 70s, a rich Chuukese named Aisek proposed to keep Chuuk lagoon as a protected area in memory of the 1944 Operation Hailstone, which he had witnessed himself. He then opened a dive hotel called Blue Lagoon Resort, providing diving services for divers from all over the world to wreck dive and witness the history. He was then listed in the International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame.
    All the wreckage from years ago has been covered by lush colorful coral and anemone. Many fishes have called it home. It is marvelously beautiful. But all the cups and plates, bullets and bombs, and some human remains, are still sunk in here in the Pacific quietly.
    War is really awful. But regardless how horribly humans fight, in the end, the Mother Ocean will still slowly transform it into something beautiful, into part of her.
    So here I am! I am staying in Blue Lagoon Resort doing some wreck diving!! There is nothing else one can do on this island and there is no tourism resources. it is also very dangerous to leave the hotel. The locals attack foreigners! I even saw a few ghosts last night!! 😰😰😰😰😰 So don't come here if you are not a serious advance diver!!

    #ChuukIsland #FederatedStatesOfMicronesia #WreckDive #ScubaDiving

  • 世界上最大的船 在 巴哈姆特電玩瘋 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-15 18:34:58

    由《時尚設計師》遊戲研發團隊 Games Incubator 的模擬遊戲新作《模擬船墓 Ship Graveyard Simulator》首度曝光,玩家將來到世界上最大的船舶墓地,體驗世界上最危險工作之一、拆船工人的生活。

