
為什麼這篇一體兩面英文諺語鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在一體兩面英文諺語這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者skyeagle (鷹揚虛空)看板Eng-Class標題[心得] 英文-->慣用語系列時間...

A little bird told me that......
例:A little bird told me that you quarrelled this morning.

班門弄斧 show the sun with a lanter
又名 a.k.a. also known as
不期而遇 run into
閒閒沒事 hang around all day long
(游手好閒) idle around
goof around
loaf around
fool around
(p.s. a. 如果說和誰fool around, 暗示和對方有sexual relationships
b. around也可以用away替換)

願能有所助益(口語) Hope it helps.
Hope it's gonna help you.
Hope it's of help.
時間算的剛剛好 just in time

「人在這」 parking means put sth somewhere..and warm body means
a body without thought, just a life~

a doubting Thomas

Dutch courage

左右為難 那兩隻都是史詩中的怪物
between Scylla and Charybdis

做危險的事情 bell the cat
一體兩面 two sides of the same coin

all thumbs 是指你的手都變的跟你的大拇指一樣不靈光,引伸含意就是你笨手笨腳,

It's okay if you were too busy to reply

離家出走 clean out someone's closet

sex up 跟 spice up 或 hyped up 類似, 不過有 sex 當然有 sexual connotation.
如果照字面上的意思, 是 "增加關於性的議題 [以提高可看性或 娛樂價值]."
是具有輕微侵略性的言語, 不適合正式場合使用.

Tears welled up in my eyes 形容眼淚在眼眶打轉,用這種比較傳神,
well名詞是"井"的意思,well up 有一種泉即將湧出
gap year
通常是高中剛畢業的那一年, 或大學剛畢業的那一年.
基本上就是花一年 (其實也不一定剛好一年啦) 去看看世界, 增長見聞, 做自己想做的事.

謹供參考 Just for reference
for your kind reference

我還沒進入狀況」或「我狀況外 I'd say"space out" :」 我晃神了!

解散 dismiss 〈軍隊〉
get out of here〈口語〉
大可以 may well + V
以上;就這樣 that's all
自食其力.自力更生 to rely/depend on one's own efforts
fed up with 對..受夠了(厭煩了)
come out of one's shell 不再羞怯、沉默
flat broke 窮到極點
parallel importing (平行輸入)--所以水貨應該是parallel importation。
平行輸入的東西就是水貨。不過,也可以用grey goods。

我已沒有退路 pass the point of no return
at the end of one's rope

隨它去吧 Let it be
glitzy = show off
再來一次 start over
fall short of sth = fail to achieve it

cross eyes 是指輕輕地掃過他的眼睛,並沒有停留很久,或是斜眼看他一下
I-thou 是 '吾-汝' 關係 (吾與汝 ), 指 互為主體性, 將人當做人。
男女朋友復合 A and B get back together
筆墨難以形容的 beggar description
要求寵愛 curry favor/favour
遊手好閒的人 a Don Juan
加油 cheer up
go for it
go for it
on the cards likely or possible
speaking of ~~~ 論及~~~
這真的沒啥麼大不了 It's really not a big deal
自以為是 self-conceited / self-centered
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