1. I wanted to construct a wind direction indicator that is more accurate than consumer grade equipment, but is also cheaper than a professional quality wind vane. The goal was to make it using an relatively cheap ($6) sensor, and send the wind directi… 2. 2 ea. (8 spare) Miniature deep groove ball bearing 625ZZ 5*16*5 mm ball bearings 1 ea. (14 spare) Wood dowels 3/16" x 11-7/8" dowels 1 ea. N48 Neodymium Magnet Dia 1/4"x1/2" Diametrically Magnetized diametrically magnetized magne… 3. Since this is the first time I have used the MLX90316 magnetic rotary encoder sensor, I needed to find out how sensitive it is in order to build the wind vane housing and mount the magnet the correct distance away from the sensor. I thought if the s…
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