

What is a social media campaign? A social media campaign is a series of coordinated activities designed to achieve a specific goal (e.g., drive website traffic, raise brand awareness, gain followers, promote a product/service, etc.) over a set period of time.rnrnSocial media campaigns – deployed using one or more social media channels – usually have trackable outcomes that enable marketing specialists to adjust in real time and gauge success once the campaign is over. How to make a social media campaign? To be successful on social media, you'll first need to set a clearly defined, measurable goal and conduct extensive target audience research to get an idea how best to reach your prospective customers.rnrnThe next step will likely be a close examination of competition. This is usually done by identifying the keywords associated with your industry and finding out which brands are ranking for them on search engines.rnrnYou should also look up your competitors on social media, as brands that rank for keywords on, e.g., Google aren't necessarily active on every social media platform or on social media in general. Gather as much information about your competitors by scouring their “socials”.rnrnThis should give you some indication of your strengths and weaknesses, points where your audience is underserved, and hopefully some inspiration for your own campaign.rnrnAlso, make sure to set up a social media posting calendar specifying what should be posted when and on which platform... 更多資訊