How to book a car rental? To start the easy process of booking a car rental on Expedia, simply enter the location along with the dates and times for pickup and drop-off. Alternatively, browse our selection of popular car rental types and destinations if you need some inspiration. Whether you're looking for a convertible rental for you and your partner or a passenger van rental for the whole family, we have a wide variety of car rental options available that can have you riding with efficiency and style. What kind of cars are available? A SUV car rental in Los Angeles, for example, can be a great option for those in town on business or just wanting to explore the city in comfort and style. Opt for a convertible car rental in Fort Lauderdale, if you're traveling for the sunshine. Those venturing to LAX can go with a premium car in Las Vegas to get themselves a luxury car rental experience. A vast array of car types are available from several different suppliers, allowing you to customize your search and find the rental that best suits your vacation type.
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