What are Black Panthers? Black panthers are incredibly rare, but they do exist. The animals have a genetic mutation that causes severe melanism, where they produce surplus pigment in their coats which turns their fur black. A black panther can be either a jaguar or a leopard, it's simply a melanistic individual. If you have the chance to get close enough, you can still see the animal's spots in the dark coat. Leopards will have their traditional spots, while jaguars will have theirs. It's debated in the scientific community if melanism is an advantage or disadvantage. Unlike albinism, melanistic animals tend to find it easier to hide and blend in with their surroundings. This can be helpful when stalking prey or avoiding potential threats. What threats exist for jaguars and leopards? Similar threats exist for both jaguars and leopards, just in different ways. Habitat loss, population fragmentation, and hunting pressure from humans all contribute to the decline of the animals.
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