1. He doesn’t know what he wants. Indecision is a big problem for guys that just haven’t matured enough yet. This can be a tough situation—studies have shown ... 2. He needs space temporarily. Whether it’s work or family commitments, many people can’t juggle a relationship with their other responsibilities. If that’s the case, he could still be interested in you, but is just someone who deals with stress best by himself. Withdrawing from others is a common reaction to stress, so try not to take his decision to pull away as a judgment on you.You don’t want to be kept waiting forever, so try to move on if he hasn’t reached out in a couple of weeks. If he comes back later, once his other responsibilities have settled down, you can then decide if you want ... 3. He met someone else. It’s pretty common to date multiple people at once before making a commitment to be exclusive with one person. He might have gotten caught up with someone else before realizing that that relationship wasn’t a good fit.If he did meet someone else, try not to take it personally. Dating is about meeting new people and seeing where it leads—give him the same freedom in the early stages of dating that you deserve yourself.
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