What is Advanced Air Mobility? Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) is an air transport system concept that integrates new, transformational aircraft designs and flight technologies into existing and modified airspace operations. Advanced Air Mobility or Urban Air Mobility? Urban Air Mobility (UAM) leads the way for Advanced Air Mobility, focused on sustainable air mobility technologies for urban environments. Why? First, because all of the advances developed for UAM can also be used to solve problems in rural and regional areas, but the opposite is not always true. For example, aircraft delivering cargo or passengers over city traffic and infrastructure could also be used productively in rural or regional areas, but most electric conventional take-off and landing vehicles created for use regionally would have far fewer uses in the urban core. Equally important, however, is that use-case studies show companies and individuals in cities and suburbs will use UAM vehicles and services much more often and sooner, proving their cost-effectiveness and resulting in them becoming financially viable more quickly. As that financial strength grows, it can also help support the growth of the less urban elements of AAM operations.