What Is a Kilowatt? Before we discuss kilowatts, let's take a second to talk about watts (W). Watts are the basic unit of power used to measure electric, thermal, and mechanical power. One watt is equal to one joule, as well as one volt-ampere. All of these terms measure electrical power.
Now, let's get into a more detailed description of what a kilowatt (kW) is. Most simply, a kilowatt is another term used in the measure of power. Most frequently, we use kilowatts to measure residential and commercial power.
Keep in mind that the prefix “kilo” means one thousand. It may be easier for you to remember that one kilowatt equals 1,000 watts of electrical power when thinking of the prefix's meaning. For example, a microwave with a 1,000-watt label requires 1,000 watts worth of power (or 1 kW) to work. How Do You Convert Kilowatts to Watts? The conversion of watts to kilowatts is just as straight-forward as you may have guessed. We find the power in kilowatts P(kW) by dividing the power in watts P(W) by 1,000.
Here's the Formula for Converting Watts Into Kilowatts:
P(kW) = P(W) / 1,000
For example, if you wanted to convert your 1500W dishwasher to kilowatts, you would do the following calculation:
P(kW) = 1,500W / 1,000 = 1.5kW
Here's another way to think of it that may make the math easier. Add a decimal point at the end of your whole number. In this case, it's 1500. Then, since there are three zeros in 1,000, which is the number you're dividing by, you will move the decimal point three digits, or three spaces, to the left. You end up with 1.500, or 1.5. This trick makes it really easy to convert watts into kilowatts with some quick mental math.