[爆卦]ze2000 ze3000比較是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇ze2000 ze3000比較鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在ze2000 ze3000比較這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 ze2000產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅趙氏讀書生活,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 從杜汶澤與陳百祥的辯論學習拆解謬誤,陶國璋、趙善軒談思考方法三之一 趙:本星期香港電台某節目邀請兩名知名藝人杜汶澤和陳百祥激辯香港時局,引起城中熱話。[1]我曾在自己的視頻運用思考方法學(下稱「思方學」)點評其時情況,獲得不少迴響。[2]陶先生你對於兩人的辯論可有高見? 陶:我們先釐清一些基本知識...

 同時也有70部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Yui's料理自學小天地,也在其Youtube影片中提到,你們知道很多食譜明明是一樣的材料 但卻只是因為比例不同 卻可以做出完全不同的料理嗎 今天示範的這道可樂雞翅(蜜汁雞翅) 真的就是一個很經典的案例 備註:可樂雞翅沒有可樂味 他就是蜜汁雞翅無誤! ----------------------------------------- ★喜歡我創作的...

ze2000 在 Mamas & Papas Taiwan Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-29 13:32:21

#疫起過好每一天 🏠 婦幼展在家逛 📺 雖然海浪離我們很遠 雖然我們去不了公園 但我還有你,是你讓日子有意義❤️ 遠離人群的日子還沒結束 但是 \\ 線 上 婦 幼 展 來 了// #給宅家父母們的心靈支撐 🔥 活動期間 單筆結帳金額滿 $2000 結帳金額再 9 折❗️❗️❗️ * BeSa...

ze2000 在 Yuu #ラクうま #簡単レシピ #献立 #お弁当 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-12-04 16:06:52

🍳和えるだけ!糖質オフの簡単おつまみ!🍳 (レシピあり)  #ちくわと枝豆チーズのわさびマヨサラダ  ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー  旨味が強い食材同士なので 味付けは最低限でOK🙆‍♀️  また、わさびをピリッと効かせて お酒にも合う一品...

  • ze2000 在 趙氏讀書生活 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-07 22:36:43
    有 42 人按讚


    陶:我們先釐清一些基本知識。其實思方學在許多英、美等知名大學裡為本科生必修基礎課,用意乃是讓學生在討論或梳理事實時予以批判性檢查(Critical Examination),透過獨立、客觀、理性的態度明辨是非,其和批評不同。[3]就那次辯論而言,我們並不會對它作情緒反應,而是借它作教材去了解當中隱含的謬誤及詭辯。思方學跟邏輯有些微不同。邏輯是我們人類基本思維的一些律則。亞里斯多德云:「所有人都需要用邏輯思考的。」他設計一個簡單論證:如你贊成邏輯,必先運用邏輯論證。如你反對邏輯,則也要用邏輯說明其因。故姑勿論你取態如何,其實你已經正在運用邏輯。[4]另一例子是你在下一盤中國象棋時,會遵守馬走日、象走田、小卒一步步走等規則,而這些規則是潛伏在這盤棋的運作,正如邏輯潛伏於人的思維一樣。當然有關這些規律究竟是先天而成還是後天培養千百年來爭議不斷。至於思方學就是運用理性、邏輯去判別事情。思方學之始貴乎理性,那理性該如何判準?李天命先生說理性是一種無須詢問的能力。當你在思考的時候,你在推敲前文後理或引證事情中會明白自己在運用理性能力。只要你放下個人情緒去海納百川及接受思維錯誤,就會展現理性思維中的自省。[5]

  • ze2000 在 陳奕齊 - 新一 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-29 22:02:00
    有 1,229 人按讚

    Don’t Be Naive! Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is Standing on the Side Against Human Civilization
    Peaceful world order after WWII had been established upon the philosophy worshiping multilateralism. The cultural basis supporting such multilateralism contained an imagination believing in the ultimate good of the respect for diversity.
    The Rise of China and the Naivete of EU
    However, as time progressed into the Post-Cold War era of the 90's, globalization in trade became the dominant trend. Following the global embrace of multilateralism and respect for diversity, it was believed that China would have been influenced by open and positive values once she had participated in this big family of global trade. Indeed, China took advantage of its role as the "world factory" and gained a huge economic leap forward. After China joined the WTO in 2000, within seventeen to eighteen years, China had grown nine-fold compared in terms of its aggregate economic volume. Furthermore, it surpassed Germany in 2005 and Japan between 2009 and 2010, becoming the second-largest economy in the world.
    In particular, due to the global financial crisis derived from the subprime mortgage in 2007 and Lehman Brothers' bankruptcy in 2008 in the United States, the PIGGS countries turned into victims in Europe. China thus took advantage of this crisis to expand its power, bridging China’s role as depicted in Hu JinTao's "China's peaceful rise" to that in Xi JinPing's "China dream." Finally, China has revealed its ambition to compete for the position as a world leader and a planner of a new world order. The United States has finally, recently woken up to this nightmare of Xi, who has long intended to use China's almighty economic power to achieve his political agenda and hegemony. Unfortunately, many EU countries who consider themselves as advanced, civilized, pro-human rights and respectful to diversification, such as Germany and France, still fail, or refuse, to see the CCP regime’s true color and remain extremely naive towards it.
    Repulsion towards Vulgarity, Tolerance towards Violence
    Ironically, the two leading EU countries, Germany and France, prefer a dictatorial emperor, Xi, over Trump elected by the Americans with their ballots. The two countries do not shy away from showing them disgusted by Trump’s vulgar behaviors, but reluctantly show intolerance towards Xi’s cruelty and dictatorship. As a result, the EU countries develop inconceivable and mysterious stubbornness: they loudly criticize countries practicing death penalty based on their own judicial system; however, they are generous and subdued when it comes to the violence happening in HongKong where the HongKong police and Chinese GongAn basically bypass all applicable, or reasonable, laws. We should find this contrast deeply disturbing.
    Seeing CCP through the eyes of Mao
    In fact, these european countries and the western world are deluded by the so-called “respect for diversity.” Let’s use the wisdom of the CCP’s spiritual leader, Mao Ze Dong, as a framework to rethink this diversity concept in civilization. In his work “Correct Handling of Contradictions Between People,” published in 1957, Mao clearly classified social contradictions into “contradictions of two different natures”: “contradictions between ourselves and the enemy” and “internal contradictions among the people”. Contradictions between ourselves and the enemy are antagonistic, for example the contradictions between the exploiting and the exploited classes; but contradictions among people is non-antagonistic. Therefore, the former can not be mediated and resolved, but the latter one can be. Mao further advocated that contradictions between ourselves and the enemy should be resolved by dictatorship, but contradictions between the people should be resolved by a method of “cooperation-criticism-cooperation.” In other words, incompatible contradictions between ourselves and the enemy can only be solved by suppression, but internal contradictions can be softened by cooperation.
    Civilization and CCP - Two Incompatible Conflicting Systems
    It is time for us to recognize that CCP, a sovereign of authoritarianism and digital dictatorship, should not have been regarded as a representation of the diversity of human civilization. Diversity should be defined based on a founded premise, i.e., a premise confined with certain agreements and consensus, necessary and beneficial for composing diversity. In fact, the value CCP stands for is against the universally accepted values of the world, just like the “incompatible contradictions between ourselves and the enemy”, as Mao said. As long as the existence of the CCP regime continues, human civilization will continue to be persecuted. It can be seen in the current situation of Hong Kong, where China approved the new bill of national security, thereby destroying the remaining freedom guaranteed to Hong Kongers, and assigned the “secret” police gangs to enforce the so-called “justice”.
    To see the contracting natures of civilization and the CCP regime, we make an analogy with food. Normally, we respect other people’s choice for food. For instance, Ann prefers rice, Bob prefers noodles, John is a meat lover, Mary only eats seafood, etc. Although those four people have different choices of what they like to eat, they respect each other’s choices of food. However, when Daniel comes over and tells the group that he prefers to eat faeces and needs to be respected for his preference, we can start to see the ridiculousness in it. At first, the four people think eating faeces is a personal choice for Daniel, and Daniel can do whatever he/she wants as long as he/she does it at his/her home. The problem rises when Daniel starts to force other people to eat faeces, while the other four people think faeces is inedible, and should never be served on a plate.
    The food analogy tells us that the CCP regime is inherently against human civilization. As a reasonable human being could not categorize feces as food, we should not be tricked to believe that the authoritarian regime of China can blend in and contribute to human civilization. The CCP regime is incompatible to human civilization just like we should not consider to eat a meal with feces in it. As the master of CCP, Mao, admitted, one can never resolve the contradiction between the authoritarian regime of China and human civilization. The existence of Chinese authoritarian regime is a symbol for deprivation of human civilization. For us to maintain and preserve human civilization, Chinese authoritarian regime must be eradicated. There is no room for the coexistence of the CCP regime and human civilization.
    Draw a Bottom Line to the Respect for Diversity
    Therefore, among western countries, the United States have started or should start to realize that although diversity needs to be respected and tolerated, a reasonable bottom line should be drawn to such respect. Like what I have mentioned above, rice, noodles, meat, seafood and so on should be viewed as food; however, as we can all reasonably agree, feces should not be a part of the league. The United States is now acting to exclude “feces” from the democratic league and draw a bottom line for respect-worthy diversity. However, leading EU countries are still trapped in their fancy, unconditional acceptance to “respect for diversity.” Such respect is hypocritical, empty and baseless. Now, you should be able to understand why leftards in the EU would vigorously criticize death sentences executed under a legitimate judicial system but remain indifferent to the CCP regime’s merciless, relentless and oppressive killings. Namely, they simply set a wrong premise, including feces as an eligible option for “diversity.” As for those who embrace the CCP regime because of economic benefits, they do not even deserve to be viewed as EU leftards, but merely gold diggers in the EU.
    Special Thanks to our supporters in North America for translation🙏

  • ze2000 在 陳零九 Nine Chen Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-10-12 08:00:00
    有 0 人按讚

  • ze2000 在 Yui's料理自學小天地 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-07-09 18:00:12





    追蹤我的FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/2eiNXu











    雞翅 ...適量
    薑片 ...適量
    醬汁 ...可樂200ml+醬油2湯匙+米酒1湯匙


    ❶ 少許的油,加入薑片,雞翅下鍋煎至表面金黃,倒入醬汁蓋上鍋蓋煮至收汁。
    ❷ 醬汁開始收汁之後開蓋,將雞翅來回翻面裹上醬汁,在醬汁完全變乾之前熄火,即可盛盤上桌。

  • ze2000 在 絶対待機 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-11-13 17:05:16

    Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/絶対待機


    サムネ提供 killkenny (https://twitter.com/killkenny2000)
        shobosuke (https://twitter.com/ShoboLinco)
    mameko (https://twitter.com/mame_imo) 可愛い絵のサムネ書いてくれてます。boothにて物販もしているので1度チェックしてみてください。


    アジ吉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNAA4BlXKtDuxCZqRIEPKw
    shobosuke https://www.twitch.tv/shobosuke
    Begasu Yamamoto https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt-06BBNhWjK2xwrWIMLjfA
         (Bushidogaming マネージャー)
    arutyomu http://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co2908082
    (さっさと連絡よこせ そろそろ親に連絡するぞ!)

    1.Discordは誰でも入れますが、→ https://discord.gg/9f83Uv8




    モニター BENQ XL2410T
    マザボ ASUS PRIME H370-A
    グラボ MSI GTX1060(3G)
    CPU I7-8700 3.2GHz
    CPU クーラー PROLIMATECH samuel17
    メモリ 16GB DDR4-2666MHZ
    マウス logicool G300
    マウスパット logicool G440t
    キーボード logicool G-PKB-001
    ヘッドセット Superlux HD681

    superchat (敬省略させて頂きます)コメント下のドルマークから出来ます。thx for help.

    ぶんたろ140644 大仏のこきんちゃん67740 夏蜜柑61983 mameko51843 yousan45970 ryska42200 あゆめろん41040 ナン37155 Xよしくん35240 QryuQ 35000 2016 kdc 33789 猫れもん31600 ノロイ31000 セス30000 NAO 29742 AB fry 29000 さらつゆ26645 浅田魔王26000 killkenny23600 らて22000 げこきんぐ21589 金城優 20800 Shark Attack20500 ムチムチ嬢20040 きゅああめすぴ19740 KONA 20197 ももちゃん。17000 Michael Lin16993 ザックス飯テロ職人16680 ReEn14300 プリミヨ13200 能場出井11760 萌矢子11700 Noah11000 toshi Yoko10900 るなこ10678 asapopo10580 すり身10000 海賊キング10000
    036は熊本大好き9360 RUIN9100 土偶一族8880 食いしん坊万歳8938 こじこじチャンネル8280 馬子。8266 りな8200 ロックハワード7700 穂藻7329 もちもちーず7057 maruimegane6900 ひみこs2 6700 Laria3120 6320 daisuke6260 -YouAi- 優愛6200 RusaRusa6000 ウィルマッケンジー6000 。ぱんだ6000 MaratusVolans5983 ピース5718 かーや5600 かまど猫5540 tyoya5500 りにやちo5400 坊主ノ餃子5100 ちゃんれい。5052 カメロン提督5000 れっちん5000 namitaka23 5000 ice675R 5000
    マテ茶4958 のんびりしたい4500 しれ4500 おにちく4500 죽마고우4440 CHIVALRY4400 Conan kun4200 HAHAHA STEAM4000 rotti619 4000 Xpセシリー4000 睡眠不足4000 大巻小巻3600 じゃすてぃ3500 M ob3400 ナトランキタ3400 めんたい子3300 梢恵こずえ3200 。まちこ3200 RAN TEAM3000 SSDD 3000 /ポラリスpolaris3000 れっちん3000 R.A3000 SOFYチャンネル3000 るすば3000 ポコ!3000 kero yon3000 枝豆3000 JAMIN BANG3000 fuwafuwa3000 コー3000 うる3000 渡邊芳樹2980 Asa Yu2840 むす2760 mitsu.o2760 らんたん2750 てつ2618 たぬたぬ2600 エムダブリュー2500 はやたん2500 シフ2500 ジークフリード2380 マナピオ2280 eneral2791 2200 ちささ2100 tubame23 2100 みんなの変態しおんさんやで2050 中峯しのぶ2040 右手ひとり旅2040 ヒデ2020 青のり隊長2000 namitaka23 2000 たる2000 あほ焼き2000 ねこちゃん(Sさん代理)2000 Have relaxed1920 pen pen1800 レモン1800 リッキーバルボア1800 mako1600 あんこ1600 影薄めの鹿1560 ニャオ裏路地1500 hiro shan1500 ボクモンハン1500 黒熊1500 あにきmyb1440 ちょちょこま1440 イーグル1440 nuu sekki1400 三日月1400 ぷこ1400 こんにゃくにんにく1320 あげは1300 オニオン炒め1200 Shobosuke Channel1200 アスカラングルー1200 ぽぽーーーん_1200 niku choco1200 strike32 1200 ジオ1200 OpticalFade1200 goma1160 甘党I`m1100 れめしゅ れめしゅ1100 good-chu1088 JUN SANE1080 ゆずたろぺ1080 mario lionetto1080 JACKMAN saku1000 田中フォビア1000 もりもりこ1000 山椒1000 もな1000 うめ茶1000 とぅえるぶ 12oz GAMES1000 namahamu_zenzen_tarinai!1000 せかい1000 JAMIN BANG1000 ゆに1000 AngelusACE1000 Kenpo channel 1000 black1000 yaya2961 1000 あの頃の政枝1000 CooperMurphy1000 老カラス1000 TokiShan1000 ペプシ太郎1000 足利茶々丸1000 boni0705 1000 miso1000
    ゆき姉991 ユナ960 m sugurinho880 !あやねこ840 VEROSSAりぃーちゃん840 ちゃみするSaaMinaj840 tomoking 1016 840 KAZU TAKA800 MiiKaa800 mac_ Links800 Цань800 空白800 seaushi750 Liebe720 コンソメさくさく720 このは720 mi mi700 ののえりハントレスファン700 かなちん700 少佐くんん。700 雷電 kei700 *あかり666 KUNI18 650 のりたまฅ*•ω•*ฅ624 徳永愛瑠600 青赤のスナイパー600 FpsShaka600 ポコ!600 19 fujimon600 7up565 愛555 ゆずぽん500 つま500 1215おかめ500 へけけさん500 レフラ-Rehula-500 お化けのキョーちゃん500 1 2 500 ギャラクシーだんご500 しーなぱいせんの愛人の愛人500 Jinico NICO500 、。500 ぽんちゃん500 -S Myname1s500 にっぴ500 すずにゃん500 nyansaku69 500 masapi500 sinner495 佐野480 Yuki maru480 カプチーノ1227 480 mako480 魁花480 いぬいぬまるまる480 柊みなと480 ktkしらす480 ウルージ480 中級者フライト480 てんてん432 N氏429 pan kiji416 あっつくん。400 ひきにく400 春彦400 sheepなめらかチョコ400 Breeze400 匿名希望さん400 veneta 。390 01 sakana360 起動戦死ホンダム360 なかじ360 世界の最果てを目指す者かりう360 しばゆうJapan360 保科寧々320 exit swb300 Azana Cruz300 YEBISU300 ヒカル300
    ren game240 hiro shan240 heyano smith240 Yta林檎240 sakura sakura240 グッドモ240 ニーソの人240 ze bius240 えび太郎240 ੯ੁૂ‧̀͡u\ルシエド240 Foi FNeR240 路上生活者240 kobami240 ぐみおいしい240 。しんちゃん240 なかじ240 おかざわみほ240 りゅーたのチャンネル240 キャンスパ240 前田慶次郎240 やったね!アルパカにいさん240 HIRATAミー太郎240 プリッツ240 佑太224 Brandon Hays224
    -S Myname1s200 Ryon 87 200 Ever200 戦場のivu200 ちっくー200 Angelo_200remy koh200 moza200 デコポンマン200 ミステリ作家の七尾与史200 ミロ200 マガツキ200 小澤200 gyaos 823 200 蒼葉200 忍 遠藤200 ru nemu200 ゆいyui200 ベガスヤマモト200 おうどん200 ボムドクロ200 tanu200 も200 エメブラック200 field star200 エタナル200 호시코194 ゆと160 くもさん120 1Q 120 がち がち120 あめ120 くもくも120 もこうに見えるおにぎりともこう108 ーエト100 저승넷HellNet100 つばさちゃんねる100 ナマズ100


    欲しい物リスト(更新少ししました!)  http://amzn.asia/j3zczOV

  • ze2000 在 絶対待機 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-11-13 12:06:01

    Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/絶対待機


    サムネ提供 killkenny (https://twitter.com/killkenny2000)
        shobosuke (https://twitter.com/ShoboLinco)
    mameko (https://twitter.com/mame_imo) 可愛い絵のサムネ書いてくれてます。boothにて物販もしているので1度チェックしてみてください。


    アジ吉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNAA4BlXKtDuxCZqRIEPKw
    shobosuke https://www.twitch.tv/shobosuke
    Begasu Yamamoto https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt-06BBNhWjK2xwrWIMLjfA
         (Bushidogaming マネージャー)
    arutyomu http://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co2908082
    (さっさと連絡よこせ そろそろ親に連絡するぞ!)

    1.Discordは誰でも入れますが、→ https://discord.gg/9f83Uv8




    モニター BENQ XL2410T
    マザボ ASUS PRIME H370-A
    グラボ MSI GTX1060(3G)
    CPU I7-8700 3.2GHz
    CPU クーラー PROLIMATECH samuel17
    メモリ 16GB DDR4-2666MHZ
    マウス logicool G300
    マウスパット logicool G440t
    キーボード logicool G-PKB-001
    ヘッドセット Superlux HD681

    superchat (敬省略させて頂きます)コメント下のドルマークから出来ます。thx for help.

    ぶんたろ140644 大仏のこきんちゃん67740 夏蜜柑61983 mameko51843 yousan45970 ryska42200 あゆめろん41040 ナン37155 Xよしくん35240 QryuQ 35000 2016 kdc 33789 猫れもん31600 ノロイ31000 セス30000 NAO 29742 AB fry 29000 さらつゆ26645 浅田魔王26000 killkenny23600 らて22000 げこきんぐ21589 金城優 20800 Shark Attack20500 ムチムチ嬢20040 きゅああめすぴ19740 KONA 20197 ももちゃん。17000 Michael Lin16993 ザックス飯テロ職人16680 ReEn14300 プリミヨ13200 能場出井11760 萌矢子11700 Noah11000 toshi Yoko10900 るなこ10678 asapopo10580 すり身10000 海賊キング10000
    036は熊本大好き9360 RUIN9100 土偶一族8880 食いしん坊万歳8938 こじこじチャンネル8280 馬子。8266 りな8200 ロックハワード7700 穂藻7329 もちもちーず7057 maruimegane6900 ひみこs2 6700 Laria3120 6320 daisuke6260 -YouAi- 優愛6200 RusaRusa6000 ウィルマッケンジー6000 。ぱんだ6000 MaratusVolans5983 ピース5718 かーや5600 かまど猫5540 tyoya5500 りにやちo5400 坊主ノ餃子5100 ちゃんれい。5052 カメロン提督5000 れっちん5000 namitaka23 5000 ice675R 5000
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