[爆卦]you are my destiny空耳是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇you are my destiny空耳鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在you are my destiny空耳這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者xes (男孩像我)看板movie標題Re: [情報] 愛在暹羅主題曲 羅馬拼音和中譯歌詞 同...

-- 英文譯詞補完,非上映之翻譯版本 --

Gan Lae Gan 同行 Together

taa bok waa pleng nee dtaeng hai ter ter ja cheua mai
如果說這首歌為你而作 你相信嗎
If I told you that this song was meant for you, would you believe me?

man aat mai pror mai seung mai suay ngaam meuan pleng tua bpai
可能它不悅耳不感人不優美 跟別的歌不一樣
It may not sound as beautiful as other songs.

yaak hai roo waa pleng rak taa mai rak gor kian mai daai
要知道 這情歌 因愛而生 因你而寫
You may not know that songs couldn't be written out if we didn't have the
feeling of love.

dtae gap ter kon dee roo mai chan kian yaang ngaai ... daai
因為你 我靈感源源不斷
But for you, sweetheart it all come out easily.

ter kong koie dai-yin pleng rak maa nap roi pan
你或許曾聽過的情歌 成千上萬
You may have heard thousands of love ballads.

man aat ja dohn jai

dtae gor mee kwaam maai meuan-meuan gan dtae taa ter fang pleng nee
也打動過你的心 但當你 聽到了
Some may tough your heart through they mean nothing more.

pleng tee kian peua ter tao nan
But you'll know when you listen to this song, it was meant just for you

peua ter kao jai kwaam maai laew jai ja daai mee gan lae gan
希望用心保存這首歌並讓它永遠陪伴你 永遠
You would know by heart what I meant, and we would be there for each other.

hai man bpen pleng bon taang dern kiang tee ja mee piang siang ter gap chan
心意化曲 在我們同行的路上 都是我們快樂的歌聲
Let the song play while we're walking together on that path. All I hear is
just the voice of you and me.

yoo duay gan dtraap naan-naan
We'll be together for so long.

dang nai jai kwaam bok nai ga-wee waa dtraap dai tee mee rak yom mee wang
愛意成詩 包含永遠相愛的秘方
As mentioned in the poetry. That where there is love there is always hope.

keu took krang tee rak kong ter song jai chan mee bplaai taang
每次你的愛照耀我心 我便看到希望
Your love has lightened up my heart. You are my destiny.

mee kwaam jing yoo nai kwaam rak dtang maak maai
Love holds up many truths to look for.

lae tee paan maa chan chai way-laa peua haa kwaam maai
過去我一直苦苦尋找 愛的含義
And I have wasted my lifetime searching for them.

dtae mai naan gor perng roo meua took krang tee mee ter glai
直到最近 你的出現 愛就在你靠近我的那一刻
But not so long ago, I realized when I get close to you.

waa taa chee-wit keu tam nong ter gor bpen dang kam rong tee pror lae seung jap jai
若生命是優美旋律 你就是動人歌詞 在心中久久迴響
If my life is a rhythm
You're the beautiful lyrics to this song that has touched my heart.

hai man bpen pleng bon taang dern kiang tee ja mee piang siang ter gap chan
心意化曲 在我們同行的路上 都是我們快樂的歌聲
Let the song play while we're walking together on that path. All I hear is
just the voice of you and me.

yoo duay gan dtraap naan-naan
We'll be together for so long.

dang nai jai kwaam bok nai ga-wee waa dtraap dai tee mee rak yom mee wang
愛意成詩 包含永遠相愛的秘方
As mentioned in the poetry. That where there is love there is always hope.

keu took krang tee rak kong ter song jai chan mee bplaai taang
每次你的愛照耀我心 我便看到希望
Your love has lightened up my heart. You are my destiny.

mee taang dern hai rao dern kiang lae mee siang kong ter gap chan
同行的路上 有你我的歌聲
We walk along the way, and all I've heard is the voice of only you and me.

mee taang dern hai rao dern ruam kiang lae mee siang kong ter gap chan
同行的路上 有你我兩人的歌聲
We walk along the way, and all I've heard is the voice of only you and me.
We walk along the way together, and all I hear is just the voice of you and


原po的泰文亂碼恕刪 :)




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
bennieth:感恩 09/25 23:17
Ning73:辛苦大大了~ 09/26 00:56
mtrumpet:謝謝你~^^ 09/26 01:22
IkutaZen:推~偷偷附上我很喜歡的~沒有在電影裡出現的幾首歌: 09/26 09:01
IkutaZen:我因為電影而喜歡上這個樂團了XD 09/26 09:05
IkutaZen:不知道為什麼~他們的歌有種聽不膩的感覺XD 09/26 09:27
mtrumpet:很奇怪喔~我也是都聽不膩,一直重複在聽 09/26 13:11
bennieth:感謝彼此真的是好聽...其實PCHY的唱腔大加分 09/26 13:13
molly1220:意境好美的一首歌曲~~~~十分感謝您的分享 09/26 22:53

