

在 yelling中文產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅stu sis,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【周湯豪〈i GO〉歌詞逐句剖析】 Bitches try to holla every where I go——————————這一段純粹用以展示自己英文能力何其勁爆,絕無歧視女性之嫌。 我的生活是你一輩子的夢——————————國文考滿分也是他一輩子的夢。 跑完世界巡演媽我回來囉—...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過119萬的網紅Laowu老吳,也在其Youtube影片中提到,This guide show how to beat pt demo in 15 minutes 100% working method to beat pt demo and unlock ending All 6 picture pieces location walkthrough Tips...

  • yelling中文 在 stu sis Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-07-26 08:00:00
    有 2,700 人按讚

    【周湯豪〈i GO〉歌詞逐句剖析】

    Bitches try to holla every where I go——————————這一段純粹用以展示自己英文能力何其勁爆,絕無歧視女性之嫌。


    跑完世界巡演媽我回來囉——————————積極證明自己乃台饒首席媽寶,不僅shout out to比莉姐,更有期許自己有朝一日能和Billie Eilish一樣享譽國際紅透半邊天的弦外之音。


    Bitches try to holla every where I go——————————又重複了,保安~可以讓人這樣謙了又虛虛了又謙謙了又虛虛了又謙的嗎?

    Where you go, who you with, Pls stop yelling on the phone——————————恐怖情人起口式:你要去哪、和誰在一起、給老子閉嘴。

    I'm in my zone,現在沒有空,For real I'm at home——————————我都自動空耳成嗡嘛呢叭咪吽。

    (讓我去找你)才怪想都別想,don't try——————————湯豪貢獻了兩岸饒壇今年第二個經典的"才怪"場景。

    K bye stop killing my vibe! (You're such a dick)——————————主要在抨擊stu sis這類死酸民,順便沾點Kendrick Lamar的光。

    K fine I'll wish you a good life——————————先兵後禮,玩法新穎。

    This is a celebration of my delectation——————————他身心靈正沉浸在一個愛的世界(後面別亂加Love World)。


    This is why I'm hot, you ain't cuz you not——————————延伸聆聽:"This Is Why I'm Hot" by Mims

    089457帥到不像話,OMG——————————0+8+9+4+5+7=33,而33碰巧為「親親(kiss kiss)」這個動作的代碼,很阿姑親一下,情境緊扣著接下來的歌詞。

    身價是不斷不斷翻倍,I do it my way是我基本配備——————————詞作充滿中西合璧的美感,好似兩種語言在你眼前激烈交媾而你只能吞口水乾瞪眼。

    從台北to the bay to the LA,從不喊累——————————他終究喊了。



    我在跟你女友hang hang——————————業配無誤,抓到,字還拼錯,希望早日將後面的hang改回原本的ten。

    你繼續對我hate hate——————————被饒舌樂耽誤的讀心師。

    我也對你hey hey——————————先不要,我還沒養成那種癖好。


    手機沒電是all day——————————點開吳亦凡的歌電力即可滿格。






    滑太多手機要注意會駝背,Watch your back——————————被關心的感覺真棒,心脾俱暖,我終於了解去年吉克隽逸賽後的心情。

    結語:向來擅長以顏值粉飾詞曲品質的湯豪這回又進化了,把中文唱得像英文,也將英文唱成了嬰兒時期的牙牙學語,熬過撲朔迷離、宛若一部微型武打片的hang hang hate hate hey hey後,聽眾瞬間領悟平凡如村姑的疊字手法原來如此風騷銷魂,當其他歌手汲汲追求著音樂層面的多樣性與複雜化,他反其道而行,放大格局開闊胸襟自願簡化一切,受街頭詩人Lil Pump影響不可謂不輕,本作問世之初簡直在YouTube投下一枚震撼彈,儘管後來經專家學者考證發現只是枚虛有其表的巨型空包彈,但坐以待beat取用現成伴奏又何妨,至少人家的疊字修辭非常原創了;附帶一提,歌名的"i"特別以小寫呈現,象徵動詞的"GO"則以大寫顯示,完全吻合他虛懷若谷近乎無我、少說話多做事的高尚情操,無怪乎最新一期時伐雜誌封他為百年難得一見、地位超越Lil Nas X的說唱奇才。

  • yelling中文 在 美國西雅圖留學記 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-03-23 07:49:15
    有 66 人按讚

    不知道你有沒有嘗試過突然之間轉換不來語言?🙈今天上班的時候,我的老板突然叫我的名字,而同時間我跟呀姨在傳中文信息,我突然對著我的老板大叫「係」🙊然後才醒過來要說英文😅 然後她就給了這份禮物😛
    I’m a trilingual person, fluent speaking in English, Mandarin and Cantonese. Today I came to work at the office. My supervisor suddenly called my name while I was sending a Chinese text message to my aunt. I was yelling 「係」to my supervisor 😂😂😂 I don’t know if somebody is bilingual / trilingual has ever experience such situation? Couldn’t switch back and forth the language all of the sudden😂 hahahaha. I then corrected it back to, “yea, what happen?” Then, she gave this to me.
    #trilingual #office #job #universityofwashington #working #language #chinese #english #seattle #washingtonstate #studyabroad #留學 #美國 #工作 #美國工作 #大學 #西雅圖 #工作 #辦公室 #bilingual #fun

  • yelling中文 在 LilKrake小章章 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-11-20 01:18:37
    有 4 人按讚

    lilKrake小章章 - Power (試作)
    Beat: "Power" prod. by Lasik Beats
    家裡爛麥克風錄音 再後製一下人聲

    詞 :
    Power power fuck on power
    Power power we fuck the power
    Power power yeah we fuck the power
    Power power power

    All these sick people got power
    All these bad bitches got power
    Only money chasers went higher
    Only power people got voucher
    We so notorious, so delirious
    They balling so fast, ain't care they're infamous

    I squander right away, ASAP I get the pay
    Cheating all the way, unequal nowadays
    Poor people yelling unfair, cursing different poeple in different layers
    Oh please mind your manners, cast not your eyes on my paper

    Watching people on TV outburst of anger, papers went into my bank
    Sending a Cooper to city's governor, and chopper to one of my friend
    Spend whole day in money shower, my conscience's getting smaller (oops)
    Spend my conscience to another trader, my chair go higher and higher


    嘻哈死於貧窮 我就在嘻哈白手起家

    沒錢的裝屌自己有錢 有錢的看熱鬧過得很閒
    有臉的扳著腰辛苦賺錢 沒臉的耍著腦越看越賤
    社會不公是正義 虛假的才是人民體制
    徹頭徹尾都有貓膩 何時才會對社會亂象正視

    Unity power, royalty power, charity power, all it's on paper
    所有的善與惡 生存的法則 全都是權力下 利益的瞎扯
    他們尊敬天主像尊敬生父 一旦沒了錢就能夠殺掉天父
    錢是信仰之路 所有一切的一切基礎

    Power power fuck on power
    Power power we fuck the power
    Power power yeah we fuck the power
    Power power power

    All these sick people got power
    All these bad bitches got power
    Only money chasers went higher
    Only power people got voucher
    We so notorious, so delirious
    They balling so fast, ain't care they're infamous

    Connect with 小章章:
    https://instagram.com/lilkrake (IG: lilkrake)
    https://www.facebook.com/LILkrakeNW (FB: lilKrake小章章)

  • yelling中文 在 Laowu老吳 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2014-08-16 19:50:18

    This guide show how to beat pt demo in 15 minutes
    100% working method to beat pt demo and unlock ending
    All 6 picture pieces location walkthrough
    Tips to not get caught by Lisa

    關注我的Youtube : http://goo.gl/3TVkJT
    關注老吳FB: http://goo.gl/c0a2DW
    Part1開始看清單Playlist : http://goo.gl/M792BH

    I have listed all steps here in case you are lazy to watch this video
    There are total 14 doors you need to go through, 15th will lead to ending.
    Plug in your microphone is essential if you are follow this guide, it's 100% working !

    1st : Simply walk through the hallway into the loop door
    2nd : Check on the last door and walk to the FIRST door where you came from. Last door unlocked.
    3th : Simply walk through the hallway into the loop door
    4th : Last door should close automatically when you near it, check the bathroom and press R3 to look inside. Last door unlocked.
    5th : You will see Lisa standing in foyer , just ignore her.
    6th : Go to bathroom to pick up flashlight, door should close and wait until someone open the door for you.
    7th : Press X on the picture on the Radio table
    8th : Simply walk through the hallway into the loop door
    9th : Simply walk through the hallway into the loop door
    10th : Check the wall near the phone you should see "HELLO!". move your camera away and look again you will notice each time you see the text it will disappear one alphabet, keep repeat this step until it left "O!" , then move to the wall near foyer you will see a "HELL" and someone will start laughing. Loop door unlocked.
    11th : Simply walk through the hallway into the loop door
    12th : Run forward until you passed foyer and see a wall with a small hole, press R3 on it and hold on until you heard all the conversation., walk forward into loop door.
    13th : Walk around and wait until screen tearing and game restart. (optional - collect 5 pieces of lisa's picture in this loop)

    14th (Final Puzzle) :
    - Wait until 0:00 and the chime stop
    (Optional : get the last 2 picture pieces while waiting)
    - Walk 10 step and stop then you will hear the 1st baby laugh.
    - Pause your game after the 1st laugh.
    - Play this video toward your microphone if you shy to yelling at it
    - Unpause the game after you heard the 2nd baby laugh, stay still and DO NOT DO ANYTHING until your controller start vibrate.
    - You should hear 3rd baby laugh then the phone will start ringing.
    - Pick up the phone by press R3, go through the loop door.
    - Enjoy Ending

    如果你懶惰看這個影片的話,下面是所有的步驟 :


    - 等到晚上12点和鐘聲停止
    - 步行10步並停止,然后你会听到第一次的宝宝笑聲
    - 聽到笑聲后暂停游戏
    - 如果你害羞無法對向麦克风大喊的話可以點播下面的影片
    - 你听到第二次婴儿笑聲后恢復到游戏中,但不要做任何事情,直到遙控器开始震动
    - 你會听到第三次的宝宝笑声,過後电话就會響了
    - 按R3接起電話,经过最后一个循环门
    - 享受結局

    Hit LIKE if this is helpful
    Thanks ;))

