

在 yards英文產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,913的網紅椪皮仔,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「每日英文閱讀分享#034-你因科技而快樂嗎?」​ ​ ▷文章:Robots Save Us Time — But Do They Make Us Happier?​ ▷總結:機器人幫我們做討人厭的雜事,大多數人都變得更快樂。但是有些人會因為機器人太人性化而覺得愧疚,或者是因為使用自動化產品被貼上「...

  • yards英文 在 椪皮仔 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-10-07 20:48:56
    有 31 人按讚


    ▷文章:Robots Save Us Time — But Do They Make Us Happier?​





    ▷單字分享:【tend to】​
    1. to be likely to behave in a particular way or have a particular characteristic​
    習慣用法為:tend to VR,​
    例句:The British traditionally tend not to display much emotion in public. --Cambridge Dictionary ​

    2. to pay attention : apply oneself​
    習慣用法也是:tend to sth
    例句:tend to your own affairs--Merriam Webster​

    1. to care for something or someone​
    例句:He carefully tended his sunflower plants. --Cambridge Dictionary ​

    文中例句:Robotic lawn mowers tend to our yards, robotic suitcases follow us through the airport, and smart cooking machines prepare ingredients and implement entire recipes.--Harvard Business​


  • yards英文 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-01-20 08:57:02
    有 2 人按讚

    Bat-swinging woman fends off invading bear

    A bear injured a 71-year-old man inside his home Monday evening after entering through a screen door ( ) and swiping ( ) the man multiple times with its claws ( ) when the two had a surprise encounter ( ) in his kitchen.

    The man was downstairs watching TV with his wife when he heard noises coming from upstairs. After going up the stairs ( ) and turning a corner into his kitchen, he was face-to-face ( ) with a bear.

    The man and the sow ( ) then engaged in ( ) what was described as a boxing match ( ), as the man tried to fend off ( ) this sow bear that attacked after the surprise run-in ( ).

    The wife rushed ( ) upstairs and hit the bear multiple times with a baseball bat, causing the bear to run away outside of the home. A cub ( ) was inside the home with the sow, and ran away with its mother after the encounter.

    The man received a number of lacerations ( ) to his face, chest ( ) and both arms. He was treated at the scene, but was not taken to a hospital.

    The attacked occurred around 8:45 p.m.

    Colorado Parks and Wildlife officers searched the area until approximately midnight. The search resumed ( ) at 5:30 a.m. Tuesday when a dog team from the USDA Wildlife Services arrived to aid in the effort to find the attacking bear. It was the same dog team that assisted last week with a mountain lion attack in Bailey.

    By 5:50 a.m. Tuesday, the dog team had located a bear in the immediate ( ) area and over the course ( ) of the next hour, the dogs, CPW wildlife officers and the officials from the USDA Wildlife Services tracked ( ) that bear.

    The bear was euthanized ( ) shortly before 7 a.m., roughly 900 yards from the home where the attack occurred. The cub has not been located.

    DNA samples will be sent to the University of Wyoming Forensics ( ) Lab for analysis to confirm if this is the bear from the attack. CPW policy states that when a bear attacks a human resulting in ( ) injury, that bear must be euthanized.

    Wildlife officers continue to monitor ( ) the area.













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  • yards英文 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-05-17 21:30:00
    有 333 人按讚

    英文的慣用語 (idiom) 就像中文的成語,常常意思跟表面不同,對於非母語人士必須要多加練習。喬今天整理了50個慣用語分享給同學們:

    ☛ a drop in the ocean 形容一件事情非常小、不顯著。

    ☛ Actions speak louder than words. 做比說的可靠。

    ☛ Add fuel to the fire 火上加油

    ☛ A penny for your thoughts 當你想知道別人在想什麼

    ☛ Ball is in somebody’s court 當下一個決定或下一步是掌握在他人手上

    ☛ Barking up the wrong tree 找錯該負責任的人

    ☛ Be a good catch 當一個值得一起結婚的人

    ☛ Beat around the bush 旁敲側擊

    ☛ Bend over backwards 願意去做某件事;盡力幫忙

    ☛ Bite off more than you can chew 接受超越自己能勝任的任務

    ☛ Blow somebody away 對某人印象極深

    ☛ By the skin of your teeth 幾乎就要失敗的成功了

    ☛ Couldn’t care less 對某事完全沒有興趣

    ☛ Cry over spilt milk 抱怨過去的損失

    ☛ Cry wolf 在不需要的時候請求協助

    ☛ Crunch time 一個項目完成之前,大家都必須非常努力的那段時間

    ☛ Curiosity killed the cat. 因為太好奇,而陷入令人不悅的情況

    ☛ Cut corners 偷工減料

    ☛ Cut somebody some slack 赦免某人、停止批評某人

    ☛ Cut to the chase 直接講重點

    ☛ Dig in your heels/ Stick to your guns 拒絕妥協、拒絕改變心意

    ☛ Down to the wire 最後一刻才完成某事

    ☛ Drive someone up the wall 使...非常惱怒/生氣

    ☛ Get out of hand 失去控制

    ☛ Get your head around it 了解某事

    ☛ Give the benefit of the doubt 相信某人的言論 (在沒有證據的情況下)

    ☛ Go down in flames 忽然間結束或失敗

    ☛ Hear on the grapevine 聽見謠言或尚未證實的故事

    ☛ Hit the books 認真唸書

    ☛ It takes two to tango. 至少需要2人(以上)

    ☛ Judge a book by its cover 以貌取人

    ☛ Jump on the bandwagon 參加流行的運動/活動

    ☛ Kill two birds with one stone 用同一個行為解決兩個問題 (一石二鳥)

    ☛ Leave no stone unturned 盡可能去完成一個目標

    ☛ Let the cat out of the bag 無意間透露一個秘密

    ☛ Make a long story short 講重點

    ☛ Miss the boat 遺失一個機會

    ☛ Once in a blue moon 非常小機率的發生了某件事

    ☛ Piece of cake 某件事很簡單

    ☛ Pull a rabbit out of a hat 做某件不在期待中的事情

    ☛ Pull yourself together 冷靜下來

    ☛ Run on fumes 當疲憊時,持續嚐試保持清醒

    ☛ Sell somebody out 洩漏某人的秘密

    ☛ Shoot from the hip 直接說話

    ☛ Sit on the fence 保持中心

    ☛ Skeleton crew 保持服務/辦公室運行的所需最少人數團隊

    ☛ Step up your game 表現得更好

    ☛ When pigs fly 形容某件事永遠不可能發生

    ☛ Whole nine yards 所有事情


    ✔ 喬的著作《我的第一本英文文法 國際學村出版》購買連結
    博客來: https://bit.ly/38nOl5H

    ☛ Blogger: http://ohjoseph86.blogspot.com/

    ☛ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ohjoe86

