

在 wreck用法產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過69萬的網紅Ruby 老師,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 😍😍😍今天復活很多了!Sorry大家一直沒有update~ 【English Time 生活英語】 talk shop 是什麼意思? 它當然不是什麼 「說話店」,也不是聊天室 (chat room)。 talk shop 其實是 talk about business 的意思, 也就...

wreck用法 在 Ruby Lin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-28 01:00:46

【English Time 生活英語】 talk shop 是什麼意思? 這個片語是很口語的用法,而且意思不好猜 它當然不是什麼 「說話店」,也不是聊天室 (chat room)。 talk shop 其實是 talk about business 的意思, 也就是「談公事」。如: Let’s ...

  • wreck用法 在 Ruby 老師 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-12-14 13:06:21
    有 231 人按讚


    【English Time 生活英語】
    talk shop 是什麼意思?
    它當然不是什麼 「說話店」,也不是聊天室 (chat room)。
    talk shop 其實是 talk about business 的意思, 也就是「談公事」。
    Let’s enjoy the party tonight and not talk shop.
    Ellen can’t stop talking shop, even at her own birthday party.
    這個片語也可以把兩個字反過來,變成名詞 shop talk 來用。意思就是「關於公事的談話」,比如有時跟同事出去玩或出席宴會場合,同事想一直講關於上班的事情,我們就可以說: No shop talk tonight, OK?

    「尬舞」這個新名詞在台灣的意思是 「以跳舞一決高下」,在英文裡的說法是用名詞 dance-off. 它搭配的動詞是 have, have a dance-off 就是和別人尬舞的意思。比如: Madonna and Lady Gaga had a dance-off on stage.
    The teenagers were having a dance-off.
    Kim challenged me to a dance-off.
    另外,如果是和別人「尬歌」,英文裡就叫 have a sing-off.
    例如: My friends and I had a sing-off at the new karaoke bar.

    「比中指」的英文其實很簡單,就叫 give (someone) the finger
    the finger (那根手指) 在這裡當然就是中指,也可以說 the middle finger ~

    如: Did he just give me the finger?
    I gave him the finger because he wouldn’t shut up.

    普通名詞則可以放 give 後面,也可以用 give the finger to someone 的句型。
    比如:I can’t believe Tim just gave the boss the (middle) finger.
    = I can’t believe Tim just gave the (middle) finger to the boss.
    The drunk driver gave the policeman the finger.
    = The drunk driver gave the finger to the policeman.

    「打勾勾」在英文裡的講法就是 make a pinky promise (to someone)
    如: She made a pinky promise to her daughter.
    I made a pinky promise to Ben (saying) that I would not tell anyone about his problem.

    有些人以為「狐狸精」叫 a foxy woman, 事實上要看情形而定。
    foxy 的意思,講得粗俗一點,就是指一個很「騷」的女人,中文和英文對狐狸這種動物的看法倒是「英雄所見略同」呀......
    a foxy woman 是一個帶著一點點負面意味的說法,a seductive woman 或是名詞 a temptress則是指性感, 充滿誘惑力的女性。
    比如: The young secretary is such a temptress.
    但是中文的「狐狸精」有時候指的是一個已婚男人外遇的對象 (還不見得是性感誘人的......) ,這時候就要叫 a homewrecker. (wreck 這個字是動詞 「破壞」的意思),所以 a homewrecker 字面上就是「破壞別人家庭的人」的意思。
    A temptress不一定是a homewrecker. A homewrecker 也不一定是a temptress 哦!

    「幸災樂禍」 的英文怎麼說?
    很多人如果被問到這個問題,可能都會被考倒或想盡辦法要用句子把這個成語翻譯出來。 事實上, “幸災樂禍” 的說法出奇地簡單,它就是用 gloat [glot] 這個動詞。要講因為什麼事而幸災樂禍的話,則是用 gloat over…
    比如: Are you here to gloat? (你是來這裡幸災樂禍的嗎?)
    I’m sure he’s gloating over my failure right now.
    Sally’s sister gloated over her failing business.
    (Sally 的姐姐對她的生意經營不善幸災樂禍)
    有趣的是, 在英文裡,「幸災樂禍」 只能當動詞用,只有在德文裡,才有一個字是用來講看到別人發生不好的事情時,有點開心的感覺 (很多哲學或心理學的字都是從德文來的。人為什麼在看到別人突然跌倒時,居然會想笑的這種反應 是個很有趣的心理學/人類學現象)
    在德文裡,這種因別人的不幸而產生的開心感覺,叫 schadenfreude [ˋʃɑdən͵frɔɪdə],
    有時候在文章裡或電視電影裡會看到或聽到這個字,是一個英文裡的「外來語」 用法。

    「心想事成」簡單的說法是:May all your wishes come true!
    或是 May you achieve anything your heart desires !
    而 「萬事如意」則是 May everything go your way !
    (注意因為 may 是助動詞, 所以後面的 go 要用原形) 。
    may 這個助動詞有很多種意思和用法,用在祝福別人的句型裡, 要把 may 放句首, 後面的動詞記得用原形。比如要祝人家健康快樂,就是 May you be healthy and happy.

    「扮家家酒」這種遊戲叫 play house
    如: Most little girls like playing house.
    Marriage is not playing house. (婚姻不是兒戲) 不過,如果當名詞的話,playhouse 兩個字連在一起寫,則是指上演舞台劇的劇院了,偶爾也有可能用在某劇團的名稱裡。

    資料提供來自Teacher Cecilia

  • wreck用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2013-09-06 18:53:24
    有 30 人按讚

    和Cause & Effect 有關的英文用法

    His presentation brought about the desired effect.

    There is a common belief that overeating is the primary cause of obesity.

    Do you think society has suffered any ill effects as a result of the invention of television?

    Poor living conditions breed violence and despair.

    These policies have wrecked havoc on the British economy.

    注解: wreck havoc/mayhem/destruction (on sth) (對~造成浩劫、騷亂、破壞)

    The lack of rain could spell disaster for farmers.

    注解: spell trouble/disaster/danger 招致麻煩、災難、危險

    What prompted you to buy that suit?

    The police are trying to establish the cause of the accident.

    The preliminary meeting sets the wheel of the new project in motion.

    It is likely to be some weeks before we feel the full effect of the rise in interest rates.

    The advertising campaign failed to produce the results we hoped for.

    The President’s decision to build a new nuclear power plant provoked an outcry.

    He was rendered speechless by the news.

    Can you name an invention that has been rendered obsolete by new technology?

    The riot was precipitated when four black men were arrested.

  • wreck用法 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2012-07-10 18:14:52
    有 2 人按讚

    下班了嗎? 忙祿的一天! 趕快來唸十句精彩對話補充一下營養!

    電影 The descendants - 繼承人生, 10 句精彩對話 Part 23

    Matt is doing the howdy thing to Julie Speer and trying to find a chance to have a conversation with Brian.

    1. I thought that was you. You've been in the paper so much lately.

    2. I figured you had to know Brian. He's been pretty involved.
    我猜你一定認識Brian。 他已經涉入很深

    3. Maybe we met in passing. I don't know.
    或許我們在無意間 (in passing, 這樣翻OK嗎?) 曾碰過面, 我不知道

    4. That's probably a conflict of interest.
    那可能會有利益上的衝突 (conflict of interest)

    5. Julie Speer: Do you guys want some lasagna? Matt: No, thanks, we just ate. Julie Speer: A drink then.
    Julie Speer: 你們要吃點千層派 (lasagna) 嗎? Matt: 不了, 謝謝, 我們剛用過餐。Julie Speer: 那喝點東西吧! (then的用法)

    6. We unhooked her from the machines this morning. She'll be dead in a few days.
    我們今早拔掉 (unhooked) 她的維生系統, 她這幾天就會離開人世了

    7. Alex: Why would she go for him? Matt: Beats me. Well, he's very articulate.
    Alex: 她怎麼會看上他? Matt: 我也搞不懂 (“Beats me!” Funny words), 他能言善道吧!

    8. I'm sorry. I never thought it would come to this.

    9. Look, I'm not here to wreck your life.
    聽著, 我來這不是要破壞 (wreck) 你的家庭

    10. I can't have you here. Do you understand that?

    Brian is nervous that Matt is gonna wreck his life if his wife knows everything.

    To be continued...

