

在 word越南文產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過53萬的網紅黃之鋒 Joshua Wong,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #Day28【全球聯署要求中共放人 —— Immediate Return of the 12 HK Detainees from Mainland China!】 Global Petition: https://bit.ly/save12youthspetitions 要求中共釋放十二手足的...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,上一集:【旅南之旅】河內 Day 1|平靚正海鮮餐|睇完英文文章好快唔記得點算? https://youtu.be/nT82ZR2u5N0 ♫ Music By ♫ ● Kronicle - Sunshine ● Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/the-ch...

  • word越南文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-09-19 19:01:04
    有 3,260 人按讚

    #Day28【全球聯署要求中共放人 —— Immediate Return of the 12 HK Detainees from Mainland China!】

    Global Petition: https://bit.ly/save12youthspetitions



    We urge people to sign on the petition that translated into Deutsche, Français, Español, Italiano, にほんご, 한국어, ไทย, Tiếng Việt, فارسی.

    🇩🇪Deutsche:Menschenrechte der Hongkonger*innen bewahren und die chinesische Regierung zur Freilassung von 12 inhaftierten Hongkongern auffordern!

    🇫🇷 Français:Sauvegarder des Droits de l'homme des Hongkongais! Exiger le retour des 12 Hongkongais!

    🇪🇸Español:¡Proteja los derechos humanos de Hong Kong! Pide al gobierno chino que devuelva a los 12 hongkoneses arrestados


    🇰🇷 한국어:홍콩인의 인권을 보장하라! 체포된 12명의 홍콩인을 송환할 것을 요구한다.

    🇹🇭ไทย:ร่วมลงนามพร้อมกันทั่วโลก: เพื่อพิทักษ์สิทธิมนุษยชนของชาวฮ่องกง ขอให้รัฐบาลจีนปล่อยตัวชาวฮ่องกงทั้ง 12 คนโดยทันที

    🇻🇳 Tiếng Việt:Bảo Vệ Nhân Quyền của Người Dân Hồng Kông! Yêu cầu trả lại 12 người dân Hồng Kông!

    ‏دادخواست جهانی: بازگشت فوری 12 هنگ کنگی بازداشت شده از چین به هنگ کنگ

    12港人關注組 #save12hkyouths


    12 Hongkongers were arrested by the China Coast Guard in the name of illegal entry on August 23rd. The arrest had caught global attention. One month had lapsed and still the families of the detainees had no word of their status and well-being. The Hong Kong government watched while the Chinese government lock up Hong Kong people in secrecy.

    Ever since their arrest, the families had contacted the Hong Kong Police and the Immigration Department, all efforts in vain. They were unable to contact the detainees directly. The three Chinese lawyers had been barred from contact with the 12 detainees. Not to mention the families who had appointed these lawyers.

    The appointed lawyers were told by officers at the detention center, that the detainees had “appointed” two other lawyers. This reveals the intention of the Government to assign Governmental Lawyers so as to deprive the legal right for the detainees and their families to seek their own lawyer.

    There have been countless incidents of the CCP’s infringement on demising human rights. In this occurrence, contact with family members lawyers of the 12 detainees have been rejected. The situation is dire and desperate. As a result, we urge for global awareness, support and solidarity, giving strength to the arrested Hong Kong people. We demand the Chinese and Hong Kong governments to be answered for and follow up on the four demands of these Hong Kong people’s families:

    1. Refuse the use “lawyers appointed by the government" and urge the Chinese authorities to immediately allow the lawyers entrusted by families to interview the 12 detained Hong Kong people.

    2. Request for Chinese authorities to provide appropriate and adequate medication for detainees in need.

    3. Request for the Chinese authorities in allowing detainees to call and contact their families.

    4. We demand the Hong Kong government to protect the rights of Hong Kong people and immediately bring the 12 detainees back to Hong Kong from China.

    ╞#存亡號召 #絕處逢生

