

在 without開頭產品中有35篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, There’s rhythm in writing! 🎶 這個禮拜Presentality的Andrew來分享英文寫作的節奏! ★★★★★★★★★★★★ 我的工作需要看非常多的英文。 其中有英文母語的人寫的,也有非母語的人寫的。最近,我注意到一個兩者之間很明顯的差別。這個差別很少有人提到,因...

 同時也有12部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅帕克,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#奧運#獎牌#銀牌#帕運 0:00 開頭 3:10 影片贊助者 這部影片特別感謝: 帕克的贊助會員 呂小冷 熱情贊助 「註」: 圖片僅為示意圖 並非代表當是者本人 不過 2:58 是真的喔 是中國游泳選手 孫楊 其他延伸觀看: 奧運選手其實很淫亂? 那些超乎想像的盛宴? https://y...

without開頭 在 ageloc_boost Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-11-02 12:36:49

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without開頭 在 Angie.L Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-04 18:08:16

✨Pasta alla norma di pesce spada Tra tutti tipi di pesci in Italia, la pesce spada è assolutamente La mia preferita!! Dopo assaggiato una volta in Si...

without開頭 在 梁士華 Monte Liong Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-16 23:40:25

SCO 2020ss 以前都是Jesse幫Slightly Numb 拍攝,現在換我來演繹一下SCO的示範穿搭!互助互惠國際。數量激少!已有數個顏色斷碼! 人生中有苦痛,也有失敗。 但追求自己的夢想時失敗了幾場,這比完全不知道自己在追求什麼而被擊敗要好太多了吧? J. There’s suffe...

  • without開頭 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-16 20:02:06
    有 199 人按讚

    There’s rhythm in writing! 🎶









    你可能會說 ok,以英文為母語的人比較會用短的句子,那又怎樣?句子的長短,跟我寫作的好壞,有關嗎?



    Well actually,你應該可以想像,這些就是要幫助我們睡眠的。






    📌 台灣案例:Taipei Times Opinion

    1. The TAIEX last month rose above 17,000 points as rallies in steel, shipping and some non-tech stocks offset a weakness in semiconductor and electronics stocks.

    2. While news about a cluster of local COVID-19 infections connected with China Airlines cargo pilots and a hotel in Taoyuan fueled selling pressure early this month and pushed the local stock market into consolidation mode, the daily market turnover in the first two trading sessions of this month hit fresh highs.

    3. Moreover, Taiwan’s stock trading volume last month began to surpass that of Hong Kong for the first time in 15 years, which was beyond most market participants’ expectations.

    4. Taiwan’s daily market turnover exceeding Hong Kong’s might gradually become a new normal from this year, and there are good reasons for this.

    5. First, Hong Kong’s stock market has lost its appeal to foreign investors since China last year imposed national security legislation on the territory, triggering a potential flight of capital and talent.

    6. Second, many wealthy Taiwanese tend to park their overseas funds in Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Switzerland and the US, but government statistics showed that more than 80 percent of funds repatriated by wealthy individuals last year were from Hong Kong, as they saw the political situation in the territory worsen after its self-governance, human rights and freedom of speech were further suppressed.

    7. Third, China’s new NASDAQ-style stock board — the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s STAR board — has emerged as a fast-growing capital markets center for Chinese companies at a time when rising China-US tensions have triggered concerns about their prospects of listing in New York, posing a growing challenge to the Hong Kong stock exchange.

    8. On the other hand, Taiwan’s economic fundamentals, the central bank’s adoption of extraordinary monetary easing and the government’s fiscal policies have fueled continued rallies in the nation’s stock market since last year.

    9. It might be too early to tell how long the consolidation trend might last, as a resurgent COVID-19 outbreak is coloring the global economic outlook, but some insight can be drawn from the stock market:

    10. Taiwan’s GDP grew a larger-than-expected 8.16 percent in the first quarter, as exports and private investment remained healthy.

    都是一堆很長的句子對不對?我們來看美國人寫的句子,也是一個主流媒體的 opinion 文。


    📌 美國案例:New York Times Opinion

    1. I miss torturing Liz Cheney.

    2. But it must be said that the petite blonde from Wyoming suddenly seems like a Valkyrie amid halflings.

    3. She is willing to sacrifice her leadership post — and risk her political career — to continue calling out Donald Trump’s Big Lie.

    4. She has decided that, if the price of her job is being as unctuous to Trump as Kevin McCarthy is, it isn’t worth it, because McCarthy is totally disgracing himself.

    5. It has been a dizzying fall for the scion of one of the most powerful political families in the land, a conservative chip off the old block who was once talked about as a comer, someone who could be the first woman president.

    6. How naïve I was to think that Republicans would be eager to change the channel after Trump cost them the Senate and the White House and unleashed a mob on them.

    7. I thought the Donald would evaporate in a poof of orange smoke, ending a supremely screwed-up period of history.

    8. But the loudest mouth is not shutting up.

    9. And Republicans continue to listen, clinging to the idea that the dinosaur is the future.

    10. “We can’t grow without him,” Lindsey Graham said.

    📌 Note: 即使是比較長的句子,這位作者也會用標點符號拆散它:She is willing to sacrifice her leadership post — and risk her political career — to continue calling out Donald Trump’s Big Lie. 這就好比用句點一樣,讓我們讀起來有點停頓休息的時間。


    📌 注意到了嗎?



    所以想到這裡,我從我的書架上,隨便挑了兩本跟科技有關的書出來。左邊的,是美國人,矽谷知名投資人 Peter Thiel。右邊的是德國人,但注意了,是一個英文非常好的德國人。他不但是世界經濟論壇的創辦人,研究所也是在哈佛大學唸的。


    📌 兩本書 Introduction 是怎麼寫的?

    Klaus Schwab (德國):

    Of the many diverse and fascinating challenges we face today, the most intense and important is how to understand and shape the new technology revolution, which entails nothing less than a transformation of humankind.

    We are at the beginning of a revolution that is fundamentally changing the way we live, work, and relate to one another.
    In its scale, scope and complexity, what I consider to be the fourth industrial revolution is unlike anything humankind has experienced before.

    Peter Thiel (美國):

    Whenever I interview someone for a job, I like to ask this question: "What important truth do very few people agree with you on?"

    The question sounds easy because it's straightforward.
    Actually, it's very hard to answer.

    It's intellectually difficult because the knowledge that everyone is taught in school is by definition agreed upon.

    See the difference?


    📌 如何變換節奏呢?

    需要Andrew的完整分享請留言「There’s rhythm in writing~」。

    Follow Presentality for more!

  • without開頭 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-15 20:56:14
    有 249 人按讚

    由演員 強尼・戴普 飾演傳奇攝影師 尤金・史密斯,紀錄日本熊本縣水俁市,因著工廠廢水而苦於”水俁病“的畸形兒及其家屬們。電影中尤金・史密斯有句話我很喜歡:

    “You cannot let your emotions run the show.”


    “I've never made any picture, good or bad, without paying for it in emotional turmoil.”


    "The first word I would strike from the annals of journalism is the word objective"



    後來尤金・史密斯 漸漸融入當地居民的感受中,也因著他與自己孩子關係的疏離,看到當地居民們為了孩子的抗爭,從他的反應看出整個事件影響的已經不再是身為攝影師的尤金,而是更深層情感面的尤金。



    最後當他拍下號稱紀實攝影中最有影響力的一張照片 - “浴盆裡的友子上村”,也就是電影開頭拒絕他拍攝的那個居民,那股藏在他心中累積已久的激動情緒,終於隨著快門剎那間釋放出來。當下我才明白他說的,如果要從紀實攝影史中刪掉一個詞,那便是“客觀”。



    我從不相信攝影是客觀的,無論是什麼形式。如同 美國攝影師 Ansel Adams 說過:“你不是在拍照,而是在創造一個畫面。”


    #Minatamna #水俁病 #惡水真相

  • without開頭 在 矽谷牛的耕田筆記 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-05 08:00:21
    有 96 人按讚

    今天這篇文章探討的是如何不使用 docker 工具來搭建一個 contaienr image。
    作者開頭就提到 docker 一個知名的安全問題就是要透過 root 的方式來建置 docker image。

    1. docker 此種設定的安全性問題
    2. 如何透過 Buildah & Podman 來作為取代的解決方案
    3. 如何透過 Kaniko 這個由 Google 維護的專案來取代 Docker

    文章前面簡單介紹 Docker 的架構, Docker Daemon 預設使用 unix socket 的方式去連接,導致 docker cli 也必須要使用 root 的方式去運行。

    為了從 root 的世界中脫離,作者提到可以使用 Buildah 來建置 container image 並且使用 podman 來運行 container。
    過往這些操作全部都由一個 docker daemon 完成,現在則是有不同的開源專案負責處理各自功能,更像專業分工。

    這邊再次提醒,一切的一切目前都是基於 OCI 的標準去完成,所以 docker 建置完成的 image 可以透過 podman 運行,反過來 buildah 建置的 image 也可以透過 docker 去運行。

    Kaniko 基於一個非 root 的身份來建置 contaienr image,更常見的使用環境是於 container 內透過 kaniko 去建置 contaienr image。
    因為此特性,該工具也可以很漂亮的於 Kubernetes 內去使用,



  • without開頭 在 帕克 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-08-06 22:30:14

    0:00 開頭
    3:10 影片贊助者

    呂小冷 熱情贊助


    不過 2:58 是真的喔
    是中國游泳選手 孫楊

    奧運選手其實很淫亂? 那些超乎想像的盛宴?
    鳳梨竟然會讓嘴巴爆血? 吃鳳梨為何會咬舌?


    The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat:
    Spontaneous Expressions of Medal Winners of
    the 2004 Athens Olympic Games
    The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat:
    Spontaneous Expressions
    of Medal Winners of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games
    Without My Medal on My Mind: Counterfactual
    Thinking and Other Determinants of Athlete Emotions
    Counterfactual thinking and facial expressions
    among Olympic medalists:
    A conceptual replication of Medvec, Madey, and Gilovich's (1995)

  • without開頭 在 腸腸 - 原文遊戲實況與翻譯 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-18 12:39:15


    00:00 美好甜蜜的開頭
    01:35 故事劇場(光明版)
    06:19 磨坊主與惡魔討價還價
    11:04 女孩被砍掉雙手
    14:58 國王的梨子園
    20:46 出發打仗
    24:54 惡魔掉包信件
    30:17 荒野與天使
    35:14 以手還手
    42:15 故事劇場(黑化版)

    • 腸腸 Chun2_1222 •
    ✧YouTube 頻道 : https://www.youtube.com/c/chun2_1222
    ✧Facebook 臉書:https://www.facebook.com/Chun21222
    ✧Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chun2_1222
    ✧翻譯 Blog: https://forgettingfish.blogspot.com/

    #腸腸遊戲攻略 #Americanmcgeegrimm #格林童話驚魂記

  • without開頭 在 張偉軒小提琴 woodyviolin Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-31 16:07:35

    這是張偉軒小提琴老師為學生所錄製的 小步舞曲G大調 貝多芬 ~ Minuet in G - Beethoven (ベートーヴェン/34 メヌエット ト長調。 篠崎 バイオリン教本 4/5冊) 小提琴演奏示範拉奏 Violin performing

    整個樂曲可以分成三部份:ModeratoTrioModerato1.Moderato: 由兩個 8 小節的樂段組成,總共 16 小節。曲調的特點是重複但優雅的八分音符和十六分音符連奏模式。
    2.Trio: 特點是流暢、不間斷的八分音符。

    Ludwig van Beethoven's Minuet in G major,  No. 2 is a composition originally written for orchestra, but was lost and only an arrangement for piano could be found. It has become very popular.The minuet is in incipient ternary form, A-A-B-A
    the three parts are:
    The Moderato section features a melody, marked legato (to play in a smooth, even style without noticeable breaks between the notes). 

    The trio section features non-stop eighth notes . It starts with an eight-measure modulating passage repeated once and moves on to another eight-measure passage that ends in the tonic, and is also repeated once. 

    The last section, which is Moderato also, is a repeat of the first section, but without the repeat. It is that which makes the piece an incipient ternary song form: A-A-B-A.

    元々は管弦楽曲として1795年に作曲され、1796年にウィーンで出版された。しかし現存するのはピアノ編曲版のみである。これは《ピアノのための6つのメヌエット 第2部》というタイトルで出版されたが、「第2部」と書かれているのは同年に作曲された《2つのヴァイオリンとバスのためのメヌエット》WoO9(但しベートーヴェンの真作かどうかは確証されていない)を意識してのことではないかとされている。

    ➡️ If you like my video, please support me by making a donation. I really appreciate your generous support!

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    楊欣展 台中 鋼琴老師/鋼琴伴奏老師

    #篠崎#小提琴演奏 #小提琴示範 #小提琴教學

