

在 without同義產品中有11篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【力量訓練的「訓練量」該如何設定?】 跑者的訓練量俗稱「跑量」,單位是「公里」,所以月跑量三百是指一個月總訓練距離300公里。在力量訓練圈的「訓練量」(Training Volume)常是「總反覆次數」 (Total Repetition)的同義詞;而「月總量」就是指一個月的總反覆次數,像我們會...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過36萬的網紅Atsueigo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Happy - Pharrell Williams の歌詞解説動画です。英語学習者向け 和訳しすぎないように気を付けています。 [Official Video - 公式動画] Pharrell Williams - Happy (from Despicable Me 2) [Ballroom Ve...

without同義 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 14:41:03

[#EnglishEverywhere🌋 ] 乒乓女混奪銅嘅蘇慧音早幾日就寫咗篇全英感謝文,我哋發現佢啲英文其實真係唔錯,都有啲幾值得學嘅地方,所以今日就同大家一齊研究吓! 1️⃣ “Olympics, the most glamorous stage for athletes around t...

without同義 在 Gary ?? 英文老師 (小籠包老師) Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-11 09:40:01

➡️ Swipe for more synonyms of "perfect" 更多同義詞 ➡️ 滑動 Follow: #lildragonbunessaywords for more videos like this ✅ Vocabulary 單字: 【Perfect】(adj) comple...

  • without同義 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-24 06:00:57
    有 78 人按讚


    跑者的訓練量俗稱「跑量」,單位是「公里」,所以月跑量三百是指一個月總訓練距離300公里。在力量訓練圈的「訓練量」(Training Volume)常是「總反覆次數」 (Total Repetition)的同義詞;而「月總量」就是指一個月的總反覆次數,像我們會建議初跑者的月跑量最好不要超過100公里一樣,在做重訓時,有沒有一個區間可以讓大家參考呢?下面是《The System》的作者群建議:



    從帳面上來看,750這個數字分配到一個月十二到十六次課表當中,看起來似乎很小,但我們這們所定的750這個數字比較像是「基本量」,而非下限,如果總反覆次數低於750下,就不會為運動員的成長帶來實質的影響。表 4.14 中的數值並不是意味著高水平或菁英運動員在四週內的總反覆次數永遠不會有低於1,000次情況發生,那只是維持成長的基本量。對運動員的恢復能力影響最大的是訓練量,因此這些範圍中比較需要注意的是上限的數值。若月總量超過上限值,恢復能力將快速到受到侵害,而且侵害的速度比任何其他因素都快。








    The absolute floor of volume for a novice athlete is 750 total exercise repetitions per month, and the ceiling for the elite athlete is 1,600 total reps. During our time in the former Soviet Republics, we witnessed athletes performing even higher monthly training volumes. However, as we found later, that was often with the benefit of performance-enhancing substances that allowed for more rapid recovery.

    In a single cycle, the total number of repetitions pertains to all exercises performed in the key movements. This means 750 total repetitions are spread between the different exercises among the range of training intensities we want to emphasize.

    On the surface, these can seem like small numbers when we consider they may be spread out over 12 to 16 training sessions. That 750-rep total is really more like the basement rather than the floor of total volume—any less than 750 will not budge the needle on gains. That does not mean advanced or elite-level athletes will not have cycles that dip below 1,000 reps. These ranges should be more prescriptive of the ceiling of higher volumes to avoid exceeding. Pushing monthly volume beyond these ranges erodes recovery more rapidly than any other factor.

    An elite-level athlete can use a month with a total volume of under 1,000 reps, as will often be the case when returning to training. However, a novice athlete can rarely exceed the 1,000-rep ceiling without risking an injury or a significant overtraining effect.

    Many coaches worry their athletes will not do enough work to promote gains in strength and power. They do not want to “waste” a month by aiming too low on total volume and leaving some gains in the tank. That is a natural feeling when adopting this method, and each of us went through the same mental struggle.

    Strength coaches in America are not hard-wired to accept less than maximum. However, trust us when we say that without fail, these ranges have proven to be the most effective in generating progress with almost no risk of overtraining.

    Fine-tuning where your athletes fall in a volume range takes skill, experience, and consideration of their medical and training history, biological and training age, and gender.
    The bloody trail of our mistakes can save you a lot of added stress: When in doubt, it is always better to err on the side of less volume than too much.

    The total volume number does not include accessory work or exercises of “local effect.” Those exercises are more targeted muscle strengthening or exercises to support the main movements.

    We are mainly concerned about the most physically taxing exercises that demand more of an athlete’s attention to technique—hence, the volume restrictions.

    Although the accessory work is not included in the volume calculations, you still cannot go wild, adding as much as you want. Always remember this: efficiency first.

  • without同義 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-19 21:42:43
    有 257 人按讚

    🔔 進度報告:
    🚚 09/21依訂單順序開始出貨,選擇【店到店】寄送的學員,已開始寄送。近期務必留意手機簡訊,攜帶證件至門市取貨哦!

    🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 美國奧勒岡大火 🇺🇸

    📰 West Coast Fires Fueled by Winds as Dangers Continue
    Blazes tear through small towns; ‘It looks like a bomb went off’

    📌 這篇文章關於美國西岸 (West Coast)大火,這些大火是被風激起的 (fueled by winds),危險持續存在 (dangers continue)。blaze (烈火) 是fire的同義詞。

    TALENT, Ore.—Residents and officials have begun surveying the vast destruction in Oregon’s small towns while gusty winds and low humidity continue to propel wildfires that have burned millions of acres and displaced thousands of people across the Western U.S.
    Conditions remain dire, and a top Oregon official said Tuesday that control of the conflagrations—two of which have been burning since mid-August—could still be weeks away.

    📌 這兩段說明居民 (residents) 和官員 (officials) 已經開始調查(survey) 美國 Oregon 的小鎮 (small towns) 廣泛破壞 (vast destruction)。大風 (gusty winds) 和 低潮濕 (low humidity) 繼續推動(propel) 野火wildfires)。displace是常見的動詞。當地一位高級官員說還要幾個星期才可以控制大火災O (conflagrations)。

    At least 34 people have been killed so far in the wildfires in California, Oregon and Washington state, part of a wider outbreak that has scorched more than 4.7 million acres in 11 states, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. In California alone, an area larger than the state of Connecticut has been burned this summer.
    The National Weather Service issued a Red Flag Warning early Tuesday for parts of Northern California and Oregon, indicating extreme fire conditions exacerbated by wind and drier air.

    📌 這兩段告訴讀者,在美國三個州的野火,到目前為止,至少奪走34條人命。這些野火是更大的爆發 (wider outbreak),影響了美國11個州。國家氣象局 (the National Weather Service) 發出紅旗警告 (Red Flag Warning),表示極端大火狀況 (extreme fire conditions),會因為風和乾燥的空氣 (drier air) 而惡化 (exacerbate)。

    On Tuesday, Sandra Spelliscy, Talent’s city manager, toured the streets, passing by whole neighborhoods and commercial areas that were destroyed last week. “Half of Talent is gone,” she said.
    About 700 homes and businesses were leveled in the city of 6,400 people, and officials estimate that as many as 20% of them are now without a place to live. Ms. Spelliscy and her staff are still tallying up the financial losses. “I cannot even begin to wrap my head around what it’s going to take for the city to get through this, to recover financially,” she said.

    📌 這兩段報導城市經理 (city manager) (即負責管理城市的官員) 參觀街道,經過上周被破壞的鄰近地區 (neighborhoods) 和商業區(commercial areas)。市内約7000個家 (homes) 和事業(businesses)被夷平 (leveled),其中20%無家可歸 (without a place to live)。tally up (計算)、financial losses (財務損失) 和 wrap one’s head around something (明白某東西)是道地用語。

    A day earlier, Michael “TonTon” Antonopoulos surveyed the twisted metal, charred beams and piles of ash that were the remains of TonTon’s Artisan Affections, his cafe known for its vegan Mediterranean food and lively parties.

    “It looks like a bomb went off,” the 50-year-old Mr. Antonopoulos said.
    The cafe was wiped out along with hundreds of other businesses in Talent and neighboring Phoenix by last week’s fast-moving Almeda Drive Fire, which also killed four people. A downtown stretch where TonTon’s once stood along with several other shops is now a smoky ruin. The bookstore, the antique store and another building that Mr. Antonopoulos was turning into an event space are all gone.

    📌 這三段引述一家咖啡店 (cafe) 老闆一天前視察 (survey) 店的殘餘(remains)。他說破壞像炸彈爆發 (a bomb goes off)。wipe out (徹底摧毀)也是常見的片語。


    📰 全文請至
    📰 作者
    Zusha Elinson and Alicia A. Caldwell
    📰 訂閱請至

  • without同義 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-12-12 15:04:11
    有 112 人按讚

    【王老師寫給你看】因為這個原因,台灣 GRE考生的分析寫作分數全球吊車尾。。。

    台灣學生在寫像GRE Issue 這種議論文時,最常出現的問題就是:文不對題。



    As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

    某一位同學針對這個題目,寫了一個主題句 (Topic sentence):

    Technology can definitely broaden our horizons because there is a lot of information we can gain from the Internet. With this curiosity, people can…


    若很少寫議論文、訓練邏輯,可能會覺得 broaden our horizons (拓展視野), curiosity (好奇心)會跟 think for themselves (獨立思維能力) 很相似。

    ✔︎ 但問題就是「相似」不代表一樣。

    如果在前兩句話不出現 think for themselves 的「同義概念」,就注定離題。


    By gaining access to great amounts of information on the Internet, a product of technological advancement, people can train their independent thinking skills since they will have to think critically in order to tell right from wrong.

    ⚑ 這邊的 think critically 呼應了題目的 think for themselves。


    Some may argue that by gaining access to great amounts of information on the Internet, a product of technological advancement, people, when encountering problems, can swiftly find ready-made solutions without the need to make an effort to reflect on the problem at hand.

    ⚑ 這邊的 reflect on 就算是合理的 “think” 的替換字。

    最後大家有發現嗎?我把 the Internet 後面補了一個 a product of technological advancement,因為不這樣補的話,會很像我們擅自把題目的 Technology 改成的 the Internet。

    大家在GRE Issue 寫作時要特別小心這種「偷換概念」的狀況喔。

    若你接下來有準備 GRE考試的計畫,我將在 12/16 (一) 的 GRE 高分公開課中,我將基於8年的機經題庫,剖析GRE考試的最新趨勢和分享有效的備戰策略,若你/妳接下來有要備考GRE的計畫,歡迎你來參加喔!

    ➠ ➠【公開課報名】 ➠ ➠

    ➤ 時間: 12/16 (一) 19:30 ~ 21:00 (19:00 進場_
    ➤ 地點: 台北市朱崙街60號2F (MRT 南京復興站)

    王梓沅 (GRE V166 / 穩定 AW 5.5, PR 98、TOEFL 117、IELTS 滿分)
    賓州大學 (UPenn) 社會語言學碩士
    創勝文教共同創辦人、GRE 課程負責人
    《GRE 學霸字彙》作者 (2019 眾文圖書出版)

  • without同義 在 Atsueigo Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-07-28 21:02:54

    Happy - Pharrell Williams の歌詞解説動画です。英語学習者向け

    [Official Video - 公式動画] Pharrell Williams - Happy (from Despicable Me 2) [Ballroom Version]:

    Happy (from Despicable Me 2) is eligible for revenue sharing with copyright owners as per Music Policies.(この音楽はMusic Policiesにより著作権所有者との収益シェアが可能になっています。)

    Lyrics (歌詞&和訳&解説)

    "It might seem crazy what I'm about to say"

    "Sunshine she's here, you can take a break"

    "I'm a hot air balloon that could go to space"

    "With the air, like I don't care, baby, by the way"

    "Because I'm happy"

    "Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof"

    "Because I'm happy"

    "Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth"

    "Because I'm happy"

    "Clap along if you know what happiness is to you"

    "Because I'm happy"

    "Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do"

    "Here come bad news talking this and that, yeah,"

    Well, give me all you got, and don't hold it back, yeah,

    Well, I should probably warn you I'll be just fine, yeah,

    No offense to you, don't waste your time

    Here's why


    Bring me down
    Can't nothing bring me down

    My level's too high


    【英語学習サイト Atsueigo.com】

    【オリジナル英単語帳 Distinction I & Distinction II】


    これをやればスピーキングの能力&点数 (TOEFLやIELTS)、ほぼ間違いなく上がる自信があります!!!

    Distinction I 紹介ページ: http://distinction1.atsueigo.com/
    Distinction II 紹介ページ: http://distinction2.atsueigo.com/

    【オリジナル英単語学習本 VOACABULARIST】
    ATSUの英単語暗記メソッドをとことん解説したオリジナル英単語暗記本 VOCABULARIST。

    - 本書の3つの特徴




    - 目次
    Chapter 1 英単語学習の意義
    Chapter 2 英語学習の流れ
    Chapter 3 英単語学習の全体像
    Chapter 4 英単語学習の目標
    Chapter 5 英単語学習の戦略
    Chapter 6 英単語学習の 3 つの基本戦術
    Chapter 7 英単語学習の応用戦術〜構造分析
    Chapter 8 英単語学習の応用戦術〜画像(イメージ)暗記
    Chapter 9 英単語学習の応用戦術〜クロスレファレンス暗記
    Chapter 10 英単語学習の応用戦術〜語源暗記
    Appendix 巻末付録: 接頭語・接尾語マップ







    英検1級 (2010 - 大学2年生)
    TOEIC970点(L495、R475) (2010 - 大学2年生)
    ⇒その後990点獲得 (2014-大学院2年生)
    TOEFL iBT 103(R26 L23 W28 S26) (2010 - 大学2年生)
    ⇒その後114点(L30 R28 S27 W29)を獲得(2015)
    米国公認会計士試験全科目合格 (2013 - 大学院1年生)
    IELTS8.5 獲得しました。(L9.0 R9.0 W7.5 S8.0 OA8.5)(大学院2年生)



