

在 winter體重產品中有31篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Hao的旅行筆記,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #歐洲景點100選undercorona 092. 西班牙🇪🇸塞哥維亞 Segovia 在033.的時候曾經介紹過托雷多,塞哥維亞是馬德里近郊另外一個很受歡迎的小鎮,塞哥維亞最有名的景點是在老城區的水道橋,塞哥維亞的羅馬水道橋大約有2000年的歷史,至今保存的非常完整,塞哥維亞的老城區在1985年...

 同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Siu Mei小美,也在其Youtube影片中提到,關於我的身高體重~身高 171CM 體重 53KG 屬於中央肥胖身型~肚腩很~~~~大!盤骨也較闊~ 片中提及的產品資料: Look 1 通花針織短版上衣 (已下架) [email protected] 顯瘦小蠻腰內刷毛寬褲 M NT$790 http://bit.ly/3o3eSMV Look ...

winter體重 在 Hao的旅行筆記 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-17 19:40:00

#歐洲景點100選undercorona 092. 西班牙🇪🇸塞哥維亞 Segovia 在033.的時候曾經介紹過托雷多,塞哥維亞是馬德里近郊另外一個很受歡迎的小鎮,塞哥維亞最有名的景點是在老城區的水道橋,塞哥維亞的羅馬水道橋大約有2000年的歷史,至今保存的非常完整,塞哥維亞的老城區在1985年...

winter體重 在 iamKuan Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-20 09:49:41

隔離14天減肥法 Losing weights during Quarantine - 自從去年九月底回歐洲四個月 一開始健身房有開到後來健身房關閉 到聖誕節回立陶宛狂吃 以我的食量真的沒辦法不去健身房運動 每天開始吃垃圾食物 身體也越來越胖 拍照+照鏡子的次數也越來越少 我也完全不想po限時動態...

  • winter體重 在 Hao的旅行筆記 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-07 19:01:08
    有 63 人按讚

    092. 西班牙🇪🇸塞哥維亞




    #europe #spain #segovia #aquaduct #town #travel #winter #breathtaking #beautiful #atemberaubend
    #歐洲 #西班牙 #塞哥維亞 #冬天 #旅遊 #美景
    #スペイン #spanien #espagne #旅行 #美しい
    #europa #reisen #voyage #viaje

  • winter體重 在 王姿允醫師。我的無齡秘笈。 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-07 09:26:48
    有 426 人按讚


    另外他提到的夏季至冬季會莫名的情緒煩躁,而到了春季又改善,很像是「冬季憂鬱症」(Winter blue),更正式的診斷名是季節性憂鬱情緒(Seasonal affective disorder ,SAD) ,常在秋季開始,到冬季嚴重,春季改善。


    而發生原因主要是跟調節人理時鐘的荷爾蒙有關,當不能適應冬季晝短夜長、日照時間短的變化,當褪黑激素跟血清素的原料5-羥色氨酸 (5-Hydroxytryptophan, 5-HTP)的合成減少,就會造成情緒低落。









  • winter體重 在 寶總監的寶之國與他的狗王子 Empire of Director Bao & Niku & Baku Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-30 06:30:08
    有 3,090 人按讚

    Apei wrote many things into my Baku book. Mainly how to raise dogs, his life experience with dogs and about dog breeds. Its very useful information so please take a look. I translated it into English for everyone to read.

    I wanted to raise all the big dogs available around the world. I wanted to takes turns raising all the big dogs, but I fell for Mastiff.

    Ever since when I was very young, I had a dream to raise all the big dogs available throughout the world. I started working at a very young age. Over the years, I had owned a Neapolitan Mastiff, Great Dane, Caucasian Shepherd, and finally now I am totally focused on taking care of my Tibetan Mastiff.

    To be honest, no matter what the breed, each dog is cute & lovable in its own way. Having own so many dogs, I slowly figured out what I like the most.

    Neapolitan Mastiff, for example, has saggy faces and very short hair. If you don’t clean him up after a meal, the dog can very easily have allergic reactions or skin diseases. It’s quite a chore taking care of this breed of dogs.

    Great Danes are beautiful and usually possesses a lengthy body, but I like ones with a thicker and wider body.

    Caucasian Shepherd is perhaps a breed that is closest to my ideal type. However, shepherds are more primitive, they are not that friendly to small dogs.

    As far as Tibetan Mastiff goes, they are loyal, and gentle around kids, women, and other small animals. Especially during winter, a Tibetan Mastiff would change into a long fur coat, appearing so confident and proud, as if everything else is beneath them.
    When I got to owning a Tibetan Mastiff, that’s when my heart and mind went: “This is the one!” And so… I have been raising one ever since.

    All the dogs I had previously, I have always had them until they passed away peacefully in my arms due to old age. The average lifespan of large-sized dogs are usually a lot shorter than small-sized dogs. 10 -15 years, I would say, is probably the max.

    To manage a large-sized dog, the key is on teaching. I often tell my friends: “As a dog owner you have to be dominant, you have to be more dominant than your dog.” Show ‘em who’s the boss in the house, so to speak lol. As a dog owner if you wish to take your large dog out for a walk, you have to start taking them for a walk when they are still very small, let them get used to walking alongside you, this is basically to socialize them.

    Remember tho, you are taking them for a walk, not the other way around. You have to let them see more, let them become familiarize with what’s happening on the outside. This way, it will lessen the occurrence of your dog having violent reactions to unfamiliar or unknown objects.

    Basically, unless your dog is sick, a dog only starts biting people out of “fear.” They fear that his owner will be attacked, that’s why he goes into “combat mode.” Of course, a dog that is less socialized or a dog with a less dominant owner will more likely become violent (including biting) when they feel threatened or panicking.

    This is the owner’s fault, and not on the dog. Once you improve upon the way you walk the dog and educate the dog the right away, the dog’s violent behavior and violent tendencies will show an improvement.

    Mastiff also goes by another name, “guardian dogs.” If you let a Mastiff stay in one place for over 30 minutes, he’ll think that this place is his place, his territory, and will starting defending it by being aggressive to passerby, this is something to be aware of.

    The question that I was asked the most is… “Mastiffs eat a lot, don’t they? So you must’ve spend a lot of dog food, right?”

    I am more catering to my dog, that’s for sure. I’ll let him eat the good stuff --- beef, full chicken, lamb… But you don’t have to do it like me, tho, just feed him regularly so your dog is not hungry. If you have the time, take him for a walk or a jog, or bathe him, he is going to be really really happy if you do so.

    Lastly, I want remind everyone, as far as large dogs go, because of their huge physique they have tons of pressure on their feet, so it’s best for a dog owner to raise a large-sized dog on a non-slippery floor. Also, for a dog that is not yet 6 months old, don’t let the dog do too much jumping and running because his hip joint isn’t fully developed yet. That’s two things you should keep in mind. So as long as you take the time to walk your dog and do a bit of exercise, you’ll be able to keep their legs healthy, which will reduce a lot of the dog’s leg problems.

    No matter big or small, a dog is family. If you got one, please take care of him/her for the rest of its life. Lastly, just want to say, You reap what you sow.