

在 widen三態產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9萬的網紅夫夫之道Fufuknows,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 想傳遞一份關於生命的喜悅給你們❤️ 今天夫夫小視窗暫停一次,但我們想和大家分享,夫夫小視窗的英文字幕翻譯——Sheila的好消息。 其實大家會發現,我們每週一、三、五的影片都有英文字幕,是來自不同的三個人,有新加坡的小洋蔥、在哈佛大學攻讀博士的醫師,和星期五夫夫小視窗...

  • widen三態 在 夫夫之道Fufuknows Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-15 20:58:49
    有 1,036 人按讚


      I want to share the joy of life to all of you.
      We won’t have Fufutalk this week. However, we want to share with you a piece of good news about our Fufutalk English subtitles translator, Sheila.
      You may have noticed we have English subtitles for all our videos on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. They are from three different person. There’s a Singaporean; a doctor studying his PhD in medicine in Harvard; and Sheila who takes on the translation for Fufutalk.
      Sheila is a Psychiatrist in New Zealand, and she is also one of our little onions. The reason we call her one of our little onions is because she came to know about us after the first year we started Fufuknows.
      She has done most of the translation for our LGBT pride videos and Fufutalk videos. She keeps saying it’s her job to walk alongside struggling people, and our videos did the same thing in a different way. Our Fufudrama had supported her through some of her darkest days, so she grew to appreciate and then actively support what we do.
      She supported us to buy cameras, encouraged us to register for Vidcon in the States. She wanted to widen our horizons, so that we can see the world with different perspectives.
      We became good friends. She had spent several days with us in Taiwan. She kept encouraging us throughout the last few years, trusting we should be seen by more.
      Moreover, she started off being an atheist, somewhat skeptical about religion as a whole. Then she watched our videos on Buddhism and on Fuo Guang Shan. These changed her mind on Buddhism, so much so that she gave Buddhist activities a try. The integration of science and religion was what she found the most helpful.
      I can never forget what she said to us. She said, “someone once opened a door for me. I am passing that on by opening a door for the two of you. When you become stronger, pass it on by opening a door for someone else. Bring them forward.” This will always be on our minds.
      We are writing about her today because, after our Fufutalk next week, we will cease to have English translation for Fufutalk.
      That’s because Sheila is pregnant! She is going to give birth soon. Her baby is finally coming! She has chosen this child, and this child has chosen her. We believe they will form a great family.
      We want to say thanks to her by this article. We wish her all the best for her delivery. This is the ultrasound photo of her baby, how cute!
      We have decided! Leo and myself will be godfathers no. 1 and 2!

  • widen三態 在 愛放學After School Fun Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-07-11 11:37:30
    有 30 人按讚


    The “circle time” is one of the key aspects of our camp. During this session, we talk about what we have learned, or problems might have arisen throughout the day. It is a great opportunity for the children to reflect on the classes and provide feedback, however, they always manage to turn the discussion to a much more substantial debate. This only proves our theories right: although the children are still very young, we definitely shouldn't underestimate them- they are the ones who “widen our horizons and deepen our own understanding”.

    # STEAM概念程式設計夏令營

    時間:8/12 (一) ~8/23 (五) 2019

    同時還有其他夏令營都還有少數名額要搶要快唷!�⚽️ 英文玩樂學 Soccer+Lego Boost夏令營 (全英文雙週營)�僅一梯:7/15 (一) ~ 7/26 (五) 2019�對象:5~10歲
    課程內容:http://afterschoolfun.strikingly.com/#5�🎬 小小魅力Youtuber (全英文五日營)�僅一梯:8/5 (一) ~ 8/9 (五) 2019�對象:6~12歲
    課程內容:http://afterschoolfun.strikingly.com/#7�🎯 準小一生自主學習熱身營(雙語五週營) �僅一梯7/29 (一) ~ 8/29 (四) 2019�對象:升小一

    另有常態課:�1. 108學年度低年級課後STEAM概念沈浸式英語班 (8/30起)�2. 中、高年級小班制新聞/科學/生物時事英語討論班(三人開課)
    3. 學齡前STEAM英語課程�有著相同理念的家長們,可以到愛放學官網了解更詳細的課程內容�愛放學官網:http://afterschoolfun.strikingly.com�聯絡電話:02-2658-2883 �地址:台北市內湖區內湖路一段411巷12-4號

  • widen三態 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-10-05 21:58:52
    有 248 人按讚


    📚 俐媽英文教室:常見字尾
    1. -aire/ -ian/ -ant/ -ent/ -ee/ -eer/ -er/ -eur/ -or/ -ar/- ier/ -ess/ -ician/ -ist:與"人"有關 (e.g. billionaire, applicant, employee, engineer, entrepreneur, waitress, musician...)
    2. -age:行為 (e.g. passage...)
    3. -al/ -ance/ -ancy/ -ence/ -ency:動作 (e.g. disposal, hindrance, excellence...)
    4. -cy:狀態 (e.g. bankruptcy...)
    5. -hood:關係、年紀 (e.g. childhood, sisterhood...)
    6. -ice:狀態 (e.g. justice, cowardice)
    7. -tion/ -sion:動作、過程 (e.g. abortion...)
    8. -ism:信念,主義 (e.g. criticism, capitalism...)
    9. -itude:度量,狀態 (e.g. attitude, altitude...)
    10. -ity:抽象 (e.g. curiosity...)
    11. -ment:行為,工具 (e.g. compliment, instrument...)
    12. -ness:狀態 (e.g. consciousness, emptiness...)
    13. -ry:總稱 (e.g. poetry, jewelry...)
    14. -ship:狀態,關係 (e.g. championship, relationship...)
    15. -th:性質 (e.g. depth, length...)
    16. -ure:結果 (e.g. seizure...)
    17. -y/ -ty:狀態 (e.g. loyalty, modesty...)
    18. -ure:狀態 (e.g. departure, pressure...)
    📗 形容詞篇:
    1. -able/ -ible:能力 (e.g. capable, feasible...)
    2. -al:屬性 (e.g. confidential, func5ional...)
    3. -ant/ -ent:性質 (e.g. important, radiant, patient...)
    4. -ary/ -ory:性質 (e.g. imaginary, compulsory...)
    5. -ate:性質 (e.g. accurate, absolute...)
    6. -ful:充滿 (e.g. handful, graceful...)
    7. -ic/ -ical:性質 (e.g. academic, poetic, economical...)
    8. -ile:易於...的 (e.g. facile, sterile...)
    9. -ior:比較 (e.g. interior, superior...)
    10. -ish:屬性 (e.g. childish...)
    11. -ive:特性 (e.g. attractive, massive...)
    12. -less:否定 (e.g. helpless, harmless...)
    13. -ous:充滿,特性 (e.g. jealous, courageous...)
    14. -y:包含,充滿 (e.g. windy, bloody...)
    📘 動詞篇:
    1. -ate:動作 (e.g. activate, originate...)
    2. -en:使 (e.g. widen, worsen...)
    3. -ify:使,...化 (e.g. beautify, classify...)
    4. -ize:使,...化 (e.g. realize, civilize...)
    5. -le:反覆 (e.g. scribble, twinkle...)
    📙 副詞篇:
    1. -ly:副詞 (e.g. roughly, certainly...)
    2. -ward:方向 (e.g. afterward, upward...)
    3. -wise:方向,位置 (e.g. otherwise...)
    📔 單字要背熟,一定要:
    1. 邊念邊照音節順序拼字,並重覆多寫幾遍。
    2. 一天分睡醒後、早上通車上學、中午吃便當、下午通車回家、晚上換科目讀書的空檔、以及睡前至少六遍以上接觸該單字。
    3. 把小單字本及雜誌字卡放在桌子軟墊板下面,隨時隨地抓緊零碎時間背單字。
    4. 背完一定寫題目自我驗收,不要自己球員兼裁判,感覺自己背熟了,隔天卻被考卷電得亮晶晶。
    5. 確實收看網版課程,乖乖聽EEC/文法AED課程,認真寫網版講義/考古題/回測考卷並訂正除錯,程度一定大躍進。
