

在 whisk打蛋器產品中有21篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5萬的網紅食飽去旅行,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🌠電飯煲蛋糕🧡Rice Cooker Cake Recipe 最簡單的做法✨無須打蛋器,無須食物秤,一個杯子就夠🔥 No whisk, no food scale, one cup is enough🔥 ✨食材: 5個雞蛋,蛋清分離加2滴檸檬汁,半杯糖分3次加入, 半杯牛奶,1/3杯玉米油,1杯低...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,920的網紅M’s Kitchen 親子入廚小天地,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#不須用打蛋器 #自家製 #曲奇 食譜/Recipes https://mslovekitchen.blogspot.com/2020/07/blog-post_22.html Recipes: Vanilla~ 20g unsalted butter 20g icing sugar 20g ...

whisk打蛋器 在 Ben Lee 李鴻賓 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-06 04:52:49

奶油南瓜通心麵 Creamy Pumpkin Macaroni 以往家裡的南瓜總是用來料理濃湯,但最近試了這道料理,總是讓人百吃不膩。 這道料理以南瓜泥搭配通心麵,料理中更以蒜香肉末來增添口感,讓料理更有層次,一起來試試吧! ------------------- 南瓜泥|2人份 南瓜(去皮、切...

whisk打蛋器 在 monet_kitchen Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-06-15 11:17:41

. Formosa “Tri-Gem” Ice Cream Bowl / Banana, Pineapple, Mango ① Purée peeled and seeded mango 300g, pineapple 300g, cook each with low heat until th...

whisk打蛋器 在 Ben Lee 李鴻賓 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-06-03 16:58:04

奶油南瓜通心麵 Creamy Pumpkin Macaroni 中午隨手煮了這道通心麵,覺得特別好吃,所以拍下來和大家分享。 這道料理以南瓜泥搭配通心麵,口感滑順又帶有奶油香氣,完全是一道能擄獲全家人的料理。 料理方式及食材都很好上手,跟著這次的食譜,一起來試試吧! -------------...

  • whisk打蛋器 在 食飽去旅行 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-16 23:00:00
    有 27 人按讚

    🌠電飯煲蛋糕🧡Rice Cooker Cake Recipe 最簡單的做法✨無須打蛋器,無須食物秤,一個杯子就夠🔥
    No whisk, no food scale, one cup is enough🔥



    ✨Ingredients: 5 eggs, separate the egg whites, add 2 drops of lemon juice, add half a cup of sugar in 3 times, 1/2 cup milk, 1/3 cup corn oil, 1 cup low-gluten flour, corn oil brush rice cooker

    #蛋糕 #cake #homemade #ricecookercake #電飯煲蛋糕 #手做 #甜點 #homecooking #dessert #hongkong #美食 #台灣美食

  • whisk打蛋器 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-27 12:00:00
    有 23,836 人按讚

    過年知道大家都好想我較蒸糕,今次教大家椰汁年糕,我依個版本同傳統有小小唔同, 想知點整就記得睇了,記得交功課呀😁

    📌oil 30克

    1. 先用小火在210g 水中煮溶所有
    片糖後, 待涼
    2. 將三種麵粉全部一起過篩, 並可
    3. 將(1)的糖水過篩, 如未涼攪幾下
    4. 將(2)的麵粉中間整個洞, 將糖水
    5. 加油入粉漿内可用手動打蛋器或

    6. 讓攪匀的粉漿静止20分鐘(可以
    7. 將粉漿再次撹匀,然後再過篩倒
    入蒸盆, 蓋上錫紙
    8. 用蒸爐100度蒸1至1.5小時視乎
    粉漿厚度. 如用明火蒸, 大火滾
    起後, 用中大火蒸. 注意⚠️不要
    蒸完加一粒紅棗在中間, 完成!

    肥媽 Maria Cordero
    YouTube Live – January 26, 2021 Recipe English Version
    Simplified Coconut Chinese New Year Cake (“Nian Gao”)
    Flour Ingredients:
    Glutinous rice flour - 225g
    Wheat starch (“Teng Mein”) - 30g (or replace with cornflour)
    Rice flour - 37g
    These flours combination will not give you a sticky and hard texture. It will be soft, bouncy, and chewy the next day instead of hard and sticky.

    If you wish the make the traditional version, just omit the wheat starch (“Teng Mein”) and rice flour from the recipe and the rest remain the same.

    Sweetener ingredient:
    Chinese dark brown sugar - 200g or about 2 slabs (break into small pieces so they melt faster)

    Liquid ingredients:
    Water - 210g
    Coconut milk - 120g (for more intense coconut flavor you can use coconut cream)
    Oil - 30g or about 2 ½ tbsp

    Garnish ingredient:
    Chinese red date

    Other utensils:
    Stand mixer – optional
    Balloon whisk - optional
    Oiled steam proof pan for steaming
    Foil paper or plate to cover the pan

    1. In a large mixing bowl, you MUST SIFT the glutinous flour, rice flour, wheat starch (“Teng Mein”) into the bowl and mix well. Make a hole in the center. Set aside. This is your flour mixture.

    2. In a cooking pot, add in Chinese dark brown sugar pieces, water, and turn on LOW heat to melt the sugar. DO NOT use high heat because it will evaporate the water.

    3. Once it starts to boil, TURN OFF the heat and keep stirring to speed up the melting process.

    4. Pour the melted sugar through a sifter into a large bowl to make sure there are no hard lumps of sugar left and MUST let it stand to cool to room temperature before mixing with other ingredients. Keep stirring to speed up the cooling process.

    5. Once it is almost cool, add in the coconut milk. Mix well. This is your liquid mixture.

    6. Add ONLY about ¼ of a cup of the liquid mixture into the well of the flour mixture prepared in Step 1.

    7. Mix well with a spatula until all the liquid is absorbed into the flour. Continue with the rest of the liquid mixture by adding about ¼ cup at a time into the flour mixture and mix well before adding the next ¼ cup of liquid mixture. Be patience. **DO NOT add all the liquid into the flour at once.**

    8. Once all liquid mixture has been mixed in with the flour, give a final good mix with a whisk and making sure there is no dry flour left.

    9. Add the oil and continue mixing with a whisk until the oil is well incorporated into the batter or you can use an electric stand mixer, attached with a balloon whisk, and mix until you get a smooth batter about 1 minute or so on low speed.

    10. Leave the batter in the mixing bowl and let it sit and rest for about 20 minutes. This step is VERY IMPORTANT to let the flour absorbs all the liquid and moisture for even flavor and a better tasting cake. This step also replaces the traditional way of laborious kneading of the batter.

    11. Preheat the steam oven to 100C (212F).

    12. After 20 minutes, mix the batter again with a spatula because flour will fall to the bottom of the bowl again after a waiting period.

    13. You MUST SIFT the batter again into a bowl. This will make sure you get a smooth cake after.

    14. Pour the batter into an oiled steam proof pan. Flatten any bubbles on the top surface with a toothpick. Cover the pan with a foil paper or plate to prevent condensation drippings.

    15. Steam for 1 hour to 1 ½ hour depending on the thickness of your batter in the pan. Prefer to over steam instead of under steam.

    DO NOT steam on high heat to prevent bubbles formed on the top surface of your cake when done.

    16. The cake is done when you stick a bamboo stick into the center of the cake and comes out clean.

    17. Garnish with a red date by placing it in the center of the cake.

  • whisk打蛋器 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-20 09:09:09
    有 389 人按讚


    喔耶!又到了歡樂星期五!趕緊來分享前幾天 #請點菜 發文,大家票選第一名想學的料理。

    各式各款的 #棒蛋糕,我做過無限多次。工具從最基本陽春的一只打蛋器(whisk),到手持式攪拌機(hand mixer),桌上型攪拌機(stand mixer),我都做過。這次用「食物處理機」(food processor)試試看。




    欸!其實 #我也有拍影片耶!大家想看嗎?



    奶油 80g
    細砂糖 100g
    雞蛋 2顆
    中/低筋麵粉 80g
    可可粉 20g
    巧克力 20g (事先隔水融化)

    糖漬柳橙皮 (食譜連結放最後一張照片)




    出爐後放涼,我習慣以保鮮膜包裹起來,#熟成回潤 1-2天。食用前擠上巧克力再擺上糖漬柳橙皮😋






    小小威力大的 #Magimix mini plus 開團啦!
    ▶這裡購 https://reurl.cc/Ez00l0
    恆隆行總代理,公司貨有保障, 12/17依序出貨

  • whisk打蛋器 在 M’s Kitchen 親子入廚小天地 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-23 12:32:22

    #不須用打蛋器 #自家製 #曲奇



    20g unsalted butter
    20g icing sugar
    20g egg white
    vanilla extract
    10g almond flour
    10g cake flour

    20g unsalted butter
    20g icing sugar
    20g egg white
    1 tsp cacao powder
    8g almond flour
    8g cake flour

    20g unsalted butter
    20g icing sugar
    20g egg white
    1 tsp matcha powder
    8g almond flour
    8g cake flour

    Follow and Subscribe
    Facebook Fans Page:
    M’s Kitchen 親子入廚小天地



  • whisk打蛋器 在 EAT AT HOME 食・家 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-08-03 19:36:12


    材料 (四個份量)
    雞蛋4隻 (如之前放在雪櫃,要先在室溫放30分鐘以上)
    糖 (分別打蛋白和蛋黃用)33克兩份共66克

    紙包蛋糕模具4個,杯口直徑X杯底直徑X高度 為  7.5 X 5 X 6.5 cm

    1. 牛油先置於容器並放在熱水中,溶化成為液體狀
    2. 牛油紙剪成18x18cm,然後摺好放入蛋糕模內
    3. 焗爐預熱至170度
    4. 麵粉過篩
    5. 蛋白及蛋黃小心地分開,注意蛋黃不可以掉到蛋白內
    6. 先將蛋白用打蛋器的中低速打發,直至全部打成小泡沫後,放入三份一的糖(約11克),同時將打蛋器轉至高速,然後打至蛋白轉成白色後,再放入三份一的糖,最後當糖完全溶化及蛋白開始「企身」,加入最後的三份一
    7. 蛋白打至「修長」尖峰下垂 (soft peak) 的狀態
    8. 洗乾淨打蛋器後,用高速打發蛋黃,糖分數次慢慢加入,直至轉成淡黃色
    9. 蛋白分三段加入至蛋黃液,用接疊(fold)的方式攪拌
    10. 分批加入麵粉,再用接疊(fold)的方式攪拌,成為麵糊
    11. 將一點麵糊(約四湯匙)加入牛油內,稍為混合後,分三次倒入麵糊內,輕輕用接疊(fold)的方式攪拌
    12. 將麵糊平均放到蛋糕模內,大約八分滿左右
    13. 放入焗爐170度焗30分鐘

    Hong Kong Style | Paper wrapped cake
    Paper wrapped cake is commonly found in Cha Chaan Teng (cafe serving quick meals) in Hong Kong. These cakes are wrapped with baking paper which had a traditional old Hong Kong look.

    These little sponge cakes are made from 4 ingredients only, which are flour, sugar, egg and butter. We can make it anytime at home.

    Here I would like to share the video about how to bake the paper wrapped cake, with English subtitle. Hope that you will like this Hong Kong old style recipe.

    Ingredients (4 servings)
    4 eggs (brought to room temperature)
    65g unsalted butter
    33g sugar x 2 (total 66g)
    65g all purpose flour

    Baking paper
    4 cake molds (top width x bottom width x height 7.5 X 5 X 6.5 cm)

    1. Melt the butter with the hot water bath
    2. Cut the baking paper into 18x18cm dimension, put it inside the cake mold
    3. Pre-heat the oven to 170 degree celsius
    4. Sift the flour
    5. Carefully separate egg white and egg yolk
    6. Whisk the egg white with electronic eggbeater, start with the medium-low speed, add 1/3 portion of sugar (11g) until foams are formed. Increase the speed at the same time.
    7. When the egg white becomes white in color, put 1/3 portion of the sugar, keep whisking in high speed
    8. While the sugar is totally melt and the foams become stable, put the rest of the sugar
    9. Whisk the egg white until the soft peak is formed
    10. Wash the eggbeater, whisk the egg yolk with high speed, add the sugar gradually. Whisk until it becomes pale yellow in colour
    11. Fold the egg white into the egg yolk in 3 portions
    12. Fold the sifted flour into the egg mixture in serval times
    13. Put 4 tablespoons of batter into the melted butter and mix well
    14. Fold the mixture into the batter in 3 portions
    15. Pour the batter into the cake mold until 80% full
    16. Put the cake mixture into the oven and bake for 30 minutes with 170 degree celsius

    #香港懷舊 #童年回憶 #簡易焙焙

  • whisk打蛋器 在 Ytower Cooking channel Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-08-23 10:36:23

    一分鐘神奇大泡芙 Big Magical Puff Pastries

    Puff Pastries

    A.奶油 15g
    沙拉油 15g
    水 45g

    B.中筋麵粉 40g
    泡打粉 2g
    C.蛋 1.5-2顆
    D.起酥片 1片

    A.15 grams Butter
    15 grams Salad Oil
    45 grams Water

    B.40 grams General Purpose Flour
    2 grams Baking Powder
    C. 1 1/2 - 2 Eggs
    D. Puff Pastry Sheets 1 Sheet




    Preparation Method
    1. First, mix ingredients A and bring to a boil. Add sifted ingredients B and boil. (Stir well using a wooden spoon.) Saute until it becomes a thick paste. (Pot may have a fried layer on the bottom.) Done when it reaches 75℃.

    2. Place product of step 1 into a steel pot. Use a whisk to mix and agitate the batter down to a temperature of about 60℃, then slowly add the egg ingredients C (Tips: The egg needs to be added in slowly so as to evenly and fully integrated into the batter.) When you take up the batter it must be capable of being poured into triangular molds.

    (Key Point: The timing of taking the batter and pouring it into the triangular molds is the key to success!

    3. Take an 18 cm * 18 cm sheet of commercially available puff pastry sheets and envelope about 100 grams of the batter from step 2. Next, fold up the four corners to each other and pinch the edges together, and bake them at greater than 180 ℃ / 180 ℃ for about 30-35 ± 3 minutes. Bake until the puff pastry gaps take on the flakiness of a top quality puff pastry.

    奶油 50g
    低筋麵粉 50g
    鹽 4g
    胡椒粉 少許
    鮮奶 200g
    鮮奶油 100g
    海鮮高湯 400g


    洋蔥絲 1/4顆
    蒜頭碎 3顆
    蝦子 10尾
    蛤蝦 25顆
    中卷 1/2卷
    飲用水 600g
    花椰菜碎 適量




    天天買菜 天菜網



