有沒有發現,一年四季身邊都總有周身痕的朋友。除了天氣、壓力、生活及飲食習慣的影響外,其實不期然接觸了致敏源也會引致突發性的全身痕癢!這種接觸性皮炎,會導致皮膚敏感或濕疹爆發,在出汗後、溫度稍為升高或臨睡前更會感覺特別痕癢。除了會突然出現一大片紅腫,又熱又紅又痕癢的皮疹外,也有可能伴隨全身發熱、作悶、頭痛、水腫等。最常見發作的元凶都離不開「濕」、「熱」。 接觸性皮炎的致敏源眾多,可以是動物性、植物性,又或是化學性物品,甚至日常生活中常見的任何東西,都有可能引起的突發性的皮膚敏感或濕疹。一般來說,只要不再接觸致敏原,多數在1至2周內可痊癒。
- 出現突如其來的痕癢
- 皮膚泛紅、發熱,有紅斑
- 出現隆起的丘疹及風團
- 嚴重更有可能出現水疱、滲液
- 不熬夜,以免耗傷陰血
- 別用過熱的水洗澡
- 盡少接觸清潔劑如洗潔精等,盡可能戴手套
- 發作期時不應磨砂,以免刺激皮膚
- 塗無添加的天然保濕潤膚液
- 戒吃動風發物如蟹、蝦、貝類、菇類、茄子、雞蛋、鵝肉、竹筍等 - 如有皮疹泛紅、發熱痕癢可以試試皮膚痕痕茶療:
- 材料:地膚子10克、白癬皮10克
- 做法:材料放入保溫瓶內,先以熱水沖洗一次,再注入熱水焗15分鐘至出味。
- 功效:清熱化濕,適合皮膚泛紅或痕癢。
Sudden itch all over the body
Do you have some friends who seem to always have itchy skin? In addition to the effects of weather, stress, daily life and eating habits, exposure to sources of stimulus can also lead to sudden body itching! This type of contact dermatitis can cause skin irritation or eczema outbreaks, and it may be particularly itchy after sweating, temperature rises slightly or before going to sleep. In addition to a sudden appearance of a large red swelling area, hot and red and itchy rash, it may also be accompanied by body heat, nausea, headache, edema. The most common causes are ‘dampness’ and ‘heat’. Contact dermatitis has many allergens, which can be from animal, phytochemical, or chemical, and even anything common in daily life, causing sudden skin sensitivity or eczema. In general, most people heal within 1 to 2 weeks as long as you are no longer exposed to allergens.
If you have the following symptoms, you may be suffering from acute contact dermatitis!
- Sudden itch
- Skin redness and heat, erythema
- Bulging pimples and wheal
- When severe, you may have blisters and puss
#男 #女 #我疲憊 #我煩躁 #濕熱 #濕疹
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