

在 well-known同義字產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅小提琴家林子安,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【今晚跳探戈|New Video Out】 ⠀ 今天送給大家這首阿根廷探戈舞曲的代表,也是全世界樂迷所最為熟知而深深愛上的探戈旋律。 很多電影都不約而同引用了這一段華麗而動人的探戈旋律作為音樂背景,作為影片中絢麗的亮點,最為人所熟知的就是在電影女人香,這隻舞曲也是電影史上最經典的探戈片段之一。 ⠀ ...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅KAOHAOCHE Official,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Next K-HOW Album "ZENWAVE" 2021.02.28.SUN. _____________【ZENWAVE】_____________ 專輯製作人 Producer|高浩哲 Kaohaoche 詞曲 Lyricist & Composer|高浩哲 Kaohaoche 編曲 A...

well-known同義字 在 林子安/AnViolin Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-08-11 15:56:24

【今晚跳探戈|New Video Out】 ⠀ 今天送給大家這首阿根廷探戈舞曲的代表,也是全世界樂迷所最為熟知而深深愛上的探戈旋律。 很多電影都不約而同引用了這一段華麗而動人的探戈旋律作為音樂背景,作為影片中絢麗的亮點,最為人所熟知的就是在電影女人香,這隻舞曲也是電影史上最經典的探戈片段之一。 ⠀ ...

  • well-known同義字 在 小提琴家林子安 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-01 00:57:06
    有 404 人按讚

    【今晚跳探戈|New Video Out】


    Por Una Cabeza有個很好的中文譯名叫做一步之遙,面對生活中的困境我們很多時候會望而卻步,如同電影中的主角會有孤獨會有迷茫,會想抽身會想放棄,但電影告訴我們人生就像探戈舞曲一樣不應該真正停步。


    Here comes cover of the day: the classical music for Argentine tango, and it is also the well known melody deeply loved by fans all over the world.This beautiful piece of music was showed up in many movies as the background music, among which is the scent of a woman, and was regarded as the brilliant highlight in the film.

    The song was at first about the intricate and inseparable love between lovers. But after watching the movie, I I realized that our life is just like the endless tango.

    TBH, there's a well translated Chinese meaning for Por Una Cabeza, called within a stone's throw.
    When facing difficulties in life, we are often discouraged, of course, but just as the characters in the movie who would at times be lonely and confused, and others want to go away and give up, the movie was telling us that life should not just stop there.

    hope y’all enjoy the life inspiring tango!
    Feel free to come to Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out on my Instagram stories! ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀
    小提琴 Violin: 林子安 Lin Tzu An
    鋼琴 Piano:@neonlu1010
    攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor:@santon.w
    文字編輯 Social media editor/manager:Lily Wu

  • well-known同義字 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-12-12 18:30:15
    有 148 人按讚

    [時事英文] 「政治名嘴」英文怎麼說? It's not "famous mouth."


    1. a political commentator 政論家

    A person who analyzes and discusses topics in politics and sports is called a commentator. If you want to hear opinions on the news rather than the news itself, listen to commentators.

    Political commentator 稱為評論員。如果觀眾想聽有關新聞的意見,而不是新聞本身,可以參考評論員。

    Source: https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/commentator


    2. a political analyst 政治分析家

    According to the CIA, a political analyst supports policymakers by producing and delivering written and oral assessments of the domestic politics, foreign policy, stability, and social issues of foreign governments and entities. A political analyst can also appear on television as a political commentator.

    根據美國中央情報局的定義, political analyst 的工作為制定和發表對外國政府和實體的國內政治,外交政策,穩定以及社會問題的書面和口頭評估,為決策者提供支持。政治分析家也可以作為政治評論員出現在電視上。

    Source: https://www.cia.gov/careers/opportunities/analytical/political-analyst.html


    3. a TV personality 電視人物

    A TV personality is person who appears on TV a lot and is famous for that reason. Such a person might be a game show host or a news anchor.

    TV personality 是經常出現在電視上並因此而出名的人。這樣的人可能是競賽節目主持人或新聞主播。

    Source: https://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/tv-personality


    4. a political pundit 政治專家,權威

    A pundit typically refers to a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and is therefore often asked to give an opinion about it. A pundit who discusses politics would be known as a political pundit.

    a political/foreign-policy/sports pundit 政治/外交政策/體育權威

    Pundit 通常是指對某個特定主題了解很多的人,因此經常被要求對此發表意見。討論政治的專家將被稱為political pundit。

    Source: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english-chinese-traditional/pundit


    5. a political talk show host 政論節目主持人

    talk show guests 節目來賓

    panelist 專題討論小組參加者

    A talk show or chat show is a television programming or radio programming genre in which one person or group of people discusses various topics put forth by a talk show host.

    A talk show 是一種電視節目或廣播節目類型,其中一個人或一群人討論脫口秀主持人 (host) 提出的各種主題。

    Usually, guests consist of a group of people who are learned (such as current affairs experts or pundits) or who have experience with whatever issue is being discussed on the show for that episode.

    通常,來賓由一群博學的人 (pundit) 例如時事專家或某領域專家組成,或者對該集節目主題有相關經驗可以探討的來賓。

    A panelist is one of a group of well-known people who answer questions on a radio or television program. A panelist can also refer to a specialist who has been chosen to give advice or opinions on a particular subject.

    Panelist 是一群在廣播或電視節目中回答問題的知名人士之一。Panelist 也可以定義為針對特定主題提供建議或意見的個人技能或專業知識。



    時事英文大全: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Y8



    Image Source: Google Image Search

  • well-known同義字 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-04-16 05:33:45
    有 4 人按讚

    【相煎何太急】(English writing below)
























    "More than 90% Feng Shui practitioners are doing the basics wrong!"

    I saw this from website of a young Feng Shui entrepreneur, who just started to ply his trade.

    My first thought was: is it necessary to trample over others and deceive others, for the sake of money?

    Have you witnessed the abilities of all Feng Shui Masters from all over the world?

    Let's not go too far, and just take Singapore for instance. If we include all the full-timers, part-timers and hobbyists, I think there are easily several hundreds, if not thousands, Feng Shui practitioners. Some of them studied under a Master for years, while some acquire the knowledge from their ancestors. And there are those who become consultants, after attending external courses.

    Did you do a very thorough check on their skills, before drawing this conclusion? Or did you base your statement on hearsay?

    If there is no verifiable truth and authentic checks, then you are just trying to bluff your way through. You deliberately stir up emotions of insecurity in people who have consulted other masters, so as to lure them to you.

    What big words. What unethical way of marketing just to make yourself some money.

    Few years ago, a lady Feng Shui practitioner wrote untruths about me on her FB. One workshop participant of mine felt unjust for me, and as she offered words of consolation to me, she mentioned that a friend of hers knew that Feng Shui practitioner whose sexual orientation was actually...

    I did not let her finish her words, "If we continue talking about this, we would be engaging in gossip. That is not my style."

    Smearing my name and who she likes are two different matters.

    To defame me so as to win more FB Likes is a problem in her character. If I laugh at her sexual orientation with others so as to feel better, that becomes my morality problem. Do not do unto others what you do not wish for others to do to you. I have no intention to hurt her behind her back, so why should I wallow in the mire together?

    Moreover, whoever we like does not have any influence on our professional capability and aspiration.

    The only thing that matters: Is a Feng Shui practitioner who deliberately creates falsehoods deserving of clients' trust, for them to place their destinies and families in her hands?

    One female reader told me about her family's experience with a well-known Feng Shui master. As the conversation progressed, she mentioned how this master was unable to speak Mandarin. There seemed to be a hidden veil of mockery in her words.

    My reply to her: I do not gossip about others.

    This Feng Shui Master brought Chinese Metaphysics to the whole world, allowing the Westerners to sit up and take notice of our Chinese culture. That is a good thing after all. Secondly, his emergence inspired the younger generation of Chinese to pay attention to Chinese Metaphysics once again. Why should we focus on his weak point and make a hooha about it? What meaning is there? Not like we will have more money in our pockets. Also when we commit sins in our speech by gossiping about him, we will cede our good fortune to him.

    No way is it worth it.

    As Chinese Metaphysics practitioners, we have to study the Bagua very well to be able to benefit sentient beings. Not study gossip and become an entertainment news station for the amusement of the masses.

    There are already many outsiders who look down on us, disbelieve us and even laugh at us as conmen who are ignorant, promoting supernatural stuff and cheat others of money. If we continue to cut at one another's throats, these people will just be eating popcorn as they watch us.

    Instead of winning over more clients, we will turn out to be the biggest losers.

    No matter what school of Feng Shui we are from, if we trace all the way back to the origins, we are all born from the same root.

    To all fellow heroes and comrades, why don't we focus our efforts in educating the masses? Lead by example and demonstrate to them how to be a first-class human worthy of a premium Destiny.

  • well-known同義字 在 KAOHAOCHE Official Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-02-25 22:16:09

    Next K-HOW Album "ZENWAVE"

    專輯製作人 Producer|高浩哲 Kaohaoche
    詞曲 Lyricist & Composer|高浩哲 Kaohaoche
    編曲 Arrangement|Rollmeajointyella , Rayloloo , FORGOTTEN
    錄音 Recording|高浩哲 Kaohaoche , Rayloloo
    混音 Mixing|Rayloloo , DUSA
    視覺設計 Art Direction|吳建龍 FKWU , 朱智顯 Goodboixian
    專輯設計 Album Design|吳建龍 FKWU
    3D 設計 CG Art | 朱智顯 Goodboixian
    動畫導演 CG Director|朱智顯 Goodboixian
    標準字設計 Logotype|鄧承忠 Johniizzz
    周邊設計Peripheral Design|張傑夫 SUPIGS , 鄧承忠Johniizzz
    行銷企劃 Marketing Planning|黃培華 Sunday Huang , 高浩哲 Kaohaoche
    活動企劃 Event Planning|高浩哲 Kaohaoche , 黃培華 Sunday Huang , 魯光孟 About Ris
    MV導演 Music Video Director|鄒舒斐 SHUFEIZOU
    專輯文案 Album Copywriting|古尚恆 Ku Da Yeast




    《ZENWAVE》除了呈現高浩哲的心境轉變,同也體現其耕耘多年的音樂思維之躍升。除了足以代表其音樂風格的808 Trap,不論是80’s帶有Cyberpunk科幻風味的Synth Sound、國際潮流上逐漸嶄露頭角的Drill,甚至是嘗試搖滾、House等跨界曲風。他並不滿足只被定義為一線陷阱歌手。




    The concept of “Zen” originated from ancient Sanskrit(ध्यान,dhyāna),which means quiet down one’s mind, putting one’s heart into a singular focus. “Zen” can be interpreted as a behavioral pattern based on “tranquility”. One can only move forward by slowing down and earn more by empting out. Through the meditation of tranquility, erasing all the noise inside, that we can strengthen our mind and develop higher intelligence.

    Since the album《日頭赤炎炎》focus on the struggle of young generation released in 2019, here comes the fifth album《ZENWAVE》from Taiwanese trap king K-How. After many year’s ups and downs, K-How went through various different emotions, anger, sadness, ecstasy…etc. This time K-How chose to transcend worldly attachment, restart from a inner status of “Zen”, disregarding all the external hustle, leaving only pure mindfulness in his heart, K-How is no longer lost, no matter life or his creations, he goes with his own flow and keep moving forward.

    What《ZENWAVE》presented is not only the mental changes of K-How, but also the development of his music aesthetic over the years, except his iconic sounds of trap 808s or synth sound with 80’s cyberpunk characteristic, he even try to combines elements of Rock, House Music into this album, showing that he’s not satisfied with only being a trap music artist.

    The all-star production team are comprised of Helicrew’s main producer Raylo, the usual suspect – singer/electronic music producer Dusa Naga, he also invited the well-known Taiwanese hip-hop producer ROLLMEAJOIENTYELLA who’re known for countless award-winning hit songs that he produced for across mandarin hip hop scene, from artists like Taiwan’s hip hop superstar MJ116 to Chinese top hip hop artists like BRIDGE、MACOVERSEAS to participate in the beat-making process.
    From album’s sound selection, visual artwork to the subtle details in his music video, K-How implement lots of local folklore culture including imagery of Nezha. who died fighting the upper class and finally succeeded in the confrontation, which K-How symbolized himself as Nezha, sacrificing his life for young generation in Taiwan, expressing the conflict in between different generations and traditional values thru his music.
    K-HOW continues his dark style on top of strong album concept, production team, no matter if he succeeds or not, K-HOW’s already leaving marks on this never-returning path.

    02 就是你
    03 筋斗雲端
    04 媽祖托夢
    05 龍蛇混雜
    06 就等我出山
    07 做鬼也風流
    08 切切
    09 ZENWAVE
    10 ZENAX
    11 趴數
    12 別人的失敗就是我的快樂

  • well-known同義字 在 林子安 AnViolin Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-31 22:30:10

    ■ 更多林子安:

    For business, please send private message to my Instagram or Facebook fan page.

    ■ 更多【Cover by AnViolin】:https://bit.ly/2vWVtF5

    🎶樂譜連結 Sheet Music🎶


    電影經典配樂女人香《Por Una Cabeza》小提琴版本 | Violin cover by Lin Tzu An of Por Una Cabeza


    Por Una Cabeza有個很好的中文譯名叫做一步之遙,面對生活中的困境我們很多時候會望而卻步,


    歡迎大家在沒有下雨的週末到信義區香堤大道,聽cover歌曲的live版!詳細演出相關資訊,我都會更新在我的Instagram 限時動態!


    Here comes cover of the day: the classical music for Argentine tango, and it is also the well known melody deeply loved by fans all over the world.
    This beautiful piece of music was showed up in many movies as the background music, among which is the scent of a woman, and was regarded as the brilliant highlight in the film.

    The song was at first about the intricate and inseparable love between lovers.
    But after watching the movie, I believe tango was given a deeper meaning about our lives.
    Tango is not afraid of making mistakes, for you can start over. Tango is not afraid of ending, because you can dance again. So at the moment I realized that our life is just like the endless tango.

    TBH, there's a well translated Chinese meaning for Por Una Cabeza, called within a stone's throw.
    When facing difficulties in life, we are often discouraged, of course, but just as the characters in the movie who would at times be lonely and confused, and others want to go away and give up, the movie was telling us that life should not just stop there.

    hope y’all enjoy the life inspiring tango!

    Should you have any request regarding cover songs, just comment below and let me know.
    Also please share the video and subscribe to my channel https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ.
    Don't forget to click the 🔔 bell to be notified when my videos come out!

    Visit me at Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out details on my Instagram stories!


    編曲Arrange:林子安 Lin Tzu An
    混音Remix:林子安 Lin Tzu An
    小提琴 Violin: 林n子安 Lin Tzu An
    鍵盤piano : Neon lu
    攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W
    文字編輯 Social media editor/manager: Lily Wu


    🎻Sponsor AnViolin🎻
    (Via Paypal)Sponsorship:https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin


    【Cover by AnViolin】每週上傳新的小提琴cover影片,
    喜歡的話請訂閱我的頻道 https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ

    還想看子安cover什麼歌?留言跟我說 !



  • well-known同義字 在 林子安 AnViolin Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-12-27 21:30:12

    ■ 更多林子安:
    For business, please send private message to my Instagram or Facebook fan page.

    ■ 更多【Cover by AnViolin】:https://bit.ly/2vWVtF5


    Tones and I《Dance Monkey》小提琴版本
    | Violin cover by Lin Tzu An of Dance Monkey from Tones and I

    這週cover的是超強洗腦神曲Dance Monkey,一路橫掃多國排行榜冠軍名單,整個歐洲都淪陷!



    歡迎大家在沒有下雨的週末到信義區香堤大道,聽這些cover歌曲的live版!詳細演出相關資訊,我都會更新在我的Instagram 限時動態!


    Here comes my weekly updated cover.
    It's Dance Monday from Tones and I !!!!
    Dance Monkey has been sweeping major music charts worldwide, even conquering in Europe.
    It's not been a year since Tones and I made her debut, she has been doing amazing jobs, hitting the major music charts neck and neck with those well-known super super stars, and is recognized as the most excellence, innovation, and achievement performance in 2019.

    Tones was once a busker in Australia and with her unique singing voice and the charm of street performance, she had attracted a lot of audience when busking and even met her manager. Tones' busking success led her to quit her old job and fully commit to her busking career.

    Though I know that I am lucky enough to have looooots of fans here and there supporting me on my music journey, as a busker, I still hope that being appreciated by the record labels and I also hope that I can create more good works through my busking!

    Only my hand shot in the cover of Memories video and the result was unexpectedly awesome.
    I am just wondering if there is any bias from the Youtube algorithm against my face, so I try again this time!

    Should you have any request regarding cover songs, just comment below and let me know.
    Also please share the video and subscribe to my channel https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ.
    Don't forget to click the 🔔 bell to be notified when my videos come out!

    Another week, another cover. Let's goooo, hope y’all like this!

    Visit me at Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out details on my Instagram stories!


    小提琴 Violin: 林子安 Lin Tzu An
    攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W
    文字編輯 Social media editor/manager: Lily Wu


    【Cover by AnViolin】每週上傳新的小提琴cover影片,
    喜歡的話請訂閱我的頻道 https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ

    🎻Support AnViolin🎻
    Paypal : https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin
    For Sponsorship:https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin

    還想看子安cover什麼歌?留言跟我說 !

