

在 wear英文產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過15萬的網紅Lydia Tsai 蔡沐妍,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 38週又5天 今天來木生婦產科診所例行產檢 做了胎兒監測器,有測到不規則的宮縮,護士說這樣是寶寶在「練習」😆 好可愛的感覺,嬰兒還真謹慎(?) 最後這三個禮拜的體重完全沒有變動,可能是天氣熱再加上肚子很大擠得也沒什麼胃口🤔 所以在前期三四個月就衝了五六公斤的我超開心今天站上體重計並無突破...

 同時也有98部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過285萬的網紅Namewee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello blackpink fans. Thanks for giving me view rate??. There is also a lyrics version here, please continue! How you like that that that that...? 這兩...

wear英文 在 摳媽與摳比 育兒生活x美妝美食x親子旅遊 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-10 21:06:54

🏖️Plan to go on vacation🏖️ —今年夏天去海邊了沒?— 我們⋯還沒有 光跑景我跟摳比就變成碳👨🏿‍🦱 學生的熱血媽咪跑去海邊跟兒子拍青春劇😂 希望延續假日沙灘的玩中學 摳媽咪JoJo我 手工剪了一些海灘場景道具 Let’s enjoy the sunbathing on...

  • wear英文 在 Lydia Tsai 蔡沐妍 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-08-03 18:52:11
    有 733 人按讚


    做了胎兒監測器,有測到不規則的宮縮,護士說這樣是寶寶在「練習」😆 好可愛的感覺,嬰兒還真謹慎(?)

    最後這三個禮拜的體重完全沒有變動,可能是天氣熱再加上肚子很大擠得也沒什麼胃口🤔 所以在前期三四個月就衝了五六公斤的我超開心今天站上體重計並無突破10kg大關😆😆😆 可是寶寶大小還是ok 有3000g

    產檢完後跟BBDan,我的young婆婆、媽咪約喝下午茶。新開的Moena Cafe 有我愛的夏威夷口味✌🏻️也許是剛好餓了所以覺得每一樣都好好吃!也可能是口味喚起了年初BBDan帶我去夏威夷渡Babymoon的美好時光❤️❤️❤️今天超開心啊!


    洋裝:Michelle's Room林立雯

    新墨鏡:保視力專業眼鏡 Care Vision Optical進的新款Frency&Mercury eye wear

    英文字母長鍊是昨天Lydia Tsai Handmade Jewelry詢問度超高的新款,剛剛已經上官網了💪🏻 喜歡的快來訂做一條吧


  • wear英文 在 Namewee Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-06-02 18:00:13

    Hello blackpink fans. Thanks for giving me view rate??. There is also a lyrics version here, please continue! How you like that that that that...?



    其實也能理解,因為他們聽Kpop的就算聽不懂韓語也照樣可以很High... 就好像我聽不懂日文,但看他們的愛情動作片也會很High一樣...



    【You Know Who Is My Father】Youtube高清版:https://youtu.be/1FWGNXsbJ0E

    【You Know Who Is My Father】Online Music Download 數位音樂下載:https://lnk.to/YouKnowWhoIsMyFather

    The making of【You Know Who Is My Father】幕後花絮 Youtube高清版 :https://youtu.be/vFoisYPO-Tc

    Lyric Version【You Know Who Is My Father】動態歌詞版 Youtube高清版 : https://youtu.be/80-BS_kPA54


    I'm sibeh damn rich
    I'm very very rich
    I can buy anything when Limpeh happy
    I'm sibeh damn rich
    I'm no horse running rich
    我SMLJ統統沒有 除了Money

    You know who is my father ar?
    You know who is your father ar?
    You know who is my father ar?

    I live in a Bungalow in Damansara
    Swimming pool like Olympic
    My father got 3 Datukships
    Next week become Dato Sri
    Every month must do Charity
    Then posted on Sinchew Daily
    We hangout with many YBs
    You touch me then you will mati

    Stare what stare ar?
    I saw your comment on Facebook talk bad about me
    Stare what stare ar?
    If you come Bangsar or go Puchong carefully
    Stare what stare ar?
    I will Piak your face Piak until you say Soli
    Stare what stare ar?
    You believe ar?
    I make one phone call one Lori

    I'm sibeh damn rich
    I'm very very rich
    I can buy anything when Limpeh happy
    I'm sibeh damn rich
    I'm no horse running rich
    我SMLJ統統沒有 除了Money

    You know who is my father ar?
    Go ask your elder brother lah
    You know who is my father ar?
    Go and check Wikipedia
    You know who is my father ar?
    Ask your mother ask your neighbor
    You know who is my father
    And my great grandfather's uncle ar?
    Send me Location lah

    I drive my Ferrari
    My girlfriends from IG
    I buy them Silicon Filler Nenepok surgery
    Bodaiji buy Gucci
    Sleeping wear SuperMe
    Everyday Fangbanli no working i get SGD
    Win liao lor!

    I never eat Food court because too Palia
    Pasar malam got Mickey Mouse
    K.F.C. McDonald too cheap liao
    I buy ala carte

    每天跟Bill Gates Meeting
    找Jack Ma一起做生意
    妳要我給妳做Puan Sri
    駕Tesla 送妳去火星

    Stare what stare ar?
    Don't simply comment on Twitter talk bad about me
    Stare what stare ar?
    If you come Johor or go Penang carefully
    Stare what stare ar?
    I hoot your bird bird ar you better don't Lansi
    Stare what stare ar?
    You believe ar?

    I make one phone call one Ferry
    I'm sibeh damn rich
    I'm very very rich
    I can buy anything when Limpeh happy
    I'm sibeh damn rich
    I'm no horse running rich
    我SMLJ統統沒有 除了Money

    You know who is my father ar?
    Go ask your elder brother lah
    You know who is my father ar?
    Go and check Wikipedia
    You know who is my father ar?
    Ask your mother ask your neighbour
    You know who is my father
    And my great grandfather's uncle ar?
    Send me Location lah

    你看你啦 嘖嘖嘖
    還在駕Axia 嘖嘖嘖
    還打Ron95 還在Share Condo
    還在吃Mamak 嘖嘖嘖
    你看你啦 嘖嘖嘖
    整天OnlyFans 嫑假假
    整天追Blackpink 只會DFK
    And how you like that that that that that?

    You know who is my father ar?
    Go ask your elder brother lah
    You know who is my father ar?
    Go and check Wikipedia
    You know who is my father ar?
    Ask your mother ask your neighbor
    You know who is my father
    And my great grandfather's uncle ar?
    Send me Location lah

    I drive my Ferrari
    My girlfriends from IG
    I buy them Silicon Filler Nenepok surgery
    Bodaiji buy Gucci
    Sleeping wear Superme
    Everyday Fangbanli no working i get SGD
    Send me Location lah


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    Namewee 黃明志 Telegram Channel :

    Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:

    Namewee YouTube Channel Link:

    #Namewee #黃明志

  • wear英文 在 Tristan H. 崔璀璨 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-26 20:00:10

    今天教你一句英文“I have cabin fever." 也就是所謂的被關到快瘋掉🤪
    一支影片裡面怎麼會有這麼多的情緒啊 我邊剪邊擔心我的心理健康

    Today's phrase is "I have cabin fever." It's for when you're locked up so long you kind of lose your marbles. Wow, how fun that in one video we see so many different emotions. I realized how concerning this is while editing.🤪
    Remember to stay home, wear your mask when you need to leave your home, and order takeout.
    Stay safe, stay healthy!❤️


    每週三更新影片 New videos every Wednesday!

    🔍️【TOPICS💡 一起坐下談】

    🔍️【VLOGS!✈️ 生活跟我玩】

    🔍️【MUSIC ♫ 音樂館 ♬】

    【崔璀璨 Tristan H.】
    YouTube頻道➔ http://www.youtube.com/yakitorisutan
    Facebook粉專➔ https://www.facebook.com/yakitorisutan
    Instagram主頁➔ https://www.instagram.com/yakitorisutan

  • wear英文 在 Brian2Taiwan Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-20 18:34:13

    Video of how easy the Line Official Account for the Taiwan CDC has made registering as you enter stores such as 7-Eleven, 7-Eleven 台灣, as well as restaurants and numerous other locations where it may be most possible to come in contact with others for longer periods of time.

    While Taiwan has been raised to Alert Level 3, a step below a general lockdown, which is the first time this has not happened to us yet, though people are required to wear masks outside, and registering your movement has become more and more common place. The Taiwanese People as a whole under the guidance of the Taiwan CDC, 陳時中, Chen Shih-chung, the Minister of Health and Welfare for Taiwan and all those who work together with him. Taiwan's President, Ing-Wen Tsai, Ing-wen Tsai Tsai Ing-Wen, Tsai Ing-Wen as well as all those who worked together in cooperation together with Taiwan's Digital Minister, Audrey Tang, 唐鳳, with the amount of time the new system will save, it will also help us cut down on the amount of time we have to idly stand around while filling out a form before entering.