

在 weak三態產品中有68篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【血管健康】發怒時面上青筋暴現💢 ⭐運動或勞動多冒青筋是正常的 ⭐如發現青筋突然鼓脹宜就醫處理 #星期六隻眼閉 面冒青筋病痛多? 中醫理論認為面色反映臟腑的健康狀況,除了面色,有些人面上會浮現青筋,例如嬰兒常見鼻樑冒青筋,老人家有「青筋攀鼻樑,無事喊三場」的說法,是否真有其事?所謂青筋其實是靜脈...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【材料】 シュー生地 ・水 100g ・バター 45g ・グラニュー糖 4g ・塩 1g ・薄力粉 60g ・全卵 2個~ カスタードクリーム ・卵黄 2個 ・グラニュー糖 40g ・コーンスターチ 10g ・牛乳or豆乳 200ml ・バニラビーンズ 2cm ・バター 15g ホイップ ・生ク...

weak三態 在 批踢安柏兒 x Sports Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-10 18:51:05

[自己受傷自己復原訓練] 髕骨骨裂(patella f'x)復健已經來到第三週 我其實很不喜歡自己的狀態看起來很weak或是活動被生理狀態限制 當PT最大的好處大概是很清楚自己能力跟評估自己的進度該做到哪兒 剛好對應到平常在做個案時, 會依照個案狀態跟進度做調整 不會跟書上的指引完全一樣 掌握關...

weak三態 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-09 15:34:32

【敏感人生】夏天是濕疹容易發作的日子 ⭐汗水會刺激皮膚 ⭐護理得當就能享受運動 #星期三CheckCheckMail 濕疹爆發做運動有助祛濕 Bonnie:「夏天到濕疹又爆發,因為怕出汗會「行氣活血」令濕疹問題更嚴重,所以一直不敢做運動。」 CheckCheckCin:中醫理論中濕疹屬於「濕...

weak三態 在 Ezza Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-02 18:42:55

Muscle Up Tutorial 💪🏿 (暴力上槓教學) 1. MU Prerequisites (MU肌力需求) 2. MU Body Positioning (MU體位分析) 3. Strict MU Front/Side View (標準MU正側面示範) 4. Kipping MU Fro...

  • weak三態 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-25 12:00:02
    有 120 人按讚




    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    What does having green facial veins mean?
    Chinese Medicine theories believe the condition of our face would reflect the health of our internal organs. Besides the complexion, some people may have green veins on their faces.

    For instance, a toddler might have green veins on his or her nose bridge, and according to urban legend, a toddler with this condition would tend to throw tantrums. Is it real?

    The green veins are vessels that transport blood from all body parts back to the heart. They become more apparent when the veins cannot perform their functions optimally. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, this has to do with the stagnation of the qi and blood stasis, which can disrupt the circulation of the qi and the blood.

    Individuals with weak qi and blood do not have sufficient energy to support the circulation, and that is how green veins appear on the surface of the skin. The best way to treat this problem is to invigorate the blood and clear blood stasis according to the body constitution.

    Chinese Medicine believes that children’s spleen and stomach have yet to fully develop, and the green veins that appear on the nose bridge is associated with the weakness of these two internal organs. This also means they are prone to experience discomfort in the intestines and stomach.

    Since the children have not developed the ability to talk, the only way for them to express themselves is through excessive wailing. Parents should try to improve the functions of their children’s spleen and stomach by observing their diet, as proper diets could strengthen a person’s body constitution.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我有壓力 #我狀態OK #氣滯 #血瘀

  • weak三態 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-21 15:17:19
    有 35 人按讚





    ✔️CheckCheckCin 米水推介:朝米水


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    What’s the relationship between a yellowish complexion and liver?
    People often tell us having a yellowish complexion is an indication of liver problems. If the liver does not function properly, the white of the eyes will also turn yellow. Hence, according to Chinese Medicine theories, having a yellowish complexion has to do with the weakness of qi in the spleen and stomach or the dampness that stagnates in a weak spleen.

    Individuals with a weak spleen may have yellowish complexion, loose muscles, mushy stools, do not have a good appetite, and experience fatigue, bloating, and edema. The condition may also cause stunted growth in children.

    To improve this condition, we have to take good care of our spleen by drinking rice water and consuming ingredients such as rice, millet, Chinese yam, hyacinth bean, poria, corn, oats, and potatoes. Eat at regular hours and avoid raw, cold, and sweet foods. Gently massage the San Li acupoint with the thumb for 2-3 minutes on a regular basis to strengthen the spleen.

    Zu San Li Acupoint
    Effects: strengthens the spleen and stomach, clears heat and dispels dampness
    Location: on the anterior aspect of the lower leg, four-finger breadth below knee cap.

    ✔ Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, Coix Seed, White Rice
    Effects: Suitable for the whole family to enhance physical wellbeing, especially those with a weak digestive system or with a phlegm and dampness body type.
    Note: Not suitable for pregnant women.

    Welcome to order through our website:

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我狀態ok

  • weak三態 在 批踢安柏兒 x Sports Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-07 17:06:06
    有 13 人按讚

    髕骨骨裂(patella f'x)復健已經來到第三週





    8-12週-開始增加膝彎曲及伸直角度至膝蓋正常角度(full ROM)

    #膝蓋 #不手術 #復健 #復原
    #物理治療 #運動

  • weak三態 在 生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-01-05 16:32:28

    ・水 100g
    ・バター 45g
    ・グラニュー糖 4g
    ・塩 1g
    ・薄力粉 60g
    ・全卵 2個~

    ・卵黄 2個
    ・グラニュー糖 40g
    ・コーンスターチ 10g
    ・牛乳or豆乳 200ml
    ・バニラビーンズ 2cm
    ・バター 15g

    ・生クリーム 85g
    ・グラニュー糖 7g

    1. 【カスタード】鍋やフライパンに卵黄2個を溶き、グラニュー糖40g・コーンスターチ10gを順に加えてすり混ぜる
    2. 牛乳or豆乳200mlを少しずつ加えて溶きのばしバニラビーンズの中身と鞘も入れ、中火にかけてまぜながら加熱する
    3. 全体にとろみがついてなめらかな状態になったら弱火に落としてもう2分ほど炊き、バター15gを混ぜる
    4. 容器に入れて密着ラップをし、保冷剤をのせたり氷水にあてて冷やし、冷えたら冷蔵庫で置いておく(鞘は取り出す/面倒でなければ濾す)
    5. 【シュー生地/180℃に予熱】薄力粉60gはすぐに使えるようにあらかじめふるっておく(オーブン用シート等の上に)
    6. 鍋やフライパンに水100g・バター45g・グラニュー糖4g・塩1gを入れて中火にかけ、溶かし混ぜる
    7. 沸騰したら火を消し、ふるっておいた薄力粉60gを加えてすぐにヘラで混ぜる
    8. 粉っぽさがなくなったら弱火にかけ、1~2分切り混ぜながら炒める
    9. ボウルに移して溶いた卵2個を3回くらいに分けて加え、その都度なめらかになるまで混ぜていく
    10. 足りない場合は卵を足して、ヘラから生地を落としたときに、ヘラに逆三角形に残るくらいのかたさになればOK
    11. キューブ型(60mm)に離型油を塗り45gずつ絞り入れ、蓋(蓋にも離型油)をして180℃に予熱したオーブンで35分焼く
    12. 焼けたらすぐに型から取り出す(やけどに注意・底を叩いてふると出てくる)
    13. 【仕上げ】生クリーム85g・グラニュー糖7gでしっかりめに角が立つまで泡立てる(面倒でなければ氷水に当てて)
    14. カスタードクリームをヘラでほぐし、立てた生クリームを2回に分けて切り混ぜる
    15. シュー生地に指で穴をあけ、お好みの量のクリームを絞って出来上がり





    ↓using translation software.

    choux pastry
    *Water 100 g
    *Butter 45 g
    *4 g granulated sugar
    *Salt 1g
    *Cake flour 60 g
    *2 whole eggs

    custard cream
    *2 egg yolks
    *40 g granulated sugar
    *Cornstarch 10 g
    *Milk or soy milk 200 ml
    *Vanilla beans 2cm
    *Butter 15 g

    *Heavy cream 85 g
    *7 g granulated sugar

    [How to make it.]
    1.[custard] Beat 2 egg yolks in a pot or frying pan, add 40 g of granulated sugar and 10 g of corn starch in that order and mix.
    2.Add 200 ml of milk or soy milk little by little and melt it. Add the contents of vanilla beans and the scabbard as well. Heat it over medium-heat as you mix it.
    3.When everything thickens and becomes smooth, lower the heat to low and cook for another 2 minutes. Mix in 15 g of butter.
    4.Put it in a container and wrap it tightly. Put a refrigerant on it or put it in ice water to chill it. Leave it in the fridge when it cools (Take out the scabbard. If it is not troublesome, strain it.).
    5.(On an oven sheet, etc.) Sift 60 g of cake flour beforehand so you can use it right away [Choux pastry/preheat to 180 ° C.].
    6.Add 100 g of water, 45 g of butter, 4 g of granulated sugar and 1 g of salt in a pot or a pan. Melt it and mix it over medium-heat.
    7.Turn the heat off when it boils. Add 60 g of sifted weak flour and mix it immediately with a spatula.
    8.When the powdery feel is gone, turn the heat down to low and stir fry for 1-2 minutes.
    9.Transfer 2 beaten eggs to a bowl and add them in 3 steps. Mix it until it becomes smooth each time you add it.
    10.Add more egg if it is not enough. When you drop the dough from the spatula, it will be fine if it becomes so hard that it remains in an inverted triangle on the spatula.
    11.Coat a cube mold (60 mm) with oil to release the mold, squeeze in 45 g at a time, cover with a lid (Mold release oil is also used for the lid.) and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 35 minutes.
    12.Take it out of the mold as soon as it finishes baking (Be careful not to burn yourself. It will come out if you tap the bottom.).
    13.(If it's not too much trouble, put it in ice water.) Whip 85 g of heavy cream and 7 g of granulated sugar until firm peaks form [Finishing].
    14.Loosen the custard cream with a spatula. Add the whipped cream in 2 steps and mix it.
    15.Poke holes in the cream puff dough with your fingers. Squeeze out as much cream as you like and it will be complete.

  • weak三態 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-07-07 09:00:05

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    ★ 課程內容

    ===== 文法篇 =====

    重新掌握英文文法框架 The basic framework of English grammar
    • 3個基本單位:words 字詞 , phrases 片語, clauses 子句
    • 5個結構方塊:subject 主語, verb 動詞部分, object 受詞, adverbial 副詞部分, complement 補語
    • 及物動詞 transitive verb 與 不及物動詞 intransitive verb

    • 句子類別 Types of sentences
    • 限定動詞和非限定動詞 Finite and non-finite verbs
    • 時態組成 Tense formation
    • Voice 語態
    • 時態運用 Tense usage
    • 三種非限定動詞:不定式 infinitive、動名詞 gerund 、動形容詞 verbal adjective

    • 分詞片語 Participle phrases
    • 倒裝句 Inversion
    • 名詞子句 Noun clauses
    • 形容詞子句 Adjectival clauses
    • 情態助動詞 Modal verbs
    • 語氣 Mood

    ===== 讀音篇 =====

    • 辨認元音 Distinguishing similarly sounding vowels
    • 辨認輔音 Distinguishing similarly sounding consonants
    • 辨認雙元音 Distinguishing diphthongs
    • 聆聽停頓 Listening for pauses
    • 聆聽速度 Listening for speed
    • 聆聽上升語氣 Listening for rising tone
    • 聆聽下跌語氣 Listening for falling tone
    • 聆聽更複雜的語調規律 Listening for more complicated intonation patterns

    掌握英語發音基本 The Basics of English Pronunciation
    • 音標:元音 vowels、雙元音 diphthongs 和輔音 consonants
    • 強音和弱音 Strong sounds and weak sounds
    • 重音 Word stress

    語調 Intonation 和發音技巧 Pronunciation techniques
    • 一般陳述句 general statements
    • 疑問句 [包括question tags(附加問句)、WH- Questions 和 Yes-no Questions (Wh問句和Yes No問句)]
    • 其他語調 [包括 Offering choices (向別人提出不同選項), Presenting lists (列舉清單)和 Exclamation(感嘆句)]
    • 發音技巧:省音 Elision, 加音 intrusion, 連音 catenation, 同化 assimilation

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  • weak三態 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-07-01 07:00:02


    開班日期、詳情及報名表格 ► http://bit.ly/成人英語再起步

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    ★ 課程內容

    ===== 文法篇 =====

    重新掌握英文文法框架 The basic framework of English grammar
    • 3個基本單位:words 字詞 , phrases 片語, clauses 子句
    • 5個結構方塊:subject 主語, verb 動詞部分, object 受詞, adverbial 副詞部分, complement 補語
    • 及物動詞 transitive verb 與 不及物動詞 intransitive verb

    • 句子類別 Types of sentences
    • 限定動詞和非限定動詞 Finite and non-finite verbs
    • 時態組成 Tense formation
    • Voice 語態
    • 時態運用 Tense usage
    • 三種非限定動詞:不定式 infinitive、動名詞 gerund 、動形容詞 verbal adjective

    • 分詞片語 Participle phrases
    • 倒裝句 Inversion
    • 名詞子句 Noun clauses
    • 形容詞子句 Adjectival clauses
    • 情態助動詞 Modal verbs
    • 語氣 Mood

    ===== 讀音篇 =====

    • 辨認元音 Distinguishing similarly sounding vowels
    • 辨認輔音 Distinguishing similarly sounding consonants
    • 辨認雙元音 Distinguishing diphthongs
    • 聆聽停頓 Listening for pauses
    • 聆聽速度 Listening for speed
    • 聆聽上升語氣 Listening for rising tone
    • 聆聽下跌語氣 Listening for falling tone
    • 聆聽更複雜的語調規律 Listening for more complicated intonation patterns

    掌握英語發音基本 The Basics of English Pronunciation
    • 音標:元音 vowels、雙元音 diphthongs 和輔音 consonants
    • 強音和弱音 Strong sounds and weak sounds
    • 重音 Word stress

    語調 Intonation 和發音技巧 Pronunciation techniques
    • 一般陳述句 general statements
    • 疑問句 [包括question tags(附加問句)、WH- Questions 和 Yes-no Questions (Wh問句和Yes No問句)]
    • 其他語調 [包括 Offering choices (向別人提出不同選項), Presenting lists (列舉清單)和 Exclamation(感嘆句)]
    • 發音技巧:省音 Elision, 加音 intrusion, 連音 catenation, 同化 assimilation

    ► 月曆:http://bit.ly/fla-adult-calendar

    ► 最更新資訊以報名表格所述為準:http://bit.ly/成人英語再起步

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