Hakka Oyakodon (Hakka-Style Chicken and Egg Rice Bowl)
① Cut daikon into small slice, add into a frying pan with mirin, sake, soy sauce, cook unti...
Hakka Oyakodon (Hakka-Style Chicken and Egg Rice Bowl)
① Cut daikon into small slice, add into a frying pan with mirin, sake, soy sauce, cook until daikon is done (about 8 min)
② Cube chicken (boneless skinless chicken thighs is preferred) into 2cm (1”) size, pan-fry the surface, then add to 1
③ Cut pickled daikon into small dice, sprinkle on above
④ Beat 2 egg, slowly and evenly drizzle over above, cook until the egg is done to your liking
⑤ On a bowl of fluffy steamed rice, pave a layer of stir-fried veggies, then the above ingredients
Hakka is a group of people who is well-known as frontier, warrior, and farmer, they have their own dialect which is one of official languages in Taiwan, but almost everyone can speak common language, and Hakka and non-Hakka eat each other’s food 😋😁
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① 新鮮蘿蔔切小片,放入親子丼的小鍋,加醬油、味淋、米酒一起煮,煮到蘿蔔熟透 (約 8 分鐘
② 雞腿肉切丁油炒一下表面,放入 1 一起煮熟
③ 日式醃蘿蔔切小丁,灑上去 (這個不要煮太久
④ 兩顆蛋的蛋液分兩次淋,第一次 2/3 煮熟,第二次 1/3 煮到半熟即可
⑤ 碗公盛飯,鋪一層炒過的山茼蒿,鋪上煮好的丼料
① 蘿蔔削皮切塊,灑鹽等他出水 (約半小時
② 倒掉水,用開水洗過,稍微擦乾,放糖、醋、檸檬汁,冰箱冰半天即可食用
推薦閱讀:我 2020/12/9 貼的「客家丼飯」,這道是從客家名菜「桔醬三層豬肉」變出來的 😁
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