
為什麼這篇warm歌詞鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在warm歌詞這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者awon (電光遠眺)看板PostRock標題Re: 請問 有人知道Envy的A warm r...

A hope in mind
is secret, and
a worn out smile reflects
in a mirror.
Bad dreams
go right away and
the world was destroyed
when I woke up.
We eat the dirt.
Make up meanings.
Seduce the reasons.
Maintain the intellect.
Want madly,
embrace the solitude tightly
and the memories I never forget.
A profile I never forget.

Write the facing time
with the fragments.
Save them and pile up
their first cries of births.
Devote myself solely
to writing to figure out
the changing prediction.
Ones who changed by it.
False name and a careless face
echoes right before my eyes.
Words of disqualification.
Will they reach me?
I see the end now.
Let's go home.

附帶一提,這首是 <Insomniac doze> 中我最喜歡的一首

Echo of my life

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
blue29:真的很讚呀 其他歌曲我還沒聽熟 不過應該也會是我最喜歡 11/18 19:42
frank80141:最喜歡+1 11/19 21:16

