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在 waif產品中有19篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅stu sis,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [192181] 3581. Anna Fox Rochinski - Cherry (2021)★★ [192182] 3582. Illa Ghee & Soul Perfect - Rhyme & Reason (2021)★★ [192183] 3583. Paul Leary - What...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過92萬的網紅ochikeron,也在其Youtube影片中提到,♥FOLLOW ME HERE♥ https://www.facebook.com/ochikeron https://plus.google.com/+ochikeron http://twitter.com/ochikeron http://instagram.com/ochikeron/ T...

waif 在 游大東 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-07-02 16:46:13

【 絕境中,想起Arya Stark 】 _ 今夜,滑滑手機,絕望氣氛瀰漫,注定難眠。這令我想起《權力遊戲》(Game of Thrones)當中最喜愛的角色Arya Stark(Maisie Williams飾),她總會在無眠的夜裏唸唸有辭:Joffery、Cersei、Walder Frey、M...

waif 在 ?‍♀️ ??? ??? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-06-15 13:25:14

我愿意爱你一辈子 ❤❤❤ #newbornbaby...

  • waif 在 stu sis Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-01-27 15:32:45
    有 8 人按讚

    [192181] 3581. Anna Fox Rochinski - Cherry (2021)★★
    [192182] 3582. Illa Ghee & Soul Perfect - Rhyme & Reason (2021)★★
    [192183] 3583. Paul Leary - What Are You Gonna Do? (2021)★★
    [192184] 3584. Half Waif - Orange Blossoms (2021)★★__Kenna Hynes
    [192185] 3585. Don Carlos - Kissing (Club) (2021)★★
    [192186] 3586. Papolious Jones - ILU (2021)★★
    [192187] 3587. Papolious Jones - Learning to Dance (2020)★★
    [192188] 3588. The Koreatown Oddity - Breastmilk (2021)★★★
    [192189] 3589. The Koreatown Oddity - My Name Is Dominique (2021)★★
    [192190] 3590. Homeboy Sandman & Quelle Chris - Hello Dancer (2020)★★🆁

    [192191] 3591. 楊賓 - Low Key (2021)★★
    [192192] 3592. JelloRio - Big Dog (2021)★★‒
    [192193] 3593. 劉鎧銘 - 給你講 (2021)★
    [192194] 3594. 邱昱維 - SuckIt (2021)★★
    [192195] 3595. 今天的我沒有極限:KD人形美術館——與郭大聊天聽聽賣娃的趣味以及想法! (2021)★★
    [192196] 3596. HOOK:千萬不要請人吃炸雞?再次跟美國人單挑美國史! (2021)★★
    [192197] 3597. HOOK:一言不合就槍殺?跟美國人單挑美國史! (2020)★★
    [192198] 3598. 千千進食中:新竹美食綠洲?!風城小吃吃起來!新竹城隍廟一大早才喝得到的神之雞湯 (2021)★★
    [192199] 3599. 酷的夢:法國阿嬤第一次做台灣料理!竟然比道地台灣料理還好吃? (2021)★★
    [192200] 3600. 酷的夢:隔離挑戰一週餐餐吃芋頭!我決定一年不吃了… (2021)★★

  • waif 在 狄易達 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-07-21 13:00:01
    有 11 人按讚

    一年一度的Houseware Fair香港家庭用品展又來啦
    日前Spaceplan 與 香港貿易發展局 合作拍攝一系列室內設計家品短片
    於VIZ Design ltd 的設計師 WAIF & KEVIN 的作品


    #SSWGO #hkhousewarefair #hktdc
    HKTDC Exhibition Channel 香港貿發局展覽頻道

  • waif 在 游大東【鴻鵠志-影視筆記】 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-01 13:51:40
    有 471 人按讚

    【 絕境中,想起Arya Stark 】

    夜深,滑滑手機,絕望氣氛瀰漫,注定難眠。這令我想起《權力遊戲》(Game of Thrones)當中最喜愛的角色Arya Stark(Maisie Williams飾),她總會在無眠的夜裏唸唸有辭:Joffery、Cersei、Walder Frey、Meryn Trant、Tywin Lannister⋯⋯總而言之,有生之年,她要將這班人親手了斷。而她的人生,一直在絕境中打滾。

    第一季,Arya目睹老竇兼御前首相Eddard Stark遭「仆街皇帝」Joffrey Baratheon下令斬首,這位來自Winterfell的小千金,要緊急逃亡,與家姐阿哥細佬分開,獨自流浪,避開追殺,顛沛流離,她可沒想到自己再也沒機會看見母親Catelyn,那怕是Red Wedding之後,她也不能做個孝順女送終。第八季,當White Walkers以雷霆萬鈞之勢殺入Winterfell、人類快將滅絕的一刻,Arya手執小刀,插進Night King的身體,隨即冰飛湮滅,白鬼潰散。

    當初她跟Syrio Forel開始習劍(Water Dance)只為興趣,而不是出於拯救人類,不過命運作弄,令她不得不放低貴族身份,先保命,再提升技能,誓要駕馭Needle(小劍「縫衣針」),繼而求學於Faceless God,由不習慣殺人,到殺死The Waif甚至Walder Frey,吃人的社會,迫使大家閨秀蛻變成殺人不斬眼的劍客,隨成長和自身經歷,她足足花了七年才能夠一步步為父母報仇,而且中間沒有三倍速Fast Forward,要吐一口烏氣,先要走過煉獄般的生活。

    想說的是,凡事別太早言棄,亦不應該放棄。以過來人的經驗,「希望」這回事,很多時都在你絕望透頂「食晒屎」的時候才會突然出現,只要抓到那個機會,就能夠累積反抗資本,隨時逆轉勝 —— 就算輸了,也無悔。而當權者的失敗,亦往往在其以為成功的時候,瞬間崩盤。上周六在西九看前進進舞台劇《聽搖滾的北京猿人2021》,飾演阿照的梁天尺 說自己早前在家用《易經》為香港占卦,卦象的大意是,困局要維持好一段時間。這句,我很深刻。未來的事沒人知,最重要是保留實力,別隨便犧牲,沒有命,就甚麼都守護不到。緊記Arya Stark如何回應死神來電:Not Today!


    等足7季!Arya終於與Jon Snow團聚:http://bit.ly/2Pv0MVd
    第八季第二集 ── 決戰前夕鬥講真心話:http://bit.ly/2JxvIEc



    #游大東 #游大東影視筆記 #權力遊戲 #美劇 #gameofthrones #maisiewilliams #aryastark 黑咖啡聊美劇 美劇咁樣睇 美劇癮 歐美娛樂 網台評論節目 快樂的 葉一知 做乜膠睇電視 gregory wong 王宗堯 #國安法 #香港

  • waif 在 ochikeron Youtube 的精選貼文

    2015-09-01 17:43:45


    This is how I want to make my Jar Salad ;)
    You can of course arrange it in the way you want.
    I hope you get an idea from this video!!!

    Layering Order Example:
    1. Dressing in the bottom (not to make the other ingredients soggy)
    2. Anything Chunky (chicken, beans, etc…)
    3. Dry Fixings (nuts, cheese, etc… if you like)
    4. Leafy Greens

    BTW, RIKEN Non-Oil Aojiso (green perilla) dressing is my favorite! Actually, I don't use any other dressing but this one for many years!!! Please try it out if you find it ;)

    Mason Jar Salad

    Difficulty: Very Easy
    Time: 5min
    Number of servings: N/A

    480ml (16oz.) Ball Mason Jar

    2 tbsp. Aojiso (green perilla) dressing
    mixed beans
    diced avocado
    grape tomato halves
    mixed corns
    Daikon salad mix
    WaFu baby leaves
    cooked shrimp

    1. Layer all ingredients from bottom to top.
    2. Shake to eat ;) You can serve on a plate if you like.


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    YouTube Audio Library
    Bayou State of Mind

    FYI (products I used in my videos):

    ♥Original T-SHIRTS♥

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  • waif 在 ochikeron Youtube 的最佳解答

    2015-07-07 22:21:30


    Somen is perfect refreshing food for hot and humid summer season :)

    Sōmen (素麺) is very thin Japanese noodles made of wheat flour. The noodles are usually served cold in summer with a dashi flavored tasty dipping sauce called Mentsuyu (めんつゆ).

    Somen is perfect dish to serve on Tanabata, which is a festival celebrated on July 7th. People write their wishes on strips of paper and hang them on bamboo trees. Moreover, there is a Tanabata story. I don't think the story is that romantic, but it is about Vega (Orihime 織姫) and Altair (Kengyuu 牽牛(彦星)). They fell in love with each other but without working. So the emperor (Tentei 天帝, Orihime's father) decided to separate them on opposite sides of the river of the Milky Way. Now they could see each other, only once a year on Tanabata July 7th, if they work hard.

    Deco Somen Noodles

    Difficulty: Very Easy
    Time: 15min
    Number of servings: N/A

    Kinshi Tamago (shredded egg crepe)
    cooked shrimp
    Ikura (salmon roe)
    ((Dipping Sauces))
    Kamada Tsuyu : water = 1 : 1
    *instead of using Kamada Tsuyu you can use regular Mentsuyu but make sure you dilute as instructed because the level of concentration vary from product to product.
    ((Somen Noodles))
    dried Somen noodles

    ((Toppings - Kinshi Tamago))
    Beat 1 egg in a bowl (you can season it with sugar or salt). Heat cooking oil in a pan and make a thin omelette. If you don't have a rectangle omelette pan, you can make a circle thin omelette. Then cut the egg into thin strips.
    ((Dipping Sauces))
    Double the Kamada Tsuyu with water, then cool in the fridge until ready to serve.
    ((Somen Noodles))
    Boil water in a large pan. Add dried Somen noodles (and Okura) in the boiling water and gently stir noodles with chopsticks. Cook Somen noodles according to your package (mine was 2 min). Drain the noodles in a strainer and rinse the noodles with hands under running water. Take bite-size portion of the noodles and roll them on your fingers (like you roll pasta on a fork), and place them on a dish. Decorate the noodles with toppings of your choice and keep in the fridge until you serve.

    When Somen noodles get dry, their gluten get strong and sticky. So they will stick together nicely in bite-size portions. When you eat, dip one portion in the dipping sauce, then shake to release the noodles.


    You can also use Mentsuyu:
    Yamaki Mentsuyu - two times concentrated soy sauce based dashi broth for noodles and other foods
    Please Google and find the product. Product is available online ;D hehe

    Music by

    FYI (products I used in my videos):

    ♥Original T-SHIRTS♥

    ♥Visit my Blog to know more about ME♥

    ♥My Recipe Posts in Japanese♥

    ♥and of course SUBSCRIBE♥

  • waif 在 ochikeron Youtube 的精選貼文

    2012-06-26 23:01:08

    Sōmen (素麺) is very thin Japanese noodles made of wheat flour. The noodles are usually served cold in summer with a dashi flavored tasty dipping sauce called Mentsuyu (めんつゆ).

    Topping ingredients are optional, so you can skip them, but the easiest is ham, egg, and cucumber.

    Somen is perfect dish to serve on Tanabata, which is a festival celebrated on July 7th. People write their wishes on strips of paper and hang them on bamboo trees. Moreover, there is a Tanabata story. I don't think the story is that romantic, but it is about Vega (Orihime 織姫) and Altair (Kengyuu 牽牛(彦星)). They fell in love with each other but without working. So the emperor (Tentei 天帝, Orihime's father) decided to separate them on opposite sides of the river of the Milky Way. Now they could see each other, only once a year on Tanabata July 7th, if they work hard.

    In the end of the video, I will show you how you can arrange the Somen for Tanabata ;)
    But this is not that good idea because the noodles stick together when you eat... you know what I mean...

    Somen Noodles

    Difficulty: Very Easy
    Time: 15min
    Number of servings: 1-2

    1 egg
    2 inches cucumber
    4 or 5 ham slices
    *you can chop ginger, scallion, shiso leaves, etc...
    ((Dipping Sauces))
    A 80ml water + 20ml Kamada Dashi Shoyu
    B 80ml soy milk + 20ml Kamada Dashi Shoyu
    C 80ml tomato juice + 15ml Kamada Dashi Shoyu
    *instead of using Kamada Dashi Shoyu you can use regular Mentsuyu but make sure you dilute as instructed because the level of concentration vary from product to product. Kamada Dashi Shoyu is 4 or 5 times concentrated to make Mentsuyu.
    ((Somen Noodles))
    2 bundles of dried Somen noodles

    Beat 1 egg in a bowl (you can season it with sugar or salt). Heat cooking oil in a pan and make a thin omelette. If you don't have a rectangle omelette pan, you can make a circle thin omelette. Then cut the egg, cucumber, and ham slices into thin strips.
    ((Dipping Sauces))
    Mix A, B, C separately, and keep them cool in the fridge until ready to serve.
    ((Somen Noodles))
    Boil water in a large pan. Add dried Somen noodles in the boiling water and gently stir noodles with chopsticks. Cook Somen noodles according to your package (mine was 3 min). Drain the noodles in a strainer and rinse the noodles with hands under running water. Then soak them in a bowl of iced water to chill. Take bite-size portion of the noodles and roll them on your finger (like you roll pasta on a fork), and place them on a dish.

    Serve the noodles with the toppings and the dipping sauces :)
    Serve before the noodles absorb too much water.

    When Somen noodles get dry, their gluten get strong and sticky. So they will stick together nicely in bite-size portions. When you eat, dip one portion in the dipping sauce, then shake to release the noodles.

    NOTE: Did anyone realize my mistake?!

    I said in the video, "4 times concentrated" but mixed 4 times as much water to make the dipping sauce... actually it should be 3 times as much water. (but this is OK, because on it's package it says you can dilute it with 4 times as much water). So for Yamaki mentsuyu, you have to mix one time as much water because it is 2 times concentrated... BUT on it's package it says you can mix it with 1-3 times water...

    Therefore, not that big difference to eat! but sorry for my mistake...


    Good news!
    My favorite Kamada: Dashi Shoyu (鎌田: だし醤油) is available in the U.S.!!!

    You can also use Mentsuyu:
    Yamaki Mentsuyu - two times concentrated soy sauce based dashi broth for noodles and other foods
    Please Google and find the product. Product is available online ;D hehe

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