為什麼這篇vtech歡樂積木學習車英文鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在vtech歡樂積木學習車英文這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者tatatako (他口ヽ(゚∀。)ノ)看板BabyMother標題[分享] VTech 歡樂積...
100000 ---
010000 triangle - I like the triangle.
001000 ---
000100 ---
000010 ---
000001 ---
110000 o-octopus
101000 w-windmill
100100 ???? - The ???? looks cool.
100010 truck - The truck is my favorite vehicle.
100001 tractor - The tractor looks cool.
011000 pear - The pear looks yammy.
010100 dog - The dog is cool.
010010 circle - I like the circle.
010001 square - I like the square.
001100 ???? - I like the ????.
001010 ???? - I like the ????.
001001 octagon - The octagon is cool.
000110 ---
000101 farmer - The farmer is cool.
000011 ---
111000 g-goose
110100 k-kite
110010 m-monkey
110001 n-nest
101100 s-star
101010 u-umbrella
101001 v-van
100110 y-yak
100101 a-anchor
100011 ???? - The ???? looks cool.
011100 carrot - The carrot looks yammy.
011010 corn - The carn looks yammy.
011001 apple - The apple looks yammy.
010110 chicken - The chicken is my favorite animal.
010101 ???? - The ???? looks cool.
010011 dog - The dog looks cool.
001110 oval - I ike the oval.
001101 ???? - I ike the ????.
001011 diamond - I like the diamond.
000111 ---
111100 c- cat
111010 e-egg
111001 f-flower
110110 i-igloo
110101 j-jam
110011 l-lion
101110 q-quilt
101101 r-rabbit
101011 t-tomato
100111 x-xrayfish
011110 ---
011101 ???? - The ???? looks great.
011011 pumpkin - The pumpkin looks yammy.
010111 strawberry - The strawberry looks yammy.
001111 ractangle - I like the ractangle.
111110 z-zebra
111101 b-bear
111011 d-doll
110111 h-hat
101111 p-pig
011111 ---
111111 ---
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BabyMother/M.1523716093.A.A0D.html