

在 vomiting中文產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅浩爾譯世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 主動脈剝離的英文 還有 Google 實用新功能 有人說主動脈剝離就好比血管高速公路坍方,要趕快手術 😢 主動脈剝離 Aortic dissection (AD) It occurs when an injury to the innermost layer of the aorta (主動脈...

vomiting中文 在 TeenyMunchies - Kids Meals 兒童餐 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-03 13:28:36

☆2nd ‘Lil Bun in the Oven 二寶☆ 中文分享文滑左圖 We’re pregnant with baby #2 🎉 A’s going to be a big brother in Nov 2021 I know so many of you will message ...

vomiting中文 在 Yvonne Shih ?? Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-04-28 17:05:20

New start!! For a more grateful life!! Hey! I'm back! 😎. I've suffered from norovirus for more than a week😰. And now, here is the important thing I wa...

  • vomiting中文 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-09-19 09:03:30
    有 491 人按讚

    主動脈剝離的英文 還有 Google 實用新功能

    有人說主動脈剝離就好比血管高速公路坍方,要趕快手術 😢

    Aortic dissection (AD)

    It occurs when an injury to the innermost layer of the aorta (主動脈)allows blood to flow between the layers of the aortic wall(主動脈壁各層之間), forcing the layers apart. (使血管層剝離)

    severe chest or back pain 嚴重胸痛或背痛
    often described as "tearing" in character 常被形容有撕裂感
    vomiting 嘔吐
    sweating 冒汗
    lightheadedness 頭重腳輕
    stroke 中風
    mesenteric ischemia 腸繫膜缺血

    Aortic dissection can quickly lead to death from not enough blood flow to the heart or complete rupture(破裂) of the aorta.

    查 dissection 的發音時發現 Google 搜尋的手機版出現 practice 功能,錄完還有點評,而且可重播,聽自己的發音跟官方版本比對!

    我是使用英文版,不知道中文版有沒有這個功能。另外,目前似乎美式發音才有這功能,切換到英式則無。我第一音節故意讀成英式,就被美式糾正了 🤓

    補充:之前知名藝人驟然離世的原因「心因性猝死」英文是 cardiogenic sudden death,不同於心肌梗塞 myocardial infarction(俗稱 heart attack)

    大家多注意健康,也關心家人朋友 💗

  • vomiting中文 在 鰻魚家家酒 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-07-10 14:43:33
    有 62 人按讚

    【Maya's ESL】線上「即興式機會教育」之Maya生病篇!
    #一起來練聽力 #內容含金量爆表 #一次搞懂多種嘔吐說法

    當時,Maya因腸胃型感冒導致又拉又吐,Oikid的外師試圖從暸解她的症狀,是頭痛?喉嚨痛?或肚子痛?進而教導Maya『肚子痛(tummy bug)』該如何表達,用超生動的方式與誇張的語調,詳細說明造成肚子痛原因。

    在醫院嘔吐時,醫師或護士會用「vomiting」這個字,但若因為喝醉而吐,就會用另一個字「Puking」來表達。甚至,教到 Vomiting這個單字時,Maya詢問該如何拚?老師不直接給答案,而是引導她嘗試使用自然發音,自己拼出這個單字。

    此外,還特別交代Maya要多喝水,並講解為何要喝水的目的。細心周到給了「吃冰片(ice chips)」可以緩解胃不舒服的小撇步,完全感受到老師100%認真在看待Maya生病這件事,完全不是敷衍。

    至於吃冰片這可能是美國人習慣,我倒是沒聽過,於是課後特別去查了『ice chips』,還發現製作冰片的方式。



    #即興式機會教育 #IceChips #oikid #聽說練習 #嘔吐
    🎯 詳細全文 ↘︎ https://reurl.cc/D95rle 或加入【#中文家庭雙語小孩】一起學更多!

  • vomiting中文 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-01-09 21:34:08
    有 197 人按讚

    【旅行隨筆】第一次大白天喝伏特加喝到吐😨 一切都要從昨天從 Khiva 搭乘 450公里的共乘車子開始說起...🚘

    不知道為什麼本來查到的火車班次是因為淡季沒開,還是票賣完了。我們必須從古城 Khiva 搭40分鐘的共乘車(USD$1)到下個大城市 Urgench(中途碰到一位剛好今天要飛要去蘭州留學三年的男子,用很不標準的中文跟我們對話~)🚘

    接著再搭乘每人 USD$10 的車資前往下個距離這裡430KM 的主要城鎮 Bukhara 🚕 共乘車子就是這樣,有時候你是最後一組客人,一上車就可以走了😆

    等到我們司機接到其他四位客人,已經過了一個多小時了...我們九點半就離開了旅館,十二點才發車...重點是私人 Taxi 才 USD$40🤣 人家說在中亞就是要共乘車子才有趣,果然不錯...😅

    下午我們停到一家餐廳,直接進去廚房!廚房內居然有個巨大的魚池,裡面的魚都超大!在英文不通的狀況下,真不知道這是要買魚還是吃午餐😐 「一公斤五美金。」司機用計算機打出來。由於當下我以為要買魚回家,馬上說 NO。



    一坐下去就麵包、茶水、居然還有沾麵包的番茄醬(以前都沒有)🍅 這時烏茲別克叔叔們點了伏特加,想說可以消毒,就喝了一杯😛

    應該是說他們是用飲茶大小的碗來喝酒,而且都是全滿。剛喝下去還好,接著不知道為什麼就被灌了四杯😅 完全沒料到後勁超強 😂 叔叔還指著可樂的顏色說我的臉跟可樂一樣紅了😳

    酒量好的 York 當然沒事啦!連續開了三瓶 😲 這時叔叔從一個小包裝拿出一些葉子,要他把嘴巴張開放到舌頭後面。「像這樣子嗎?」他大嘴巴的說。


    叔叔在耳朵旁比了旋轉的手勢,York 說他整個耳朵在響,趕快跑去洗手台吐掉😝 而烏茲別克叔叔們都在大笑,很滿意的看著我們。看來我們成功不靠語言就交了朋友?叔叔們不時關心我如何,告訴我等下上車就會直接睡到目的地🚘

    確實沒錯... 我站起來出去外面透透氣,不到兩秒就把食物吐出來了!我的魚...😭 而且是廁所都還沒有走到,就吐在餐廳的花圃上...🌹

    接下來的車程我真的是睡死...醒來頭也超痛的... 這餐真的吃太飽,兩人吃一公斤的魚肉含酒才 USD$7!果然在古城被坑很大 🙄 就這樣... 結束了我們在烏茲別克第一個有趣的體驗😂

    #烏茲別克 #希瓦 #布哈拉

    First time getting drink on Vodka in broad daylight ☀️ Projectile vomited across a flower bed😨🌹 Slept through a 450KM car ride while walking up with massive headache 🚘

    Uzbeks are crazy drinkers! Never again!!!!

    So the day started with us taking a shared taxi from Khiva to Urgench for USD$1 each on a 40 min car ride🚖

    Then we negotiated another shared taxi to Bukhara which is 430KM away for USD$10 per person. As we were the first passengers, we waited for an hour before the driver found 4 other ppl then he's finally ready to go!

    Mind you, a whole private cab is only USD$40...😐 However, they say shared taxi are part of Central Asia experience and they not wrong🤣

    We visited two restaurants along the way and headed straight into their kitchen😶 Had no idea what's happening as no one speaks English but there were MANY fishes swimming inside this large pond😲🐟

    Turns out they were deciding which restaurant was fresher. One kilogram of fish was USD$5, this clearly shows that our food in Khiva was a rip off🙄

    The fried fishes were delicious but the highlight was probably the local men kept pouring vodka for us and guess we bonded that way...???😂

    York had like 7 BOWLS of straight vodka while I had 4 😆 Had to run outside to use the toilet but really I was vomiting out the food...🤢

    Between 4 or 5 of us, we finished 3 bottles of Vodka 😲 No joke... THEN... this man got out a packet of tobacco (?) Or leaves of some sort and told York to put it underneath his tongue 👅

    Within a few seconds he sobered up! With ears ringing through his ears👂 It was quite crazy LOL. He whispered to me asking me if it was cocaine, I'm like I thought cocaines are powders not leaves???🌿

    Anyways... We truly bonded with the them thanks to York who's able to tolerate alcohol 😛

    Didn't get rip off for food as those fresh fishes were only USD$7 for two of us including bread, tea and drinks🍸 Finally, a decent meal in Uzbekistan after so many days!!!

    Slept like a baby in the car ride...No shit 😂

    Ps. I think "York" means "No" in Uzbek, in Russian "Neh!"

    #Uzbekistan #Khiva #Bukhara