

在 visually中文產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 〈Pecado É Lhe Deixar de Molho 你沈溺在這罪惡世界〉 ——Tribalistas 部落人 【關於這首歌 About the song】 我去年無意中在Spotify上面發現了一首來自巴西團 Tribalistas(部落人)的一首歌。當時覺得:「天阿,這個曲名怎麼那麼長...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,460的網紅Natalia Ng 黄彩菱 Official,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【I Dare U To】the leading song for this album, is also the commercial theme song for the latest range of products, Töush, inspired by the well-establis...

visually中文 在 文科太太的日常 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-04 22:01:26

: 紅豆餅配氣炸味增彩椒松阪豬。 對,你沒看錯,老爺買氣炸鍋給我了!雖然不知道是大選結果讓他太開心還是氣炸了,反正我是開心到灑花瓣啦。 這麼說當然是開玩笑的,我們家對於選舉很少有過深的激情,期望的候選人當選不會大肆慶祝、落選也不會過度沮喪,還是照常過日子。 氣炸鍋是他看到好市多正在特價,身為工...

  • visually中文 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-30 19:02:50
    有 48 人按讚

    〈Pecado É Lhe Deixar de Molho 你沈溺在這罪惡世界〉
    ——Tribalistas 部落人

    【關於這首歌 About the song】

    我去年無意中在Spotify上面發現了一首來自巴西團 Tribalistas(部落人)的一首歌。當時覺得:「天阿,這個曲名怎麼那麼長?到底是什麼意思?」,所以去查了歌詞來了解意境。

    I came across this song by the Brazilian group Tribalistas last year, and when faced with such a song title, I asked: "WHY so many words and what do they all mean?" So I promptly looked it up.


    Upon research, my thoughts were: "Okay this song is gorgeous and - huh, these things rhyme if I translate the lyrics into Mandarin." So I wrote Mandarin lyrics to it, and it has since become one of my most cherished songs.

    【關於這支影片 About this video】


    After my last endeavor, I've started to sort of figure out what works and doesn't work for me, so I pushed myself on this one to work with more complicated stuff, both in music and video production.


    Musically, I added more "instruments" (The slow brushes were my curtains and the cowbell was my water bottle) as well as effects. Visually, I tied the videos together more stylistically and put more effort into neater handwritten lyrics as well as animating more ethereal things from scratch.



    I hope you all enjoy. Please feel free to comment with any questions, and would appreciate likes and shares if you enjoy!

  • visually中文 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-01 18:50:06
    有 988 人按讚


    繼上次推薦 #誰是被害者
    如何看台劇學英文 https://bit.ly/3gH4pnZ
    這次來聊聊 #Netflix 高人氣動畫


    What kind of bean are you talking about?😂)


    首先片名英譯就很有趣:Demon Slayer
    而非逐字翻成 Blade of Demon Destruction😅


    故事中的「鬼殺隊」則被翻成 The Demon Slayer Corps


    會發現它的類型被歸類成Shonen Anime






    One of the best Shonen adaptions of our time and by far the best show to air in 2019. The heart and soul of amazingly talented staffs at Studio Ufotable translated into this emotionally charged and visually stunning series, creating a roller coaster ride filled with breathtaking moments.

    -emotionally charged 情緒激烈、澎湃,或許翻成「熱血」最接地氣
    -visually stunning 視覺效果驚人
    -breathtaking moments 令人歎為觀止的場面

    The Ukiyo-e style splash action sequence and seamless 3D incorporation further enhance the intensity of critical decisions in this Dark Fantasy, taking viewer immersion to a whole new level.

    -Ukiyo-e style 浮世繪風格。附帶一提,角色的「招式」也叫style
    -seamless 3D incorporation 這裡的3D是指立體的電腦動畫
    -viewer immersion 觀眾的沈浸度

    Excellent overall execution and cinema level quality production down to every last detail. This is a Must Watch.

    -execution 執行、表演
    -Must Watch 最後一句還特別大寫,強調不能不看😮


    「水之呼吸」的英文直譯成Water Breathing


    #鬼滅之刃 #炭治郎 #禰豆子 #我妻善逸 #嘴平伊之助 #鬼殺隊
    #追劇學英文 #卻都不追英文劇

  • visually中文 在 公民聯盟 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-04-18 13:03:39
    有 36 人按讚

    💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第五發:高雄美國學校總校長卜傑明與太太來到台灣的甜蜜故事 💕💕







    卜傑明:「我現在是高雄美國學校的總校長,我們有來自超過30個國家、800位學生。我們的美式教育哲學是強調批判性思考而非背誦,並著重發揮創意、創造新知 — 這不是教學法的一種,而是我們的信念。而且,我們身處高雄,就是屬於高雄的一份子。高雄美國學校的建築概念就是『透明』,就算坐在教室裡,我們的學生也能看到他們所屬的城市以及外面的世界。」


    Why I Chose Taiwan #5 💞

    Ben: I was a Peace Corps volunteer many years ago. It was a wonderful and difficult experience. Early in our relationship, Torey told me she eventually planned to live and work overseas. I was one hundred percent on board with that.

    Torey: So academically, my background is in aerospace engineering. I interned with Boeing for a while. Then after college, I went to work for Rocketdyne, which is a subcontractor for NASA, they made the space shuttle main engines.

    Ben: She’s an actual rocket scientist!

    Torey: My company would design and manufacture the parts for engines in California. And then we would ship them to the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi, where we would assemble and test engines. But I always wanted to be a physics teacher. When I met Ben, I was actually on a business trip. One of my coworkers was engaged to Ben’s roommate…and now we’re married!

    Ben: So we were looking for overseas opportunities, and the opportunity in Taiwan came about. And I came out here to interview in person. And I remember when I walked in the front door of this place for the first time…it just felt different. I was here for two days and by the time, I got the plane to go back home, I was sold on the school. I was sold on Taiwan. I went to Torey and I said, “Torey, did you ever consider Taiwan?” She literally jumped up from couch and said, ”Yes, that’s at the top of my list.”

    Torey: I always wanted to learn Mandarin and I have so many friends in high school and college who were from Taiwan. I love the heat. I love the travel. I’ve made so many new friends here. People are so nice and so open.

    Ben: I now serve as the superintendent of the Kaohsiung American School. We have 800 students from a total of over 30 countries. There is a certain philosophy to American education that we apply here -\-\ an emphasis on critical thinking over memorization; the importance of creativity and creating new knowledge -\-\ we don’t identify them as part of our pedagogy. They are actually part of our beliefs. At the same time, we are in Kaohsiung. We are part of Kaohsiung. This school is designed to be transparent. Even when you’re sitting in the class, we want our students visually connected to the city they are part of and to the place they are part of and to the outside world.

    ✅Dr. Ben Ploeger joined the Kaohsiung American School community as Superintendent in 2017. He earned his EdD and MEd from Columbia University. Dr. Ploeger has worked as a head of school, principal, vice principal, math teacher, and a science teacher at the high school and middle school levels. He served in the United States Peace Corps in the island nation of Vanuatu. Mrs. Torey Ploeger is a rocket scientist. They enjoy good food, good company and conversation, and traveling together.

  • visually中文 在 Natalia Ng 黄彩菱 Official Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-08-08 18:00:10

    【I Dare U To】the leading song for this album, is also the commercial theme song for the latest range of products, Töush, inspired by the well-established electrical brand, Pensonic. The song was written especially for Natalia by renowned music producer Percy Phang inspired by the Western Pop genre that was made to suit her style and personality.

    The MV is lively, visually rich and fashion forward with hints of futurism, which set designs and themes were largely inspired by the epic science fiction film, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Directed by Stanley Kubrick. This MV’s aim was to take a playful twist on how the advance Töush technology is as good as 5 strong men completing household chores, every housewife’s dream. The cast that boasts international allurement introduces five talented and stunningly good looking models including Andy Oshima (ex-national volleyball player turned model of Belgian and Japanese descent), Henrique Fukuoka (supermodel of Japanese and Brazilian descent), Mason Roberts (Australian model turned artistic painter), Benjamin Hori (supermodel of Japanese and Canadian descent), and Sampei Okuno (Japanese model and musician). The cast flew in from cities across the globe; Shanghai, Australia, Taiwan, Canada, and Japan, for the filming of this music video.

    On a deeper lyrical note, Percy and Natalia wrote this song with the idea that due to Natalia’s ambitious and confident demeanor, she tends to appear intimidating. The song was to encourage future prospects to dare to step up to the plate, break down her walls and fight for her, because behind all that strong exterior, she’s really just an easy-going goofball.

    【I Dare U To】 是一首由知名音乐人彭学斌根据Natalia的风格量身打造的Western Pop 风格歌曲,是本次专辑的主打歌,也是Pensonic主推的新系列产品Töush的代言歌曲。

    【I Dare U To】 MV可说是充满着满满的视觉享受,时尚感及未来感,因为场景及服装设计的主要灵感就是来自电影大师Stanley Cubrick的作品《太空漫游》。MV中一共五名壮男,以展示在Töush科技下的家电就如壮男般帅气且智能地完成家务,实现每一位家庭主妇的梦想。这无名壮男分别由五名名模所扮演,其中包括Andy Oshima(前排球选手,现为模特,日本比利时混血);Henrique Fukuoka (名模,日本巴西混血);Mason Roberts (澳洲名模,现为艺术画家);Benjamin Hori(日本加拿大混血名模);Sampei Okuno(日本模特,音乐家)。他们分别从上海、澳洲、台湾、加拿大及日本到来进行本次拍摄。在这强大的演员卡司下,可是大大提升了本MV的视觉享受。


    【I Dare U To】 is available for stream or download 可在此下载:
    1.iTunes / Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/my/album/i-dare-u-to-ep/1475467463
    2.Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5gcr43Mi3ABi3LTjax6ZiL?si=eju4QA4OSWikEyNXvssZPA
    3.KKBOX : https://kkbox.fm/3U4TRz
    4.JOOX: https://www.joox.com/my-zh_cn/album/pGVLequCylK0gWLYWsG29A==
    5.MOOV: https://moov.hk/#/album/VATH00501125A
    6.Friday音乐 : https://omusic.friday.tw/albumpage.php?album_id=1704880 (Taiwan platform)
    7.QQ音乐:https://y.qq.com/n/yqq/album/002yCVIk1oWNPI.html#stat=y_new.singer.index.album_name (China platform)
    8.千千音乐:http://music.taihe.com/album/664196818 (China platform)
    9.网易云音乐:https://music.163.com/#/album?id=80831543 (China platform)
    10. 酷我音乐:http://www.kuwo.cn/album_detail/10493891 (China platform)
    11.微博音乐: https://weibo.com/p/10151501_65196845 (China platform)

    更多Natalia Ng 黄彩菱相关资讯:
    Connect further with Natalia 黄彩菱:
    Website: http://www.nataliangofficial.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nataliangoff...
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/natalia__ng/
    微博: https://weibo.com/u/5744128666
    抖音: http://v.douyin.com/RFR5rS/

    I Dare U To
    词 : (中文词)彭学斌 / (英文词)Natalia
    曲 / 制作:彭学斌 @ 口袋音乐 Percy Phang
    编曲:帼航 Hanzz / 陈韦汐@口袋音乐

    我不知道你的过去 是如何伤害你
    我只知道你的现在 有我在陪伴你
    想得太多 会变得 容易怀疑
    难道你看不出 我眼神中的确定?

    你不相信永远这事 到底有多可信
    你不相信因为那些 不完美的结局
    时间飞快 难道我那么用力

    ( I Dare U To ) Open Up Your Heart, Open Wide
    ( I Dare U To ) Say You’ll Fight For Me, Say You’ll Try
    ( I Dare U To ) Don’t Let Go, Don’t Let This Slip By
    Break Down My Walls And Tell Me That You’ll Stay Through The Night

    ( I Dare U To ) 让爱再次为我澎湃
    ( I Dare U To ) 把你的真心掏出来
    ( I Dare U To ) 紧握了手就不放开
    让我的等待一直在 幸福的路口徘徊

    Presented by Pensonic and JN Entertainment
    由Pensonic 及 JN Entertainment 呈现
    Singer歌手 & English Lyrics 英文歌词: Natalia Ng 黄彩菱
    Composed作曲 & Chinese Lyrics 华文歌词: Percy Phang 彭学斌
    Director of Photography 摄影师: Carmen Lee
    Creative Direction 创意指导: Leslie Kee
    Line Producer制片人: TK Cheng
    Executive Produced 执行制片人: Nelson Chew, Jamie Ng
    Assistant Line Producer制片助理: Amber Ooi, Ariel Siow, Don
    Art Director美术指导: Too Wen Huei
    Gaffe灯光师r: Vincent Chai
    Stylist造型师: Weechee
    Wardrobe Stylist Assistant服装造型师: Jill
    Natalia’s Makeup Artist Natalia’s化妆师: Kevin Lee
    Natalia’s Hair Stylist Natalia’s发型师: Bibian Leong
    Cyborg Makeup Artist特效化妆师: Kenji Sato
    Cyborg Hair Stylist特效发型师: Tatsuya Suzuki
    Editor剪辑: Carmen Lee
    BTS Videographer幕后影片: Ryutaro Hori, View East Creative
    BTS Photographer幕后照片: Carol Leong, Rinesh Timoga
    Natalia’s Assistant Natalia’s 助理: Eunice Ng, Yuki Okuno
    Music Arrangement 编曲 : Hanzz 陈韦汐
    Harmony Singer/ Writter 和音编写/和音 : Irene Sow, Natalia Ng
    Sound Engineer 录音师 : Hanzz 陈韦汐
    Mixer 混音师: Billy Ong
    Recording Studio 录音/混音室: Bosh Production Studio
    Op: Pocket Music Production

    #NataliaIDareUTo #NataliaxTöush #IDareUToMV

