

在 visualize中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過419的網紅Yen Time エンタイム,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 〔 VISUALIZE 60 のトビラ絵展 〕 一個小小的店面,穿著土色衣服的光頭老闆安靜的低著頭在看手機。名叫「森岡書店」卻沒有看到任何書,牆上擺了一整面只有線條的紙張。 VISUALIZE 60 のトビラ絵展 中文翻譯成像是「門扉展」是因為他們是介紹日本デザインセンター案件的第一道門,...

visualize中文 在 Freeyon Chung 鍾君揚 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-07-16 22:43:54

Happy News #1 Thank you @mrrmhk ! Grab your copy of this month's Triangular Issue & check out the section Try and Go! . . Apart from SOH CAH TOA, one...

  • visualize中文 在 Yen Time エンタイム Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-28 21:11:17
    有 8 人按讚

    〔 VISUALIZE 60 のトビラ絵展 〕






    |VISUALIZE 60|

    会期:2021年6月15日(火)~6月27日(日) 入場無料

  • visualize中文 在 換日線 Crossing Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-12 10:00:06
    有 33 人按讚

    【Rising youths in Myanmar】​

    There is a unique unity among the youths in Myanmar who are willing to take part in ways they can either online or offline on the ground. The amount of rally and unity the youth population has shown without any kind of instructions is simply remarkable.​

    They set up their own connection services, Facebook contacts, charity networks, Telegram Channels, National Tweeting Captions that were pre-made so that anyone could easily copy and tweet on Twitter.​

    The spotlight then comes to how the youth interaction could summon international participation in place. Politics is simple enough to visualize from a clear perspective as in if you want to win a fight, it’s only logical you pull people near you to be on the same page; not someone who’s 6,000 miles away. ​

    ●這裡看中文版:「我們沒有槍,只有勇氣」一位緬甸青年的心聲:這次抗爭和 1988 年有何不同? >> https://bit.ly/3iv3Ktf​

    ▍Email 訂閱《全球事件簿》接收世界消息 >> bit.ly/2PfOGnb​
    ▍新刊上市《走進真實矽谷》>> bit.ly/3uLqf0q​
    ▍2021 全年份季刊一次訂 >> bit.ly/3bfZJEW

  • visualize中文 在 Freeyon Chung 鍾君揚 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-07-09 20:10:46
    有 44 人按讚

    Happy News #1
    Thank you @mrrmhk !
    Grab your copy of this month's Triangular Issue & check out the section Try and Go!
    Apart from SOH CAH TOA, one of my most memorable triangle related concepts is the connection between Dream/Goal, Preparation and Opportunity. Oftentimes, people may think of this as a linear progression, but I feel these can happen in any order and can constantly evolve over time. Maybe as you develop a skill/passion, you discover a new goal/dream. Perhaps an opportunity has been presented to you and then you started preparing for it. It might even be that you created opportunities for yourself which then led to having new goals. Think about this triangle and how it connects to your life right now...maybe it'll give you some insight or steer you in a different direction
    今次嘅訪問令我諗返起好多過往嘅經歷。由讀書/學音樂開始去到做巡迴歌舞劇表演者,由參加比賽 (新秀歌唱大賽/型男家族/香港先生)去到我辭咗我份非常之穩定嘅教書工作定居喺香港做嘢,所有嘢嘅時間同安排都係啱啱好。當然唔係我所有思考過嘅嘢都可以喺雜誌入面寫曬出嚟,所以我希望遲啲有機會再同大家分享。
    1. Plan (計劃)
    2. Action (行動)
    3. Consistency (有規則/定期)
    嚟緊會有更加多好消息同大家share 😁 好快就會知㗎啦!
    #mrrm #mrrmmagazine #triangle #motivation #growthmindset #keeplearning #persistence #believeit #visualize #takecontrol #有啲嘢係要自己去爭取嘅 #中文同英文caption唔同㗎

