

在 veteran電影產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 如果沒記錯的話,這應該是湯姆漢克第一次演出西部題材的電影。 湯姆漢克飾演一位離鄉背井,穿梭各個小鎮為沒有空看報與不識字的鎮民唸出新聞給他們聽的讀報人傑佛森凱爾基得上尉,在旅行的路上遇到了一位被印地安人養大的德國女孩。傑佛森試著帶著女孩尋找她僅存的家人,兩人踏上了凶險且漫長的旅程,走過一場又一場的危...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過285萬的網紅Namewee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,KARA KING - opens nationwide 1st August 2013 Movie Synopsis (Directed by Namewee) Wu (Ng Mang Tat) won the Regional Karaoke Championship in Hong Kon...

  • veteran電影 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-15 11:32:26
    有 164 人按讚





    #讀報人 #湯姆漢克

  • veteran電影 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-29 21:28:08
    有 101 人按讚

    [翻轉視界] 孤軍奮戰的正義律師: 羅伯‧比洛特

    Have you seen the film Dark Waters?


    The film is based on the 2016 New York Times Magazine article "The Lawyer Who Became DuPont's Worst Nightmare," which describes Robert Bilott's case against the chemical manufacturing corporation DuPont after they contaminated a town with unregulated chemicals.


    Robert Bilott put his career, his family, everything on the line to win justice for tens of thousands if not millions of people. It is because of people like him, people who continue to speak out and take action against injustice, that our society continues to improve. Thank you, Mr. Bilott.


    Here’s a Times article that describes both the film and its portray of Mr. Bilott’s struggle to bring justice. I highly recommend the film.

    以下是《Time 時代雜誌》的文章,介紹了這部電影並描繪了比洛特先生伸張正義所做的努力;我強烈推薦《黑水風暴》。

    新聞報導: https://youtu.be/Tkkuil-U6qQ


    Rob Bilott, a corporate lawyer-turned-environmental crusader, doesn’t much care if he’s made enemies over the years. "I’ve been dealing with this for almost three decades," he says. "I can’t really worry about if the people on the other side like me or not."

    •a corporate lawyer 企業律師
    •environmental crusader 環境鬥士
    •make enemies 樹敵、建立敵人



    Bilott used to be on the other side. The Todd Haynes-directed movie Dark Waters, tells the story of how the lawyer switched allegiances. As happened in real life, the movie depicts Ruffalo’s Bilott as a lawyer who defends large chemical companies before he is approached for help in 1998 by Wilbur Tennant, a West Virginia farmer whose land was contaminated by chemical giant DuPont. Inflamed by that injustice, and the complicity of local authorities, the lawyer risks his career as he embarks on a decades-long legal siege of one of America’s most powerful corporations.

    •switch allegiances 轉換陣營
    •depict 描述
    •complicity 共謀;串通;共犯
    •DuPont 杜邦(世界排名第二大的美國化工公司)



    He works, at first, on Tennant’s behalf, then pursues a class action suit representing around 70,000 people living near a chemical plant that allegedly contaminated drinking water with PFOA, a toxic chemical used in the production of Teflon. In recent years, studies have correlated long-term exposure to PFOA with a number of illnesses, including some types of cancer.

    •on behalf of sb/in behalf of sb; on sb's behalf/in sb's behalf 代表~;作為~的代表;代替~ ; 因為,為了~的利益
    •a chemical plant 化學工廠
    •allegedly 宣稱地;據傳地
    •contaminate drinking water 污染飲用水
    •perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) 全氟辛酸銨



    In 2017, Bilott won a $671 million settlement on behalf of more than 3,500 plaintiffs. Those people claimed they had contracted diseases, among them kidney cancer and testicular cancer, from chemicals DuPont allegedly knew may have been dangerous for decades, and allowed to contaminate their drinking water anyway.

    •settlement 協議;和解(金);定居;支付
    •plaintiff 原告
    •contract a disease 患病、染病
    •kidney cancer 腎臟癌



    In Dark Waters, Haynes emphasizes the seemingly endless fight taken up by Bilott, as DuPont brings its considerable resources to bear to defend itself over the course of two decades. According to one analyst, the film’s potential to raise awareness about these issues could have a serious effect on some chemical companies’ bottom lines. But for the real Rob Bilott, the work of taking the industry to court is far from over. In October 2018, the lawyer filed a new lawsuit against several companies, including 3M, Arkema, and Chemours, a manufacturer spun off from DuPont in 2015. That ongoing case is seeking class action status, and was initially brought on behalf of Kevin Hardwick, a firefighting veteran of 40 years who used fire-suppression foams and firefighting equipment containing a class of chemicals known as PFAS, or polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFOA is one type of PFAS chemical).

    •seemingly endless fight 看似永無止境的鬥爭
    •considerable resources 為數可觀、相當多的資源
    •raise awareness about… 激發對~的警覺
    •far from over 遠遠不夠
    •file a lawsuit 提起新訴訟
    •seek class action status 尋求集體訴訟(派一方代表訴訟)地位
    •polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) 全氟烷基物質(廣泛被用來作為表面塗料,不易分解、會產生污染)

    在《黑水風暴》中,海恩斯強調那些比洛特所參與的看似是個永無止盡的鬥爭,因為杜邦二十多年來動用可觀的資源來為自身辯護。根據一位分析師,本電影可能激發大眾對此類議題的警覺,或是將對一些化學公司的利潤帶來嚴重影響。但對真正的羅伯‧比洛特而言,僅將杜邦送上法庭遠遠不夠。2018年10月,這位律師針對好幾家公司提起新訴訟,對象包括3M、阿科瑪與2015年從杜邦拆分出來的製造公司科慕。這起進行中的訴訟案正尋求集體訴訟地位,而該案件初始是為凱文.哈德沃克提起的,一位有40年經驗的消防員,他長期使用一種含全氟烷基物質(PFAS)或多氟烷基(polyfluoroalkyl)物質的滅火泡沫與消防器材。(註:PFOA是一種 PFAS化學物。)


    PFAS chemicals are used in products ranging from waterproof jackets to shaving cream, and they can leach into water supplies in areas where they are disposed of or used in fire suppression (in particular on military bases, where they have been used for years). According to Bilott’s complaint, studies currently suggest that PFAS is present in the blood of around 99% of Americans. The class of chemicals has broadly been linked to immune system disruption, while PFOA specifically has been found to be associated with cancers and other diseases. Bilott’s newest lawsuit, as with his prior cases, alleges that these companies knew for decades that PFAS chemicals, specifically PFOA, could be linked to serious health problems, and that they still assured the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other U.S. government regulators that PFAS exposures were harmless.

    •range from…to… 從~到~
    •leach into 過濾、滲入
    •water supply 供水,給水
    •be linked to 與~有關
    •be associated with 與~相關
    •assure 保證
    •government regulators 政府監管、立法單位
    •exposure (n.) 暴露

    PFAS化學物質應用廣泛,從防水夾克到刮鬍泡,而他們可以滲入可能或被用於滅火的地區的供水之中(尤其在軍中,這種物質被使用多年)。據比洛特控訴,目前研究顯示,約99%的美國人血液中有PFAS存在。這種化學物質與免疫系統遭破壞有關,而PFOA則被發現跟癌症與其他疾病相關。比洛特最新的訴訟一如先前的案件,宣稱這些公司數十年來都知道PFAS化學物質,尤其是PFOA可能與重大健康問題相關,但他們仍舊向環保局與其他美國政府監管單位保證,說 PFAS的暴露是無害的。


    "What we’re hearing once again from those companies that put those chemicals out there, knowing that they would get into the environment and into our blood, is that there’s insufficient evidence to show that they present risks to humans who are exposed," explains Bilott. "These companies are going to sit back and say, we’re entitled to…use you as guinea pigs, yet those of you who are exposed are somehow the ones who are going to have to prove what these 'chemicals' do to you."

    •insufficient evidence 證據不足
    •present risks 存在危險
    •a guinea pig(通常用於測試藥效的)實驗對象,供做實驗的人 ; 豚鼠,天竺鼠



    "If we can’t get where we need to go to protect people through our regulatory channels, through our legislative process, then unfortunately what we have left is our legal process," says Bilott. "If that’s what it takes to get people the information they need and to protect people, we’re willing to do it."

    •regulatory channels 管制途徑
    •legislative process 立法程序



    Robert Bilott is a true hero.


    文章來自於《Time 時代雜誌》 : https://time.com/5737451/dark-waters-true-story-rob-bilott/

    圖片出處: Cincinnati Enquirer


    翻轉視界: http://bit.ly/3fPvKUs

  • veteran電影 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-11 18:00:05
    有 10 人按讚

    A national security law foisted by Beijing on Hong Kong last year has curbed artistic freedoms that are necessary for movies to thrive, says a veteran actor who leads a filmmakers’ industry group.

    Read more: https://bit.ly/3rAwum0

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  • veteran電影 在 Namewee Youtube 的最佳解答

    2013-08-04 09:18:19

    KARA KING - opens nationwide 1st August 2013

    Movie Synopsis (Directed by Namewee)

    Wu (Ng Mang Tat) won the Regional Karaoke Championship in Hong Kong by beating his Taiwanese friend Gao (Frankie Gao). When Gao's love interest Ah Hu (Tiger Huang) accepted Wu's marriage proposal, the rivalry between these two Karaoke champions turn into a lifelong competition. During the peak of his singing career, Wu suddenly gave up all the fame & fortune of his career and disappeared from the Hong Kong with his two children.

    Just when Wu thought he could take all the secrets with him to his grave, Gao finally found him and came to wreck havoc at Kara Village. With the news about his long lost wife at stake, Wu is forced to come out of retirement for one last duel between the two Karaoke champions. This is a touching story about how the power of music, can bridge the generation gap between a father and his rebellious son.

    Kara King is a musical comedy with a multi-national casts from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, China and Canada -- starring Ng Mang Tat (from Stephen Chow fame), Namewee (Nasi Lemak 2.0), Frankie Gao (veteran Taiwanese singer), Tiger Huang (Popular Taiwanese Diva), Christopher Downs (Canadian and Taiwan personality), Moses Lim (popular Singaporean celebrity), Iris Woo and Ribbon Ooi (new Malaysian artistes) and many more. Produced by Fred Chong (Nasi Lemak 2.0 and Hantu Gangster), Kara King is also written and directed by Namewee and will be launched on 1st August 2013 in Malaysia, following by other Asia regions (including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore).


    欲網購黃明志最新實體專輯《亞洲通才》及歷年專輯和周邊商品請到。Purchase Namewee Latest 《Asian Polymath》 , Others Music Albums & Merchandises Please log in to https://namewee4896.com/

    Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:

    Namewee YouTube Channel Link:

    #Namewee #黃明志 #KaraKing

  • veteran電影 在 Namewee Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2013-07-10 23:56:22

    KARA KING - opens nationwide 1st August 2013

    Movie Synopsis (Directed by Namewee)

    Wu (Ng Mang Tat) won the Regional Karaoke Championship in Hong Kong by beating his Taiwanese friend Gao (Frankie Gao). When Gao's love interest Ah Hu (Tiger Huang) accepted Wu's marriage proposal, the rivalry between these two Karaoke champions turn into a lifelong competition. During the peak of his singing career, Wu suddenly gave up all the fame & fortune of his career and disappeared from the Hong Kong with his two children.

    Just when Wu thought he could take all the secrets with him to his grave, Gao finally found him and came to wreck havoc at Kara Village. With the news about his long lost wife at stake, Wu is forced to come out of retirement for one last duel between the two Karaoke champions. This is a touching story about how the power of music, can bridge the generation gap between a father and his rebellious son.

    Kara King is a musical comedy with a multi-national casts from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, China and Canada -- starring Ng Mang Tat (from Stephen Chow fame), Namewee (Nasi Lemak 2.0), Frankie Gao (veteran Taiwanese singer), Tiger Huang (Popular Taiwanese Diva), Christopher Downs (Canadian and Taiwan personality), Moses Lim (popular Singaporean celebrity), Iris Woo and Ribbon Ooi (new Malaysian artistes) and many more. Produced by Fred Chong (Nasi Lemak 2.0 and Hantu Gangster), Kara King is also written and directed by Namewee and will be launched on 1st August 2013 in Malaysia, following by other Asia regions (including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore).


    欲網購黃明志最新實體專輯《亞洲通才》及歷年專輯和周邊商品請到。Purchase Namewee Latest 《Asian Polymath》 , Others Music Albums & Merchandises Please log in to https://namewee4896.com/

    Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:

    Namewee YouTube Channel Link:

    #Namewee #黃明志 #KaraKing

  • veteran電影 在 Namewee Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2013-06-25 18:00:04

    KARA KING 冠军歌王 Official Movie Teaser

    Released Date : 1st August 2013 (Malaysia Only)
    Directed by : Namewee
    Produced by : Fred Chong (Prodigee Media)
    Executive Producer : Tedy Teo & Fred Chong
    Supported by : MBI and Mface
    Starring : Ng Mang Tat, Namewee, Gao Ling Feng, Tiger Huang, Iris Woo, Ribbon Ooi, Christopher Downs, Zalif Sidek Bo Amir, Epi Raja Lawak, Steven Lim, Moses Lim, Zhang Shao Ling, Yao Yi, Qing Yung, Xiao Hei

    KARA KING is a story about how the estranged relationship of a retired Karaoke King and his rebel rocker son is mended through the power of music.

    For 20 years, Ng left his behind his fame and fortune to live in a small village in Malaysia with his two children trying to hide his hidden past, until one day his ultimate singing rival finally came to town to challenge him for one final singing duel. With his family's secret at stake, this is the final showdown that Ng cannot escape from.

    KARA KING is a heartwarming musical comedy directed by rapper Namewee with regional veteran casts and singer including Ng Mang Tat, Gao Ling Fen and Tiger Huang.


    欲網購黃明志最新實體專輯《亞洲通才》及歷年專輯和周邊商品請到。Purchase Namewee Latest 《Asian Polymath》 , Others Music Albums & Merchandises Please log in to https://namewee4896.com/

    Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:

    Namewee YouTube Channel Link:

    #Namewee #黃明志 #KaraKing

