

在 versions中文產品中有24篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅鳥樹 Toriki,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 九月的開始來跟大家分享一個消息!! 「鳥樹 TORIKI X 天空音樂節 空中合作」 直接跟大家說重點!! 「免費!免費!免費!參加天空音樂節!! 聽音樂玩小遊戲還可以來鳥樹享折扣呦!!」 疫情的關係,第三屆天空音樂節轉為線上舉辦 自9/16起 每週三晚間九點會播出一集 (簡直太棒...

 同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過889的網紅台湾産QQりーゆき 李幸Lee Yuki,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【#台湾産QQりーゆき 李幸LeeYuki YouTube】 ‣‣https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4h1KFZFEBM17moTdi9jJNA?sub_confirmation=1 你們的免費訂閱按讚支持是我創作的動力🙇‍♀ 皆様の無料登録といいね応援は私の創作活...

versions中文 在 « ? ? ? ? ? ? ? » Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-17 17:52:36

𝄞 (中文・日本語↓) . i am thrilled to announce that three songs by my work partner, PEACE靖 @officialpeacejing , will be included on the ost of the chinese ...

  • versions中文 在 鳥樹 Toriki Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-07 22:21:41
    有 48 人按讚


    「鳥樹 TORIKI X 天空音樂節 空中合作」



    自9/16起 每週三晚間九點會播出一集

    鳥樹出現影片日期:10月14日 9:00pm-9:40pm

    1) 留意每集指定店家的聳動標題跑馬燈,截!
    2) 前往天空音樂節的臉書或IG點讚,截!
    3) 前往店家的臉書或IG點讚,截!
    4) 分享天有不測風雲的影片,並設為地球文,截!

    ** 向店家顯示以上四張截圖,即可換取優惠、折扣或贈品。
    ** 主辦單位和所有店家保有修改條款和細則之權利。

    告五人、HUSH、鄭宜農、楊莉瑩、李友廷、柯泯薰 & 百合花
    張藝、Soya 手癢計劃 & 杜韓念
    Joycelyn慧敏、彪民、Cynthia馨蕊、Chrystina 黃瑋瑄、Jiun湘君
    、Fish 楚惠、Brandon、Emily 芯靜、Danny溫力銘 & Chloe 美雲
    新聞主播 :

    Terms and conditions
    1. 此截圖優惠活動的推廣期由大馬時區2020年9月16日下午9時至2020年12月31日下午10時。
    1. The promotional period of this screenshot promotion activity is from 9pm on September 16, 2020 to 10pm on December 31, 2020 (Malaysia time, GMT+8)
    2. 此活動的主辦單位為天空音樂節「天有不測風雲」。
    2. The activity is organised by Tian Kong Music Festival 2020.
    3. 截圖優惠活動須遵守本條款及細則。Facebook用戶參加此活動,將有機會贏取各店家送出的優惠。
    3. Subject to these terms and conditions, this activity offers Facebook Users the chance to win discounts/prizes offered by the vendor(s).
    4. 任何Facebook用戶在推廣期內完成以下步驟後,既符合參與資格。
    4. A Facebook User will be entered into the activity by taking the following actions during the promotional period:
    (a) 觀看「天有不測風雲」網路節目並分享該影片至您的臉書,截圖分享至您的臉書牆即可。
    (a) Watch Tian Kong Live Sessions and share the link of the video(s) to your Facebook feed.
    (b) 點贊及追蹤天空音樂節與店家的FB或IG專頁
    (b) Like and follow Facebook pages of ‘Tian Kong Music Festival’ & respective vendor(s)
    (c) 截圖店家出現在「天有不測風雲」跑馬燈的新聞字幕。
    (c) Screenshot the vendor(s’) advertising lines that appear in the ‘news crawler text’ in the Tian Kong Live Sessions videos.
    (d) 獲取店家優惠時,請出示a,b,c項截圖即可。
    (d) For redemption of said promotion, simply present the items stated in clause a, b, & c for verification.
    Gentle reminder: Kindly engage the respective vendor(s) when redeeming the promotion, if said vendor(s) operates online, contact the vendor(s) to facilitate redemption.
    5. 每位Facebook用戶可不限次數參加此活動,並於整個活動中贏取各店家的優惠,同一個人只限贏取不超過一份獎品。但可多次截圖,贏取各店家各一份獎品。如有Facebook用戶兌換同一店家多於一次,店家只會接受其第一次之兌換資格。截圖優惠份額根據每個店家規定之數量,送完為止。
    5. Number of participation is not limited for each Facebook user, and a participant can participate in the ‘Screenshot Promo Activity' for all vendor(s) included in the activity. However, note that each participant can only redeem once per participating vendor, and in the event of duplicated redemption, vendor(s) will only be liable to honour the earliest redemption. The amount of redemption available is in accordance with the limit(s) set by the respective vendor(s).
    6. 如果優惠因在店家不可控制之情況下以致未能提供,店家將保留以其他價值相等之禮品或優惠代替之權利。因延遲、押後或取消任何活動而引致之任何開支、不便或費用,主辦單位恕不負責。
    6. If the redemption is unavailable due to circumstances beyond the control of the vendor(s), the vendor(s) reserves the right to substitute the redemption for one of equal or equivalent value. The organiser shall not be responsible for any expenses, inconvenience or costs incurred due to the delay, postponement or cancellation of any event.
    7. 除有關Facebook用戶及主辦單位以外,並無其他人士有權按《合約(第三者權利)條例》強制執行本條款及細則的任何條文,或享有本條款及細則的任何條文下的利益。
    7. No person other than the participants and the organiser will have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any of the provisions of these terms and conditions.
    8. 如有任何源自或有關本條款及細則的爭議,主辦單位保留最終決定權。
    8. In the event of any dispute arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions, the decision of the organiser shall be final and conclusive.
    9. 主辦單位保留權利隨時更改本條款及細則並終止活動,而不作事先通知。主辦單位對於任何更改或終止概不承擔任何責任。
    9. The organiser reserves the right to change these terms and conditions and terminate the activity at any time without prior notice. The organiser accepts no liability for any such change or termination.
    10. 參加用戶如違反本條款及細則,干擾活動,就活動作出具有濫用、舞弊或欺詐成分的行為,作出虛假聲明或陳述或違反適用的法律或法規,則主辦單位保留權利取消該參加用戶之參加資格,其後並可能會撤銷及追討任何損失。
    10.The organiser reserves the right to exclude a participant who violates these terms and conditions, tampers with the activity, engages in abusive, deceit or fraudulent behaviour in relation to the activity or makes false representations or statements or violates applicable law or regulations. If a participant is excluded, any offer may be subsequently revoked and reclaimed.
    11. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the Chinese and English versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall apply and prevail.
    由 天空音樂節 Tian Kong Music Festival 刊發
    Issued by Tian Kong Music Festival

  • versions中文 在 沼澤 /henri in the marsh Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-05 14:16:43
    有 23 人按讚

    沼澤x 天空音樂節
    影片日期:9月16日 9pm-9:40pm
    限量: 15份

    1) 留意每集指定店家的聳動標題跑馬燈,截!
    2) 前往天空音樂節的臉書或IG點讚,截!
    3) 前往店家的臉書或IG點讚,截!
    4) 分享天有不測風雲的影片,并設為地球文,截!
    ** 向店家顯示以上四張截圖,即可換取優惠、折扣或贈品。
    ** 主辦單位和所有店家保有修改條款和細則之權利。


    告五人、HUSH、鄭宜農、楊莉瑩、李友廷、柯泯薰 & 百合花

    張藝、Soya 手癢計劃 & 杜韓念

    Joycelyn慧敏、彪民、Cynthia馨蕊、Chrystina 黃瑋瑄、Jiun湘君
    、Fish 楚惠、Brandon、Emily 芯靜、Danny溫力銘 & Chloe 美雲

    新聞主播 :

    Terms and conditions

    1. 此截圖優惠活動的推廣期由大馬時區2020年9月16日下午9時至2020年12月31日下午10時。
    1. The promotional period of this screenshot promotion activity is from 9pm on September 16, 2020 to 10pm on December 31, 2020 (Malaysia time, GMT+8)

    2. 此活動的主辦單位為天空音樂節「天有不測風雲」。
    2. The activity is organised by Tian Kong Music Festival 2020.

    3. 截圖優惠活動須遵守本條款及細則。Facebook用戶參加此活動,將有機會贏取各店家送出的優惠。
    3. Subject to these terms and conditions, this activity offers Facebook Users the chance to win discounts/prizes offered by the vendor(s).

    4. 任何Facebook用戶在推廣期內完成以下步驟後,既符合參與資格。
    4. A Facebook User will be entered into the activity by taking the following actions during the promotional period:

    (a) 觀看「天有不測風雲」網路節目並分享該影片至您的臉書,截圖分享至您的臉書牆即可。
    (a) Watch Tian Kong Live Sessions and share the link of the video(s) to your Facebook feed.

    (b) 點贊及追蹤天空音樂節與店家的FB或IG專頁
    (b) Like and follow Facebook pages of ‘Tian Kong Music Festival’ & respective vendor(s)

    (c) 截圖店家出現在「天有不測風雲」跑馬燈的新聞字幕。
    (c) Screenshot the vendor(s’) advertising lines that appear in the ‘news crawler text’ in the Tian Kong Live Sessions videos.

    (d) 獲取店家優惠時,請出示a,b,c項截圖即可。
    (d) For redemption of said promotion, simply present the items stated in clause a, b, & c for verification.

    Gentle reminder: Kindly engage the respective vendor(s) when redeeming the promotion, if said vendor(s) operates online, contact the vendor(s) to facilitate redemption.

    5. 每位Facebook用戶可不限次数參加此活動,並於整個活動中贏取各店家的優惠,同一個人只限贏取不超過一份獎品。但可多次截圖,贏取各店家各一份獎品。如有Facebook用戶兌換同一店家多於一次,店家只會接受其第一次之兌換資格。截圖優惠份額根據每個店家規定之數量,送完為止。
    5. Number of participation is not limited for each Facebook user, and a participant can participate in the ‘Screenshot Promo Activity' for all vendor(s) included in the activity. However, note that each participant can only redeem once per participating vendor, and in the event of duplicated redemption, vendor(s) will only be liable to honour the earliest redemption. The amount of redemption available is in accordance with the limit(s) set by the respective vendor(s).

    6. 如果優惠因在店家不可控制之情況下以致未能提供,店家將保留以其他價值相等之禮品或優惠代替之權利。因延遲、押後或取消任何活動而引致之任何開支、不便或費用,主辦單位恕不負責。
    6. If the redemption is unavailable due to circumstances beyond the control of the vendor(s), the vendor(s) reserves the right to substitute the redemption for one of equal or equivalent value. The organiser shall not be responsible for any expenses, inconvenience or costs incurred due to the delay, postponement or cancellation of any event.

    7. 除有關Facebook用戶及主辦單位以外,並無其他人士有權按《合約(第三者權利)條例》強制執行本條款及細則的任何條文,或享有本條款及細則的任何條文下的利益。
    7. No person other than the participants and the organiser will have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any of the provisions of these terms and conditions.

    8. 如有任何源自或有關本條款及細則的爭議,主辦單位保留最終決定權。
    8. In the event of any dispute arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions, the decision of the organiser shall be final and conclusive.

    9. 主辦單位保留權利隨時更改本條款及細則並終止活動,而不作事先通知。主辦單位對於任何更改或終止概不承擔任何責任。
    9. The organiser reserves the right to change these terms and conditions and terminate the activity at any time without prior notice. The organiser accepts no liability for any such change or termination.

    10. 參加用戶如違反本條款及細則,干擾活動,就活動作出具有濫用、舞弊或欺詐成分的行為,作出虛假聲明或陳述或違反適用的法律或法規,則主辦單位保留權利取消該參加用戶之參加資格,其後並可能會撤銷及追討任何損失。
    10.The organiser reserves the right to exclude a participant who violates these terms and conditions, tampers with the activity, engages in abusive, deceit or fraudulent behaviour in relation to the activity or makes false representations or statements or violates applicable law or regulations. If a participant is excluded, any offer may be subsequently revoked and reclaimed.

    11. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the Chinese and English versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall apply and prevail.

    由 天空音樂節 Tian Kong Music Festival 刊發
    Issued by Tian Kong Music Festival

  • versions中文 在 Jocelyn Kao Illustration. Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-24 12:00:04
    有 101 人按讚


    去年完成的兩本作品是和台灣出版社 - 企鵝創意出版合作的繪本童書系列伊索的異想世界,我繪製了兩個故事, 鴿子與螞蟻以及渴望國王的青蛙。伊索寓言是我小時喜愛的讀物,充滿寓意和想像力,很開心有機會繪製我對故事的想像,也希望你們喜歡!😊




    New Books published!🐸

    The porject I completed last year were the picture book series Aesop's Fabels published by Ta Chien publishing house in Taiwan. I illustrated two stories, the dove and the ant and the frogs who desired a king. Aesop’s Fables is one of my favorite series when I was young, full of morals and imagination. I am very happy to have the opportunity to share my interpretation of the story. I hope you like it!😊

    The picture books are available in Chinese and English versions. If you are interested, please visit the publisher’s website to find out more informations.

    There are so many chapters in Aesop’s Fabels. Which one is your favor?


  • versions中文 在 台湾産QQりーゆき 李幸Lee Yuki Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-09-04 19:00:14

    【#台湾産QQりーゆき 李幸LeeYuki YouTube】

    00:59 《誰是被害者》 次の被害者 The Victims' Game➔NETFLIX
    04:28 《做工的人》 The Workers➔HBO
    台灣人都看過的台灣華劇 推薦給大家唷!!

    00:59 《誰是被害者》 次の被害者 The Victims' Game➔NETFLIX
    04:28 《做工的人》 The Workers➔HBO
    **[台湾華語]【-._ @記号の中国語】電話応対のビジネスマナー|職場電話禮儀與符號的中日文

    **[台湾情報]鬼月にご注意 冥婚の赤い封筒を拾ったら…|鬼月注意 冥婚紅包


    **[C-POP]「台湾カラオケ曲」 ベスト5曲-女性編|想向日本人推薦 台灣KTV必點歌

    🐒FB🔎李幸 LeeYuki りーゆき/Yukichan.twjp/
    🐒IG 🔎yukichan.twjp 李幸yuki
    🐒Weibo 🔎李幸_Yuki
    🐒Twitter 🔎李幸 Lee Yuki
    **This video is not sponsored. 這支影片不是合作影片
    **In case of discrepancies between the Japanese and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall apply and prevail. 中日文版本如有歧異,應以中文版本為準。

    📑Joy Liu
    [email protected](日中英対応可)

    📑李幸 LeeYuki りーゆき
    [email protected](日中対応可)

  • versions中文 在 大人的玩具 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-03-28 10:00:02


    如果覺得我介紹的不錯,歡迎贊助我的開箱影片(Please support my video Channel) PayPal : jkc1974@gmail.com

    開箱介紹:HotToys MMS278D09 Avengers: Age of Ultron Mk43~ by 大人的玩具

    Dante from Devil May Cry 4 has re-birthed in the name of Asmus Toys.

    We are very proud to introduce the franchise of Devil May Cry will be an essential part of Asmus Toys for the next two years. Characters like Nero, Virgil, Dante from DMC 1,2,3 are all planed to be made in the finest detail of 1/6 scaled world too.And there is no better way to begin our journey by refresh one of our earliest hero - Dante.

    The 1/6 scaled Dante collectible figure will be sold in two ways, a regular version and a Luxury Edition. Both versions include the figure in game accurate clothing and weapons. However, in Luxury Edition you will be getting a monstrous diorama platform. You can either display Dante standing on top of it, or play with it as Dante is having his way killing this beast.

    Dante from DMC4 has a significant meaning to the team of Asmus Toys. He was the very first 1/6 action figure that were made by the team, it was earlier even than the name of Asmus. Just a concept to let you know, that we will give everything to perfect this figure.

    Dante is now up for pre-order in our website. It is limited to only 1000 pc standard version, 500 pc of Luxury Edition.

    so be quick to secure your copy.

  • versions中文 在 Meimeiwawa Multimedia 妹妹娃娃多媒體 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2016-12-26 19:59:08

    Find out where to listen to all versions of "Where Do We Go": http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoAllVersions

    KKBOX: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalKKBOX
    Spotify: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalSpotify
    iTunes: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalITunes
    Apple Music: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalAppleMusic
    MyMusic: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalMyMusic
    Omusic: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalOmusic

    這次的新歌「Where Do We Go」發行大家應該知道來得不易。歌曲終於發行了,導演梁妍熙Esther Veronin當然會為妹妹Lara梁心頤大力相挺,量身打造一個末日環境,說著一群迷惘的女強人的故事。「Where Do We Go」意思有很多種,但Esther一聽到就想透過這支MV讓觀眾更了解女性權這個議題。在人生的旅程上,你們是否也認識了一些堅強卻有魅力的女性朋友呢?請分享這支MV給她們/標記她們,讓她們知道她們對你是多麼的重要。
    Everyone should know by now that this single did not come easy for any member on the Meiwa team, especially Lara herself. The song's finally out, and to show her support, our director Esther Veronin has put her 110% into creating a music video which does Lara's masterpiece justice. "Where Do We Go" has many meanings, but Esther was inspired by the song to raise awareness for feminism in the video. On your journey, have YOU met any strong and beautiful women? Please share/tag them in this music video, and let them know how much they mean to you.

    Where Do We Go (中文版)
    詞:Lara梁心頤 /曲:Lara 梁心頤, Jason 呂偉誠
    像一場夢 神秘開頭
    你的言語 完美閃爍
    意向朦朧 形跡衝動
    既然愛上了 何必保留
    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    So where do we go
    Where do we go from here?
    像場惡夢 不停重播
    每個舉動 如流沙中
    還要幾次 才真的懂
    再烈的焰 都要氧氣才能活
    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    So where do we go
    Where do we go from here?
    Oh 讓我
    Oh 讓我走
    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    So where do we go
    Where do we go from here?

    Produced by Meimeiwawa Multimedia
    MV導演Music Video Director: Esther Veronin梁妍熙
    調色師Colorist: Luke Cameron
    演員Cast: Lara梁心頤,Fanny Hsu許雅蓁, Julie Biscayart畢竹俐, Jenna Robinette林珍珍, Rachel Ling, Estelle Yang 楊蔚庭, Esther Veronin梁妍熙
    攝影Cinematographer: Roland Lazarte 賴羅蘭
    穩定器操作Steadicam: Fishbone
    創意顧問Creative Consultant: An Rong Xu 許安榮
    空拍攝影Drone Operator: Doulos Kun
    燈光Gaffer: David Yu 尤泰偉
    製作助理Production Assistants: Fanny Hsu許雅蓁, Nga Bui Hoang
    美術Art Direction: Edmund McGowan
    服裝Stylist: Jenna Robinette 珍珍
    髮型Hair: Jenna Robinette 珍珍
    化妝Makeup: Arial Ping平羽媜
    器材協力Rentals provided by 旋轉牧馬Merry Go round
    BTS Photos provided by: Claywell Blake

    Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos

    Official Website: www.meiwamedia.com

    Like us on Facebook 請按讚~!
    妹妹娃娃多媒體 Meimeiwawa Multimedia



    妹妹娃娃多媒體 Weibo微博

    妹妹娃娃多媒體 Youtube

    Lara梁心頤 Facebook

    Lara梁心頤 微博 Weibo

    Esther梁妍熙 Facebook

    Esther梁妍熙 微博 Weibo

