Song: WeiBird 韋禮安 - 記得回來 I’ll Be Here
今天 Mr. 要來跟大家分享的是來自台灣的創作歌手韋禮安的最新單曲《記得回來》❤️
韋禮安是 Mr. 從小時候就很喜歡的一位創作歌手,在音樂曲風上也一直不斷突破,讓人聽見音樂更多的變化及可能😎
Song: WeiBird 韋禮安 - 記得回來 I’ll Be Here
今天 Mr. 要來跟大家分享的是來自台灣的創作歌手韋禮安的最新單曲《記得回來》❤️
韋禮安是 Mr. 從小時候就很喜歡的一位創作歌手,在音樂曲風上也一直不斷突破,讓人聽見音樂更多的變化及可能😎
在這次的全新專輯《Sounds If My Life》中,韋禮安除了擅長的流行情歌外,更是大玩取樣及節奏藍調,營造出生活的不同面向及故事😌🙌
這首〈記得回來〉則是一首寫給他朋友追夢的歌,他想透過這首歌告訴對方,不論你走了多遠,我都會在這裡等著你,陪你一起💪🏻Mr. 只想說,有這樣的好友在身旁真好🤩
WeiBird is a Taiwanese singer-songwriter well versed in folk pop, soul and R&B.
His latest album, Sounds of My Life, attempts to present a documentary on sounds meaningful to his life. With the sound bites of his co-workers, friends, family, fans, and even pets sprinkled throughout the entire album, it’s his most ambitious work to date. Heavily influenced by progressive R&B and soul, the songs in this album touch upon love and loss, growing pain, his adorable cats, and, mostly importantly, his gratitude towards all those around him❤️
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versed台灣 在 粘拔的幸福碎碎念 Facebook 的最佳解答
BLM(Black Lives Matter)「黑人命貴」組織與運動,已等同美國文革。BLM代表的不只是黑人平權運動,而是美國民主黨支持、中國共產黨扶持、美國華爾街(George Soros為代表)金援、美國主流左派力挺,共同對付川普(Donad Trump)總統的工具,寄望立場親近中國的拜登(Joe Biden)當選。但BLM何嘗不是在利用這個左派聯盟?
打碎舊世界 創造新天地—美國文革正在進行時
為此,川普早於2019年多次強調「美國永遠不會成為社會主義國家」,並誓言要「共同反對社會主義」。 這就是為什麼美國需要川普、世界需要川普,因為目前只有他能拯救美國免於華爾街、民主黨、共產黨三方聯盟對民主制度、傳統價值、宗教信仰的毀壞,並切守護全球自由、民主制度。
Trump: "America Will Never Be A Socialist Country"; "We Were Born Free And We Will Stay Free"…/trump_america_will_neve…
在上帝的眼裡 ,人類不分人種、膚色都是平等的,都在等待救贖。 這也是為什麼當年信奉上帝的清教徒林肯與北方州為主的共和黨人,可以跨越膚色侷限,為跟自己不同族裔的黑人爭人權,但主張蓄奴的南方州群起反抗,結果引發南北內戰。美國內戰最後北方軍勝利,但解放了黑奴的共和黨林肯卻被反對解放黑奴的民主黨人暗殺。
自從歐巴馬時期「黑人命貴」BLM興起後,虛偽左派人士及主流媒體附和所謂的「政治正確」。據稱許多大企業把說了「所有生命都重要」All Lives Matter的員工革職;在學校裡,把說了All Lives Matter的學生記過(居住美國台裔網友提供)。但篤信基督的美國副總統Michael Pence(麥可·彭斯)堅持All Lives Matter,不附和左派的Black Lives Matter。
7月13日文章談及因說了「所有生命都重要」All Lives Matter而被BLM暴徒以槍爆頭慘死的Jessica Doty Whitaker,她是一個三歲男童的媽媽。大部分網友明辨是非,譴責BLM並對受害者寄予同情。但少數人卻持相反觀點,不但不譴責BLM,還挑刺說被害者先說了具歧視性質的N-word,是白目、是挑釁。我對這種顛倒是非黑白的人真是無力吐槽。
比較有趣的是,許多美國猶太人竟然也支持BLM,當然這些持者多是既得利益階層如華爾街金融資本家(如George Soros)、媒體老闆等(如Michael Bloomberg)。他們難道不知道BLM不只是馬克思主義信徒,還信仰慕斯林、對猶太人採敵視態度嗎?還是那句話,貪婪。為了金錢、權力、女色,以及延長生命保持健康活力(這方面中國可以隨時提供服務,不管是換血、換器官,或是中國小蘿莉)以便於繼續享受這一切,什麼都可以出賣。
Black Lives Matter聯合創始人Patrisse Cullors(派崔斯·卡洛斯)曾公開在影片說,她和她的組織者都是「訓練有素的馬克思主義者」。據報導說,這清楚表明了他們運動的思想基礎。
「我們是訓練有素的馬克思主義者。我們精通某種意識形態理論。我認為我們真正嘗試做的是打造一種可以被很多黑人利用的運動」,她本人和Alicia(艾麗西亞)都是受過訓練的組織者。 Cullors在接受《Real News Network》的Jared Ball採訪時補充道。
Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists” – making clear their movement’s ideological foundation, according to a report.
〝We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories. And I think that what we really tried to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk,”Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers” , she said, referring to BLM co-founder Alicia Garza. Cullors added in the interview with Jared Ball of The Real News Network.…/blm-co-founder-describes-herself-as-…/…
「黑人命貴領袖對警察宣戰」:「我們以伊斯蘭國家為榜樣」(其實暗指ISIS.)。BLM是種族主義「猶太仇恨者」 Louis Farrakhan(路易士·法拉肯,註1)和「刺客」 Malcolm X(麥爾坎·X,註2)的追隨者。
左翼激進主義者Shaun King(肖恩·金)主張耶穌基督塑像應該被拆除,因為祂代表「白人至上的形式」。「是的,我認為他們聲稱是耶穌的歐洲白人雕像也應該倒下。它們是白人至上的一種形式。一直都是。」Shaun King在推特上說(註3)。
Black Lives Matter leader declares war on police: 〝 We pattern ourselves after the Nation of Islam 〞Followers of the racist Jew-hater Louis Farrakhan and the assassins of Malcolm X (who was murdered because he left the Nation of Islam).
BLM is a terrorist group. The claim they are defending the Black community is fallacious and absurd. 14 unarmed Blacks are shot and killed by police a year. But hundreds, thousands of Black people have been killed in the very violent crimes the police work to protect them from. But now the police cannot do their jobs. That’s why over 600 people have been shot since the BLM insurrection.
Six Weeks, Six Democrat Anti-Police Cities, 600 Murders — Media SILENCE, Plantation Democrats Smirk. Black lives don’t matter to the Democrats and BLM. No lives matter – just those they can exploit to their nefarious ends. What matters is dismantling the greatest country in human history.
They’re Burning Down Churches, California, Florida, Alabama ….. Three in Just 24 Hours.Tearing down Christian statues and calling for removal of Jesus iconography, now this.
Related: Left-wing activist Shaun King Statues of Jesus Christ should be torn down, ‘form of white supremacy’.〝 Yes I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been,〞 King tweeted.
「我們準備採取一切必要手段製止這些謀殺案。」BLM領導人宣布對警察發動戰爭,該團體正在「訓練我們的人民捍衛我們的社區,以『黑豹式武裝巡邏』」。BLM大紐約分會主席Hawk Newsome(霍克·紐索姆)在接受DailyMailTV獨家採訪時表示,黑人權利組織正在動員其基礎。
這名激進分子說,BLM的目標是發展一支訓練有素的「軍事部門」,以挑戰George Floyd(喬治·弗洛伊德)在Minneapolis(明尼阿波利斯)逝世後的野蠻行徑。我們準備以任何必要的方式製止這些謀殺案。「我們正在準備和培訓我們的人民,以捍衛我們的社區」。Newsome補充說,他認為他的團隊可以領導「警察戰爭」。
DailyMailTV透露,一名「黑人命貴」領導人已向警方宣戰,併計劃發布一項變革藍圖,其中涉及黑豹式武裝「巡邏」,以監視街頭警員的行為。Hawk Newsome表示,黑人權利組織正在「動員」自己的基地,旨在發展一支訓練有素的「軍事部門」,直接挑戰警察的暴行。
〝 We prepare to stop these murders by any means necessary.〞 Black Lives Matter leader declares war on police and group is 〝 training our people to defend our communities” in 〝 Black Panther style armed patrols”.Hawk Newsome, Chairman of BLM’s Greater New York chapter, says the black rights group is “mobilizing〞 its base, he told DailyMailTV in exclusive interview.
The activist said BLM aims to develop a highly-trained 〝 military arm〞 to challenge police brutality head on in the wake of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis.〝 We prepare to stop these murders by any means necessary. We are preparing and training our people to defend our communities〞. He believes his group can lead the 〝war on police〞
A Black Lives Matter leader has declared war on the police and plans to release a blueprint for change that involves Black Panther style armed 〝 patrols〞 monitoring the behavior of officers on the streets, DailyMailTV can reveal. Hawk Newsome says the black rights group is 〝mobilizing〞 its base and aims to develop a highly-trained 〝military arm〞 to challenge police brutality head on.
Newsome said: 〝We want liberation. We want the power to determine our own destiny. We want freedom from an oppressive government, and we want the immediate end of government sanctioned murder by the police. And we prepare to stop these government sanctioned murders by any means necessary. We are preparing and training our people to defend our communities〞.
〝We have black Special Forces officers advising us, and we will teach and train people in our communities, the Black Ops department of Black Opportunities,〞he said. Asked if the 〝Peace Officers〞 would be armed and open carry their guns in the states that allow it, he said: 〝Yes, absolutely.〞
註1:Louis Farrakhan 是美國伊斯蘭民族組織「伊斯蘭國度」長期領導者,在美國和全世界設立了超過130所伊斯蘭國度清真寺。曾在2008年2月24日稱歐巴馬為「救世主」,被認為具種族主義,反猶太主義、反同性戀色彩,公開說過「記住,猶太人,當上帝將你們放在火爐中,你們會永遠在那裡受苦。」因而被稱為新一代的「黑人希特勒」。
註2:Malcolm X是《穆罕默德之聲報》創辦者,也是「伊斯蘭國度」共同領導者,鼓吹黑人優越主義與種族分離;但後來他因不認同「伊斯蘭國度」而退出,並公開反對他以前鼓吹的種族主義,開始與他以前批評太過溫和的黑人領袖包括馬丁·路德·金合作。1965年,他在一場演講中遭到「伊斯蘭國度」三名成員槍殺身亡。
註3: Shaun King是Real Justice PAC的共同創始人,也是Black Lives Matter 的知名白人支持者。
They’re Burning Down Churches, California, Florida, Alabama ….. Three in Just 24 Hours…/…/…
Black Lives Matter leader declares war on police: ‘We pattern ourselves after the Nation of Islam”…
versed台灣 在 Yim Mau-Kun Studio 冉茂芹畫室 Facebook 的最佳貼文
In part one of the interview on my blog I posted yesterday, I mentioned how my mother supported me to pursue my interest in art in my early years. I'm forever grateful to her. This is a portrait that I did for her in Hong Kong and below is an introduction of the painting and my mother in an oil painting collection to be published in China in the near future.
Mother 75x47cm 1982 Hong Kong
母親 75X47CM 1982 香港
In 1960, during my second year at the Affiliated High School of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts while I was home for the winter break, I made an oil painting of my mother. That painting was unfortunately lost during the Cultural Revolution. After my graduation, I was assigned to Zhaoqing City in Guangdong Province, which was very far away from my hometown in Hunan. I only received 12 days a year for family leave including the travel time, so my trips home to Hunan were always rushed affairs with little time for painting. It was not until the 1980s that my mother, siblings, and I were all finally reunited one by one in Hong Kong. By that time, my mother was 72 years old. Two years later, we moved to slightly larger rental accommodations and I found time to paint this portrait of my mother.
After I came to Taiwan, I happened to mention the tragedy of my parents caused by the cross-strait standoff to Mr. Liu Shaotang, the president of Bibliographies Publishing. Liu expressed his sympathies as well as his admiration for my mother because she managed to raise us all by herself despite everything that she went through.
My mother was born in Taoyuan County, Hunan. She attended the Zhounan Women's School in Changsha and, to escape from an arranged marriage, fled to Shanghai where she enrolled in the Daxia University. After that, she married, had children, and suffered through China's modern history. It was not until the mid-1980s that she was finally able to travel to Taiwan to sweep my father's tomb. When she passed away in 1994, we fulfilled her final wish by laying her to rest alongside my father.
My mother was a good and honest woman filled with compassion. She often taught her children that "integrity is the foundation of personal character." She was well-versed in ancient literature and wrote with a neat, beautiful hand. She frequently reminded me of the need to re-read my letters to ensure that they were "fluent and made sense", and to use well-accepted phrases rather than making up unfamiliar terms. How I miss her!
versed台灣 在 Yim Mau-Kun Studio 冉茂芹畫室 Facebook 的最佳解答
In part one of the interview on my blog I posted yesterday, I mentioned how my mother supported me to pursue my interest in art in my early years. I'm forever grateful to her. This is a portrait that I did for her in Hong Kong and below is an introduction of the painting and my mother in an oil painting collection to be published in China in the near future.
Mother 75x47cm 1982 Hong Kong
母親 75X47CM 1982 香港
In 1960, during my second year at the Affiliated High School of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts while I was home for the winter break, I made an oil painting of my mother. That painting was unfortunately lost during the Cultural Revolution. After my graduation, I was assigned to Zhaoqing City in Guangdong Province, which was very far away from my hometown in Hunan. I only received 12 days a year for family leave including the travel time, so my trips home to Hunan were always rushed affairs with little time for painting. It was not until the 1980s that my mother, siblings, and I were all finally reunited one by one in Hong Kong. By that time, my mother was 72 years old. Two years later, we moved to slightly larger rental accommodations and I found time to paint this portrait of my mother.
After I came to Taiwan, I happened to mention the tragedy of my parents caused by the cross-strait standoff to Mr. Liu Shaotang, the president of Bibliographies Publishing. Liu expressed his sympathies as well as his admiration for my mother because she managed to raise us all by herself despite everything that she went through.
My mother was born in Taoyuan County, Hunan. She attended the Zhounan Women's School in Changsha and, to escape from an arranged marriage, fled to Shanghai where she enrolled in the Daxia University. After that, she married, had children, and suffered through China's modern history. It was not until the mid-1980s that she was finally able to travel to Taiwan to sweep my father's tomb. When she passed away in 1994, we fulfilled her final wish by laying her to rest alongside my father.
My mother was a good and honest woman filled with compassion. She often taught her children that "integrity is the foundation of personal character." She was well-versed in ancient literature and wrote with a neat, beautiful hand. She frequently reminded me of the need to re-read my letters to ensure that they were "fluent and made sense", and to use well-accepted phrases rather than making up unfamiliar terms. How I miss her!