

在 vehicles意思產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【生活潮流】日文「車中泊」是睡在車上的意思 ⭐原為開長途車的旅行方法 ⭐在香港變成悠閒玩意或工作需要 #星期三CheckCheckMail 駕著私人空間到處睡 車中泊危害健康? 司機陳:「近年因為工作需要過著『車中泊』生活,長期在車上生活會影響健康嗎?」 CheckCheckCin:近年「車中...

vehicles意思 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-02 04:41:31

【生活潮流】日文「車中泊」是睡在車上的意思 ⭐原為開長途車的旅行方法 ⭐在香港變成悠閒玩意或工作需要 #星期三CheckCheckMail 駕著私人空間到處睡 車中泊危害健康? 司機陳:「近年因為工作需要過著『車中泊』生活,長期在車上生活會影響健康嗎?」 CheckCheckCin:近年「車中...

vehicles意思 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-10 00:26:04

/ June 17, 2019 Nearly Two Million Join Anti-Extradition Bill Protest . Summary: All six lanes filled with not vehicles but an endless black stream ...

  • vehicles意思 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-01-27 17:38:45
    有 104 人按讚





    ✔️CheckCheckCin 米水推介:朝米水


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Travel around and sleep in the car
    Is this bad for health?

    “As a driver, I’m always travelling and sleeping in the car. Will this affect my health?”

    CheckCheckCin: Travelling and sleeping in the car, or the ‘Shachuhaku' therapy, has become trendy recently. Many people would drive out of the city to enjoy the personal space in their own vehicles, and some might even treat this as a weekend getaway to relieve stress.

    Nevertheless, this kind of lifestyle will have an impact on our health in the long run. According to the Esoteric Scripture of the Yellow Emperor (‘huang di nei jing’), lying down for an extended period can hurt the qi, and long hours of sitting can damage the flesh. A sedentary lifestyle will weaken our muscles and in turns weaken the spleen as they are interrelated. This will further lead individuals to develop the phlegm-dampness body constitution.

    Sitting for a long period can disrupt the circulation of the qi and blood, hence causing constipation. We must change our lifestyle if we begin to experience discomfort in our body.

    Remember to get down from the car and exercise. Start with 15-minute stretching exercises as it can help improve the circulation of the qi and the blood. When sleeping in the car, remember to lay flat, ensure there is a good air circulation, and keep yourself warm. Drink a cup of rice water every day to help strengthen the spleen and improve your general health.

    ✔ Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, Coix Seed, White Rice
    Effects: Suitable for the whole family to enhance physical wellbeing, especially those with a weak digestive system or with a phlegm and dampness body type.
    Note: Not suitable for pregnant women.

    Welcome to order through our website:� www.checkcheckcin.com

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我狀態OK #痰濕 #便秘

  • vehicles意思 在 阿秤當媽了Kind of Life Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-10 08:23:57
    有 147 人按讚

    昨晚和阿英視訊時,她跟我説:你們今年沒有回來過年,所以年餅 (大馬過年會吃的手工餅乾,種類繁多非常可口)我就不買囉!我聽完哭倒在厠所,吵偉不斷安慰我:沒關係,等病毒死了我們就可以去找外婆了,餅乾可以另外在台灣買。#最後一句是重點🙄



    反正發再多牢騷這年還是得(硬著頭皮)過,至於要怎麽過就看媽媽我的智慧了,嘿嘿嘿……看我一副老神在在就知道我有備而來啊!這次回婆家過年什麽都可以忘了帶,但KidsRead這次推出的Highlights Hidden Pictures英文找找遊戲書(第二彈)一定不能忘!尷尬沒話聊的時候拿出來耗時間,冷空氣中的寧靜頓時就化解了,過年就讓長輩帶著寶貝孫子一起用這麽好玩的遊戲書讓不常見面的關係更密切,感情迅速升溫,至於你嘛,就可以閃到一邊納涼去了!

    這次推出的這套第二波Highlights Hidden Pictures英文找找點讀遊戲書共有三本,「Hidden Pictures Playscenes 2」是為2-4歲幼兒設計的入門版硬頁書,難度較低而且還有可以動手畫的小遊戲,「Hidden Pictures ABC Town & Let’s Count Vehicles」進階版則是華麗大跨頁場景,適合3.5-10歲的孩子,但我覺得成人也很適合,因爲很考眼力!

    吵偉現在已經可以很輕鬆地就解決Playscenes 2,最近愛上畫畫的他經常用附贈的無毒水洗蠟筆畫到廢寢忘食;而ABC Town和Let’s Count Vehicles則是我們親子時間必玩的兩本,至今還有一些隱藏物件還沒找到呢!跪求各位來幫忙找找看👉 https://reurl.cc/Ldk1Ky

    【阿秤 x KidsRead點讀筆團購 #台灣星馬同步】將於下周一12/14早上九點登場!這次的新品非常精彩,KidsRead真的很賊沒有要放過筆友的意思!接下來請原諒我在這裡用這些好東西轟炸大家,老筆友歡迎來補貨,新筆友趕緊加入阿秤一起用點讀筆點燃孩子的無限潛力吧!

    #KidsRead點讀筆 #下週一開團 #有想看直播的舉手 #接下來每天都會有一篇新品分享文唷

  • vehicles意思 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-09-21 07:30:44
    有 95 人按讚


    今天去Walmart買菜後, 回到停車場正準備離開時, 看到了一台車, 有著特別的車牌---上面有著"Historic (or Historical)"這個字. 後來又看了一下那台車子, 覺得古拙可愛(可惜沒拍照.) 我一邊看它的車牌, 一邊看那台車, 又一邊把菜放回車上的同時, 也一直在想到底是為什麼那台車會有那麼一個特別的車牌.

    在這樣多工(multi-tasking)的情況下, 我也將菜往車上放好了. 而把購物車放回去, 回到車子那邊準備離開的時候, 腦子裡也還在想車牌的事. 結果一開車門正準備上車, 發現車子內部看起來好陌生--原來我打開的是別人的車😅

    這種事情已經不是第一次發生了, 不過也覺得很有意思: 難道美國人很常不鎖車門嗎?? (很好奇: 美國的讀者有沒有同樣的遭遇(常發現美國人不鎖車??))

    Anyways. 回家google了一下, 發現了一個關於那個車牌的故事. 分享一個關於本州的小fact:
    "Michigan has a long and proud history as the automotive center of the world. Many residents enjoy restoring and collecting vintage automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles. Since 1956, the state has issued historic and authentic license plates for antique vehicles used in parades, fairs, car shows, swap meets, and other events.

    Historical vehicles
    A historical vehicle must be:
    26 or more years old
    Owned solely as a collector's item
    Used only for events such as historical club activities, parades, and car shows"


    🌻Winding down.............
    附上本週發表財報的公司一覽表. 比較受到矚目的應該是Nike(NKE)還有Costco(COST). 可以看看Accenture的財報--從他們的earnings results, 可以看出企業在IT上的花費趨勢.

    昨天貼了一篇關於Adobe的文. 有興趣的讀者可以看看.

    財報結果已經整理好. 連結在此:

