為什麼這篇vault翻譯鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在vault翻譯這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者o07608 (無良記者)看板Steam標題[翻譯] Fallout Vault系列:Vault...
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2021-08-03 12:32:11
之前就看過Tenet 「天能」, 真的很燒腦,需要反覆思量~ 今天抓到機會二刷+三刷(二刷為了重新審視所有線索,三刷為了幫你們整理英文單字), 還是覺得很好看! 覺得Christopher Nolan真的是鬼才, John David Washington很有個人魅力, 至於Robert Patt...
以下和該系列所有原文全部出自於Fallout Wiki
「正史("Core" Canon)」「半正史(Semi-canon)」「非正史(Non-canon)」三種
範圍很簡明:Fallout 1/2/3/New Vegas/4,以及所有衍生漫畫
包含Fallout Tactics、Fallout Warfare、Official Fallout Game Guides
最著名的就是Van Buren、Fallout Bible和Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel
《Vault 避難所》
A vault is a type of subterranean installation initially designed by the
Vault-Tec Corporation, later constructed in collaboration with RobCo
Industries. Officially, they were designed for the sole purpose of sheltering
up to one thousand individuals in the event of a nuclear holocaust; however, in
reality, they were part of a series of secret experiments orchestrated by the
United States government.
Background 背景
Commissioned by the U.S. government in 2054 as part of “Project: Safehouse,”
also known as the "Societal Preservation Program," the Vault-Tec Corporation
constructed 122 vaults across the country. However, at the onset of the Great
War in 2077, the vaults sealed without many of their intended inhabitants, a
result of the “cry wolf effect" that previous training drills had on the
The first vault was constructed beneath Los Angeles, and was intended to
demonstrate the viability of such a facility. Unlike subsequent
installations, this demonstration vault was not part of the ulterior
experiment behind Project: Safehouse. By 2063, most of the vaults had
finished construction, with the exceptions of Vault 13, Vault 114, Vault 118
and Vault 88. Vault 112 is the last known vault to be completed, construction
having concluded in June of 2074.
Overview 概觀
The vaults were some of the most expensive shelters in the pre-War world.
According to the Vault Dweller's Survival Guide for Vault 13 (otherwise known
as the Fallout manual), the intended budget for that particular installation
was 400 billion dollars, and by the end of its construction reached $645
billion (although it should be mentioned that prices in the Fallout setting
are highly inflated; in Fallout Tactics there are gas station signs listing
regular gas at $1450.99, and there are advertisements for vehicles in Fallout
3 loading screen slides for "Only $1,000,000."). The vaults were located in
various locations, and little information is available as to why those
particular sites were chosen.
不過在Fallout世界中,當時的通貨膨脹很嚴重。在《Fallout Tactics》裡,加油站加油
單價是1450美金;《Fallout 3》中的戰前汽車廣告寫著”只要一百萬美金”)。避難所
Each vault was designed to hold one thousand occupants at any given time,
although hot-bunking was required at maximum capacity, and equipped with all
facilities and supplies needed by them to survive in isolation for the
designated time. According to the Vault 101 PA System, the life support
system could work for over 900 years without failure, and the odds of a vault
failing were 1,763,497 to 1. In addition, the PA system also stated that the
average life expectancy in a properly maintained vault is 92.3 years. The
facilities and supplies for Vault 13 included complete construction
equipment, hydro-agricultural farms, a water purification system, defensive
weaponry to equip 10 people, communication systems and surface monitors,
social, and entertainment files (for total duration). Waste management was
conducted by burning trash on scheduled "burning days." Larger incinerator
receptacles were used for the destruction of human corpses. In addition, some
vaults received one or two G.E.C.K.s, intended to help the inhabitants create
a viable civilization in the post-nuclear world after the All Clear signal is
Different types of power sources were utilized for the vaults. Vault 13
relied primarily on geothermal energy, with backup power available from a
General Atomics nuclear power generator, enough to sustain the vault for two
hundred years. Vault 8 on the other hand, relied on an inefficient nuclear
reactor,[5] which, while enough for Vault City to emerge, could only support
a relatively small, highly advanced settlement, and in 2241 was nearing its
capacity, after which further growth would be impossible.
避難所會用各種動力源。像13號避難所用地熱,並以General Atomics核能產生器作為備
All vault dwellers wear blue-and-yellow jumpsuits, although the design varied
between different vaults.
Needless to say, most vaults in the experiment failed and had results
completely different than those advertised. Many who exited successful vaults
seem to suffer from xenophobia (fear of strangers) and/or agoraphobia (fear
of open places); notable examples would be Michael Angelo, who doesn't dare
leave the Strip even for inspiration, the Boomers who shoot artillery at
anything that comes close to them, the Vault 101 citizens, who still don't
exit the vault even after the Lone Wanderer opens its door, and most of the
Vault 81 citizens, who are wary of outsiders after Overseer McNamara opened
the vault to trade with wastelanders. Notable exceptions would be the Vault
Dweller, the Lone Wanderer, Butch DeLoria, Doc Mitchell, Rylee, Susie Mack
(In the Out of the Vault random encounter) and the Sole Survivor.
Michael Angelo,死都不敢離開他待的地方;《NV》中會對所有接近根據地的人砲轟的
Boomer;《Fallout 3》中101避難所的大門被101殺神打開後,居民仍然沒有離開;以及
《Fallout 4》中81號避難所的居民,在監督McNamara開啟避難所與廢土居民貿易後就很
Dweller、101殺神、《Fallout 3》Butch DeLoria、Susie Mack、《NV》Doc Mitchell、
《Fallout 4》Rylee和Solo Survivor。
Layout 布局
The vaults are all very similar in their basic functions, but sometimes were
constructed according to different designs. The vaults of the New California
area differ from those constructed in the vicinity of Washington, DC, the
Commonwealth, and the Mojave area.
Due to scaling, the size of vaults in games shouldn't be taken at face value.
None of the explorable vaults in the games have enough space or facilities to
actually house 1000 people (or rather 500, as hot-bunking is used at maximum
capacity). However, many doors within in-game vaults are inaccessible, which
allows for the possibility that the vault is far larger than the areas the
player can access.
Entrance 入口
The entrance houses the vault's only connection to the outside world - the
airlock (with the exception of Vault 19, Vault 87, Vault 88 and Vault 118).
It is closed from the inside by a reinforced high-security door and from the
outside by a massive, gear-shaped, four-foot thick vault door, which Three
Dog claims "weighs, like, thirteen tons." For most vaults this is the only
means of entering or leaving. Most vaults have consoles located on both the
inside and outside, both of which require a security code to open the outer
door. These codes are usually only known to a handful of people within the
facility so as to prevent unauthorized exits.
氣閘內側是一道加強過的高強度防護門,外側則是四呎厚的沈重齒輪狀門(《Fallout 3
》Three Dog說大概有13噸重),這對大部分避難所來說就是內外的唯一出入口。大部分
The automated narrator in Washington DC's Museum of Technology states that
the vault doors had a projected 2% failure rate in case of a direct hit by a
nuclear missile. The only known vault to have been hit by a nuclear weapon is
Vault 87, and according to the logs of its overseer, that blast damaged the
door beyond repair. This could have been merely a "lucky shot" falling within
the 2% failure, but it seems more likely that Vault-Tec's strength
projections were incorrect or defined failure as allowing the inside of the
vault to be damaged or irradiated.
Most vaults use a Seal-N-Safe Vault door Model No. 343 to secure the airlock.
Some older vaults, such as Vault 101, use a different, cruder blast door
model. Vault 8, the control vault, had also a second, much larger, blast door
built, securing the entry hallway leading to the entrance to the vault. Vault
111 and Vault 118 are the only known vaults to feature an elevator leading to
an underground area where the gear shaped door is located already secure in
the hill it was built in.
大部分避難所用Seal-N-Safe Vault door Model No.343型號來保護氣閘,而像101避難所
The entrance level also houses the Emergency Medical Lab complete with an
Auto-Doc. A vault medic was required to be present at the EML 24 hours a day.
The lab had the equipment to treat nearly all injuries and illnesses, ranging
from simple bruises to radiation.
Living Quarters 生活區
Standard pre-War design of the living quarters was that of a single room with
a sanitary annex. Vault 13 had one hundred living quarters, and at maximum
capacity, ten people would be assigned to a single living quarter, in a
hot-bunking system. A standard level had 20,000 square feet of usable area.
The lights in the vaults used Simu-Sun technology, making it feel just like
the outdoors, with only a fraction of a sunburn risk. The lights in Vault 101
were kept on all the time to prevent a radroach infestation.
New Entertainertrons were used to play holotapes and used as a slide
projector in the classroom of Vault 101.
Command Center 指揮中心
At the heart of the vault, the command center was where the overseer's seat
was located. The operations center, apart from the seat of power, included
the computer lab, where the water purification system was located, and an
armory, where the vault's weapons, ammunition and armor was stockpiled. A
security guard was posted in the command center at all times, to ensure that
the armaments were properly secured and handed out only to people possessing
the proper clearance from the overseer. The overseer is also able to see
anyone inside the vault with the Eye-on-You cameras.
Apart from that, the level also contained the computer core (with the vault's
AI monitoring the shelter 24/7), housing data processing units, a library
playing an important role in educating vault dwellers, a common meeting room,
and the primary store room, where the most important supplies would be
Equipped with dual 5.56mm miniguns in some vaults, the overseer's command
post can be considered the last line of defense in case vault security is
In the Secret Vault, there are several command posts for the various
sections. The command posts mainly contain buttons to control things like
locking of doors and laser protection.
Difference 差異
‧ Vault 29 (Van Buren) was outfitted with a ZAX AI, which replaced the
29號避難所用一個ZAX AI替代原本的監督
‧ Vault 12 had its overseer's room sealed due to the fact that the main
door of the vault was doomed never to close.
‧ East Coast vaults and Mojave vaults (3, 11, 19, 21, 22, 34, 75, 81, 87,
92, 95, 101, 106, 108, 111, 112, 114, 118) use a different door
mechanism. These vaults employ an opening mechanism that is contained
entirely within the vault itself, pulling the door inwards and simply
rolling it to one side. The doors seen on West Coast vaults, however,
pull the seal outwards and use an external clamp to slide it aside.
‧ East Coast and Mojave vaults lack storage rooms in the overseer's
office; they are instead located near the Atrium.
‧ Vault 0 and the Secret Vault had an entirely different layout than
other vaults.
‧ Vault 75 is found in the basement of a school.
‧ Vault 81 has an entire wing that is cut off from the rest of the vault.
81號避難所(沒玩過fallout 4看不懂)
‧ Vault 111 has an elevator exit leading to the surface just outside the
‧ Vault 114 can be found inside Park Street station.
114避難所在Park Street火車站內
‧ Vaul 118 has a parking garage and is under Cliff's Edge Hotel.
118避難所在Cliff’s Edge旅館下,還有一個車庫
‧ The Commonwealth and Maine vaults are painted in a yellow and blue
shade, while East Coast and Mojave vaults are dull and gray. Also, the
Commonwealth and Maine vaults' hue is the same as the traditional vault
True purpose 真正目的
Officially, the vaults were nuclear shelters designed to protect the American
population from nuclear holocaust. However, with a population of almost 400
million by 2077, the U.S. would need nearly 400,000 vaults the size of Vault
13, while Vault-Tec was commissioned to build only 122 such vaults. The
government, and Vault-Tec, never really believed an actual nuclear war would
occur; the real reason for the existence of these vaults was to run social
experiments on pre-selected segments of the population to see how they react
to the stresses of isolation and how successfully they recolonize Earth after
the vault opens.
The following is based on Van Buren and has not been confirmed by canon sources.
以下內容基於非正史的《Van Buren》
The Enclave, responsible for the experiment (officially known as the
"Societal Preservation Program"), considered themselves prime candidates for
recolonizing the world after a nuclear holocaust and to this end commissioned
the construction of their own shelters, isolated from the vault network. The
purpose of the vault experiments was to help prepare the Enclave for either
re-colonizing Earth or colonizing another planet if Earth turned out to be
以上內容基於非正史的《Van Buren》
End of information based on Van Buren.
The total number of vaults is a government secret and has been lost; there
were the aforementioned "public" vaults, which numbered 122 and an
undisclosed number of "private" vaults. Information on whether Vault-Tec was
an international corporation or strictly U.S. based, cannot be released due
to Vault-Tec and United States federal regulations. That said, Vault-Tec seems
to have constructed some vaults in Canada. In a letter sent to a rejected DC
citizen the company offered to provide a list of "Vault-Tec facilities with
available accommodations, in exciting locales such as Oklahoma and
newly-annexed Canada."
Of the 122 known public vaults, only 17 were control, meaning that only 17
were made to public expectations. All others were designed to include a
social experiment, sometimes with a select few of the inhabitants observing
the occupants.
While some vaults had 'noble' goals, such as to eradicate disease (Vault 81)
or improve the human genome (Vault 75), they had incredibly unethical methods
of doing so, often exposing their inhabitants - often fatally - to some
danger specific to certain vaults to research the effects.
The few vaults that survived intact for more than 80 years came to serve
another, unanticipated purpose: they were an excellent source of pure human
stock, uncontaminated by the mutated airborne strain of FEV and prime
candidates for conversion into super mutants.
The true nature of the vaults epitomized the insidious nature of the
government at its most callous, a running theme in Fallout that the American
government was unconcerned with the wellbeing of its people even in absolute
crisis. The innumerable loss of life caused by making so few vaults, and
their intended use as social experiments, and toying with what little
remained of the American population highlights this. Worse, if the Enclave
met setbacks, failed or were rendered incapable of recolonizing the world, it
appears there was no backup plan to utilize the vaults to replenish humanity.
Results 結果
In terms of providing safety and security for their inhabitants, most of the
vaults were complete failures. However, as noted in the Penny Arcade comic,
the vaults were never truly intended to ‘save’ anyone; there was simply not
enough time, money or resources to build enough shelters to house more than a
fraction of the population. While the “control vaults” did function as
advertised and opened on schedule, most of the vaults were actually intended
to explore and observe how societies succeeded or failed to adapt in response
to various challenges and restrictions. These social experiments were
conducted on live, (largely) unaware subjects, monitored by Vault-Tec
researchers in several separate facilities, and undertaken at the behest of
the future Enclave as part of a massive feasibility study of how to best
resettle a devastated Earth or, if necessary, colonize another planet.
Man, and a Crate of Puppets》中所述,避難所永遠不會真的想要「保護」任何人,他
Most of the vaults seen in the games were non-viable 200 or even a mere 80
years after the War. While Vault 13 might have lasted until its scheduled
opening date of 2277, the unplanned failure of the water chip forced the
overseer's hand and set subsequent events in motion. If Vault 101 was truly
intended to stay closed "forever," its failure was inevitable; the only
question was how long, and what form the change or disaster would take. Many
other vaults were abandoned because of unlivable conditions, or saw the
residents driven violently insane by the procedures inflicted on them. Some
of these continue to pose a hazard to the unwary who wander in from outside,
looking for loot or a place of safety.
Out of all the vaults, only the control vaults were a success, with all
experimental vaults failing in one way or another. There are however
exceptions; Vault 101 while an experimental vault technically failed as it
was never meant to open; Vault 3 is another exception as technically a
control vault, it failed as all the residents were massacred by the Fiends;
Vault 81 is the last exception, as its experiment was sabotaged from the
start by the overseer, so it instead acted like a control vault.
Despite all of this, the experiment may be considered a success in terms of
the data collected - data that was much more important to the Vault-Tec and
Enclave scientists than a few hundred thousand lives, most of whom would have
died anyway if not for the vaults. However, it is unknown if this data was
recovered/used, as there is no reference in the Fallout universe of the
Enclave receiving/collecting the data or Vault-Tec existing in the post-war
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