在 various門市產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過93萬的網紅喜愛日本 Like Japan,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【#LikeJapan美容】日本殿堂級No.1美妝好物推介 捕實即日至8月26日萬寧限時優惠 經常留意日本美妝情報的朋友一定會發現到總有特定人氣美妝品牌長據美妝評價網榜首,諸如ANESSA、SENKA及fino等,口碑之高,令人不禁想:「又係你」卻忍不住補貨再補貨。今次「資生堂科研成果」旗下的日本...
various門市 在 ᴠᴀʀɪᴏᴜs ²¹ ᴏᴏᴛᴅʀᴏᴏᴍ Instagram 的最佳解答
2021-08-02 12:48:40
有好多照片可以跟大家分享「8/4已開獎」 怎麼都看不膩!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 跟各位報告一下目前近況🚗 • 只販售自訂款商品 不定時會上新 如果有新品都會是週五販售 因為設計款式確認版型都要時間就沒有每週上新了🧶🧶🧶 • 目前沒有開放門市面交 因為人手目前不足,沒有...
various門市 在 N A T Instagram 的最佳解答
2021-03-03 08:36:05
Lantern festival is coming up, and for foodies, the perfect time to devour tang yuan (glutinous rice ball ) ⚪️⚫️ Their round shape symbolizes family u...
various門市 在 ᴠᴀʀɪᴏᴜs ²¹ ᴏᴏᴛᴅʀᴏᴏᴍ Instagram 的最佳解答
2021-02-03 13:44:47
這幾天又多了好多新朋友們🐻🐻🐻(12/30已開獎) 新品: 《每週四上架販售三天》 有可能因活動不同而往前或往後上架 可以關注限時動態得到最新活動消息 付款: 《超商取貨付款|ATM 轉帳|刷卡|面交》 物流: 《全家|711|大榮|宅急便|門市面交》 __________________...
various門市 在 喜愛日本 Like Japan Facebook 的最佳貼文
【#LikeJapan美容】日本殿堂級No.1美妝好物推介 捕實即日至8月26日萬寧限時優惠
經常留意日本美妝情報的朋友一定會發現到總有特定人氣美妝品牌長據美妝評價網榜首,諸如ANESSA、SENKA及fino等,口碑之高,令人不禁想:「又係你」卻忍不住補貨再補貨。今次「資生堂科研成果」旗下的日本No.1人氣品牌,更推出萬寧獨家限時優惠,小編已經鎖定了ANESSA x Pokémon限定版極限水美肌UV乳液,還有以下精選推介!
連續20年日本銷售No.1的ANESSA極防水美肌UV乳液今夏聯乘Pokémon限定版,加入「Thermo Booster遇熱禦強」防曬成分,不怕熱、汗、水,紫外線防禦力更跟比卡超一樣遇強愈強,是夏日王道防曬必收品!
榮獲@cosme Best Cosmetics Awards殿堂賞加持的fino高效滲透修護髮膜,早已是日本女生的護髮首選,其蘊含6大美容精華,呵護秀髮重拾健康光澤。
【網店限定優惠】買ANESSA極防水美肌UV乳液(Pokémon限定版)送極防水輕爽低敏UV防曬乳液12ml x 2
#資生堂科研成果 #日本熱売 #ANESSAHK #finoHK #MACHERIEHK #SENKAHK #TSUBAKIHK #manningsHK #萬寧 #萬寧mannings
various門市 在 莫家淦 Keith Mok Facebook 的最佳解答
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various門市 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
48th Learning Session: A Joyful New Year
(English version below)
玳瑚師父於2018年12月31日晚上舉辦了第48場《滿心歡喜元旦餐會》。餐會開始前,有兩位出席者送上美麗的花束。餐會結束後,眾出席者請師父爲他們買的新書《向善向上2 - 漫畫版》簽名。
"Please forgive me. Sometimes what Shifu says may not be music to your ears. But I would rather you hate me, than for you not to know the truth."
On the night of 31 December 2018, Master Dai Hu conducted his 48th Learning Session "A Joyful New Year".
Before the Learning Session commenced, two participants presented Master Dai Hu with beautiful floral bouquets. At the end of the session, several participants sought the autograph of Master Dai Hu, for his new comic book "Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment 2"
The recap below is written by one of the participants, Ms Lee Jia Li:
I would like to thank Master Dai Hu for organising this “A Joyful New Year" Learning Session, and for his permission to attend. I had a very unforgettable New Year Countdown.
At the commencement of the learning session, Master Dai Hu taught us: If you wish for others to respect you, you have to respect yourself first. Master also encouraged us to treat others well, so as to forge affinities with sentient beings for our future lives. Other than that, I also learnt how to tell the real character of a person from this one physical feature.
Other important learning points: the importance of our clothing, why we need to have a faith, what investment truly is, why we must refrain from sexual misconduct, and whether observing a vegetarian diet is the key to attaining Buddhahood, etc.
I am thankful to Master for teaching us in detail what we should do in the first 3 days of 2019, so that the rest of the year would be smooth sailing and successful. I also learnt the 14 Procedures in choosing a new home.
Master also analysed the areas in our health, which we should pay attention to in the upcoming few months. True to what Master had predicted, 3 of the participants present were already stricken with these ailments.
Beside imparting us knowledge, that will benefit us for life, I also learnt the qualities of great love and compassion, with which Master showered upon all participants. I believe participants of his previous learning sessions have witnessed his 110% focus during the events. Even after the session ended, he was generous with his time and patiently clarified the various doubts of the participants, to the extent that he only had time to consume his beverage, after the learning sessions ended.
Also, I wish to thank Master for his blessing. Before the learning session, I was feeling unwell due to cough, flu and headache. As a result of his blessing, I felt my condition improved significantly as the learning session was in progress, and even after it ended.
I hereby encourage all readers not to miss the next learning session!
Thank you, Master, for giving us our first 🎁 in 2019!
【開放預購#2】PRE-ORDER #2 OPEN
《向善向上 2》Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment 2
30則真人真事的度眾故事 30 real-life deliverance stories of Master Dai Hu
全彩色的漫畫 Comic in full colour illustration
中英文翻譯 In both English & Mandarin
192頁 192 pages
三民書局 - http://www.sanmin.com.tw/Product/index/007024661
博客來 - https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010808087
誠品書局 - http://www.eslite.com/product.aspx…
金石堂 - https://www.kingstone.com.tw/basics/basics.asp?kmcode=2012000020405&lid=search&actid=wise
The mind can create Heaven. It can also create Hell.
Transformation of your destiny begins from your mind.
Transformation of your luck begins from taking action.
The economical price includes global delivery (Smartpac mailing for Singapore addressees, registered mail for overseas mailing).
Looking forward to your enthusiastic support! May everybody has a copy and gift copies of this virtuous book to your family and friends and together, embrace a beautiful future!
For Singapore, Malaysia and overseas purchase:
Shipment to arrive in 2nd week of January, 2019.
For Taiwan & Hong Kong purchase: (in stock)
三民書局 Sanmin - http://www.sanmin.com.tw/Product/index/007024661
博客來 - https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010808087
誠品書局 Eslite - http://www.eslite.com/product.aspx…
金石堂 Kingstone - https://www.kingstone.com.tw/basics/basics.asp?kmcode=2012000020405&lid=search&actid=wise