

在 value顏色產品中有135篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 你的冰箱裡必備雞蛋嗎?🥚🥚🥚 你喜歡夕陽般的橘紅色蛋黃?🟠 還是燦爛的金黃色的黃澄澄蛋黃?🟡 🟠🟡雞蛋顏色外觀營養大解析! #蛋黃顏色橘色VS黃色營養有不同嗎? #紅殼蛋VS白殼蛋誰比較營養? #雞蛋裡的白色細絲是什麼東西可以吃嗎? #蛋殼有黑斑點是生病了嗎? #雞蛋能保鮮多久? 🥚雞蛋含有...

 同時也有21部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Smart Travel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#大阪旅行介紹 #大阪分享 #大阪自由行 #日本旅行 #endosushi #endosushiosaka #Maguro #大阪必買 Hello大家好我係呀Tsar, Hello,everyone 今日會帶大家去大阪一個隱世的百年壽司店Endo Sushi Today I will sho...

value顏色 在 樂比比???屏東、高雄、台南、嘉義、雲林,全台景點收集❤️ Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-17 16:50:41

💯想跟大家分享一家很用心的台灣品牌💯 ✨世界第一防水抗菌背包品牌 deya ✨ 這禮拜跟著家人一起出遊去台中玩 出遊前氣象預報了午後會有雷陣雨☔️ 好險自己早已準備好一款防水側背包 就算突然臨時下大雨 完全不用擔心裡面的物品會濕淋淋的🥳 也讓我玩起來更放心更盡興 🎒deya Value 輕量機...

  • value顏色 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-14 20:00:24
    有 78 人按讚


    含有豐富蛋白質、維生素 A、DHA、維生素、鈣鋅鐵等,

    也就是 #蛋黃顏色是橘紅色或是黃色取決於母雞飲食中類胡蘿蔔素的含量🐔
    降低與年齡相關的黃斑部病變的風險 !
    都是維生素 A 和鐵的良好營養來源!
    另外,如果 #雞蛋是非常新鮮的,#蛋白會呈現較混濁的樣子喔。
    *Sophie Réhault-Godbert,’’The Golden Egg: Nutritional Value, Bioactivities, and Emerging Benefits for Human Health’’, Nutrients. 2019.

  • value顏色 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-12 17:20:00
    有 4 人按讚

    為食花太郎 Fafafoodblog 夢之丼
    #fafafoodblog西環 #fafafoodblog日本菜
    🍴夢之丼 298 蚊
    有香咸帶 d 葱香既三文魚蓉 juicy三文魚子 肥美帆立貝 鮮甜牡凡蝦 肥美既 大 toro 仲有好夠油香既右口魚邊 🐟🦐🦀
    而本身佢既飯係自家製既赤醋飯 帶有 d酸味 又夠香濃 同刺身好 match 👍🏻
    🍴花錦魚生丼 188 蚊
    好豐富既丼飯 有三文魚 爽口三文魚子🐟肥美既 白身魚 赤蝦🦐 右口魚邊 幾靚顏色既金蟹子 櫻花蝦碎點綴🦐仲有香濃 蟹膏豆腐 青瓜🥒 甜蛋🥚 玉子漬 同赤醋飯好 match基本上 落少少芥辣同豉油就好好食👍🏻
    有真鯛 68 蚊同深海池魚 48 蚊 池魚夠彈牙 煙韌 魚味比較濃 而真鯛上面火炙過幾香脆🔥 帶 d少辣既梅子醬中和番入面魚肉既腥味 唔錯🐟
    🍴右口魚邊壽司 每件28 蚊🐟🍣 比左口魚肉質彈牙 d但魚油香一樣夠 上面火炙左更香
    🍴柔煮鮑魚98 蚊
    爽口彈牙既鮑魚加 d蟹膏 唔錯
    🍴蟹皇醬燒蟹膏豆腐58 蚊🦀 細細粒豆腐入面完全係蟹膏醬香味 豆腐暖暖地 而且幾爽滑 唔錯
    #日杯菜 #丼飯 #蟹膏 #刺身 #三文魚 #吞拿魚 #右口魚 #左口魚 #赤蝦 #鮑魚 #醋飯
    Score 平均分 <8/10>
    Taste 味道:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
    Present 外觀:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
    Decor&Hygiene 環境衞生:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
    Value for $ 性價比:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
    Service 服務:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
    西環西營盤皇后大道西513 號尼斯花園 地下 a鋪
    #fafafoodblog #為食花太郎 #fafafoodblog西環

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    Fb📒: fafafoodblog
    Ig🖍: fafafoodblog
    Openrice 🍚: 花太郎

    任何美食😋歡迎inbox 我 , 等我食完開心share!🤓

  • value顏色 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-20 19:30:21
    有 3 人按讚

    為食花太郎 Fafafoodblog
    #fafafoodblog印尼菜 #fafafoodblog銅鑼灣
    🍴牛油果沙冰 48 蚊
    大大杯沙冰 牛油果味好香濃 一定落足料 上面鋪左 d朱古力醬都幾 match 👍🏻
    🍴箭葉橙混吉蜜 28 蚊🍊🍋
    印尼箭葉橙比較酸 所以要黎整野飲最襯 再加埋青檸 檸檬 酸度唔同 飲落有層次感 再加少少糖已經好味
    🍴牛肉沙嗲 3 件 56 蚊🐂
    3 串牛肉 切成牛肉粒 都幾大粒 口感彈牙 帶 d筋位 而且熟程度剛好 唔會燒到太熟太硬 🐮沙嗲汁 夠香濃 密度高 仲好似有 d 爽口既白蘿蔔碎 成 pat放喺牛肉上面食好正
    🍴虎蝦花膠湯粉皮 98 蚊🦐,個湯底幾香蝦同菜既香甜味 虎蝦有3 隻都幾大隻 口感彈牙鮮甜 花膠煲得好軟林 夠吸湯汁 而粉皮好爽滑 推介粉皮 👍🏻
    🍴燒雞三色飯 148 蚊🐥
    椰汁飯 班蘭飯 黃薑飯 🍚
    一上枱外表幾靚 有煎豆腐 同有口感既黃豆餅做拌碟 三種飯顏色靚 而且都好夠味 點 d 佢自製醬汁都唔錯 個醬汁帶 d 甜辣 幾惹味 🔥而佢個燒雞外層香脆 醬汁比較似甜豉油 十分入味 再加上熱辣辣 正
    #印尼菜 #黃薑飯 #椰香飯 #班蘭飯 #燒雞 #串燒 #牛肉 #沙嗲 #粉皮 #花膠 #虎蝦 #牛油果 #沙冰 #箭葉橙

    Score 平均分 <7.5/10>
    Taste 味道:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
    Present 外觀:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
    Decor&Hygiene 環境衞生:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
    Value for $ 性價比:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
    Service 服務:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
    銅鑼灣糖街1 至5 號銅鑼灣商業大廈地下b2 鋪
    #fafafoodblog #為食花太郎 #fafafoodblog銅鑼灣

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    Fb📒: fafafoodblog
    Ig🖍: fafafoodblog
    Openrice 🍚: 花太郎

    任何美食😋歡迎inbox 我 , 等我食完開心share!🤓

  • value顏色 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-04-08 23:00:11

    #大阪旅行介紹 #大阪分享 #大阪自由行 #日本旅行 #endosushi #endosushiosaka #Maguro #大阪必買

    Hello大家好我係呀Tsar, Hello,everyone

    今日會帶大家去大阪一個隱世的百年壽司店Endo Sushi Today I will show you to a hidden century-old sushi restaurant in Osaka, Endo Sushi

    遊客就會去黑門市場, 當地人懂得去木津市場 Tourists will go to Kuromon Market, locals know how to go to Kizu Ichiba Market

    和今日我介紹的大阪中央漁市場, With the Osaka Municipal Wholesale Market

    這裏除了有一間隱世的百年壽司店Endo Sushi In addition to a hidden century-old sushi restaurant Endo Sushi

    如果你想買好靚好平的牛肉這裏都可以找到 If you want to buy cheap and good beef, you can find it here

    這條影片分三個部分, 介紹Endo Sushi 的壽司套餐, 超值勁抵食 This video is divided into three parts and introduces Endo Sushi ’s sushi set with low price.

    第二部分會介紹餐牌上,我order了的日本壽司種類 The 2nd part will introduce the Japanese sushi types that I ordered on the menu

    雖然這裏地點不是遊客區, 但是亦不會太偏僻 Although the location is not a tourist area, it is not too isolated

    我認為是好值得搭車來的, 牆上充滿日本名人簽名打卡 Its worth to come n the walls are full of Japanese celebrities signature

    這麼好食CP值又高, 真是值得專程來一次 The high CP value n it is really worth for a visit

    所以第三部份就會介紹這裏交通怎樣來, Are u ready? So the 3rd part will introduce the traffic to come here, Are u ready?

    Endo Sushi 創業超過一個世紀,由1907年開業至今已經傳到第四代, Endo Sushi has been in business for more than a century and has spread to the fourth generation since its opening in 1907.

    店鋪正正位於大阪中央漁市場,食材當然新鮮! The store is located right at the Osaka Central Fish Market, and the ingredients are of course really fresh!

    首先看看他們的餐牌先啦,壽司4款套餐可以選擇OMAKASE套餐, Let's look at their menu. 1st choose the 4 OMAKASE courses,

    每款套餐五件壽司(1,150円), 當中一款時令套餐會按當造食材不時更換種類, There are 5 pieces of sushi (1,150 yen) per set, and 1 of the seasonal sets will be changed according to the time in season.

    根據時令盛產的食材而製作。這個湯要另外叫的300yen(21HKD), 是否很足料呢! Made according to seasonal ingredients. This soup is costed 300yen (21HKD). Isn't it rich?

    我order了這款壽司, 有 Anago、Uni、Tai、Toro、Hamachi I ordered this set with Anago, Uni, Tai, Toro n Hamachi。

    Anago是鹹水鰻魚, 多用作壽司魚生片用途 Anago is saltwater eel, mostly used for sushi sashimi

    只會在日本才有, 至於Unagi就是淡水鰻魚, 一般的鰻魚飯就是用Unagi It ’s only available in Japan. As for Unagi, it ’s freshwater eel usually for making of eel rice.

    Unagi 除了在日本之外, 還會來自台灣、中國、韓國和越南 Other than Japan, Unagi will also come from Taiwan, China, South Korea n Vietnam

    Uni就是海膽啦, 食用的部分不是指牠的身體, 而是海膽的雌性或雄性的生殖腺 Uni is the sea urchin. The edible part is not their body, but the female or male gonad of the sea urchin.

    即是精巢或卵巢, 海膽的種類好多, 但是適宜食用的只有幾種 There are many kinds of sea urchins, but there are only a few suitable for consumption

    其中蝦夷馬糞海膽又稱赤海膽, 是最受歡迎。 Among them, the Mesocentrotus franciscanus sea urchin, also known as the red sea urchin, is the most popular.

    因為牠擁有鮮豔的金黃色, 細緻的顆粒、黏稠甘甜的口感 Because it has a bright golden yellow color, fine particles with thick and sweet taste

    另外一種主要食用的海膽價值是最高紫海膽, 顏色比馬糞海膽略淺, 顆粒稍大 Another major edible sea urchin is the purple sea urchin, which is lighter in color and slightly larger in particle size.

    又靚又新鮮的海膽要顆粒分明, 沒有苦味而且入口甘甜為之最上乘。 The highest quality and fresh sea urchins should be well-defined, without bitterness and sweet in taste.

    為何這間壽司店可以在百年內都屹立不倒呢, Why can this sushi restaurant stand for a hundred years reputation?

    因為這裏每一粒壽司入口, 那種甘甜鮮味都可以last成分鐘在口腔入面 Because every sushi u eat here, the sweet and savory flavor can last for a minute into the mouth

    齒頰留香, 一定要坐著慢慢品嚐, 這個價錢, 我覺得簡直超值! The long after taste worth u to taste them slowly. With this low price, I think it is simply great value!

    Tai 是鯛魚, 日文和可喜可賀是諧音, 所以日本人在喜慶的時候都好鍾意食這一種魚 Tai is sea bream with celebration in Japanese are homophonic, so Japanese like to eat this fish when they are celebrating

    由於牠是海魚, 壽司中亦都是屬於貴價魚,有白肉魚王之美譽 Because it is a marine fish which consider expensive sushi n is known as the King of white fish

    魚肉軟嫩, 油脂不多, 鯛壽司的製作技巧是用熱水輕焯連皮的魚肉 The meat is soft and tender, and there is not much fat. The technique of making sea bream sushi is to blanched the fish meat with hot water.

    再過冷河使魚皮軟化, 魚皮同魚肉之間的皮下脂肪經過溫水焯過之後 Then let the cold water softens the skin n the subcutaneous fat between the skin and the meat is boiled in warm water


    記得睇完影片留個表情符號以示支持啦, Remember to leave an emoji to show support after watching the video,

    幫我分享訂閱和like, 我們下一條片再見, 拜拜! Help me CLS. With that said until next time, goodbye!


  • value顏色 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-03-05 23:00:04

    #心齋橋 #3coins コスメ #とりっぷちゃんねる #3COINS購入品 #100yen百元商店 #300円店大阪分店 #300円店 #300円店日本 #300円店大阪 #三個銅板 #日本生活百貨 #travelplan japan2020 #Shinsaibashiosaka
    Hello, everyone.

    嘩!你真是不得不佩服日本人, 最近一段新聞是這樣寫的 Wow! You really have to admire the Japanese. A recent news is written like this

    日本政府籌集400萬口罩派給北海道市民, The Japanese government raised 4 million masks to be distributed to Hokkaido citizens.

    每家住戶獲發40個口罩, 而且是用郵寄方式派發免聚集, Each household received 40 masks, and they were distributed FOC by mail to avoid gathering

    你完全可以睇到能力高之餘, 亦都好細心, Anyway, what can I say? They are so capable with full control of the situatuin and caring. Anyway, what can I say?

    有時去旅行不是為了飲飲食食, 而是觀察外地人處理同樣處境使用什麼手法處理 Sometimes traveling is not for food and drink, but for observing what methods are used by other people to handle the same situation.

    這個就是旅行中獲取的生活智慧和待人處世, This is the wisdom of life and the life gained from travel

    Any肥! 歡迎大家陪我去旅行, 睇咗當去咗 Anyway, welcome everyone to travel with me!

    今日為大家介紹在大阪心齋橋一個日本人氣雜貨店3COINS+PLUS Today I'm introducing 3COINS + PLUS, a popular Japanese grocery store in Shinsaibashi, Osaka.

    單單在大阪已經有23間分店, 其他分店遍佈日本全國 There are 23 branches in Osaka alone, and other branches throughout Japan

    店內的商品雖然不是像100 yen店那麼便宜,不過3COINS+PLUS的商品更加精緻, Although the products in the store are not as cheap as the 100 yen store, the 3COINS + PLUS products are more refined.

    充滿設計感的雜貨及飾品亦很多選擇,特別適合買來佈置家居 There are also many choices of design-oriented groceries and accessories, which are especially suitable for home furnishings.

    300 Yen差不多21HKD, 都是大部分人負擔得起, 間中會有一兩件貨會貴少少 300 Yen is almost 21HKD, which is affordable for most people, there will be few items are more expensive

    但是你再細心看看那些設計, 絕對是物超所值, 平買貴用的首選 But if u look carefully at those designs, they are definitely good value for money.

    女士們見到當然喜愛啦, 男網友用嚟送給女性朋友, 上司或長輩 Ladies love it for sure. Male netizens will also please their female friends, bosses or elders easily

    一定為對方帶來驚喜, 最緊要是成本低效果驚人吖嘛 Most easy to surprises them, the most important thing is the low cost and amazing effect

    快啲嚟睇下今日的十大必買, Are u ready ? Let's check out the top 10 best-buy today

    第一必買, 你可以當作晨褸或浴袍, 質地好不在話下, 還要價錢相當便宜21HKD咋 The 1st best buy is a morning robe or bathrobe, the texture is good with price only 21HKD

    還有眼罩㗎, 第二必買, 這個用來套住對腳保暖的, 一邊看法證烏冬穿著住就適合啦 There are eye masks. The 2nd best buy is this to cover the feet to keep warm, while u are watching TV

    這個又可以當襪著, 顏色和pattern都好精緻 This can be used as socks , the colors and patterns are so delicate

    拖鞋都好靚啫, 質地還好好添 The slippers are so pretty with good texture

    第三必買, Arm pillow, 你可以買返寫字樓, 食完lunch墊住恰一陣 The 3rd best buy is arm pillow. U can cushion onto it for a nap after lunch in office

    不用害怕整花妝容, 如果這件禮物是由男士送的話, 你話幾體貼呢? No worry for your makeup dissolve. If this gift was sent by a man, how considerate would he be?

    第四必買, 又是可以由男士送給另一半,就是圍裙呀 The 4th best buy is apron can also sent by a man

    你可以告訴對方, 現在歐美日流行的著法, 就是裏面真空 U can tell her that the popular way in Europe, America, and Japan is to wear nothing inside

    配合這個粉紅色姣姣地的砧板, 是否好有畫面呢? Can u imagine if she wearing this with a fancy pink chopping board?

    BB仔的圍裙都有, 如果你是別人daddy, 可以一次過買曬兩款啦 There are aprons for BB, if you are someone's daddy, you can buy both at once

    第五必買, 手提BBQ鐵架, 最近多了很多人行山 The 5th best buy is portable BBQ iron set, recently a lot of pals hiking

    你不需要專程行到有燒烤爐的地方才開始bbq U don't need to make a special trip to the place where there is a barbecue grill before starting bbq

    上山弄一個show me your love粟米肉粒飯,和女友看日落 Go hiking with your GF and cook a "Show Me Your Love" cornmeat rice n watch the sunset together.

    但是要有公德心, 記得不要破壞自然環境呀 Be considerate! Remember not to damage the natural environment




  • value顏色 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-12 01:40:37

    #北海道札幌 #札幌中央場外市場 #海鮮食堂北のグルメ亭 #2020情人節 #北海道自由行 #札幌二條市場 #北海道観光


    如果北海道二條市場是札幌廚房 If Hokkaido Nijo Market is Sapporo Kitchen

    那麼札幌的中央場外市場就是札幌的美食天堂 Then the central wholesale seafood market of Sapporo is the food paradise of Sapporo

    好食不用說,物超所值先才是這個地方的賣點 Needless to say, high CP value is the selling point of this place

    之前我說的二條市場是狸小路鬧市旁邊 The Nijo Market I said before is next to Tanukikoji downtown

    完全是因為它的地點超級方便, 好多人去北海道都未必逗留好長時間在札幌 It's all because its location is so convenient that many people may not stay in Hokkaido for a long time in Sapporo

    好多人去到札幌機場, 就直接自駕遊或者喺札幌機場直接搭巴士火車去其他地方 Many people go to Sapporo Airport, take a self-driving tour or take a bus or train directly from Sapporo Airport to other places

    所以我一定要首先推介交通超級便利的二條市場 So I must first introduce the Nijo market with super convenient transportation.

    但是如果講到識食, 一定要推介這個札幌中央場外市場 But when it comes to eating, be sure to recommend this Sapporo Central Wholesale market

    無論乾貨、食肆,都是超級北海道旅遊首選 Regardless of dry goods and restaurants, it is the first choice for super Hokkaido tourism

    價錢還要比二條市場更加平、更新鮮好味、貨品更多選擇 The price is even cheaper, fresher and more delicious than Nijo market, and there is more choice of goods

    你看養殖海產的水非常清澈, 比起二條市場更加乾淨衛生 You see, the water for farming seafood is very clear, and it ’s cleaner than Nijo Market.

    這裏還有二條市場沒有的東西, 就是乾淨衛生的試食 Here are 1 other thing that the market does not have, which are food tasting

    試食完才買, 中伏的機會就會大大減低 Buy after you try, the chances of disappointment will be greatly reduced

    我會在這條影片推介必吃餐廳、乾貨手信 I will recommend must-eat restaurants and dry goods in this video

    參加阿Tsar旅遊團,是費用全免, 只懇求你們看完影片留個表情符號以示支持 Participation in the Tsar tour is FOC. I only urge you to leave an emoji after watching the video to show support

    這裏不單止是遊客區, 重點是當地人、餐廳都會在這裏入貨 This is not just a tourist area, but the focus is on locals and restaurants

    識食識享受,價錢平,當然是這裏札幌二十四軒站中央魚市場啦, are you ready? Smart travel of course, here is the Central Fish Market at Sapporo Nijuyonken Station, are you ready?

    響頭炮一定要介紹這裏的海鮮食堂, 就是連古天樂、姜濤、任達華都會在這裹開餐打卡的 Must go restaurant is this celebrities loves one restaurant here

    「海鮮食堂北のグルメ亭」已經有70年歷史, 外頭看起來不似一間餐廳, This restaurant has a history of 70 years.

    因為擺了好多海產貝類乾貨食品, Because there are a lot of dry seafood products outside

    舖頭入面才是別有洞天, 找到這間餐廳。 Finally found this restaurant

    大家可以試食完先決定買不買 Everyone can food tasting before decide whether to buy it or not

    店舖裏面的海鮮,其實是可以即叫即煮的 The seafood in the shop can actually be Cooked to order

    明碼實價, 每公斤的食物是1000 yen烹煮費 Clearly priced that 1000 yen per kg of food

    我上一條片講過, 北海道的三大名蟹, 要食肉質結實彈牙,又夠大啖大啖的帝王蟹 As I mentioned in the previous video, the 3 famous crabs in Hokkaido. king crabs for meaty

    幾個朋友可以share就最適合了; 如果要食鮮甜蟹味就要試松葉蟹 Best suit for few friends to share. Fresh sweet crab flavor, try Matsuba crab

    鍾意食蟹膏的朋友, 就建議點毛蟹 For those who like crab roe, they recommend hair crabs

    我自己一個人就吃得到一隻蟹啦, I can't eat a crab by myself,

    當日早上十點幾, 所以不算好多人 Not many people at that morning

    如果你中午來的話, 一定會排長龍 U will be in a long queue if u come at noon time

    這裏另外有間餐廳叫做菊水,都係好抵食好值得推薦㗎 There is another restaurant which is good for food and worth recommending.

    如果你們來海鮮食堂, 太多人排隊, 你可以有菊水另一個選擇啦 If you come to this restaurant, too many people line up, you can have another option

    我知道男觀眾比較喜歡看我講餐廳食肆的推介 I know that male audiences prefer to watch my video for restaurant recommendations

    因為如果一對couple去旅行, 多數都係男嘅畀錢呀 Because if a couple is traveling, most of the time are men paying

    而且男人出主意去那一間餐廳會比較man啲 And it ’s more manly for a man to recommend for a restaurant.

    而我的頻道女觀眾, 就喜歡看我買東西多些, 我不會偏心的 And my female audiences like to watch me shopping. I will not be biased

    講完這間餐廳有幾抵食, 之後我就會講shopping吧 I will talk about shopping after that after this restaurant

    這條街總共有15間餐廳、60間店舖, 看完我的推介可以節省好多時間 There are a total of 15 restaurants and 60 shops in this street.U can save a lot of time after watching my referrals.

    這裏一個套餐2720yen(193HKD)有海膽鮭魚卵飯加了一碗麵豉湯 Here is a set of 2720yen (193HKD) with sea urchin salmon roe rice and a miso soup

    成碗飯的海膽和鮭魚卵, 食物非常有光澤, 顯出它的新鮮度非常之高 Sea urchin and salmon roes are very shiny, showing that its freshness

    食海膽最重要是海水味,海膽的體積大小、顏色深淺與品種有關, The most important thing to eat sea urchin is the taste of sea water. The size and color of sea urchin are not related to the freshness but species

    記得睇完影片留個表情符號以示支持呀,我哋下條片再見,拜拜! Remember to leave an emoji after the video to show your support, I will see you next time, bye!


