

在 validate驗證產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅Findit平台,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [偕同廣宣] 【2021比翼第五屆加速計畫】正式啟動!!!🎉🎉🎉 比翼是專注於醫療科技新創的加速器,提供數位醫療與醫療器材兩大題材各自豐沛且專業的驗證場域與臨床數據! 加速國內外新創走入Healthcare ecosystem進行POC(Poof of Concept)概念與產品驗證! 在經過4...

validate驗證 在 幸潔 Lilli Lin Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-05-09 08:54:40

#文末抽獎🎁 「LIFE IS SHORT, YOUR LASHES SHOULDN’T BE.」 👀人生苦短,但你的睫毛不該短! 先插播一首...看到品牌slogan後腦裡播的歌 「你的眼睛 像顆水晶通透 裡面有一個無窮無盡的宇宙 小小的你 在你小小的夢裡 把我所有大大的事情 都吹進風裡......

validate驗證 在 ?艾主婦 Evelyn's Momlife? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-10 14:24:31

I’ve saw an article saying “How Elon Musk Solves His Most Complex Problems” And I found the 3 step process to improve your answer gathering process is...

validate驗證 在 Irene Yu | Biz Coach For Expat Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-19 00:33:14

【連續五天的直播挑戰我們做到了!】⠀ ⠀ 連續五天的直播挑戰,你是否成功挑戰了?⠀ 我知道你是非常忙碌的,但又想學習如何成功創業⠀ 我們私密群組很歡迎你將錯過的直播回放持續學習⠀ 所以我們將他整理成五大單元在私密社團中供給大家免費使用與學習⠀ 如果你錯過了或是想複習,歡迎你隨時點開影片觀看⠀ 趕快加...

  • validate驗證 在 Findit平台 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-10 10:00:36
    有 6 人按讚

    [偕同廣宣] 【2021比翼第五屆加速計畫】正式啟動!!!🎉🎉🎉

    加速國內外新創走入Healthcare ecosystem進行POC(Poof of Concept)概念與產品驗證!


    👉加速計畫負責人:[email protected]

    🤩🤩【The BE Accelerator Program is open for applications 】
    If you are interested in joining a healthcare specific accelerator serving as your gateway to Asia, now is your chance to apply. You will be given direct access to hospital facilities to validate your proof of concept, verify feasibility and test market demand.
    📌The deadline is January 08, 2021.
    📌You can read more and apply here:
    👉Contact: [email protected]

    BE Accelerator 比翼加速器

  • validate驗證 在 堅離地城:沈旭暉國際生活台 Simon's Glos World Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-11-12 22:30:07
    有 5,445 人按讚



    【Sign Now】 Petition by Global Academics Against Police Brutality in Hong Kong 【立即簽署】全球學者反對香港警察暴行的請願書

    Link to sign: https://forms.gle/VPbirzKZBjbbJuKA6

    We the undersigned, as deeply concerned members of the global academic community,

    1. Condemn the use of disproportionate force and retaliatory brutality by the Hong Kong Police against students in university campuses in Hong Kong. In particular, we are outraged by the unauthorised entry, extensive deployment of tear gas and violent intimidation in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong on 11th and 12th November, 2019.

    2. Condemn the use of unjustified violence against protesters across Hong Kong in all other contexts. Including, most recently, the firing of live rounds at point-blank range against protesters in Sai Wan Ho, and the repeated attempts by a motorcycle officer to run-over protesters in Kwai Fong on 11th November 2019, both of which are in clear violation of the Police General Orders Force Procedures Manual.

    3. Condemn the continued use of neo-Fascist language by the Hong Kong Police, particularly the consistent reference to protesters and supporters of democracy as ‘cockroaches’, that contribute to furthering vitriolic hatred between all factions in the Hong Kong community.

    4. Urge leaders of Hong Kong universities to release clear statements rejecting the entry of police into university campuses, supporting the freedom of assembly of students and staff, and reaffirming the sacrosanct responsibility of all universities to protect academic freedom and provide a safe space for all students to express their views.

    5. Demand the Hong Kong Police to cease all acts of police brutality immediately, suspend officers who have committed disproportionate acts of violence with immediate effect, and initiate legal charges where necessary against officers who have violated the law.

    6. Demand the Hong Kong government to set up an independent inquiry into the use of force in the protests since June 2019, chaired by an impartial judge. In particular, we believe the inquiry should have the power to summon witnesses, collect a coherent and representative body of evidence, and independently validate police accounts, above and beyond the restricted scope and power of the Independent Police Complaints Council.

    We stand in solidarity with the Hong Kong people. We believe the defence of academic freedom, the freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and association, and the responsibility to protect the safety of our students are universal causes common to all.


    1. 譴責香港警察對香港大學校園內的學生使用不相稱的武力和報復性殘暴行為。我們尤其對2019年11月11日至12日內警方在未經授權之下進入香港中文大學、香港理工大學和香港大學,並於以上大學及香港城市大學校園發射大量催淚煙和暴力恐嚇等部署感到極度憤怒。

    2. 譴責在其他情況下香港警察對香港示威者使用不合理的暴力行為,包括最近有警員在西灣河向示威者近距離以實彈射擊、以及於2019年11月11日在葵芳一交警駕駛電單車企圖高速撞向示威者。這兩項事件都明顯違反警察通例之《程序手冊》。

    3. 譴責香港警察持續使用新法西斯語言,特別是將示威者和民主支持者普遍統稱為「蟑螂」,在某些情況下還就學生示威者死亡高呼「開香檳慶祝」,加劇香港社會各派之間的極端仇恨。

    4. 敦促香港各大學的領袖發表明確聲明,拒絕警察進入大學校園,支持學生和教職工的集會自由,並重申所有大學的神聖職責,即保護學術自由並為所有學生提供安全的空間發表意見。

    5. 要求香港警方立即停止所有警察暴行,立即將實施暴力行為的人員停職,並在必要時對違反法律的人員提起法律訴訟。

    6. 要求香港政府就自2019年6月起於多次抗議活動中使用之武力問題成立獨立調查委員會展開獨立調查,該調查委員會必須由一名公正的法官主持。我們特別認為,該獨立調查委員會必須有權召集證人、收集連貫且具有代表性的證據,並獨立驗證警察的記錄,比現時獨立監察警方處理投訴委員會(監警會)的權力限制及範圍更廣。


  • validate驗證 在 費歐娜的廚藝之旅- Fiona's world of gourmet Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-05-03 17:36:19
    有 25 人按讚


    大家在義大利搭火車除了轉乘時間要算好(千萬不要買那種只有五分鐘差的票很危險)推薦大家使用這個app: Trenìt! 它可以查詢時刻表、火車誤點狀態及搭車月台,我就是在下車前先看好轉乘月台,手刀奔過去才趕上火車的。

