

在 use現在分詞產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【喬的回顧系列:英文中十個常錯的用法!】 喬今天要請各位同學來回顧這一篇,也許很多人也犯過同樣的錯,一起來溫故知新或者警戒自我吧! 喬今天幫各位整理常犯文法錯誤之中文版以及自己以前批改學生作業的經驗,在這邊跟各位同學做分享,祝各位寫作越來越好: 1. affect與effect的混淆 ...

 同時也有44部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過428的網紅學英文吧,也在其Youtube影片中提到,「可以用 LINE Pay 嗎?」 英文怎麼說?(沒有廣告內容啦 XD) 大家現在買東西,越來越習慣用電子支付了。 那結帳想問老闆,可不可以用 LINE Pay / APPLE Pay / Google Pay 的英文怎麼說呢? 除了電子支付以外,"刷卡”、"分期付款"、"發票" 又要怎麼說呢? 這...

use現在分詞 在 LeedsMayi Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 17:18:55

#梅姨筆記分享 #衛報 今天早上我讀了上禮拜我們 #里茲螞蟻外師專欄 Alex老師寫的文章,看到衛報專欄作家是如何用極諷刺的口吻來挖苦查爾斯王子那個「剛好常常不小心都要別人買單的熱情」,還有英國王室口口聲聲說「多元與包容」,但是實際看進去「多元與包容」網站上的文字介紹之後你一定會不禁莞爾的想要吐...

use現在分詞 在 康妮英文ConniedaEnglish Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 18:25:39

常犯的寫作邏輯錯誤 (2) 🗣 記得往左滑至圖片開聲音聽講解喔👂🏻 ⛔️ 時間邏輯錯誤 : ❌ In the past, students used to go to school on foot. However, more and more students take public tran...

use現在分詞 在 一六 · 台北 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-18 21:35:19

《循環經濟》 編輯|林妘諼、陳奕潔、陳可婕 校正|王劭翔 - ❙ 一、什麼是循環經濟 根據循環台灣基金會的定義:「循環經濟」是一個資源可恢復且可再生的經濟和產業系統。 相較於線性經濟產品,循環經濟使用再生能源、不使用無法再利用的有毒化學物質,藉由重新設計材料、產品、製程及商業模式,減少廢棄...

  • use現在分詞 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-03-07 21:23:01
    有 51 人按讚



    1. affect與effect的混淆
    [1] effect (n.) = a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause 「效應」、「影響」
    例1: The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on/upon the environment.
    例2: I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn’t have any effect.
    例3: I think I’m suffering from the effects of too little sleep.

    [2] effect (V.) = cause (something) to happen; bring about 「使(某事)發生:導致」切記不是「影響」的意思,許多字典上也會告知讀者不可以跟”affect”混用
    例: The new machines finally effected the transition to computerized accounting last spring.

    [3] affect (V.) = have an affect on; make a difference to 「影響」「侵襲」「感染」「打動」
    例1: Both buildings were badly affected by the fire. 「侵襲」
    例2: The divorce affected every aspect of her life.「影響」
    例3: It’s a disease which affects mainly older people.「侵擾」
    例4: I was deeply affected by the film. (= It caused strong feelings in me). 「打動」

    2. 把than寫成then
    (O) His dog is more adorable than mine.
    (X) His dog is more adorable then mine.

    3. fewer與less的用法搞混
    fewer (adj.) + 可數名詞 He keeps fewer dogs than I do.
    less (adj.) + 不可數名詞 He had less soup than I did.

    * 值得一提的是,如果是想要用”number”這個詞來表達”較少的數目”,可以說”smaller number”,為何用”smaller”呢?根據維基百科( goo.gl/f3vRxA),對於number要使用fewer還是less似乎有不少的爭議,可自行前往該網站觀覽,但是smaller number是不會錯的用法。

    4. 搞混few, a few, little, a little的用法
    few (adj.) = nearly nothing 幾乎沒有 + 可數名詞
    a few (adj.) = some but not many 很少 + 可數名詞
    little (adj.) = nearly nothing 幾乎沒有 + 不可數名詞
    a little (adj.) = some but not much 很少 + 不可數名詞

    5, 分詞構句前後主詞不一致
    例: (X) Bursting into tears, I tried to comfort Nancy.
    (O) When Nancy burst into tears, I tried to comfort her.

    6. 常常會把lie與lay搞混了,其實很多美國人也會搞混,所以多注意吧!
    lie (V.) 說謊
    lay (V.) 放置; 鋪設

    "說謊": lie-lied-lied (現在分詞:lying)
    "躺": lie-lay-lain (現在分詞:lying)
    "放置": lay-laid-laid (現在分詞:laying)

    7. 使用雙引號的時候,句號逗錯地方,逗號要逗在雙引號裡面:
    (X) “You are fabulous”.
    (O) “You are fabulous.”

    8. 否定的”也”,要用”nor”不用”not”
    例: He didn’t go to the party, nor did I.

    9. everyday與every day
    everyday是形容詞,表示每天的;every day是副詞,表示每日、每天
    (O) He wakes up at 8: 00 every day.
    (X) He wakes up at 8:00 everyday.

    10. 搞混Borrow跟lend的用法,兩者的差別其實很好記!
    borrow (V.) take and use (something that belongs to someone else) with the intention of returning it 借入
    lend (V.) grant to (someone) the use of (something) on the understanding that it shall be returned 借出

  • use現在分詞 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳解答

    2015-10-20 10:09:12
    有 46 人按讚

    【喬的回顧系列: 10個常犯英文文法錯誤】


    1. affect與effect的混淆
    [1] effect (n.) = a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause 「效應」、「影響」
    例1: The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on/upon the environment.
    例2: I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn’t have any effect.
    例3: I think I’m suffering from the effects of too little sleep.

    [2] effect (V.) = cause (something) to happen; bring about 「使(某事)發生:導致」切記不是「影響」的意思,許多字典上也會告知讀者不可以跟”affect”混用
    例: The new machines finally effected the transition to computerized accounting last spring.

    [3] affect (V.) = have an affect on; make a difference to 「影響」「侵襲」「感染」「打動」
    例1: Both buildings were badly affected by the fire. 「侵襲」
    例2: The divorce affected every aspect of her life.「影響」
    例3: It’s a disease which affects mainly older people.「侵擾」
    例4: I was deeply affected by the film. (= It caused strong feelings in me). 「打動」

    2. 把than寫成then
    (O) His dog is more adorable than mine.
    (X) His dog is more adorable then mine.

    3. fewer與less的用法搞混
    fewer (adj.) + 可數名詞 He keeps fewer dogs than I do.
    less (adj.) + 不可數名詞 He had less soup than I did.

    * 值得一提的是,如果是想要用”number”這個詞來表達”較少的數目”,可以說”smaller number”,為何用”smaller”呢?根據維基百科( goo.gl/f3vRxA),對於number要使用fewer還是less似乎有不少的爭議,可自行前往該網站觀覽,但是smaller number是不會錯的用法。

    4. 搞混few, a few, little, a little的用法
    few (adj.) = nearly nothing 幾乎沒有 + 可數名詞
    a few (adj.) = some but not many 很少 + 可數名詞
    little (adj.) = nearly nothing 幾乎沒有 + 不可數名詞
    a little (adj.) = some but not much 很少 + 不可數名詞

    5, 分詞構句前後主詞不一致
    例: (X) Bursting into tears, I tried to comfort Nancy.
    (O) When Nancy burst into tears, I tried to comfort her.

    6. 常常會把lie與lay搞混了,其實很多美國人也會搞混,所以多注意吧!
    lie (V.) 說謊
    lay (V.) 放置; 鋪設

    "說謊": lie-lied-lied (現在分詞:lying)
    "躺": lie-lay-lain (現在分詞:lying)
    "放置": lay-laid-laid (現在分詞:laying)

    7. 使用雙引號的時候,句號逗錯地方,逗號要逗在雙引號裡面:
    (X) “You are fabulous”.
    (O) “You are fabulous.”

    8. 否定的”也”,要用”nor”不用”not”
    例: He didn’t go to the party, nor did I.

    9. everyday與every day
    everyday是形容詞,表示每天的;every day是副詞,表示每日、每天
    (O) He wakes up at 8: 00 every day.
    (X) He wakes up at 8:00 everyday.

    10. 搞混Borrow跟lend的用法,兩者的差別其實很好記!
    borrow (V.) take and use (something that belongs to someone else) with the intention of returning it 借入
    lend (V.) grant to (someone) the use of (something) on the understanding that it shall be returned 借出

  • use現在分詞 在 EN English Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-06-25 07:30:00
    有 642 人按讚

    !!!used to/ be used to/ get used to 的分別!!!

    1. S + used to + V1(動詞原型)/N(名詞):過去曾經…

    表示過去經常性動作或習慣或狀態,現在已經沒有這樣的習慣或狀態。used 是動詞的過去式,所以要用改否定要用didn’t use to + V1。問句要用did來造問句。

    ►He used to play basketball five days a week before he hurt his leg.


    ►I used to smoke a lot, but I quit a few years ago.


    ►Did you use to fight with your brother? 你從前常跟你的弟弟打架嗎?

    2. S+ be used to + V-ing (動詞的現在分詞)/N(名詞):習慣於…

    由於經驗的關係,對某件事不再感到驚訝,奇怪或困難,所以已經習慣於某件事。be used to 的句型因為有be這個助動詞,所以在否定句時只要在be後面加not,在疑問句時則把be放到主詞前面。可以用在過去習慣於某件事或現在習慣於某件事

    ►I do the dishes every day, so I’m used to it.

    ►His new job is very busy and he is used to working late until 10 or 11 p.m.

    ►He isn’t used to driving on the left.

    ►He wasn’t used to driving on the left, but now he’s used to it.

    ►Are you used to your new school?

    3. S + get used to + V-ing/N(名詞): 習慣於

    跟第二個用法一樣,只是get是一般動詞,所以表達現在習慣於時,用現在簡單式,get used to + V-ing,改否定時用don’t/doesn’t get use to + V-ing, 問句時把do/does放到主詞前造問句。表達過去習慣於某事,則用got used to + V-ing ,改否定用didn’t get used to + V-ing,問句則把did 放到主詞前造問句。

    ►He gets used to the weather.

    ►I didn’t get used to wearing contact lenses when I first started to wear them.

    很重要, 大家一定要分別清楚!!!

  • use現在分詞 在 學英文吧 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-15 17:05:03

    「可以用 LINE Pay 嗎?」 英文怎麼說?(沒有廣告內容啦 XD)
    那結帳想問老闆,可不可以用 LINE Pay / APPLE Pay / Google Pay 的英文怎麼說呢?
    除了電子支付以外,"刷卡”、"分期付款"、"發票" 又要怎麼說呢?
    這集的文化閒聊,Duncan 跟我們分享大部分美國人買東西,
    Duncan 還觀察到一個有趣的現象,

    快速幫你複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字:
    可以用 Line pay 嗎? Can I use LINE Pay / APPLE Pay / Google Pay?(加支付的方式)
    Do you accept LINE Pay?

    我可以刷卡嗎? Can I use a card? Do you take credit cards?
    信用卡 Credit card
    分期付款 pay in installments
    發票 receipt 收據 (收到錢以後)
    invoice 請款單(還沒收到錢的時候)

    學英文吧網站 https://ivybar.com.tw/?c=3
    或追蹤 iVY BAR 學英文吧的 IG,上面圖文版 podcast 複習也很棒喔!https://pse.is/39vede
    現在我們也有影音版的 Podcast 實境秀喔 https://pse.is/3ahupl

  • use現在分詞 在 Kendy Suen Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-23 18:00:06


    《如斯面目塵埃甚 更說優曇別是春》
    Chapter 3: 心眼 Mind’s eye
    The Universe is the creation of the mind.
    Universe exists inside the mind as the flower exists inside the seed.
    And the eyes are useless when the mind is blind.

    在這個不想有太多框架的獨立音樂企劃裡,Kendy決定今次把一首英文歌也分享一下。這次特意找來Jeffero Chan陳彥廷一起編曲,加了他擅長的弦樂部份把歌曲昇華。
    同時亦要感謝Adrian Chan的mixing功架讓歌曲更上一層樓。
    這次製作更找來從前在英國讀音樂的墨西哥好友,現在同樣是當地的singersongwriter 的Zofi, 及另外一位在巴黎的獨立音樂朋友Thomas 來一起擔當backing chorus,他們聽完歌曲也很有共鳴,覺得他們自己身處的地方也在處於變幻當中,倍覺要用心感受世界多一點。


    曲詞:Kendy Suen
    編:Kendy Suen, Jeffero Chan
    監:Kendy Suen, Jeffero Chan

    All the troubles in your life
    You see your time is slippin by
    People walking side by side
    to a future built on lies
    You wanna change the world
    and show the world what is forgotten

    Can you see it for yourself
    this concrete jungle needs some help
    Can you use your heart to see
    this world is as pretty as it can be
    Can you let your heart decide
    what is real and if its a lie
    What the mind’s eye sees
    it’s different from the naked eye
    tryin’ to fool you and hide from you what is true

    Today you’re working 9 to 5
    lead your routine robot life
    Something strange is on your mind
    have you been wasting time
    You wanna change the world
    and show the world what is forgotten

    Can you see it for yourself
    this concrete jungle needs some help
    Can you use your mind to see
    this world is as pretty as it can be
    Can you let your heart decide
    what is real and if it’s a lie
    what the mind’s eye sees
    it’s different from the naked eye
    tryin’ to fool you and hide from you what is true

    what the minds’ eyes see

    Song Production credit:
    Music and Lyrics by Kendy Suen
    Arranged and Produced by Kendy Suen, Jeffero Chan
    All guitars by Kendy Suen
    All instruments programming by Jeffero Chan
    Backing vocals by Kendy Suen, Jeffero Chan, Zofi Zaro, Thomas Tran Dinh
    Mixing by Adrian Chan at Sense

    Chapter 1: 如斯 A Time Like this
    MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10e31...

    Chapter 2: 面目 Faces

    Music Video collaborated by:
    Kendy Suen
    Karma Cheng
    Sheng Wong
    Felix Leong
    Karson Liu
    Yukki Tai
    Leo Tam
    Circle Cheung
    Lit Wing Hung
    Jason Tang
    Israel Chan

    calligraphy: Kendy Suen

    Available on all digital platforms.

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/kendysuen
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/kendysuen

    ℗ 2020 K Studio Workshop Ltd.

  • use現在分詞 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-15 21:00:11

    KKBOX 現在不只能聽音樂,也能免費暢聽 Podcast 囉!
    KKBOX - 說的.唱的.都好聽
    快去下載 KKBOX,追蹤賓狗吧!

    1 【alert 警報】— 名詞
    The free app will issue an alert 30 minutes before rain.

    2 【abolish 廢除】— 動詞
    Cyprus has announced a controversial passport scheme will be abolished.

    影片中口誤說成希臘,應該是塞普勒斯 Cyprus 喔(位在地中海靠近中東一帶)

    3 【lethal 致命的】— 形容詞
    Belarus allows the police to use lethal weapons against protestors.

    4 【the Holocaust 納粹大屠殺】— 名詞
    Facebook has explicitly banned Holocaust denial content.

    5 【seedling 幼苗】— 名詞
    Three million seedlings will be planted over the next few years.

    1)alert 警報
    2)abolish 廢除
    3)lethal 致命的
    4) Holocaust 納粹大屠殺
    5)seedling 幼苗

