

在 urchin英文產品中有11篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅蘋果愛屁桃,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 我本來是想教🍑說海膽的的日文ウニUNI 結果他居然說了連我也不會的英文Sea urchin 影片中可以聽得出來我一開始聽到還有點困惑 後來去查字典 才發現原來🍑說的英文是對的 哈😅...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Smart Travel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#大阪旅行介紹 #大阪分享 #大阪自由行 #日本旅行 #endosushi #endosushiosaka #Maguro #大阪必買 Hello大家好我係呀Tsar, Hello,everyone 今日會帶大家去大阪一個隱世的百年壽司店Endo Sushi Today I will sho...

urchin英文 在 Gapi Eats Spain | 胡嘎的馬德里鬧城記 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-03-29 22:21:42

#胡嘎吃午間套餐 【Menú del día🍽️ | Bar Restaurante Asturianos】(English👇🏻) 以前介紹過,西班牙餐館「週間」「午餐」時段有供應一種很佛心的東西叫做”Menú del día”,英文是Set menu of the day,中文我喜歡翻作午間套餐...

  • urchin英文 在 蘋果愛屁桃 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-03 21:09:23
    有 1,161 人按讚

    結果他居然說了連我也不會的英文Sea urchin

  • urchin英文 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-27 19:23:09
    有 109 人按讚

    #胡嘎吃午間套餐【Menú del día🍽️ | Bar Restaurante Asturianos】

    以前介紹過,西班牙餐館「週間」「午餐」時段有供應一種很佛心的東西叫做”Menú del día”,英文是Set menu of the day,中文我喜歡翻作午間套餐,也有人愛叫它商業午餐。


    🙅🏻‍♀️市面上還有一種套餐叫做”Platos combinados”,價格Range從6歐元起跳,但是會用炸馬鈴薯餵飽你,大部分做這種套餐的都是地雷餐館💩我個人是不建議吃啦,多花一點點錢就能吃份好套餐,Why not?

    最近我們終於造訪我家附近一家馬德里官方旅遊網站說具有”cult-like status”如此厲害的阿斯圖里亞斯地區風味餐酒館(Asturias,西班牙北部的綠色世外桃源),主廚奶奶Doña Julia不僅家常菜做得好,還有厲害的新式料理,而且由兒子們管理的酒藏神奇地豐富🍷


    🥩我的主菜:阿斯圖里亞斯滷牛肉(Ragú de Ternera Asturiana)
    🍷飲料:As always,紅酒套甜碳酸水(Vino tinto con gaseosa)

    推薦大家來西班牙一定要嘗試一下Menú del día,此時餐館總會聚集白領上班族、藍領大哥大伯、退休爺奶一族等各種社會群體,有的熱鬧滾滾、有的安靜配電視,總之是庶民大眾的最愛啦😍



    “Having achieved something of a cult-like status in Madrid, this Asturian restaurant serves up traditional dishes alongside a more contemporary offering. Lovers of meat and vegetable stews will leave here happy, with beans, garlic soup, chicken stews and much more on the menu. Those who prefer more modern cuisine won’t be disappointed either, with marinated sardines and monkfish carpaccio with sea-urchin caviar. Two good-value set menus are available every day, as well as a choice of stews and hearty soups. They have an excellent wine list and their desserts are far from run-of-the-mill.”

    美食評鑑OAD (Opinionated About Dining)把他們家評為Gourmet Casual Europe類排名第198名:



    🍽Bar Restaurante Asturianos #TabernaAsturianos
    🚥小區 #Chamberí
    📍地址 Calle de Vallehermoso, 94 #Madrid
    📷攝影 #ricohgr3

  • urchin英文 在 仙女懶媽愛轟趴 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-01-03 11:52:21
    有 334 人按讚

    之前帶著小王到新加坡、澳洲、美國...等英語系國家旅行,心中美好的設想是 : 一邊旅遊,一邊驗收他多年來的學習成果。不料他老兄遇上該開口的情境扭捏做態故作矜持便罷,一開口還嚇壞旁人,老媽我趕緊斯哩嘛餡,將他摀嘴帶離現場,還囑咐他這趟旅程都不要再開金口。
    後來我自掏腰包(不然要掏誰的)幫小王購買了tutorJr 的課程,我曾在私人臉書提到 :「下午小王要上線上英語課程。」無意間一句話,卻引起好多媽咪朋友的熱烈迴響,紛紛私訊,我才意識到,原來這麼多家長跟我一樣在孩子學英語的歷程充滿挫折、焦慮與無助,我瞭,我瞭,我超級瞭。
    ✅ ✅家長疑慮
    爸媽的心聲我都聽到囉! 這點也是我當初最大的擔憂,後來發現完全是我多慮了,孩子對線上課程的接受度超乎想像的高,總覺得一堂課的時間咻一下就過了。
    前兩堂課我還時不時聽到小王對外師喊:欸、喂 ⋯,我都忍住不從他的後腦ㄎㄠ下去。一開始真的會嗯嗯啊啊蹦不出一個子兒,這時家長在一旁不要心急,也不要一直偷打帕斯,因為小朋友在嗯啊的同時,其實他也正在同步組織他的語法,我看到了他一次比一次應答如流,句子逐漸加深加長,而且口音也很漂亮。
    例如 :有一次小王跟老師分享到澎湖看到活的海膽,小王說「烏逆」,老師一開始聽不懂,後來馬上秀出圖片確認,原來海膽叫 [ urchin ];還有一次小王要介紹戰鬥陀螺,一開始小王說 fighting plastic top (蝦咪挖糕),結果老師也聽得懂,原來直接說 [ Beyblade ]就行。好多這種狀況都讓人印象特別深刻,更有助於記憶。
    不會不會,若我說是3C白癡第二絕沒人敢稱第一,tutorJr 的系統十分穩定,而且正式上線前顧問還會親自到家裡協助網路測試,手把手教你如何操作。

    ✅ ✅課程優勢
    這點對我而言真是一大福音, 之前因為不想接送特地選了有交通車的美語班,來回車程超過一小時,而隨著孩子上四年級,學校的課業壓力逐漸浮現,有效率的時間管理更顯重要。
    【 tutorJr 】為國內英文線上學習🏆第一領導品牌,除了讓孩子樂於開口,文法及句型的練習也很充足,孩子常犯的台式語法,老師都能及時糾正並讓孩子再次複誦練習。


    🎉 直接享有💰3000~5000元現金回饋
    🎉前10名訂購的朋友,#寵粉魔人 懶仙女獨家加贈🍦「哈根達斯1品脫兌換券」市價330元,可於哈根或全家門市兌換。
    【 tutorJr 】 https://www.tutorjr.com/count.asp?code=PCBAI1KJ6N

    懶仙女摸著良心推薦 #tutorJr

  • urchin英文 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-04-08 23:00:11

    #大阪旅行介紹 #大阪分享 #大阪自由行 #日本旅行 #endosushi #endosushiosaka #Maguro #大阪必買

    Hello大家好我係呀Tsar, Hello,everyone

    今日會帶大家去大阪一個隱世的百年壽司店Endo Sushi Today I will show you to a hidden century-old sushi restaurant in Osaka, Endo Sushi

    遊客就會去黑門市場, 當地人懂得去木津市場 Tourists will go to Kuromon Market, locals know how to go to Kizu Ichiba Market

    和今日我介紹的大阪中央漁市場, With the Osaka Municipal Wholesale Market

    這裏除了有一間隱世的百年壽司店Endo Sushi In addition to a hidden century-old sushi restaurant Endo Sushi

    如果你想買好靚好平的牛肉這裏都可以找到 If you want to buy cheap and good beef, you can find it here

    這條影片分三個部分, 介紹Endo Sushi 的壽司套餐, 超值勁抵食 This video is divided into three parts and introduces Endo Sushi ’s sushi set with low price.

    第二部分會介紹餐牌上,我order了的日本壽司種類 The 2nd part will introduce the Japanese sushi types that I ordered on the menu

    雖然這裏地點不是遊客區, 但是亦不會太偏僻 Although the location is not a tourist area, it is not too isolated

    我認為是好值得搭車來的, 牆上充滿日本名人簽名打卡 Its worth to come n the walls are full of Japanese celebrities signature

    這麼好食CP值又高, 真是值得專程來一次 The high CP value n it is really worth for a visit

    所以第三部份就會介紹這裏交通怎樣來, Are u ready? So the 3rd part will introduce the traffic to come here, Are u ready?

    Endo Sushi 創業超過一個世紀,由1907年開業至今已經傳到第四代, Endo Sushi has been in business for more than a century and has spread to the fourth generation since its opening in 1907.

    店鋪正正位於大阪中央漁市場,食材當然新鮮! The store is located right at the Osaka Central Fish Market, and the ingredients are of course really fresh!

    首先看看他們的餐牌先啦,壽司4款套餐可以選擇OMAKASE套餐, Let's look at their menu. 1st choose the 4 OMAKASE courses,

    每款套餐五件壽司(1,150円), 當中一款時令套餐會按當造食材不時更換種類, There are 5 pieces of sushi (1,150 yen) per set, and 1 of the seasonal sets will be changed according to the time in season.

    根據時令盛產的食材而製作。這個湯要另外叫的300yen(21HKD), 是否很足料呢! Made according to seasonal ingredients. This soup is costed 300yen (21HKD). Isn't it rich?

    我order了這款壽司, 有 Anago、Uni、Tai、Toro、Hamachi I ordered this set with Anago, Uni, Tai, Toro n Hamachi。

    Anago是鹹水鰻魚, 多用作壽司魚生片用途 Anago is saltwater eel, mostly used for sushi sashimi

    只會在日本才有, 至於Unagi就是淡水鰻魚, 一般的鰻魚飯就是用Unagi It ’s only available in Japan. As for Unagi, it ’s freshwater eel usually for making of eel rice.

    Unagi 除了在日本之外, 還會來自台灣、中國、韓國和越南 Other than Japan, Unagi will also come from Taiwan, China, South Korea n Vietnam

    Uni就是海膽啦, 食用的部分不是指牠的身體, 而是海膽的雌性或雄性的生殖腺 Uni is the sea urchin. The edible part is not their body, but the female or male gonad of the sea urchin.

    即是精巢或卵巢, 海膽的種類好多, 但是適宜食用的只有幾種 There are many kinds of sea urchins, but there are only a few suitable for consumption

    其中蝦夷馬糞海膽又稱赤海膽, 是最受歡迎。 Among them, the Mesocentrotus franciscanus sea urchin, also known as the red sea urchin, is the most popular.

    因為牠擁有鮮豔的金黃色, 細緻的顆粒、黏稠甘甜的口感 Because it has a bright golden yellow color, fine particles with thick and sweet taste

    另外一種主要食用的海膽價值是最高紫海膽, 顏色比馬糞海膽略淺, 顆粒稍大 Another major edible sea urchin is the purple sea urchin, which is lighter in color and slightly larger in particle size.

    又靚又新鮮的海膽要顆粒分明, 沒有苦味而且入口甘甜為之最上乘。 The highest quality and fresh sea urchins should be well-defined, without bitterness and sweet in taste.

    為何這間壽司店可以在百年內都屹立不倒呢, Why can this sushi restaurant stand for a hundred years reputation?

    因為這裏每一粒壽司入口, 那種甘甜鮮味都可以last成分鐘在口腔入面 Because every sushi u eat here, the sweet and savory flavor can last for a minute into the mouth

    齒頰留香, 一定要坐著慢慢品嚐, 這個價錢, 我覺得簡直超值! The long after taste worth u to taste them slowly. With this low price, I think it is simply great value!

    Tai 是鯛魚, 日文和可喜可賀是諧音, 所以日本人在喜慶的時候都好鍾意食這一種魚 Tai is sea bream with celebration in Japanese are homophonic, so Japanese like to eat this fish when they are celebrating

    由於牠是海魚, 壽司中亦都是屬於貴價魚,有白肉魚王之美譽 Because it is a marine fish which consider expensive sushi n is known as the King of white fish

    魚肉軟嫩, 油脂不多, 鯛壽司的製作技巧是用熱水輕焯連皮的魚肉 The meat is soft and tender, and there is not much fat. The technique of making sea bream sushi is to blanched the fish meat with hot water.

    再過冷河使魚皮軟化, 魚皮同魚肉之間的皮下脂肪經過溫水焯過之後 Then let the cold water softens the skin n the subcutaneous fat between the skin and the meat is boiled in warm water


    記得睇完影片留個表情符號以示支持啦, Remember to leave an emoji to show support after watching the video,

    幫我分享訂閱和like, 我們下一條片再見, 拜拜! Help me CLS. With that said until next time, goodbye!


  • urchin英文 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-02-12 01:40:37

    #北海道札幌 #札幌中央場外市場 #海鮮食堂北のグルメ亭 #2020情人節 #北海道自由行 #札幌二條市場 #北海道観光


    如果北海道二條市場是札幌廚房 If Hokkaido Nijo Market is Sapporo Kitchen

    那麼札幌的中央場外市場就是札幌的美食天堂 Then the central wholesale seafood market of Sapporo is the food paradise of Sapporo

    好食不用說,物超所值先才是這個地方的賣點 Needless to say, high CP value is the selling point of this place

    之前我說的二條市場是狸小路鬧市旁邊 The Nijo Market I said before is next to Tanukikoji downtown

    完全是因為它的地點超級方便, 好多人去北海道都未必逗留好長時間在札幌 It's all because its location is so convenient that many people may not stay in Hokkaido for a long time in Sapporo

    好多人去到札幌機場, 就直接自駕遊或者喺札幌機場直接搭巴士火車去其他地方 Many people go to Sapporo Airport, take a self-driving tour or take a bus or train directly from Sapporo Airport to other places

    所以我一定要首先推介交通超級便利的二條市場 So I must first introduce the Nijo market with super convenient transportation.

    但是如果講到識食, 一定要推介這個札幌中央場外市場 But when it comes to eating, be sure to recommend this Sapporo Central Wholesale market

    無論乾貨、食肆,都是超級北海道旅遊首選 Regardless of dry goods and restaurants, it is the first choice for super Hokkaido tourism

    價錢還要比二條市場更加平、更新鮮好味、貨品更多選擇 The price is even cheaper, fresher and more delicious than Nijo market, and there is more choice of goods

    你看養殖海產的水非常清澈, 比起二條市場更加乾淨衛生 You see, the water for farming seafood is very clear, and it ’s cleaner than Nijo Market.

    這裏還有二條市場沒有的東西, 就是乾淨衛生的試食 Here are 1 other thing that the market does not have, which are food tasting

    試食完才買, 中伏的機會就會大大減低 Buy after you try, the chances of disappointment will be greatly reduced

    我會在這條影片推介必吃餐廳、乾貨手信 I will recommend must-eat restaurants and dry goods in this video

    參加阿Tsar旅遊團,是費用全免, 只懇求你們看完影片留個表情符號以示支持 Participation in the Tsar tour is FOC. I only urge you to leave an emoji after watching the video to show support

    這裏不單止是遊客區, 重點是當地人、餐廳都會在這裏入貨 This is not just a tourist area, but the focus is on locals and restaurants

    識食識享受,價錢平,當然是這裏札幌二十四軒站中央魚市場啦, are you ready? Smart travel of course, here is the Central Fish Market at Sapporo Nijuyonken Station, are you ready?

    響頭炮一定要介紹這裏的海鮮食堂, 就是連古天樂、姜濤、任達華都會在這裹開餐打卡的 Must go restaurant is this celebrities loves one restaurant here

    「海鮮食堂北のグルメ亭」已經有70年歷史, 外頭看起來不似一間餐廳, This restaurant has a history of 70 years.

    因為擺了好多海產貝類乾貨食品, Because there are a lot of dry seafood products outside

    舖頭入面才是別有洞天, 找到這間餐廳。 Finally found this restaurant

    大家可以試食完先決定買不買 Everyone can food tasting before decide whether to buy it or not

    店舖裏面的海鮮,其實是可以即叫即煮的 The seafood in the shop can actually be Cooked to order

    明碼實價, 每公斤的食物是1000 yen烹煮費 Clearly priced that 1000 yen per kg of food

    我上一條片講過, 北海道的三大名蟹, 要食肉質結實彈牙,又夠大啖大啖的帝王蟹 As I mentioned in the previous video, the 3 famous crabs in Hokkaido. king crabs for meaty

    幾個朋友可以share就最適合了; 如果要食鮮甜蟹味就要試松葉蟹 Best suit for few friends to share. Fresh sweet crab flavor, try Matsuba crab

    鍾意食蟹膏的朋友, 就建議點毛蟹 For those who like crab roe, they recommend hair crabs

    我自己一個人就吃得到一隻蟹啦, I can't eat a crab by myself,

    當日早上十點幾, 所以不算好多人 Not many people at that morning

    如果你中午來的話, 一定會排長龍 U will be in a long queue if u come at noon time

    這裏另外有間餐廳叫做菊水,都係好抵食好值得推薦㗎 There is another restaurant which is good for food and worth recommending.

    如果你們來海鮮食堂, 太多人排隊, 你可以有菊水另一個選擇啦 If you come to this restaurant, too many people line up, you can have another option

    我知道男觀眾比較喜歡看我講餐廳食肆的推介 I know that male audiences prefer to watch my video for restaurant recommendations

    因為如果一對couple去旅行, 多數都係男嘅畀錢呀 Because if a couple is traveling, most of the time are men paying

    而且男人出主意去那一間餐廳會比較man啲 And it ’s more manly for a man to recommend for a restaurant.

    而我的頻道女觀眾, 就喜歡看我買東西多些, 我不會偏心的 And my female audiences like to watch me shopping. I will not be biased

    講完這間餐廳有幾抵食, 之後我就會講shopping吧 I will talk about shopping after that after this restaurant

    這條街總共有15間餐廳、60間店舖, 看完我的推介可以節省好多時間 There are a total of 15 restaurants and 60 shops in this street.U can save a lot of time after watching my referrals.

    這裏一個套餐2720yen(193HKD)有海膽鮭魚卵飯加了一碗麵豉湯 Here is a set of 2720yen (193HKD) with sea urchin salmon roe rice and a miso soup

    成碗飯的海膽和鮭魚卵, 食物非常有光澤, 顯出它的新鮮度非常之高 Sea urchin and salmon roes are very shiny, showing that its freshness

    食海膽最重要是海水味,海膽的體積大小、顏色深淺與品種有關, The most important thing to eat sea urchin is the taste of sea water. The size and color of sea urchin are not related to the freshness but species

    記得睇完影片留個表情符號以示支持呀,我哋下條片再見,拜拜! Remember to leave an emoji after the video to show your support, I will see you next time, bye!


  • urchin英文 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-02 23:00:12

    #北海道自由行 #札幌二條市場 #二條市場交通 #北海道観光
    Hello大家好, Hello, everyone.

    歡迎大家陪我一齊去旅行, 好榮幸能夠成為你們的嚮導 Welcome to travel with me.I am honored to be your tour guide

    參加阿Tsar旅遊是免費的, 只要大家享坐家中, 夜晚11點 The tour is free as long as your sit tight and watch at 11pm

    就可以欣賞到北海道的美景和美食, 這個團亦不需要小費 U can enjoy the scenery n food of Hokkaido without any tipping

    只要睇完影片, 留個表情符號, 就已經是最大的打賞 As long as you finish the video and leave an emoji, it is already the biggest reward

    今日要介紹大家就是北海道特輯第一集, 札幌二條市場 Today I will present the first episode of the Hokkaido, Sapporo Nijo Market

    築地為東京廚房、大阪有黑門市場、札幌就有二條市場做代表 Tsukiji is Tokyo Kitchen, Kuromon Market in Osaka, and Nijo Market in Sapporo


    札幌廚房起源於明治初期, 起初只是一排排的魚檔, The Sapporo kitchen originated in the early Meiji period.At first it was just rows of fish stalls.

    發展至今,已經有好多餐廳、乾貨和生果售賣 Until now there have been many restaurants, dried goods and fruit sales.

    二條市場最大的賣點, 就是地理位置方便 The biggest selling point of the Nijo markets is the convenient location

    它在札幌狸小路一丁目對面, 片尾會講交通怎樣來 It's across the 1st street from Sapporo Tanukikoji, and at the end we will talk about how the transportation comes.

    札幌狸小路附近的酒店, 由三百幾港元起都有交易 Hotels near Sapporo Tanukikoji, deals starting from HK $ 300

    但是我就有一晚住在狸小路四丁目入面, But I stayed one night at 4th street of Tanukikoji

    一間網吧過夜, 174HKD, 遲些會為大家介紹 I will introduce an internet cafe for 174HKD/night later

    記得按通知制, 就可以第一時間看到我如何窮遊北海道喇 Remember to press the notification bell in order to see how I budget traveled in Hokkaido

    說回二條市場, 有大約15間水產公司和魚店,販賣當日入貨最新鮮的海鮮。 Speaking of Nijo Market, there are about 15 aquatic companies and fish shops that sell the freshest seafood that day.

    除了鮮魚之外,亦有好多店舖販賣乾貨和海產加工品。In addition to fresh fish, there are also many shops selling dry goods and processed seafood.

    有好多店舖提供寄送服務, 當然是要附加費用啦。 There are many shops offering delivery services, of course at an additional cost

    北海道有三大名蟹, 就是帝皇蟹、松葉蟹,以及毛蟹。There are 3 famous crabs in Hokkaido, namely emperor crab, Matsuba crab and hairy crab.

    帝皇蟹又細分為鱈場蟹、棘蟹、花咲蟹與油蟹4種,King crab is further subdivided into 4 types: Red King Crab, spiny crab, flower crab and oil crab.

    不過通常泛指身價最高的鱈場蟹。However, it usually refers to the most valuable Red King Crab.

    鱈場蟹之所以特別矜貴,產量稀少固然是原因之一,One of the reasons why Red King crabs are so expensive and their production is scarce

    同時也因為需時10年才會長至3公斤重,It takes 10 years to grow to 3 kg.

    蟹肉特別結實,粗壯而肉質飽滿的蟹腳更是賣點,Crab meat is particularly strong, thick and plump crab legs are a selling point

    而11月至2月正是當造期。有「蟹后」美譽的松葉蟹至為鮮甜嫩滑,The period from Nov to Feb is extreamly good. Matsuba crab, known as the "Crab Queen", is sweet and tender

    無論是刺身, 抑或 配野菜和昆布煮成日式火鍋也鮮甜無比,Whether it's sashimi, or boiled Japanese hot pot with vegetables and kumbu

    毛蟹係北海道獨有的海產,因全身長滿金黃色的細毛而得名,Hairy crabs with golden tiny hair are a seafood unique to Hokkaido.

    每年12月至2月為最佳品嘗季節,雖然體形小, The best tasting season is from Dec to Feb every year.

    一般只有約600克重,蟹肉也算不上豐厚,Generally it weighs about 600 grams, and crab meat is not considered rich.

    但甘香滑溜的蟹膏卻幾乎布滿全身,濃郁蟹香亦是眾蟹之首,But the sweet and creamy crab paste almost covers the whole body, and the rich crab flavor is also extraordinary.

    用來炮製火鍋、熬粥或蒸熟凍食一樣鮮味無窮,Used to make hot pot, porridge or steamed cold plate also excellent

    加少許清酒拌勻同吃已非常可口。Add a little sake and tastes very delicious

    至於在二條市場最出名的餐廳, 就是大磯的海鮮丼是必食之選 As for the most famous restaurant in Nijo Market, the seafood restaurant in Ohiso is a must-eat

    「三色丼」可以吃到滿滿的海膽、鮭魚卵和鱈場蟹, Tri-don included full sea urchin, salmon roe and cod crab


    二條市場是遊客區, 但地點超級方便, Nijo Market is a tourist area, but the location is super convenient

    交通就是由地鐵南北線‧東西線‧東豐線的大通站34號出口步行約5分鐘。Traffic is about 5 minutes walk from Exit 34 of Odori Station on the North-South Line, East-West Line, and Tōhō sen Line of the subway

    狸小路相等於大阪心齋橋, 大家可以行完街再來這裏吃東西 Tanukikoji is equivalent to Osaka Shinsaibashi, everyone can come here after shopping

    下一集我會帶大家去一間最多local人幫襯的中央魚市場 In the next episode, I will take you to a central fish market with a lot of local people.

    我會在一間連古天樂、姜濤等明星去打卡的餐廳開餐 I will have dinner at a restaurant where celebrities also visited

    抵食不用說, 仲要好好味, 阿Tsar旅遊團, 是標榜洗好少錢去享受生活 Cheap n good taste. Joinning Tsar's tour is touting a little money to enjoy life

    記得睇完片留個表情符號以示支持, 我哋下一集再見,88。 Remember to leave an emoji to show support, I'll see you in the next episode, 88

