

在 upmost中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Ms.K 凱倫泰泰,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 凱倫泰泰跟大家介紹優良的包車業者🚍,其實這位業者是認識近30年的好鄰居🏘,有合法的營業執照✅,保險✅,車子新✅,配備好✅,但是凱倫泰泰要先清楚說明以下幾點: (Ms.K would like to recommend, especially to Cantonese speaking fans, a...

  • upmost中文 在 Ms.K 凱倫泰泰 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-05-08 20:20:35
    有 636 人按讚

    (Ms.K would like to recommend, especially to Cantonese speaking fans, a neighbor of mine who is licensed and insured to provide charter van service. Before making any reservations, please read the following details clearly. )

    (This is only my personal recommendation, not an advertisement nor do I collect any service fee. Please contact Ms. Apiwan directly.)

    (Ms.K will not interfere nor be involved with any negotiations/communication between you and Ms. Apiwan)

    (If you happen to encounter any misunderstandings or problems before/during/after this service, please do not comment, message, nor make any personal attack on this page. Any violators will be banned.)

    ( Please inform Ms.Apiwan that you got the charter service information from “凱倫泰泰”, therefore she can make further adjustments.)

    (Ms.Apiwan can not read any Chinese characters. In order to contact her, please add her Line account and leave voice messages.)

    (Ms. Apiwan can speak fluent Cantonese, as she is a second descendent from Guangdong).

    (Ms. Apiwan also speaks adequate Mandarin, but please use the simplest phrase /words and try to speak slowly.)



    If you are a true fan of Ms.K 凱倫泰泰, may I please ask those who might be using this charter service to talk to Ms.Apiwan in your upmost politeness. I will deeply appreciate your cooperation in this. I'm sure you all certainly hope to have a fun and smooth trip in paradise Thailand! Thank you!🙏🙏

  • upmost中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-01-28 09:20:13
    有 184 人按讚

    [時事英文新聞] 在校園內說英文不然就面對「意想不到的後果」!

    Speak English on campus or face “unintended consequences.”


    "A professor stepped down from her position as director of graduate studies in the biostatistics department after an email she sent discouraging Chinese students from speaking in their native tongue went viral."

    In all honesty, the director was most likely well-intentioned, doing what she thought was best to help students. However, there are better ways to address the issue. This is a learning opportunity for us all.



    “To international students, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep these unintended consequences in mind when you choose to speak in Chinese in the building. I have no idea how hard it has been and still is for you to come to the US and have to learn in a non-native language. As such, I have the upmost [sic] respect for what you are doing. That being said, I encourage you to commit to using English 100% of the time when you are in Hock or any other professional setting.”

    Complete email: https://goo.gl/EgDCnw

    Full story: http://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/education/2019/01/27/duke-professor-warns-chinese-students-speak-english-campus-or-face-unintended-consequences/

    Comments and opinions: https://goo.gl/nFP9fN




    1. step down 下台
    2. native tongue 母語
    3. started off innocuously enough 一開始時是無害的
    4. go viral 像病毒般蔓延
    5. warn students 警告學生
    6. keep in mind 記住
    7. unintended consequences 意想不到的後果
    8. spread across 傳開
    9. something to think about 需要考慮的事情
    10. oblige(尤指按別人要求的去做以)討好,幫助,為…效勞
    11. identify students 識別學生
    12. interview for an internship 實習面試
    13. not everyone can understand 不是每個人都能理解
    14. face unseen barriers 面對看不見的障礙
    15. future opportunities 未來的機會
    16. spark outrage 引發憤怒
    17. converse 交談
    18. on their own time 在他們自己的時間
    19. outside of the classroom 在教室外面
    20. sic 原文如此(置於括弧內,表示前面引用的文字原文有錯誤)


    Related articles (相關文章):




    Using L1 in English Learning (是否可以透過中文來學習英文): https://goo.gl/BYN3sP

    Do Asian Americans face discrimination in the US? 在美國是否會被歧視? https://youtu.be/9mYAhQkcbJw



    Do you think our fan page should use more English? Would I be able to provide educational resources to more students if I used only English?

