✨ 新竹飲料店推薦 !
黑芝麻控看這裡!💗💗 他們家的必點的黑芝麻糊厚鮮奶真的是必點!滿滿一大半杯的黑芝麻糊,是採用手炒黑芝麻粒及帶有穀物感的糙米新鮮做成的!一拿到就聞到超香的芝麻香氣,如果喝起來的黑芝麻味再更濃一點就更好了。記得搖一搖把黑芝麻糊融入到燕麥奶裡面再喝喔...
✨ 新竹飲料店推薦 !
黑芝麻控看這裡!💗💗 他們家的必點的黑芝麻糊厚鮮奶真的是必點!滿滿一大半杯的黑芝麻糊,是採用手炒黑芝麻粒及帶有穀物感的糙米新鮮做成的!一拿到就聞到超香的芝麻香氣,如果喝起來的黑芝麻味再更濃一點就更好了。記得搖一搖把黑芝麻糊融入到燕麥奶裡面再喝喔。還有!「☕️400次咖啡」這個在韓國之前超爆紅的飲料不用在家裡辛苦的打,這家在菜單上就可以直接點了!和一般不一樣的就是他們可以把飲料基底升級燕麥奶喔,然後上面在放上打發的綿密咖啡奶泡,口感不僅滑順還帶了更濃郁燕麥香來提味!推薦來試看看升級後更~好喝的特別燕麥奶飲品吧,共有三款黑芝麻糊厚鮮奶,土豆花生厚鮮奶和400次咖啡!😋
Calling all black sesame lovers!! I recently found a place to try black sesame drink in Hsinzhu. The drink comes with almost half a cup full of freshly made thick black sesame paste, made from fresh black sesame seeds and brown rice grains. You can instantly smell the black sesame scent when you get the drink, but I just wished that the flavour was a bit more stronger! Remember to shake it up to mix it well before drinking~ also, they also have the super super popular drink Dalgona coffee on their menu too! We upgraded the drink to change the base to oatmilk base, which paired the whipped coffee foam even better, the oat milk flavour was subtle and smooth and added a little twist to the regular dalgona coffee. Recommend to try out this place if you are looking for fresh drink options with oat milk and unique drinks for a nice treat!
📍 @shakedrink2
☎️ 03-5241104
🏠 新竹市北區西大路439號(新竹城隍店)
⏰ 10:00-20:30