

在 unveils中文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,205的網紅Y道理,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Never, never, never ... do a live demo ... XDDDDD Tesla 今天發表的 Cybertruck 皮卡(pick-up)除了採用硬朗的設計語言之外,還配備了號稱有防彈功能的「Tesla 裝甲玻璃」。只是那個玻璃在現場的示範中卻兩度被鐵球砸碎,讓站在...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅Edwin H.,也在其Youtube影片中提到,飲水飲水飲水 傳送牆: charmin rollbot https://www.hellopicnic.com/ pizza machine https://impossiblefoods.com/pork/ https://www.lg.com/hk/instaview-door-in-doo...

  • unveils中文 在 Y道理 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-11-23 09:35:44
    有 30 人按讚

    Never, never, never ... do a live demo ... XDDDDD

    Tesla 今天發表的 Cybertruck 皮卡(pick-up)除了採用硬朗的設計語言之外,還配備了號稱有防彈功能的「Tesla 裝甲玻璃」。只是那個玻璃在現場的示範中卻兩度被鐵球砸碎,讓站在旁邊的 CEO Elon Musk 有點尷尬。

    詳細報導: https://chinese.engadget.com/…/tesla-unveils-its-cybertruck/

    影片來源: Roberto Baldwin

    #tesla #cybertruck #teslacybertruck #elonmusk #TeslaArmorGlass

  • unveils中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-10-08 21:05:00
    有 297 人按讚

    [News / 甜點新聞] Cedric Grolet 主廚的第二本食譜書即將上市‼️ / Cédric Grolet to publish his second recipe book (for English, please click “see more”)

    Cédric Grolet 主廚的第二本食譜書《OPÉRA》來了!法文版即將於 11 月 7 日上市!這本食譜書不但揭開了 Cédric 主廚甜點師生涯的另一章,也揭露了 Cédric Grolet Opéra #販售商品的製作方法。

    Cédric 主廚在序言中提到,如果說他的第一本書「《FRUITS》展現了極度現代的技巧、是代表未來的甜點,那《OPÉRA》就是 #返璞歸真,#代表過去與現代的甜點」。新書與新店製作的商品,將他從多年在宮殿級酒店 Le Meurice 的工作方法與內容中解放出來,他能夠在另外一個象限創作,進而 #創造一個新的領域。

    與第一本食譜書《FRUITS》相較,本書中的食譜 #更加適合一般甜點愛好者在家製作。符合目前甜點界最新的「#自然無添加」、「#回歸本質」、「#減糖」的潮流,Cédric 主廚強調他「#盡其所能地刪減掉繁雜的製作步驟」,希望「#更接近食材的天然質地、#鮮度與味道」,讓人能夠「#立即享受美味」。

    雖然食譜簡化,但 Cédric 主廚與團隊並未因此減少分毫努力,仍盡力呈現每一個作品最完美的一面。不管是新書與新店,都是希望能更貼近一般大眾的誠意之作。

    本書由 Ducasse Edition 出版,目前已經可以在 Amazon.fr 上預購,11 月 7 日上市之後,Amazon 將會立刻將書寄出:https://tinyurl.com/y29894u7

    圖片來源: Fou de Pâtisserie, Amazon.fr, Ducasse Editions

    🔖 延伸閱讀:

    Cédric Grolet 主廚深度專訪:https://tinyurl.com/y55zyq4a



    返璞歸真、注重本質的旗手 Yann Couvreur 主廚深度專訪:https://tinyurl.com/y555d2qy

    Cédric Grolet, the world’s best pastry chef is publishing his second recipe book “OPÉRA” on 7th November! This book unveils recipes of pastries that are going to be offered in his new shop Cédric Grolet Opéra and turns a new page of the chef’s career.

    The chef mentioned in the forewords that “FRUITS (his first book, ed.) illustrates a resolutely modern technique and pastries of future, “OPÉRA” rather demonstrates pastries of the past and present time that take a step back to the essentials.” The products offered in his new shop and featured in this book actually liberate him from what he’s been doing at Le Meurice for many years. He’s now able to "work on another axis and create a different universe”.

    Compared with “FRUITS”, recipes in “OPÉRA” are more accessible for home bakers. No colorants and additives are added, more natural, they echo with the latest trends in pastry industry. Cédric emphasizes that he “eliminates to the maximum extent the steps in terms of method” and make it “as close as possible to the original texture, freshness, and flavours of the ingredients.” By making those pastries and desserts a lot easier and quicker to realize at home, they can be tasted “in an instant”.

    Though these recipes are a lot friendlier to the general public and are easier to follow, the chef and his team never stop doing their best. This book and the new shop can be seen as efforts to

    “OPÉRA” is published by Ducasse Edition and can now be pre-ordered on Amazon.fr. The book will be shipped right away after it’s officially out on 7th November.

    (Photo credit: Fou de Pâtisserie, Amazon.fr, Ducasse Editions)

    🔖 Read more on related topics

    Interview with Cédric Grolet: https://tinyurl.com/y55zyq4a

    Editor’s words on FRUITS traditional Chinese version: https://tinyurl.com/y2gtpb8a

    "Getting back to the essentials”, a keyword to the latest trends in French pastry industry: https://tinyurl.com/yxb5fe6z

    Interview with Yann Couvreur, leading actor in the “getting back to the essentials” movement of the industry: https://tinyurl.com/y555d2qy

    #yingsbookreviews #cedricgrolet #cedricgroletopera

  • unveils中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-09-16 22:29:01
    有 165 人按讚

    [Pastry news / 甜點新聞] Barry Callebaut Group reveals the "Ruby Chocolate" / 巴芮巧克力集團推出「紅寶石巧克力」(中文請按「繼續閱讀」)

    The world's leading chocolate manufacturer Barry Callebaut unveils "Ruby chocolate", the 4th type of chocolate next to dark, milk, and white chocolate. This chocolate, to our surprise, is naturally fruity and reddish without any artificial colorants or flavourings added.

    This chocolate is from unique "Ruby cocoa beans" sourced from different regions of the world, and Barry Callebaut has managed to unlock its specific characteristics through a series of innovative process which remain confidential. This chocolate said to be naturally berry-fruity and lusciously smooth, and thus offers an intense sensorial delight. The group foresees new consumer needs and marketing initiatives regarding the product development of this chocolate.

    ❣️ Barry Callebaut press release: https://goo.gl/jF7KZD
    ❣️ Ruby chocolate event in Shanghai: https://goo.gl/V4ZqHe

    前幾天全球甜點圈最引人注目的新聞,莫過於全球最大巧克力集團Barry Callebaut Group(旗下有Cacao Barry可可巴芮與Callebaut兩個知名的專業巧克力品牌)宣佈推出「紅寶石巧克力」了。這不是你想像中加了紅色色素或紅色水果的巧克力,而是睽違80年、繼黑巧克力、牛奶巧克力與白巧克力後發明的第四種巧克力產品。這個巧克力是由一種特殊的「紅寶石可可豆」經特殊方式處理、展露可可豆本身的顏色與風味而成,絲毫沒有任何人工添加物,是該集團秘密研發了13年的成果。

    細緻優雅的玫瑰色下,這種巧克力有著什麼樣的風味呢?根據Barry Callebaut的說明,雖然未添加任何莓果,但是卻有著強烈的莓果風味與細膩柔滑的奢華口感。他們預期紅寶石巧克力將會帶動全球的巧克力消費、也會發展出更多嶄新的應用與行銷利基點。

    ❣️ Barry Callebaut官網新聞:https://goo.gl/jF7KZD(目前官網影片連結失效)
    ❣️ 紅寶石巧克力發表會現場影片:https://goo.gl/V4ZqHe

    #rubychocolate #barrycallebaut

