

在 unison公司產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅陳冠廷 Kuan-Ting Chen,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 捷克一行近90人來訪,其中除了參議院議長、以及布拉格首都市長,還有大批記者、文藝及產業相關團體一起來 對台灣在中東歐來說,是一個絕佳展現自信、理念、產業還有交流的機會。 對於產業,我們更熱於看到中央、地方,到商業上面的契機 捷克是高科技產業的重鎮,根據我國駐捷克辦事處的文件指出:”捷克電機電子...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,280的網紅Prune Deer,也在其Youtube影片中提到,孤獨又如何,喜歡不被大眾了解的小眾的音樂,往往是內向的人。 違和、凌亂、規則,按照自己的感覺,以最直接的方式構造屬於你和我的四分鐘世界。 #後搖 #數搖 #內向 #孤獨 studio recording ver. https://open.spotify.com/track/51JLynv9jaN...

unison公司 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-10 17:14:28

/ 相信你地都有留意早前聯合航空公司的醜聞,跟住落黎幾日我地 @k.e.n.joy 會講下關於呢則新聞的英文🤓🤓記住留意喇! . 總部位於美國的聯合航空 (United Airlines) 捲入公關災難 (a publicity disaster/nightmare),一段影片在網絡上瘋傳 (cir...

  • unison公司 在 陳冠廷 Kuan-Ting Chen Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-31 12:11:30
    有 1,533 人按讚




    捷克是高科技產業的重鎮,根據我國駐捷克辦事處的文件指出:”捷克電機電子電腦業工業占捷克總製造業產值13%以上,僅次於鋼鐵金屬製造業及汽機車交通製造業。...捷克本身亦有超過31,000家的ICT業者,80%業者係提供ICT服務,其中捷克軟體公司包括AVG Technologies、AVAST防毒軟體公司、GoodData、Y-SOFT、Socialbakers等均有相當優異之表現...台商如鴻海、緯創、華碩、和碩等在捷克設廠組裝電腦及成立區域維修中心”














    Vitáme vás na Tchaj-wanie!

    Please join me in extending a warm welcome to the 90-member strong delegation from the beautiful nation of Czechia.

    Our two countries share common history: we have both transformed from authoritarian single-party rule to a democracy that guarantees basic freedoms and equal rights for their citizens.

    But we should also look towards the future in unison: I believe that technology should constitute the core of our future relations. Czechia has been deservedly called the "Silicon Valley of Europe." The recent introduction of a new brand “The Czech Republic: The Country For The Future” clearly demonstrates that our priorities align closely, especially in light of President Tsai's 5+2 innovative industries plan.

    To our noisy neighbors across the strait, Taiwan’s Czech friends who are currently visiting our country are mere “rule-breakers trampling on diplomatic civilization.” This goes to show me that PRC’s Foreign Minister Wang is in a dire need of a history lesson, as he appears to be completely ignorant of the reshuffling in “diplomatic civilization” brought about by the Third Wave of Democratization.

    In 1989, the prospect of freedom filled the people of East Asia and Eastern Europe with hope. It would be hard to overlook the important parallels between the Velvet Revolution and the White Lily Movement (野百合學運).

    The ‘89 Student Movement in China (八九民運) was propelled by the same energy; yet, lamentably, it resulted in very different outcomes.

    In Czechia and Taiwan, the hope for a better tomorrow became a reality. Our two countries continue to serve as shining beacons of democracy amidst regional struggles. Since the 1980s, Prague and Taipei sought to be active stakeholders in the construction of a “diplomatic civilization” built on the principles of freedom, mutual respects, and human rights. Beijing consistently refuses to join us in this endeavor.

    This is why Prague has more in common with Taipei than with Beijing, Minister Wang. Czechia and Taiwan have long endured authoritarian oppression. Today, we declare in unison: “Never Again!”

    The visit of our Czech friends is not a “defiant move” - it is a nod to the laudable legacy of late President and champion of democratization, Mr. Vacláv Havel.

  • unison公司 在 偉大航道-李勁華 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-08-16 15:59:59
    有 7 人按讚


    今次Chitchat with Entrepreneur: KKBOX 由A.新世界大學將聯同Samsung、HSBC及Amazon Web Services邀請來自台灣的KKBOX Head of System Infrastructure — Hung-Yi Chen,分別從不同旅遊產業的角度,分享行業發展的最新動向、如何有效收集及運用數據制定公司創新策略,及怎樣透過企業和初創合作達致雙贏局面!

    日期:8月28日 (Wed)
    地點:21/F K11 Atelier, Victoria Dockside 香港尖沙嘴梳士巴利道18號

    Part A - Chitchat with Entrepreneur: KKBOX
    Part B - Startup Booth & Corporate Ecosystem Networking

    本次活動接受公開免費報名,名額非常有限,請盡快報名: https://wecreate20190828.eventbrite.hk

    如有任何查詢,歡迎聯絡我們的活動統籌 Derek Lee(電話:94670373 電郵:[email protected]

    KKBOX, found in 2005, has always been at the forefront of the industry in the Asian Market, leading in from the number of songs featured on the platform to additional functions like exclusive interviews, live-streaming concerts, voice quality, and so on. KKBOX has even organized its own offline award ceremony, “KKBOX Music Awards”, to celebrate the success of singers in the Chinese Music Field. Thanks to their efforts and innovation, KKBOX is seen as the pinnacle of Music Streaming Platforms in Asia, with over 10 Million subscribers from regions like Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore.

    A. New World University, in unison with Samsung, HSBC and Amazon Web Services, has invited Hung-Yi Chen, Head of System Infrastructure of KKBOX, to share the latest trends and development in the music streaming industry, and how KKBOX has managed to gain a foothold amid the intense competition of the industry. Concomitantly, with reference to their experiences in organizing large-scale offline events, we hope to reflect on the strategies adopted in event management by New World Development and its subsidiaries.

    Dates: Aug 28, 2019 (Wed)
    Time: 15:30 - 18:00
    Location: 21/F K11 Atelier, Victoria Dockside, Tsim Sha Tsui
    Language: Mandarin and Cantonese
    Application fee: Free
    Quota: 200
    Application link: https://wecreate20190828.eventbrite.hk

    Should you have any enquiries, please contact our coordinator of event management Mr. Derek Lee (telephone: 94670373, email: [email protected]).

  • unison公司 在 海洋首都中的航海家 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-04-01 08:33:39
    有 373 人按讚


    (1)賴比瑞亞籍貨櫃船 NAVIOS UNISON由漢堡港順流開往鹿特丹途中,06:30在易北河648公里地標處,因船上機械故障漂出航道,在快要擱淺時(Near Miss),被及時趕到的拖船控制住,並拖回漢堡港進行檢修. NAVIOS UNISON是11萬噸級9年的貨櫃船.
    (2)馬歇爾群島籍2萬9千噸油化品船IONIAN STAR再由 Liverpool UK 到 Slovag Norway 途中同樣因機械故障失去控制,所幸海岸防衛隊的巡邏艇KV SENJA 在碰撞之前拖住該輪,使船員得以重新發動主機.避開一劫.
    (3)散裝貨輪LEO IRIS在蘇格蘭北邊的Pentland Firth海峽,機械故障,緩輪慢航至ORKNEY錨地下錨,自行修復後續航.

    這三個地區都已列為空汙管制區Emission Control Areas (ECAs),所以機械故障極可能就是改換成低硫燃油 Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (LSFO)的結果.可以預見的是明年1月1日開始,IMO全面禁用重柴油(IFO)後,”合規”但是不合用的LSFO會為全球船舶的航行安全帶來多少意外,額燃油交易糾紛及訴訟.


    2020開始船公司各個部門都因此而忙碌:Time Charter的船東要獨自面對”燃油”問題之訴訟及因機械失靈而產生的碰撞,擱淺,OFFhire….VoyageCharter的情況下租船人與船東間免不了會橫生爭議;機艙部門應該是最慘的,隨時要準備”主機”,電機失靈的突襲,駕駛部門也是隨時準備緊急”失控”狀況之應變處理;其他保險公司之理賠;公證行之驗船;律師們對訴訟案件之增加;海難救護及海巡署之緊急救援;環保署對擱淺船隻海域汙染之清理;…..幾乎沒有哪個部門能幸免於難.
    (1) 進出港時盡量要求拖船要帶纜;
    (2) 船頭大副除双錨備便之外,更要練習緊急拋錨,拉住船舶之余速.
    (3) 二副要練習以最快速度衝向舵機房轉換成”笨舵”之舵機房現場操控
    (4) 船長們則隨時注意失控後之頂風,頂流,用舵來降速與趨吉避凶,緊急信號之施放
    (5) 盡可能緩輪慢行綁好拖船


