

在 unfolding意思產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,769的網紅Lola Lin 蘿菈,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 精彩的10月 x 哇賽滿月中秋 我一直有個直覺...倒數90天迎接2021起飛年 今天,不但慶祝🎉畢業女超人高效率客戶返校一起跨入2021 也感恩我..在2020過去90天所做的每一個選擇 …再過30天,我就要滿31年在這地球上+9個多月在媽咪肚子的時光 今天...最驚喜的...莫過於 ...

unfolding意思 在 蘿菈|女性高效健康-荷爾蒙情緒 Gut Health Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-10-08 05:10:55

精彩的10月 x 哇賽滿月中秋⁣ ⁣ 我一直有個直覺...倒數90天迎接2021起飛年⁣ ⁣ 今天,不但慶祝🎉畢業女超人高效率客戶返校一起跨入2021⁣ ⁣ 也感恩我..在2020過去90天所做的每一個選擇⁣ ⁣ …再過30天,我就要滿31年在這地球上+9個多月在媽咪肚子的時光⁣ ⁣ 今天...最驚...

unfolding意思 在 Hiram Koffee Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-08-12 04:46:23

《ISLAM》 兩年前剛上線時和一位印尼籍的機長Eddie飛印度德里,是位非常紳士且沈穩的機長,完全看不出他在公司待了二十幾年,已經要六十四歲即將屆齡退休。 - Eddie是一位相當虔誠的穆斯林,德里七個小時左右的航程中一定會遇到穆斯林一天五次禮拜的時間。在我正好奇的時候,Eddie和我說:「待會我...

  • unfolding意思 在 Lola Lin 蘿菈 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-10-04 15:15:37
    有 0 人按讚

    精彩的10月 x 哇賽滿月中秋






    🐳 2019年自己給自己的生日禮物:催眠教練培訓+呼吸教練培訓 🦋 讓我深刻的療癒由內而外自己與女超人客戶



    她還為我抽一張Work Your Light Oracle Cards,飛出了一張IMRAMA,意思是靈魂之旅

    訊息是:我的靈魂開始「記得/憶起」古老陸地的秘密 ; 允許我乘著古老智慧的血統,記住 - 我不需要自己獨自完成使命

    🌹每一刻,妳都會接收到宇宙捎給妳的微小訊息,妳有在傾聽嗎?2019年10月我投資的線上教練課程,也是改變我一生的課程,在San Diego召開高峰會 Broke to Woke Summit

    我的美國🇺🇸室友擁有這Work Your Light牌卡,我對這牌卡的第一印象是...覺得好美,但是我不需要 ~

    結束會議後,我開始去San Diego各大瑜珈身心靈修練聖地朝聖,再次看到這牌卡以及書籍,於是決定回台灣購入,因為是可以幫助許多女超人客戶的最佳工具

    一年過去了,我摸這牌卡不到5次!因為我超級無敵「不習慣」問我的指導團隊問題 😅 (我的潛意識...就是把她當作幫助客戶的工具)

    🌹 隨著我越往內心探索,認真打開與生俱來的「氣功/呼吸」,我的天線瞬間接通



    ...因為,我已經接上「直覺GUT」,也創造了「支持高效女性領導者的心靈圈 GUT90」




    Wooman Power 使用蘿菈專屬碼「Lola300」,完成後私訊 ➡️ 報名連結:https://podcast.lolalinocean.com/96

    我將帶領我的女超人客戶在「呼吸線上工作坊」中:打開心💖 妳是愛,妳是力量 I AM LOVE. I AM POWER.

    Work Your Light牌卡的意義...

    2020.10.4 中秋節|與蘿菈靈魂的對話

    1. 現狀:Share Your Voice

    2. 靈魂告訴我:STARSEED

    3. 妳內心昇華著:The Ever-Unfolding Rose

    4. 正在逝去的:Anna, Grandma of Jesus

    5. 靈魂的禮物:STAR MOTHER - Lay all of your worries, regrets, shame and guilt on Her alter. Do not fear. You are LOVE in motion

    6. 妳心想事成了:PROTECTION - Soul Retrieval. Cut the Cords. Call back your Power. Protect your energy. May all the lost pieces return home now. Check into your body NOW & see which Chakra FEELS like it needs a bit of an energetic clean-up

    7. 下一步:LEAP

    8. 前世影響力:LEMURIA - keep holding the clear vision of the future. Do your transmission work & hold the frequency of Lemuria in your own community, family, or within yourself. You are not alone. There are hundreds of thousands who hold the codes of this ancient lost land & even Lemuria crystals that hold the codes of REMEMBERING that are beginning to rise all over the planet. Keep doing what you are doing & remember: The only way to HEAL the world around us is to first heal ourselves.

    9. 妳必須知曉:MIRROR - Who or what is triggering you? What is it in you that they are triggering? What part of you longs to be witnessed?

    10. 希望與恐懼:SISTERHOOD OF THE ROSE - surround yourself with beauty and create beauty wherever you go

    11. 可能的成果:THE GREAT GATHERING - you are being called to let your intuition move you physically. You are connected to a group of sounds who are weaving a web around the planet. When you share what is REAL and true to you, and you share the medicine that you most need, those who are like you will gather around you. You are your tribe! I choose now to let myself be see. I am ready to call in my soul tribe and create a web of light all over the planet

    妳也要加入蘿菈創造的女超人圈嗎?留言 🌹 接收我的💓

  • unfolding意思 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-15 08:00:08
    有 151 人按讚


    🔥 Americans Are More Troubled by Police Actions in Killing of George Floyd Than by Violence at Protests, Poll Finds

    🧐 Voters by a 2-to-1 margin are more troubled by the actions of police in the killing of George Floyd than by violence at some protests, and an overwhelming majority, 80%, feel that the country is spiraling out of control, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.
    《華爾街日報》和NBC News的一項新調查顯示,比對抗議中的暴力行為,美國人對警察導致喬治.佛洛伊德死亡的行為更感不安,人數高達一倍,且絕大多數(80%)的受訪者都認為美國正在失控。

    - by a 2-to-1 margin 二比一/另一者兩倍的意思
    - be troubled by 深受…折磨
    - overwhelming 難以抵擋的;無法抗拒的
    - spiraling (形勢)急劇惡化
    - out of control 失控

    😨 The poll also reveals striking partisan divides in how voters view a pair of unfolding national crises, including the unrest sparked by the killing of Mr. Floyd, the black Minneapolis man who was in police custody, and the coronavirus pandemic, responsible for more than 109,000 fatalities in the U.S.

    - partisan (常指盲目)支持的,擁護的;偏袒的
    - unrest 不安,動盪
    - fatality 死亡人數

    🚨 Nearly three-quarters of Democrats, 74%, said it may take the next year or even longer to curb Covid-19 and return to work as normal. By contrast, among President Trump’s strongest supporters within the Republican Party, 32% said the coronavirus is already contained.
    近四分之三(74%)的民主黨受訪者表示,要遏制冠狀病毒並使工作恢復正常,可能需要花上明年一年甚至更長的時間。反之,共和黨內的川普支持者中,則有32% 表示新冠疫情已得到控制。

    - Democrats 民主黨員
    - curb 約束;抑制
    - contained 得到控制、抑制



    The government should act to ____ the spread of coronavirus before the pandemic went _________.

    A. curd/ out of control
    B. cure/ out of the way
    C. curb / out of control


    華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
    專屬 #臉書社團,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
    「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!

  • unfolding意思 在 Fernando Chiu-hung Cheung 張超雄 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-30 16:38:33
    有 74 人按讚


    Donald Trump記者會全程對着屏幕讀稿,一字不漏兼不答問題,是要將環環緊扣的信息準確傳遞。香港部分本身是一篇完整的發言,新聞標題一定會引用「一國一制」那一句,但我認為全篇是圍繞着「香港的悲劇」這個主題發展的。

    第一段:Several of the most significant actions we’re taking pertain to deeply troubling situations unfolding in Hong Kong. This week, China unilaterally impose control over Hong Kong security. This was a plain violation of Beijing’s treaty obligations with the United Kingdom in the Declaration of 1984 and explicit provisions of Hong Kong’s basic law. It has 27 years to go. The Chinese government’s move against Hong Kong is the latest in a series of measures that are diminishing the city’s longstanding and very proud status. This is a tragedy for the people of Hong Kong, the people of China, and indeed the people of the world.


    第二段:China claims it is protecting national security, but the truth is that Hong Kong was secure and prosperous as a free society. Beijing’s decision reverses all of that. It extends the reach of China’s invasive state security apparatus into what was formerly a bastion of Liberty. China’s latest incursion, along with other recent developments that degraded the territory’s freedoms, makes clear that Hong Kong is no longer sufficiently autonomous to warrant the special treatment that we have afforded the territory since the handover.

    分析:這段的關鍵字是"bastion of liberty"(自由保壘),指的是在中共上台後,香港作為英國殖民地,一直是中共「竹幕」前的西方自由世界橋頭堡。香港的安全與繁榮皆建基於與中共截然不同的自由社會,自由社會過去依靠西方的政治力量支撐,1997後權力平衡打破,自由社會便被中共逐步入侵,令香港失去自治。第一句"China claims it is protecting national security, but the truth is that Hong Kong was secure and prosperous as a free society"很精簡地點出中共和香港迥異的立場,可用來回應藍絲。

    第三、四段:China has replaced its promise formula of one country, two systems, with one country, one system. Therefore, I am directing my administration to begin the process of eliminating policy exemptions that give Hong Kong different and special treatment. My announcement today will affect the full range of agreements we have with Hong Kong, from our extradition treaty to our export controls on dual use technologies and more, with few exceptions. We will be revising the state department’s travel advisory for Hong Kong to reflect the increased danger of surveillance and punishment by the Chinese state security apparatus.

    We will take action to revoke Hong Kong’s preferential treatment as a separate customs and travel territory from the rest of China. The United States will also take necessary steps to sanction PRC and Hong Kong officials directly or indirectly involved in eroding Hong Kong’s autonomy and just, if you take a look, smothering, absolutely smothering Hong Kong’s freedom. Our actions will be strong, our actions will be meaningful.

    分析:這兩段是講具體打算做什麼。最弔詭的是,有別於美國過去作為世界警察解放呢個解放嗰個,講辭沒有說到這些措施是為了什麼而做,亦沒有說想達成什麼目的,連條件都沒有開。講稿沒有寫,因為那是「不好說的真相」(inconvenient truth)。當中共專政背約,香港的宿命就是死,美國不能繼續讓中共借香港被給予的特殊地位佔便宜。美國知道這些措施尤如隔山打牛,對北京傷害有限,首先死的肯定是香港,但那是美中全面攤牌前必須撇清的第一步。美國不會像保護台灣那樣保護香港,他們能對香港做的,就是陪中共加速攬炒。"Our actions will be strong, our actions will be meaningful."好像是廢話,但也令人聽出弦外之音。

    第五段:More than two decades ago on a rainy night in 1997, British soldiers lowered the Union flag and Chinese soldiers raised the Chinese flag in Hong Kong. The people of Hong Kong felt simultaneously proud of their Chinese heritage and their unique Hong Kong identity. The people of Hong Kong hoped that in the years and decades to come, China would increasingly come to resemble it’s most radiant and dynamic city. The rest of the world was electrified by a sense of optimism that Hong Kong was a glimpse into China’s future, not that Hong Kong would grow into a reflection of China’s past.


    第六段:In every decision, I will continue to proudly defend and protect the workers, families, and citizens of the United States of America. Thank you very much. Thank you.



