

在 underway中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文]臺灣六大戰略產業 In President Tsai’s inauguration speech, it was mentioned that Taiwan will develop six core strategic industries to transform it into...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅MONGABONG,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Back with another vlog in Mandarin! Did my mandarin-speaking skills improve from the last time? Watch me as I go about this busy week, attending media...

  • underway中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-28 16:05:03
    有 273 人按讚

    In President Tsai’s inauguration speech, it was mentioned that Taiwan will develop six core strategic industries to transform it into a critical force in the global economy. Below are the six industries and plans for developing them.

    Are you ready for the development of next generation technologies?
    Six Core Strategic Industries

    First, we will continue to develop our information and digital industries. We will take advantage of Taiwan's strengths in the semiconductor and ICT industries to secure a central role in global supply chains, and make Taiwan a major base for the development of next generation technologies, including IoT and AI.
    1. information and digital industries 資訊與數位產業
    2. semiconductor 半導體
    3. ICT (Information and Communication Technology) 資訊與通訊科技
    4. secure a central role 獲得一個核心地位
    5. a major base 重要的基地
    6. IoT (Internet of Things) 物聯網
    7. AI (Artificial Intelligence) 人工智慧

    Second, we are going to develop a cybersecurity industry that can integrate with 5G, digital transformation, and our national security. We will strive to create cybersecurity systems and an industrial chain that can protect our country and earn the world's trust.
    8. cybersecurity industry 資安產業
    9. integrate with 結合
    10. digital transformation 數位轉型
    Third, we are going to create biotech and medical technology industries integrated with the rest of the world. Throughout this pandemic, Taiwanese teams have proven that they are capable of working with world-class technologies to produce reagents and develop new drugs and vaccines. We are going to give these industries our utmost support, and transform Taiwan into a key force in the global battle against infectious diseases.
    11. biotech and medical technology 生物與醫療科技
    12. capable of 有能力做……
    13. world-class 世界級的;世界一流的
    14. reagent 試劑;試藥
    15. vaccine 疫苗
    16. utmost support 全力扶持;最大的支持
    17. key force 關鍵力量
    18. infectious diseases 傳染病
    Fourth, we are going to develop national defense and strategic industries by integrating military and civilian capabilities. In addition to domestically-produced naval vessel and aircraft programs that are currently underway, we will push harder to promote technological integration between the military and the private sector, to stimulate private sector production capabilities, and advance into the aviation and space industries.
    19. national defense 國防
    20. strategic industries 戰略產業
    21. domestically-produced 國內製造
    22. naval vessel 軍艦
    23. underway 正在進行的;正在發生的
    24. push harder 更加努力
    25. technological integration 技術整合
    26. stimulate 激發;刺激
    27. private sector 私營部門(即民營);民間
    28. the aviation and space industries 航空與太空產業
    Fifth, we are going to accelerate the development of green energy and renewable energy industries. Over the past four years, renewable energy has experienced explosive growth, and Taiwan has become a hotspot for international investment. Building on this foundation, I am confident that we will achieve our goal of deriving 20% of our overall energy from green sources by 2025. We are going to make Taiwan a center for green energy in Asia.
    29. green energy 綠能
    30. renewable energy 再生能源
    31. explosive growth 飛躍性地增長
    32. hotspot 熱點
    33. derive sth from sth 從…中得到,從…中獲得、取得
    Sixth, we are going to establish strategic stockpile industries that can ensure the steady provision of critical supplies. Facing changes to the global order, we need to keep key industrial chains in Taiwan and maintain a certain degree of self-sufficiency in the production of face masks, medical and daily supplies, energy, and food.
    34. strategic stockpile industries 戰略儲備產業
    35. the steady provision of critical supplies 關鍵物資的穩定供應
    36. the global order 全球秩序
    37. key industrial chains 重要的產業鏈
    38. a certain degree of 一定程度的……
    39. self-sufficiency 自給自足
    圖片出處:Google Search
    How might we develop these industries? What would be the first step to take?

  • underway中文 在 無神論者的巴別塔 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-09-07 22:18:55
    有 128 人按讚


    The idea of an independent Hong Kong is not only in breach of the Basic Law of Hong Kong but also contrary to what I personally believe. <<<<<<< an independent Hong Kong = 港獨?












    7 September 2017

    Dear colleagues, students and alumni,

    I am currently attending an academic conference overseas, although I have been kept informed of the controversies on campus lately.

    The idea of an independent Hong Kong is not only in breach of the Basic Law of Hong Kong but also contrary to what I personally believe. Hong Kong is an inalienable part of China; this is beyond dispute.

    When discussing and debating political issues, our students should always do so peacefully and rationally, and conduct the discussion or debate in a respectful and patient manner.

    Our campus is a place for learning. It should not be turned into a political arena. A new academic year is underway. Let's maintain the learning environment peaceful for our students.

    Joseph J.Y. Sung
    Vice-Chancellor and President

    【約十名「反港獨」人士於中大示威 指控「外籍教師煽動年青人」、要撐港獨者「移民」 | 本土新聞】





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    中大校園電台 CUHK Campus Radio

  • underway中文 在 釀酒師之路 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-04-28 13:54:06
    有 12 人按讚

    Bad news in Burgundy, 昨天才聽Charente 地區(波爾多北邊)農業局的人提起,最近早晨溫度偏低,要小心春季霜凍。今早就看到勃根地的壞消息......

    Bourgogne 的 黑色星期三 - 4月27日

    「April 27 will remain fatal in many memory Burgundy winegrowers of Chablis to the Côte de Beaune. Frosts affected many sectors, decimating the young shoots. The 2016 vintage is the first not very complicated as in the Mâconnais. Early hail falls have hit much of the vineyard on 13 April.
    Young leaves grilled by frost in a plot of the Côte de Beaune. Laurent Gotti
    Young leaves grilled by frost in a plot of the Côte de Beaune. LG.
    Grimacing, gnashing of teeth and condolence messages on social networks ... started in 2016 under auspices of worrying. This last week of April is very tense in the vineyards of the Yonne and Cote d'Or. Two frost-free nights were recorded. The most virulent was found this morning, April 27th.
    Some Chablis winemakers have spent the night in their vineyards to trigger heaters systems and water spray. The temperature dropped to -3 ° and extensive damage is to be feared.
    Further south, Côte de Nuits, the concern that the harvest is well underway here too palpable.
    "We were touched in Bonnes Mares, the Clos de la Roche and in some areas at the bottom of Morey-Saint-Denis. It's always a bit complicated to get an idea of the damage that day. We will do a full point in the coming days. In the meantime, try not to be too undermine morale ... "said Jéremy Seysses Domain Dujac in Morey-Saint-Denis.
    The thermometer is lowered into the negative in many sectors in Côte de Beaune. Temperatures that caused white frost on a large part of the vineyard.
    "I just returned from a tour of two hours in the vineyards: Santenay is not or little affected, Puligny is doing well too. By against Chassagne-Montrachet and Saint-Aubin are achieved. It is difficult to estimate the damage. In the same piece, the top may be affected but not down ... It will also see if the vegetation will grow back will be fruitful or not, "says Thomas Morey grower in Chassagne-Montrachet.
    Meursault seem to have also paid a heavy price. Some winemakers fear that much of the harvest is lost.
    A few days earlier, on 13 April, are early hailstorms that affected the Mâconnais. The phenomenon has surprised the producers in its scope and especially its precocity. The estimates are that 2,000 hectares affected. Hail fell down for twenty minutes including the municipalities of Chasselas, Leynes, Prissé, Davayé, Chaintré, Hurigny, Macon. Beaujolais north was hit also.
    Large hailstones like thumb destroyed the tender young shoots. An impact on the future harvest is already expected but again its extent is difficult to evaluate: the producers talk about the parcels less than 10%, but other more than 70%.」



  • underway中文 在 MONGABONG Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-17 20:00:18

    Back with another vlog in Mandarin! Did my mandarin-speaking skills improve from the last time? Watch me as I go about this busy week, attending media events, shoots and enjoying my weekends!

    Ps. English captions are underway, thank you for your patience!

    我又拍了另一个讲中文 VLOG!我的中文有没有进步呀?我这个星期是挺忙的。我忙着参加媒体品尝和拍摄。我在周末时,又吃又逛街。



    ↳ Saizeriya: 277 Orchard Rd, #B2-11 Orchard, Gateway 238858

    ↳ Violet Oon: 2 Orchard Turn, #03-22 ION Orchard, Singapore 238801



    ↳ Bioderma Sensibio H2O: https://shopee.prf.hn/l/rd9eJmL

    ↳ Drawer Organisers: https://shopee.prf.hn/l/KmoV29L


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    Hello! My name is Mong Chin and I'm from sunny Singapore. I am 1.63m and I am Singaporean Chinese. I speak English, Mandarin and am currently learning Korean in my free time. I love all things beauty and fashion, and I also like to share my life here. I hope you guys enjoy watching my videos!

    This video is not sponsored. All content ideas and opinions are my own, and I do not make money out of any purchases.

