

在 uncertainty用法產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,913的網紅椪皮仔,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「每日英文閱讀分享#003」 【contempt】 今天的文章在談論-Leadership 一開始就講到這個貫穿全文的字「contempt」 contempt 是一個不可數的名詞, 根據Cambridge字典的解釋為:a strong feeling of disliking and havin...

  • uncertainty用法 在 椪皮仔 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-24 22:20:15
    有 12 人按讚



    contempt 是一個不可數的名詞,
    根據Cambridge字典的解釋為:a strong feeling of disliking and having no respect for someone or something。

    也會用在對法庭的藐視:be in contempt of court

    hold sb/sth in contempt
    = feel contempt for someone or something
    = show contempt for sth/sb

    1. It can come out of nowhere — a contempt attack.
    2. Most leaders experience contempt attacks at one time or another, especially during times of crisis, uncertainty, and high stress.
    3. Her eyes narrowed, and she leaned toward me with fury and contempt shooting out of every pore of her being.


    ps. 如果你也想跟我一起培養每日閱讀習慣,可以在下面留言用這個單字造個句子,我就會把整篇筆記傳給你喔!


  • uncertainty用法 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-06-08 08:00:01
    有 94 人按讚


    💸 Grocers, Restaurants Benefit From Hedging Prices of Beef, Pork

    -benefit from sth 從某事獲益、透過做某件事而得到好處
    -hedge 避險交易
    ✍常見用法:hedge fund 避險基金

    🥩 Some grocers, food manufacturers and restaurant chains weathered the supply-chain disruption in recent months in part because they use a common hedging practice: Locking in beef prices and quantities of meat purchases months in advance.


    -weather 抵擋住、抵禦
    -disruption 中斷、混亂
    -in advance 提前、事先

    🧐 Costco Wholesale Corp. and Jack in the Box Inc. are among the companies that have said they negotiate prices of some supplies in advance, providing finance chiefs with a forward look on costs. That practice became a key tool for these companies after the pandemic and prices soared.

    好市多 (Costco) 和 Jack in the Box 等公司表示,他們已事先針對部分供應品的價格進行協商,為財務長提供關於成本的前瞻性展望。在疫情蔓延和價格飆升的當下,這種做法成為這些公司的關鍵工具。

    -negotiate 協商、談判
    -a forward look 前瞻性的展望
    ✍常見用法:forward-looking 有遠見的、高瞻遠矚的;forward-planning 預先計畫

    🍽 Many businesses that use frozen protein products—including food manufacturing companies and restaurants—agree on prices and volumes with their suppliers roughly one year out, said Matthew DiFrisco, a managing director at investment bank Guggenheim Securities LLC.

    投資銀行Guggenheim Securities LLC的總經理馬修・迪佛里斯可(Matthew DiFrisco)表示,許多使用冷凍蛋白產品的企業,包括食品製造商和餐飲業者,會提前大約一年與供應商協調購買價格和數量。
    -protein 蛋白
    -volumes 數量,此處指購買量

    🌭 “It removes uncertainty or volatility,” Mr. DiFrisco said. Companies usually negotiate these contracts in February, with some staggering them throughout the year, he said.


    -volatility 波動性
    -stagger 錯開時間,意思同 spread over time




    Food manufacturers _____ price locks at a minimum to mitigate risk of price _______ and to prevent speculation on future pork prices
    A. keep / fluctuations
    B. keeping / depreciations
    C. holds / inflations
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  • uncertainty用法 在 Strobo Creature|閃光生物 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2015-06-25 16:03:32
    有 49 人按讚

    下週即將初登台的 The fin. 送上熱騰騰打招呼影片,想知道「The fin.」的最佳用法,點進來讓主唱親自告訴你/妳!

    台壓專輯『Days With Uncertainty 無人知曉的時光』也於今日發售,就讓The fin.的迷濛電氣聲響帶我們重回美好青春時光,沉浸在復古夢幻的煙霧迷漫中吧。

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