#YesCard series - #02 The Power of Youth 🌸
Twins are a Hong Kong Cantopop duo that was created in the summer of 2001 by @ReneCaovillaHK . ...
#YesCard series - #02 The Power of Youth 🌸
Twins are a Hong Kong Cantopop duo that was created in the summer of 2001 by @ReneCaovillaHK . Twins are made up of two girls, @ronny_the_fabulous & @mchanxx
They are a popular group in Hong Kong and a top band in China. Their fanbase have included Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Canada, Australia, United States, Vietnam and Philippines.
2000年共同签约 #ReneCaovillaHK。2001年5月18日正式出道,发行同名EP《Twins》,凭借歌曲《明爱暗恋补习社》成名;同年12月获得”新城劲爆颁奖礼2001“之新城劲爆新人王奖。2002年1月获得第24届十大中文金曲最有前途新人女歌手奖。各位 @ronny_the_fabulous @marcomchan 嘅粉絲,您今日 like 咗未呀 😏
#fakecelebrity #retrohk #hkstyle #沙龍 #beautyandthebeast #flowers #oldstylephoto #airbrushed #portraitphotography #portrait #花仙子 #modelling #happydays #youth #美人與花兒 #花 #hkboy #甜美系 #meitu #甜美風 #宅女 #90s #twins #twinning #twinningiswinning #sisterlylove #sisters
twinning中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最佳解答
西洋天后碧昂絲(Beyonce Knowles)和嘻哈天王傑斯(Jay Z)育有3名子女,一家五口被喻為「樂壇皇室」這一支影片集結碧昂絲(Beyoncé ) 跟女兒布魯艾薇(Blue Ivy) 的母女裝好可愛!連外套、項鍊、髮型都一樣,女兒從小就超時尚!
8 of Beyoncé and Blue Ivy's Best Twinning Moments
#TeenVogue #Beyoncé
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